Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Analysis of Turrialba Volcano (Eruption 2014-2015) Tephra Transport Using SFT
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Turrialba volcano
ash transport processes
Wohletz transport dispersion
volcán Turrialba
procesos de transporte de ceniza
dispersión por transporte de Wohletz

How to Cite

Brenes-André, J. (2018). Analysis of Turrialba Volcano (Eruption 2014-2015) Tephra Transport Using SFT. Revista geológica De América Central, 58.


SFT (Sequential fragmentation/transport) method was applied to recent fine tephra of october 2014 to april 2015 eruptions of Turrialba Volcano, to identify transport processes on Wohletz et al. (1989) transport dispersion (g). Results obtained that way do not match field observations. Hence, a new analysis is proposed based on an empirical linear relation between the fragmentation (γ) and transport dispersion (g), was devised. Provitional physical mechanisms are presented to help understand such an empirical lineal relationship.
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