Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Lensing properties of the Einasto profile in terms of the Meijer G function


dark matter
Meijer G function
materia oscura
función G de Meijer

How to Cite

Retana-Montenegro, E., & Frutos-Alfaro, F. (2014). Lensing properties of the Einasto profile in terms of the Meijer G function. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 21(2), 189–198.


In N-body simulations of cold dark matter, it has been found that three-parameter models, particularly the Einasto profile, yield better fits to a wide range of dark matter haloes than two parameter models like the Navarro-Frenk-White profile. Recently, the analytical properties of the Einasto profile has been studied, allowing closed expressions for its surface mass density and lensing properties in terms of the Fox H and Meijer G functions, using a Mellin transform formalism. These expressions are valid for all values of the Einasto index in terms of the Fox H function, and valid for integer and half-integer values of Einasto index in terms of the Meijer G function. In this paper, we derive expressions for lensing properties of the Einasto profile for all rational values of the Einasto index in terms of the Meijer G function. Equivalency between these expressions and other recent results is also discussed.


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