Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Verification of a Theoretical Model Between Empathy, Ethic Socialization and Cultural Orientation in Young Brazilian
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Orientação cultural
valores e ética
modelo teórico
Cultural Orientation
values and ethics
theoretical model

How to Cite

Formiga, N. S. (2016). Verification of a Theoretical Model Between Empathy, Ethic Socialization and Cultural Orientation in Young Brazilian. Actualidades En Psicología, 30(120), 99–114.


The present study aims to investigate the association between empathy, transmission of moral and ethical values and cultural orientation in youth. Theoretically, empathy and the functional exchange of experiences layout of people is believed to be important for moral and ethical training of the young, as well as to the orientation of the conventional patterns culturally established. 427 subjects of both genders between the ages of 12- 19 years old of private and public institutions of the city of João Pessoa-PB and Patrocínio-MG answered the multidimensional Davis Interpersonal Reactivity test. This consists on a set of questions about the belief of parents and teachers conveying / teaching moral and ethical principles and scale attributes of individualist and collectivist cultural orientation. It was observed that empathy was positively associated to socialization and ethical collectivist orientation, but in relation to the individualistic orientation, the first two variables were negatively associated. Thus, those who develop empathic abilities in their interpersonal relationships, both contribute to the transmission of social and moral values, as well as to the orientation, cooperation and maintenance of interpersonal relationships.
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