Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Socio-cultural and developmental aspects within parenting in post-divorce interparental conflict: guidelines for understanding children´s experience and non-resident parents
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Creencias y prácticas parentales
parentaje en el contexto del conflicto posdivorcio
hijos e hijas de familias divorciadas.
Beliefs and parenting practices
parenting and post-divorce conflict
effects on children
separated families
post-divorce conflict

How to Cite

Rosabal-Coto, M. (2013). Socio-cultural and developmental aspects within parenting in post-divorce interparental conflict: guidelines for understanding children´s experience and non-resident parents. Actualidades En Psicología, 27(114), 87–111.


In this paper, the perspective and experience that children within post-divorce interparental conflict have, is discussed from a developmental psychology culturally sensitive approach. Cues for understanding developmental paths, consequences on children development are discussed. It begins with a review of the main theoretical constructs that frame local parenting and contextualizes on post-divorce families. It deepens the research on the topic of relationships with parental figures, particularly with non-residents and is linked to both individual development perspective, and the parent’s relationships. The conclusions point to a relational approach experience and the subjectivity, as well further research directions on research and eventual clinical intervention with children in these contexts.
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