e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

OAI: https://www.revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/eciencias/oai
Bibliometric analysis of the graduation projects in electrical engineering of the University of Costa Rica 1999-2018
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Electrical Engineering
student projects
research projects
Ingeniería Eléctrica
proyecto del alumno
proyectos de investigación

How to Cite

Coto Jiménez, M. (2020). Bibliometric analysis of the graduation projects in electrical engineering of the University of Costa Rica 1999-2018. E-Ciencias De La Información, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v10i1.39883


The purpose of this research was to perform a bibliometric analysis of undergraduate graduation projects at the School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Costa Rica, between the years 1999 and 2018. The main interest is to perform a descriptive analysis of the temporal distribution and thematic areas of these documents, which are carried out individually by the students of this career to opt for the Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering. To perform the analysis, the following variables were obtained: a) number of projects per quinquennium, b) thematic areas, c) number of pages per document, d) gender of the authors. In total, 938 documents were analyzed, using the information contained in the databases of the SIBDI system of the University of Costa Rica. The results were discussed in terms of the evolution of the variables and themes throughout the twenty years of the period studied. Among the findings are the greater participation of women in recent years, the reduction of the size of the documents, and the constant updating of the themes. These results reflect the interests and active areas of this career, so the results can be an indicator of the evolution of the Electrical Engineering discipline in the institution.

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