Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

General Studies in Higher Education: A glance from the experience of first income students to the University of Costa Rica
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General Studies; Philosophy and Thought; First income students; difficulties; University of Costa Rica.
Estudios Generales; Filosofía y Pensamiento; estudiantes de primer ingreso; dificultades; Universidad de Costa Rica


This article is about  the main findings of a research carried out in the first semester of 2017 with two groups of students who studied General Studies at the Rodrigo Facio Campus of the University of Costa Rica. The objectives of the study were: 1) To identify the knowledge that first-graders have about General Studies 2) To distinguish the main obstacles in the process of adaptation of the  university  with respect to General Studies 3) To determine the difficulties that have had the first income students with the course of Philosophy and Thought of the Integrated Humanities  I, and 4) Recognize which methodological strategies were used in the subject of Philosophy and Thought that were functional for first income students. The students concluded from their experiences in the classroom that the importance of General Studies are in their formative and educational value.
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