Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submission Guideliness

    • Before submitting your manuscript, please see our scope.
    • Select one of our sections that matches with your study.
    • Upload a text file (one column) with your manuscript, the figures (high quality), and tables integrated. Please see the format sample (English version) / (Spanish version).
    • Upload a PDF or JPG scan of the signed ethical and legal requirements (English/Spanish) form (if not within reach, multiple letters may be sent to supply all coauthors’ signatures).
    • In metadata, add all contributors (author and coauthors) in the same order that appears in the manuscript. Include in the metadata the ORCID number of all contributors.
    • In the manuscript and metadata use APA 7th Edition format for references and cites. Please see the examples (APA RBT examples).

    You need to consider the points listed below very carefully:

    • Supplementary material such as additional texts, figures, tables, graphics, and databases at a cost of $60.
    • If your manuscript is in Spanish, be sure to follow our Uso correcto del español en la redacción científica.

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Author Guidelines

  • General instructions

The following checklist will help you make sure that your manuscript will have a good chance with editors and reviewers. Please tick each box only after you are sure that your manuscript complies: most of these instructions are part of science everywhere, and their value has been proven over many years.

MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATE. Please use this file to correctly create your manuscript (check our template).

MANUSCRIPT FILE. Please provide a single file with the manuscript text, tables and figures integrated. Follow the standard structure of a scientific paper (do not merge results with discussion). Apply an automatic spell checker, and provide the total number of words at the foot of the first page. If you notice a loss in quality or pixelation of your figures when inserting in the text, you may want to change the default resolution for your document to 330 dpi or high fidelity (link). Very important: all figures should have labels using Helvetica 10 points as their font type and size (check our Figures Guide)

UPLOAD your manuscript and attach a scanned copy of the ethical and legal requirements form by all coauthors (download letter here). The submission system will immediately confirm reception. If you have problems, check our FAQ.

MANUSCRIPT TITLE. The title must be easy to understand, and strictly related to contents (15 words maximum). For studies on plants include Family, for studies on animals, include Order: Family. Do not include taxonomic authorities, like L. or Linn., in the title. Do not use local names for organisms, like yaguareté or onça-preta, only internationally understood names (jaguar in this example).

METADATA. All data must be included in the system both in Spanish and English, titles, abstract, key words and all authors. Authors must be included in the same order they appear in the manuscript.

  • Manuscript characteristics

The manuscript is either a review or a research article that meets the requirements of our scope.

  • Introductory section

In the title, use capital letters to start proper names. The title must be short and include, in parentheses, Order and Family (botanical papers: only Family). Do not use local names in the title.
For taxonomy articles only: include full genus, author and year only the first time each taxon is mentioned in each article section.
The address for correspondence must be short but complete; if there are several addresses, number them. Include valid e-mails for all coauthors.
The Abstract (250-300 words) must have five subtitles: Introduction; Objective; Methods (include study period and sample size); Results and Conclusions (see examples in here).
Include 5-7 key words that do not appear in the title or in the abstract (if you have doubts see here).
Include an introduction that summarizes recent findings in chronological order and ends with the objective of the study.

  • Graphical Abstract

RBT provides authors with the opportunity to enhance their work by including a high-resolution, simplified cartoon, diagram, or figure designed to help readers grasp the core concepts of the research.

  • Manuscripts characteristics

Manuscript must be a revision or an investigation article that fulfills our reach requirements.

  • Material and Methods

Present only the information required to repeat the study. For previously published methods, a brief description and the reference are enough.
Do not include a map for just one study site; instead, provide its geographic coordinates. A map is appropriate for studies with various sampling locations or when additional information, such as vegetation, is needed.
If voucher specimens were collected, include museum data.
Only include equipment model and manufacturer when these could affect the results. For chemical products just name the manufacturer.
Include a description of each component for mathematical formulas.
Avoid acronyms, but if you must use them, explain the first time, for example: “RBT (Revista de Biología Tropical)”.
We use the International System of Units and their abbreviations, except that decimals are indicated with a period, thousands and millions with a space, eg. 12 523 235.15
When not followed by units, write integers from zero to ten in full (one, two etc., not 1, 2 etc.).

  • Results

Tables and Figures
Avoid isolated figures by grouping related photographs, graphs and other illustrations. Include all symbols and scales inside the figure (not in the figure caption).
If the manuscript is written in Spanish, please use the word "Tabla" instead of "Cuadro" throughout the manuscript.
Use short table headings and move all symbols and abbreviations to the footnotes under the table. Avoid words written fully in upper case or in bold font. Avoid long or very short tables (half to one page long tables are a good size), and do not insert vertical and horizontal lines.

  • Discussion

This section compares your results with previously published data. Do not include tables or figures here.

  • Acknowledgments

Only mention persons who gave significant assistance. “Dr.”, “Prof.”, “Mrs.”, among others, are not used, only names.

  • Resumen and Palabras clave

These are the Spanish versions of abstract and keywords. Our staff will translate them, free of charge, for authors who do not speak Spanish. For everyone else: please start with the title of the article in Spanish and make sure that the Spanish and English versions match.

  • References

Present the list of references and citations within the text in APA 7th Edition format. We recommend the use of free reference managers like and
Only cited publications appear under References and vice versa. Unpublished papers are mentioned in the text as in this example: (J. Smith, unpublished).

Format example:

Journal article
Torres, J. R., Infante-Mata, D., Sánchez, A. J., Espinoza-Tenorio, A., & Barba, E. (2017). Atributos estructurales, productividad (hojarasca) y fenología del manglar en la Laguna Mecoacán, Golfo de México. Revista de Biología Tropical, 65(4), 1592–1608.

Hanson, P. E., & Nishida, K. (2016). Insects and other arthropods of tropical America. Cornell University Press.

Book chapter
Pardini, R., da Rocha, P. L. B., El-Hani, C., & Pardini, F. (2013). Challenges and Opportunities for Bridging the Research–Implementation Gap in Ecological Science and Management in Brazil. In P. H. Raven, N. S. Sodhi & L. Gibson (Eds.), Conservation Biology : Voices from the tropics (pp. 75–85). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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