Insects as protein supplements in the livestock production animals: A sustainable and efficient alternative
animal nutrition, concentrates feed, protein source, sustainability, fodder, animal feedAbstract
Introduction. The agricultural sector faces the challenge of finding sustainable alternatives for animal feed, given the growing demand for food and environmental problems. Objective. Document the outstanding nutritional characteristics of insects and their potential as a food alternative livestock production. Methodology. A bibliographic search was conducted in the Science Direct databases, based on the terms related to the consumption and production of animal feed and its environmental impact. Development. The nutritional profile of insects is outstanding due to the content of proteins (from 32 to 74 %), essential amino acids (from 8 to 39 %), healthy fats (from 6 to 21 %), vitamins, and minerals (up to 278.3 mg per 100 g dry matter). The high digestibility of nutrients makes them an important option to complement the animal diet. However, its use carries risks such as allergies, contamination, and nutritional imbalances, which can be minimized with proper management of appropriate hygiene practices, guaranteeing the quality of the insects used and complying with relevant regulations. Conclusions. The insects are an important source of proteins, amino acids, fats and minerals, all these elements of comparable quality to other traditional sources such as soybeans, wheat, improved grasses and other legumes. The use of insect represents an innovative and sustainable alternative for animal feeding, becoming a balanced and nutritious food source and benefits for both animals and the environment. Its successful adoption requires a balance between nutritional and environmental benefits and the costs associated with its production and regulation.
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