Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

El Incesante Canto del Grillo (Duelo y angustia en Salazar Herrera)
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Literatura costarricense
Carlos Salazar Herrera
Cuentos de angustias y paisajes
Costa Rican Literature
Costa Rican Literature
Carlos Salazar Herrera
Cuentos de angustias y paisajes

How to Cite

Herrera Ávila, T. (2004). El Incesante Canto del Grillo (Duelo y angustia en Salazar Herrera). Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 31, 79–88.


Cuentos de angustias y paisajes, by Carlos Salazar Herrera, shows the subject’s constant coming and going trough the Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary (Lacan), by means of the emerging anguish, represented by the landscape. “El grillo” shows the possible encounter between the Real and Indio José, triggered by the duel anguish, which materializes in the cricket’s eternal recurrence. This article proposes that the ending of the short story is just a way to escape that Real, which is the ineffable center of every story, around which the significant chain moves and the subject is build.
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