e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

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Antecedents of the archivistic formation in Costa Rica
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Archivistic formation
the pilot project of the UNESCO
Administrative Archive
Costa Rican University
Formación Archivística
Proyecto Piloto de la UNESCO
Archivo Administrativo
Universidad de Costa Rica

How to Cite

Jaén García, L. F. (2022). Antecedents of the archivistic formation in Costa Rica. E-Ciencias De La Información, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v12i1.46586


The article has the objective to center your attention in the analysis, to be known by the Costa Rican archivistic community, of the main antecedents that gave birth to the university archivistic formation in Costa Rica; meaning that an investigation was developed in the anteroom of 1978 with origin of the diploma in administrative archive in the old School of Geography and History of the Faculty of Social Science of the Costa Rican University. The work belongs to an historical and exploratory investigation, cause analyses one process in an historical perspective, and the second one, because it has been little studied by the Costa Rican archivistic historiography. The methodology applied for the work was the documentary analysis based on bibliographical information, and documents from archives that are reflected in the bibliographical references. The article shows a travel around the origins of the archive studies in Costa Rica, and the different events before the creation of the degree in “Administrative Archive”. To conclude this, the pilot project of the UNESCO, has created the bases for the archivistic development in Costa Rica, the modernization of the archives and the origins of the current archive formation rules in the country.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Luis Fernando Jaén García


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