Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

The decreasing digits and the A, B, C model: a proposal for handling populations in shelters
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decreasing digits
A, B, C model
social problems
dígitos decrecientes
; modelo A, B, C
problemas sociales

How to Cite

García G., M. J., Hernández R., J. G., & Hernández G., G. J. (2011). The decreasing digits and the A, B, C model: a proposal for handling populations in shelters. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 18(1), 163–176.


Happened a catastrophe, some one of the impacted population should their move from its homes, toward refuges or shelters. To guarantee the essential services in the shelter, it is necessary to know the population size that remain in it, knowing that it will be a random number and that it responds mainly to rate the arrival and departure people. Since the arrivals and exits can be visualized as birth and dead process, it has been planned to emulate this situation making use of the sequences that are derived of two very simple concepts: The Decreasing digits (Dd) and the A, B, C model. The contribution of this work is their objective: To show like one can make use of the derived expressions of the A, B, C model and the decreasing digits, to obtain a population estimation that remains in a shelter, as consequence of a catastrophe.
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