Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0034-8252 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5589

Racionalidad, ética y crítica en el humanismo de la praxis de Franz Hinkelammert
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humanismo de la praxis
sujeto de la praxis
humanism of praxis
subject of praxis

How to Cite

Acosta , Y. . (2022). Racionalidad, ética y crítica en el humanismo de la praxis de Franz Hinkelammert. Revista De Filosofía De La Universidad De Costa Rica, 62(162), 87–100.


It reflects on the relationships between rationality, ethics and criticism in the humanism of Franz Hinkelammert’s praxis, in relation to the understanding of these relationships in the critique of Marx’s capitalism. For this purpose, two versions of the same text by Hinkelammert on Marx are presented in which this issue is addressed. The comparison of the two versions allows to gauge the complexity of the problem, its elaboration and final resolution by Hinkelammert. 

Within the framework of what is understood as an updating and expansion by Hinkelammert of the critique of Marx, the role of ethics is considered both in the construction and legitimation of capitalism and in its critique. The critique of neoliberalism as a deepening and totalization of capitalism today, the critique of socialism and the critique of modern Western society developed by Hinkelammert are part of the updating and expansion of Marx that is

addressed. Through the mediation of the “subject of praxis” and its “humanism of praxis” the alternative critical-constructive perspective to capitalism, socialism and modern Western society is considered, which on the criterion of the “reproductive rationality” of human being and nature makes the universal ethical perspective of the “universalism of the concrete human being” that Hinkelammert proposes.
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