Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859

Public Higher Education: macro trends in times of Globalization of Capital
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Latin American University
Public Higher Education
University autonomy
Accreditation of Universities
Universidad Latinoamericana
Educación Superior Pública
Autonomía Universitaria
Acreditación de Universidades

How to Cite

Meoño Molina, R. (2023). Public Higher Education: macro trends in times of Globalization of Capital. Reflexiones Journal, 102(1).


Introduction: Capitalism as a prevailing mode of production at the planetary level has been reconfiguring and, for several decades, it has exhibited new patterns in its operation that impact all spheres of life in society, including education. Humanity is going through a historical moment in which that society was turned into a great market and public higher education began to be treated as «commodity».

Objectives: Demonstrate that in the current moment of evolution of the capitalist system, higher education is being disputed, to turn it into another instrument at the service of capital.

Method and Techniques: With a Latin American perspective, and using the Marxist-based critical historical method, the article uses a bibliographic review to address different macro-strategies that are impacting Public Higher Education in the Region and in the Costa Rican context.

Results: Higher education today is being transfigured so that it ceases to be a public good, a social and universal right, and becomes one more commercial service.

Conclusions: Constant fights for state budgets; an explosive growth of private sector institutions; accreditation systems that aim not only to blur the differences and tensions between the public sector and the private sector, but also to promote internationalization processes and the transnationalization of higher education at a regional and global level; injuries to university autonomy; as well as modifications in the working conditions of academic work; they are part of the contemporary trends that threaten the Latin American Public University.
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Audio del resumen en español (Español (España))


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Copyright (c) 2023 Rita Meoño Molina


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