Nutrición Animal Tropical Journal ISSN electrónico: 2215-3527

Nutrient extraction of wild sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) INTA-Quepos ecotype at three regrowth ages with three levels of nitrogen fertilization.
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nutrición vegetal
plant nutrition


A trial was carried out to evaluate the extraction of nutrients from the gold button at different regrowth ages (20, 40 and 60 days) and fertilization levels (0, 100 and 200 kg N / ha / year), in the Central Pacific zone of Costa Rica, in a dairy farm located at 15 meters above sea level and with an average rainfall of 265,7 mm / month; the type of soil is classified in the order of Inceptisols. For the 9 treatments evaluated, the foliar concentrations of macro and micronutrients were determined considering the two seasons of the year, rainy and dry. The nitrogen extraction reflected as kg nutrient / ha / harvest, showed a tendency to increase as the fertilization level increased for all the evaluated regrowth ages. The extraction of calcium showed increasing values ​​as the age of the plant and the level of fertilization increased (2-55 kg Ca / ha / cut), which are high compared to other forage crops. For the rest of the macronutrients (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sulfur), the trend is the same as with nitrogen and calcium. In the case of micronutrients (boron, manganese, copper, iron and zinc) an increasing trend was found as the regrowth age and the level of nitrogen fertilization increased. Based on the results obtained from this trial, it can be concluded that the gold button is a forage crop with important nutritional requirements, which shows that despite its well-known rusticity and poor agronomic management by producers, it is a crop that responds positively to fertilization.
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