Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Dic. 21, 2023)
Demystifying Orchid Pollination: back to the basics of Natural History
Karremans, A. P. (2023). Demystifying Orchid Pollination. Kew Publishing,
Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB UK, 440 pp.
Gerardo Avalos1, 2, 3; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2663-4565
1. Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, 11501-2060 San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica; gerardo.avalos@ucr.ac.cr
2. The School for Field Studies, Center for Ecological Resilience Studies, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 534G, Beverly, MA
01915, USA.
Natural history is a multidisciplinary sci-
ence that combines evolutionary biology with
ecology and other fields, such as compara-
tive anatomy, paleontology, biogeography, and
biosystematics. Merging fields is essential to
understanding the patterns of distribution and
abundance of organisms, as this requires the
integration of evolutionary and ecological time.
The beauty of natural history lies in its multi-
disciplinary nature, which sets no boundaries to
scientific inquiry. This condition is fundamen-
tal in generating scientific knowledge through
the stimulation of human curiosity (Nanglu et
al., 2023). This emphasizes the importance of
natural history in knowing whether a question
is relevant and could be applied to a system, and
in calibrating experiments to hypothesis testing
(Travis, 2020). This process (a.k.a. the scien-
tific method) involves detailed observations,
hypotheses testing, developing experiments,
and collecting once again, more observations
and evidence. The ordered chaos of identify-
ing relevant questions and suitable systems
to answer them is far from being linear. Clas-
sic natural history is what emerges from the
pages of Adam Karremans’ book “Demystifying
Orchid Pollination”.
This book is a tour de force and a tes-
tament to the rich history of exploring the
mysteries of pollination focusing on the most
diverse Angiosperm family, Orchidaceae (with
over 30 000 species worldwide, Christenhusz &
Byng, 2016). Orchid flowers have a remarkable
complexity and intricate variations in morphol-
ogy and function, and thus, it is not surpris-
ing that they have captured the imagination
of naturalists since the beginning of civiliza-
tion. Demystifying Orchid Pollination shows
that Natural History, as a scientific method,
still has plenty to contribute to ecological and
evolutionary theory.
Karremans presents a very comprehen-
sive compilation of cases of orchid pollination
erroneously explained by myths. The subtitle
(Sex Stories, Lies and Obsession) could be inter-
preted, with some sarcasm, as synonymous
with pollination since it describes the nature
of the biological interactions that the pro-
cess involves, which includes deception, pollen
exchange and fertilization (sex), and many
times, the human obsession with sticking to
myths as simple but erroneous explanations of
phenomena with fragmentary evidence. Kar-
remans draws on classical natural history to
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Dic. 21, 2023)
resolve these myths and crack the riddles of
orchid pollination. This involves gathering scat-
tered evidence through an exhaustive literature
review, conducting arduous and laborious field
observations and experiments, and consulting
with colleagues. Although this process may
seem simple, detailed observation of nature
requires great perseverance, patience, work
capacity, a detective mind… and yes, a consid-
erable number of hours in the field.
The book is organized into seven chapters.
Chapter 1 (Plot) provides the foundation and
starts with a summary of the history of research
on orchid pollination studies, then describes
orchid diversity and flower structure, and ends
with a revision of the discussion of pollina-
tion syndromes. Early naturalists focused on
describing the structure and anatomy of flower
parts rather than unraveling the ecological
mechanisms involved in pollination and fer-
tilization. Christian Konrad Sprengel (1750 to
1816) was the first to scientifically explore pol-
lination biology. His most significant contribu-
tion, The newly revealed mystery of nature in the
structure and fertilization of flowers, published
in 1793, was known by Charles Darwin and
certainly inspired his interest in orchids.
Since then, orchids have provided com-
pelling systems to explore evolutionary ques-
tions. Darwin was the first to describe in detail
reproductive strategies such as protandry in
terrestrial orchids and the production of imper-
fect flowers. He analyzed the causes of cross-
pollination and recognized its importance for
the evolution of species (Yim et al., 2009).
