Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

What Motivates You to Exercise? Phenomenology of Long-Term Physical Activity Practice
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physical activity
active lifestyle
actividad física
vida activa

How to Cite

Tavernier Morga, M. E., Turnbull Plaza, B., & Guillén, F. (2021). What Motivates You to Exercise? Phenomenology of Long-Term Physical Activity Practice. Actualidades En Psicología, 35(131), 71–86.


Objective. To know the experience of long-term active people to understand their relationship with physical practice in three stages: beginning of active life, current motivation, and facing barriers. Method. A phenomenological analysis was done on in-depth interviews. N = 11 adults have been active at a sufficient level for, at least, the last 10 years. Results. Four categories were found: the autonomous experience, the decision making, the preference for an active life acquired since childhood, and the habit through which they regulate their emotions. As a conclusion, the characteristics of the experience of active people with physical activity confirmed aspects about self-determined motivation. Useful elements are suggested in the intervention aimed at long-term activation.
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