Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Higher Education and Commodification of Education: Is There an Alternative?
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Labor Market
University Instructors
Mercado laboral
Profesorado universitario

How to Cite

Vargas, J. J. T. (2019). Higher Education and Commodification of Education: Is There an Alternative?. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 44(1), 513–524.


In a world where everything seems relative and changeable, leaving nothing unaltered, our current context of higher education/university learning faces a situation where it is sold on only one way of doing things to ensure success. The rhetoric of neoliberal discourses has enough traps to convince active members of the educational-training community who yearn for future job stability to fulfill prevailing requirements in order to improve their performance although it may include actions that defy traditional education or training. This study comprises a bibliographic review on the ethical-social conditions embodied in teacher training and the consequences for the university teaching staff and future teachers who are currently being trained. Significant conclusions drawn from this study include educational-training analysis and impact on attainment of scientific knowledge as well as social, economic and educational consequences for future teachers and society if there are no alternatives to this model.
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