Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

<em>The House of the Spirits</em> of Isabel Allende: Between the Original and its Two Translations into Arabic
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The House of the Spirits (novel)
diversity of translations
Spanish-Arabic translation
Toury's norms
translation problems
La Casa de los espíritus (novela)
diversidad de traducciones
traducción español-árabe
normas de Toury
problemas de traducción

How to Cite

Abdel Fattah Radwan, S. M. (2023). <em>The House of the Spirits</em> of Isabel Allende: Between the Original and its Two Translations into Arabic. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 49(2), e55073.


The House of the Spirits (1982) is the first and the masterpiece of the great Chilean writer Isabel Allende. Due to the importance that the novel received, it became a best seller and was translated into many languages, including Arabic. Two translations were made, the first by Sulayman Al Guindi (1998) and the second by Saleh Almani (2010). Our work sheds light on the idea of ​​the diversity of translations. Also, we discuss the translation standards used, relying on the model suggested by Toury (1980). In addition, the article tends to show some of the cultural problems of translation shared between the two works. It is concluded that the multiplicity of translations, in some cases, is not an addition to the original text. Regarding the translation norms, they witnessed several differences related to the foreignization or domestication of the text, the use of explanatory supports, if the translation is a direct or second-hand translation, etc. Finally, the two texts share some cultural problems related to linguistic, social, material and religious culture. All these elements have their impact on the final reception of the work.
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