Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Design of a system to quantify contamination risks and its use in identifying critical control points in horticultural crops in Costa Rica
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potential risk situations
contamination risks
critical control points
horticultural crops
situaciones de riesgo potencial
riesgos de contaminación
puntos críticos de control
productos hortícolas

How to Cite

Vargas Hernández, G., González Lutz, M. I., Durán Quirós, A., & Mora Acedo, D. (2015). Design of a system to quantify contamination risks and its use in identifying critical control points in horticultural crops in Costa Rica. Agronomía Costarricense, 39(2).


An analysis was made of the chain of processes and sub-processes in the production systems of vegetables for fresh consumption. Forty-four potential risk situations (PRS) were established, which were converted into questions and structured as a survey for growers. The variables and the formula that should be considered to quantify the risk were defined. The survey was conducted with a focus group of 70 produce growers in 13 different regions of the Central Valley in Costa Rica. A panel of experts was used to assess the risk level they felt the different survey-evaluated aspects could generate for end-product safety; the results identified the critical control points. From the survey’s statistical validation, the factor analysis identified a single factor explaining 10% of the variance. The value obtained for Cronbach’s Alpha was 0.9150, so the survey had a high level of reliability. The results on a 0-100 scale indicate that, for the evaluated population, all the produce-growing areas have high contamination risk levels. Llano Grande in Cartago Province has the lowest risk, with a value of 49, and the eastern Heredia Province area has the highest, with a value of 71. The results also confirmed high risk values in all evaluated crops, tomatoes showing the highest risk, with a value of 64; and celery having the lowest risk, with a value of 54.
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