Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Diversidad de moluscos gasterópodos terrestres en la región del Pacífico de Nicaragua y sus preferencias de hábitat
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How to Cite

Mijail Pérez, A., Sotelo, M., Arana, I., & López, A. (2008). Diversidad de moluscos gasterópodos terrestres en la región del Pacífico de Nicaragua y sus preferencias de hábitat. Revista De Biología Tropical, 56(1), 317–332.


Landsnail communities of the Nicaraguan Pacific Slope were studied. The study area was subdi-vided into 21 quadrats (ca. 40 x 40 km). A high taxonomic richness was found: 79 species, 43 genera and 23 families. Species richness (S) per quadrat ranged from 17 through 50. The biogeographic index presented higher values on quadrats 5 (3.04), 6 (3.03), 8 (2.96) and 11(2.96). Quadrat 11 had the highest species richness (S=50), and one of the highest biogeographic index values (IB=2.96). Gastropod mollusk communities are favored by sites with an illumination of filtered sun, associated to riparian forests and with a susbtratum of wet soils and leaf litter.
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