Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Una caracterización sobre las soluciones para el problema de reaprovisionamiento conjunto
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Inventory mutiple-item problems
joint replenishment problem
Problemas de inventarios multiartículo
problema de reaprovisionamiento conjunto

How to Cite

de-los-Cobos-Silva, S., Gutiérrez-Andrade, M. Ángel, Goddard-Close, J., & Pérez-Salvador, B. R. (2006). Una caracterización sobre las soluciones para el problema de reaprovisionamiento conjunto. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 13(2), 117–124.


In this paper an introduction is given to a multiple-item inventory problem, known as the Joint Replenishment Problem (JRP). This is a real world problem which has been extensively studied. The JRP has a continuous decision variable, and as many discrete decision variables as products that are ordered and produced. An exact method, given by Goyal, exists for solving the JRP, however for a large number of discrete decision variables the computational time required becomes prohibitive. Here, an alternative characterization of the solution for the combinatorial part of the JRP is given.
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de-los-Cobos-Silva, S.G.; Goddard-Close, J.; Gutiérrez- Andrade, M.A.; Pérez-Salvador, B.R.; González-Santoyo, F. (2005) “A comparison of different heuristic methods applied to a mixed integer programming problem”, J. Gil-Aluja, F. González-Santoyo, B. Flores-Romero & J. Flores-Romero J. (Eds.) Techniques and Methodologies for the Modeling and Simulation of Systems, AMSE: 214–219.

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