Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Application of Scenario Earthquakes for Analysis of Seismically Triggered Landslide Hazard: A Case Study in Costa Rica
Population distribution for the Central American Volcanic arc (CIESIN 2005). B.) Tectonic and digital elevation map of Costa Rica, including each scenario earthquake location investigated in this study, along with the locations of major faults, population centers, and volcanoes.
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Natural hazards
Costa Rica
Costa Rica

How to Cite

Seal, D. M., Nowicki Jessee, M. A., Hamburger, M. W., & Ruiz, P. (2022). Application of Scenario Earthquakes for Analysis of Seismically Triggered Landslide Hazard: A Case Study in Costa Rica. Revista geológica De América Central, 67, 1–23.


In this study, we demonstrate the capabilities of hypothetical scenario earthquakes as a new tool for assessment of hazards associated with earthquake-triggered landslides. Costa Rica offers an ideal environment for demonstrating the utility of scenario earthquakes due to its diverse tectonic environments and associated widespread seismic hazard, rugged topography, and high landslide susceptibility. We investigate the relative influence of landslide proxies such as topographic slope, peak ground velocity (PGV), and compound topographic index (CTI), and earthquake source parameters such as magnitude and depth, on predicted landslide probability and fatality. We examine five distinct tectonic environments, including subduction events beneath the (1) Nicoya and (2) Osa peninsulas respectively, (3) intraplate earthquakes beneath the Central Volcanic Range (CVR) and (4) the Central Costa Rica Deformed Belt (CCRDB), and (5) back-arc thrust events on the eastern Caribbean coast. Our results demonstrate that the slope, PGV, and CTI thresholds necessary to produce landslide probabilities greater than 10% vary by tectonic environment. In all cases, we observe magnitude to be the primary control on the predicted maximum landslide probability and overall areal landslide coverage. We validate model predictions with observed landslide inventories from the 2009 Cinchona and 1991 Limon earthquakes, demonstrating a good fit, where over 70% of landslides occurring in zones of greater than 20% probability. We also use a global model of landslide impact to predict exposure and fatality ranges for each scenario earthquake of this study, revealing that moderate-sized earthquakes in the CCRDB and CVR and large subduction megathrust earthquakes each pose a significant hazard to Costa Rica’s population.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dylan M. Seal, M. Anna Nowicki Jessee, Michael W. Hamburger, Paulo Ruiz


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