Absorption of nutrients in rice in an inceptisol soil under irrigation in Coclé, Panamá
Absorption, phenology, fertilization, nutrients, rice varietiesAbstract
Introduction. Nutrients content in rice (Oryza sativa) plant during its different phenological stages is affected by nutrients content in soil, dose and fertilizers source, varieties, and implemented cropping systems. Objective. The objective of this research was to determine the extraction of macro and micro nutrients from two rice varieties in each phenological stage, in an Inceptisol soil under irrigated conditions. Materials and methods. The study was developed in Penonome, Cocle, Panama in the 2015 and 2016 agricultural cycles. The IDIAP FL 106-11 and IDIAP FL 137-11 varieties were used. Plants samples were taken every fifteen days since germination with four repetitions using a frame of 0.25 m X 0.25 m. A regression analysis was performed to determine the nutrients extraction per crop stage. Results. IDIAP FL 106-11 variety yielded 31.7 t.ha-1 of dry matter and the IDIAP FL 137-11 about 26.9 t.ha-1; grain yield was similar with 5.5 t.ha-1 and 5.3 t.ha-1, respectively. There were significant differences about nutrients extraction between the different phenological stages in both varieties (p<0.001). IDIAP FL 106-11 extracts more N, K, Mn, Zn, and Cu than IDIAP FL 137-11, which absorbed more P, Ca, Mg, and Fe. Nutrients importance order, based on extracted quantity, was K>N>Ca>P>Mg>Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu. In a study conditions, IDIAP FL 106-11 requires greater amounts of nutrients to produce a ton of grain than IDIAP FL 137-11. Conclusion. Each variety presented nutrient different absorption implying an adjustment in the fertilization plans that are currently handled.
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