Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Predictors of Professional Identity in Psychology Students: a Path Analysis Study
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Professional identity
university student identity
psychology student
predictive model
identidad profesional
identidad estudiantil universitaria
estudiante de psicología
modelo predictivo

How to Cite

Cuadra-Martínez, D. J., Pérez-Zapata, D. I., Sandoval-Díaz, J. S., Valdivia-Díaz, J., Palma-Flores, C., & Mora-Dabancens, D. J. (2019). Predictors of Professional Identity in Psychology Students: a Path Analysis Study. Actualidades En Psicología, 33(127), 1–19.


The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between professional identity, university student identity, academic self-efficacy, professional self-efficacy, credits taken and difficulty perceived in the career, in traditional and non-traditional psychology students. We used a cross-sectional design and a non-probabilistic sample of 136 psychology students from a public university in the north of Chile. Four scales and a sociodemographic survey were used. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and path analysis were performed. Results showed significant differences in the academic and professional self-efficacy grouped into traditional and non-traditional students and a model that predicts professional identity based on the variables of university student identity, academic self-efficacy, professional self-efficacy, credits taken and perceived difficulty in the career (R2= .24). Outcomes are discussed according to the existing literature.
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