InterSedes ISSN Impreso: 1409-4746 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2458

Strategic communication plan: experience of the Primary Education Career of the University of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Facio Headquarters
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quality of education
higher education
calidad de la educación
enseñanza superior

How to Cite

Montero Méndez, S. P., Marín Vargas, L. E., Ibarra Vargas, E. F., & Retana Alvarado, D. A. (2023). Strategic communication plan: experience of the Primary Education Career of the University of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Facio Headquarters. InterSedes, 25(51).


Within the framework of compliance with the Improvement Commitment that resulted from the Self-assessment process with a view to the Reaccreditation of the Primary Education Career of the University of Costa Rica, this article is aimed at disseminating the experience on the establishment of the Strategic Communication Plan (internal and external) that meets the needs of the different populations or stakeholders that comprise it. A diagnostic study was carried out to identify the main communication needs of the participants (teachers, administrators, students and graduates). The results reveal that the participants prefer to be informed through the institutional e-mail, the Facebook social network and the web page. Also, they suggest a preference for informative materials such as posters, weekly publications and news. Next, a Strategic Plan was proposed and executed with operational objectives, the identification of audiences, specific actions, the definition of channels and information content, resources and timing. Finally, an evaluation and follow-up of the implemented strategies was carried out. The communication plan is a tool that makes it possible to attract, maintain and retain audiences in relation to the initial and continuous training that is provided from the degree.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Unported License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Stephanie Paola Montero Méndez, Luis Enrique Marín Vargas, Esteban Francisco Ibarra Vargas, Diego Armando Retana Alvarado


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