Additionally, Darwin demonstrated that flow-
ers had diverse strategies to attract pollinators,
and that many species avoid self-fertilization.
Darwin´s main contributions were the article
Fertilization of Orchids” (1862) and the book
The Various Contrivances by Which Orchids
Are Fertilized by Insects” (1862), dedicated to
the description of floral morphology and pol-
lination of orchids from temperate and tropi-
cal regions. In these works, Darwin showed a
laborious, precise, and specialized work where
he demonstrated how orchid flowers and their
pollinators matched in form and function
setting the stage and questions for future work
on orchids.
Also in chapter 1, Karremans pays hom-
age to the seminal works of Calaway Dodson
and Robert Dressler (researchers to whom the
book is dedicated). Dodson and Dressler made
significant contributions to the ecological, taxo-
nomic, and evolutionary knowledge of orchids.
Dodson and L. Van Der Pijl updated Darwins
book after a century with the book “Orchid
flowers: their pollination and evolution” (Van
Der Pijl & Dodson, 1966). The collaborations
of Dodson, Dressler, Van Der Pijl, and many
others, stimulated studies on orchid pollina-
tion, especially after the 1960s. However, the
field is still dominated by research on terrestrial
orchids, particularly those of temperate regions.
Despite their sheer diversity, tropical epiphytic
orchids have been little explored in terms of
their interactions with pollinators.
Chapters 2 (Deceit) and 3 (Reward) pro-
vide examples of species interactions and pres-
ent riddles, not only to pollination ecology but
to evolutionary biology. One can only speculate
how such intricate interactions between spe-
cies, as well as between groups of species shar-
ing phylogenetic relationships and common
pollinators, gave rise to coevolution and group
selection, guild mimetism, diffuse coevolution,
and other evolutionary mechanisms that are
just beginning to be explored. The evolutionary
origin of pollination relationships remains a
constant question throughout the book.
Chapter 2 deals with the many ways in
which orchids manipulate their pollinators
through deceit. In general, orchids have been
divided into those that provide rewards, and
those that deceive their pollinators, although
the difference is not obvious and there is con-
tinuous variation between both extremes as
reflected in the diverse assemblage of visitors
to orchid flowers. In the plant kingdom, the
Orchidaceae has the most species on record
with deceptive pollination mechanisms. In this
chapter, Karremans describes different pollina-
tion syndromes, from ornithophily, myophily,
myosaprophily, and psychophily. The concept
of syndrome refers to similar suites of flower
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Dic. 21, 2023)
traits found in evolutionarily unrelated taxa
that result from convergent selection by tar-
geting the same pollinating agent (Faegri &
van der Pijl, 1979; Dellinger, 2020). This may
sound like another oversimplification (another
myth?), but the concept has worked as a suit-
able model to establish patterns among groups,
both plants and pollinators, and Karremans
simply uses the term without entering the con-
troversy of whether it has been a useful concept
(Rosas-Guerrero et al., 2014). This chapter
provides compelling examples and spectacular
scenarios for the exploration of evolutionary
stable strategies. The book includes examples of
orchids that mimic the appearance of spiders to
deceive predatory and parasitoid wasps looking
for spiders, or orchids that generate an aroma
to attract male euglossine bees which will then
use it as a perfume to attract females, or orchids
that produce the scent of a fungus deceiving
flies looking for a reproductive site but that
then pollinate these orchids. The evolution of
these impressive strategies requires a fragile
balance between the frequency of deception
versus true rewards and the cleverness of the
flower visitor falling for the trick. For the trick
to work the frequency of the trickeries must be
lower than the negative impact on pollinator
fitness. The type of rewards is also very diverse
and vary from the absence of rewards and pol-
lination by deception, the presence of traces
of nectar that lure pollinators to visit flowers
without obtaining sufficient nectar, to flowers
whose aroma resembles rotting meat, which
offer both nectar and a sweet smell. One can
only wonder about the population dynamics
that must be at work for the evolution of these
deception strategies.
