Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Evolution and outcome of Humanism in the 21st century: a legal perspective
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classical culture
cultura clásica


Humanism, after the Middle Ages, and with some distinguished figures who were already ahead of their time, meant the opening of doors and windows, previously hermetically closed, through which the light of multidisciplinary knowledge entered society, based on Classical Culture and Philosophy, as well as the departure from dogma and myth, to position the human being at the center of knowledge. The blossoming of culture allowed humanity to come to think about the transcendent without having to resort to revelation, but through critical reason. Through the work and thoughts of eminent personalities, compiled in this essay, humanistic knowledge is valued as a key to the future of society. The author's conclusion, however, is that since the end of the 20th century and the dawn of the 21st century, the study of the classical world and philosophical knowledge have been postponed in the educational systems, at the expense of of the purest utilitarianism, leading to a period of darkness, under the lethargy provided by an all-encompassing technology and the uncritical acceptance of the economic and materialistic nature of life.
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