Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Aprendizajes acumulativo y generativo de las organizaciones educativas
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aprendizajede las organizaciones
organizaciones saludables
aprendizaje acumulativo
aprendizaje generativo
conocimiento técnico
conocimiento científico
healthful learning of the organizations
cumulative learning
generative learning
technical knowledge
scientific knowledge

How to Cite

Cardona Andújar, J. (2008). Aprendizajes acumulativo y generativo de las organizaciones educativas. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 32(2), 73–84.


The article analyzes the concept of the organizations in general and the school like specific organization is reviewed. The educative school and other institutions can be considered as living beings and, from this premise, they are susceptible of transformation and they are subject to a permanent learning. Also, the subject of the organizational learning of the educative institutions is touched, analyzing the differences that present the learning of cumulative and generative type and the complementariness between both is defended, emphasizing the necessity of a scientific vision of the organizational knowledge. Finally, the problem of the so-called “learning facilitator†in the educative institutions works, as well as a set of indicators of this learning. In this sense, they establish criteria to base the development of the processes of evaluation and accreditation of the educative institutions.
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Referencias extraídas

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