Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Satisfaction with Life, Psychological and Social Well-being as Predictors of Mental Health in Ecuadorians
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salud mental
mental health

How to Cite

Moreta-Herrera, R., López-Calle, C., Gordón-Villalba, P., Ortíz-Ochoa, W., & Gaibor-González, I. (2018). Satisfaction with Life, Psychological and Social Well-being as Predictors of Mental Health in Ecuadorians. Actualidades En Psicología, 32(124), 111–125.


The predictability of Satisfaction of the Life and the Psychological and Social well-being in Mental Health in a sample of university students from Ecuador is explored through a descriptive analysis of prediction, comparative by sex and university; and of cross section in which 982 students participated from three universities from Cuenca and Ambato in Ecuador. It was found that subjective, psychological and social well-being predict 55.1% of explination of the Mental Health variance. Further, there are differences by gender in Satisfaction with life (t = -1.98; p < .05) and Social Welfare (t = -2.34; p < .05) in which women score more than men; and by the type of university in the Satisfaction with the life (t = -3.11; p < .01), the Psychological Well-being (t = -3.21; p < .01) and the Mental Health (t = -2.22; p < .05) with better scores in the co-financed university. With these elements, it is concluded that the different indicators of individual wellbeing significantly predict mental health.
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