Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Expert-guided Responses: Validation of inferences based on response processes
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educational assessment
solving strategies
verbal reports
inter-rater agreement
evaluación educativa
estrategias de resolución
reportes verbales
acuerdo entre jueces

How to Cite

Brizuela Rodríguez, A., Pérez Rojas, N., & Rojas Rojas, G. (2018). Expert-guided Responses: Validation of inferences based on response processes. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 18(3).


This article presents a quantitative study whose objective was to test a new method to collect evidence about the response processes used by examinees in educational tests. As a fundamental precedent, the study starts from the need to have systematic methods to improve the quality of the instruments used in educational assessment. A traditional method of verbal reports was compared to the Expert-guided Responses method regarding its suitability to gather evidence for scores interpretation in an educational test. For this purpose, a convenience sample of 17 first-year students from the University of Costa Rica was selected and a semistructured interview was applied to each, in which they had to solve reasoning items aloud using the traditional method of verbal reports, or the Expert-guided Responses method. The interviews were coded by a group of raters, and a coefficient of agreement between them was calculated. With the traditional method, a Fleiss kappa coefficient of 0.22 was obtained, whereas with the Expert-guided Responses method it was 0.40. The article concludes with the advantages of using the new method to develop educational assessment tools that adequately represent the students’ abilities, skills, proficiencies, and knowledge.
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