Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Abundance and larval diversity of gastropods in the Mexican Caribbean in relation with temperature, salinity and dissolve oxygen
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Caribe Mexicano
Mexican Caribbean

How to Cite

Chávez Villegas, J. F., Enriquez Díaz, M., & Aldana Aranda, D. (2014). Abundance and larval diversity of gastropods in the Mexican Caribbean in relation with temperature, salinity and dissolve oxygen. Revista De Biología Tropical, 62(S3), 223–230.


Quintana Roo has over 500 species of gastropods but little is known of the larval stages. We sampled four sites monthly from January to December 2008 with plankton tows in triplicate and a conical net of 300μm mesh. Puerto Morelos had the highest records (41.26±63.23 larvae·10m-3), followed by Mahahual (14.78±28.21 larvae·10m-3); Sian Ka’an and Xel-Ha had the lowest densities (9.16±16.73 and 3.35±4.33 larvae·10m-3, respectively). May and August had the highest records (33.66±67.39 and 31.78±25.92 larvae·10m-3, respectively), March and December the lowest (1.70±1.88 and 3.18±5.27 larvae·10m-3, respectively). There were differences in the spatial mean density (p <0.0001) and time (p= 0.0275). We identified 33 species, genera Strombus, Natica, Cerithium, Nassarius, Neritidae, Cerithiopsis, Nannodiela, Rissoina, Bulla, Bittium, Modulus and Prunum, of which 28 species were recorded in Puerto Morelos. Natica, Epithonium andCerithium had the highest incidence in the four locations. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 3): 223-230. Epub 2014 September 01.
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