Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Proactive Work Behaviours: Adaptation and Psychometric Analysis of a Measure
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comportamientos auto-motivados
instrumento de medida
análisis factorial
self-starting behaviours
measuring instrument
factorial analysis

How to Cite

Salessi, S. M., & Omar, A. (2018). Proactive Work Behaviours: Adaptation and Psychometric Analysis of a Measure. Actualidades En Psicología, 32(124), 33–49.


Objective: To adapt the Belschak & Den Hartog Proactive Behaviours Scale and analyze their psychometric properties. Method: An instrumental study was carried out on a non-probabilistic sample of 461 Argentine workers. Results: Factorial analysis indicated an oblique model of three factors (SBχ2 = 1.79; GFI = .95; CFI = .94; RMSEA = .03) labeled as proactive behaviours pro-organizational, prosocial and pro-self, respectively, with 10 observable variables, invariant across to sex and with adequate composite reliability (α = .78; CR = .77; ω = .72). Evidence of convergent, discriminate and concurrent validity was obtained from the calculation of the AVE index (AVE > .50; √AVE < rs) and its correlations with measures of proactive personality (pro-organizational proactivity: rs =  .34,  p < .01; prosocial proactivity: rs =  .30,  p < .01; pro-self proactivity: rs =  .36, p < .01), job satisfaction (pro-organizational proactivity: rs =  .40, p < .01; prosocial proactivity:  rs =  31, p < .01; pro-self proactivity: rs =  .44, p < .01) and job involvement (pro-organizational proactivity: rs =  .36, p < .01; prosocial proactivity: rs =  .25, p < .05; pro-self proactivity: rs = .42, p < .01). Conclusion: evidence of validity, factor invariance and reliability of the Argentine version of the scale were obtained.
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