Three insect orders (Hymenoptera, Dip-
tera, and Lepidoptera) dominate orchid pol-
lination. Chapter 4 (Misfits) tackles the subject
of pollination misfits, this is, groups of pollina-
tors that do not fit the classic role of orchid
pollinators and include outliers such as beetles,
crickets, trips, and hummingbirds. Outliers
provide suitable systems to evaluate traditional
hypotheses on pollination biology.
Chapter 5 (Redesign) concentrates on the
variation of the pollination mechanisms, how-
ever, this adds to more bizarre cases of pol-
lination as an “improvement” of the already
not-so-regular cases, such as the mildly toxic
nectar of orchids of the genus Epipactis,
where wasps become drowsy after drinking
the toxic nectar and spend more time in the
flower doing erratic movements that eventually
accomplish pollination.
Chapter 6 (Fallacies) deals with even more
specific and often bizarre cases of interactions
around orchid flowers, such as lurking preda-
tors (called antipollinators) that use orchid
flowers as suitable sites for predation, or the
pseudo-antagonism interactions between male
bees and orchid flowers that mimic male bees
and are thus attacked by the males. It is not
clear in what instance the attack results in a
successful pollination. Karremans also tackles
some well-established myths about the high
specificity of pollinators, since most orchid
species do not have a well-documented fauna of
pollinators, and for those that do, high special-
ization is the exception.
Chapter 7 (Change) tackles the effect of
anthropogenic disturbances on orchid con-
servation. Being the most diverse angiosperm
family, it is not surprising that Orchidaceae
holds good and bad records, such as being the
family with the highest speciation rate but also
showing the highest extinction rate. Like most
organisms nowadays orchids are threatened
by anthropogenetic factors such as habitat loss
and fragmentation, over-collection, and climate
change, to name a few. Karremans discusses
the shifting seasons of pollinator emergence
vs blooming influenced by fluctuating tem-
peratures, whose lack of overlap is endangering
many pollination systems. Since habitat change
is a multifactor process the impact of climate
change on orchid pollination is understudied.
The book ends with a positive message foster-
ing the need to maintain biodiversity even in
the toughest places such as cities. Nature will
find a way.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Dic. 21, 2023)
Final remarks
The book highlights the crucial impor-
tance of fieldwork, which is evident from the
first pages but is especially clear in the accom-
panying videos. These are research videos, so
they do not feature fancy background music
or an entertaining narration. They are linked
to a QR code, which represents one of the
great contributions of the book as it becomes
a multimedia resource. The videos are excel-
lent at capturing pollinators at the right time to
illustrate a behavior and provide the evidence
needed to solve the puzzle of a particular
pollination mechanism. Technology can help
to resolve some myths around the pollina-
tion mechanism by amplifying the researcher’s
observation capacity, but it will not replace
scientific inquiry, which is stimulated by spend-
ing considerable time in the field. The book is
illustrated with beautiful photographs, which
not only fulfill the didactic objective of help-
ing to understand the text but also provide a
high-quality aesthetic element, which takes
place right from the beginning with the mag-
nificent book cover, evidence of the Lankester
the Botanical Gardens´ registered trademark of
excellence in nature photography.
The book is intended for a wide audience,
from biologists with specialized interests in
pollination biology to the public interested
in understanding orchid pollination and the
challenges it faces due to habitat loss, fragmen-
tation, and climate change. The book is filled
with specialized terms but is written in a very
accessible way relating topics peppered with
the titles of pop and rock songs. The reader
gets progressively acquainted with specialized
terms. In summary, Karremans´ book fills a
void in the natural history of orchid pollination
since Dodson and Dressler´s book. It highlights
the beauty of evolution maintaining a fragile
equilibrium between the conflicting interests
of plants and their pollinators and leaves many
questions to be resolved by population and
evolutionary biologists. As a pure, classic work
of natural history, Karremans’ book provides a
broad perspective on orchid diversity, pollina-
tion biology, and the resilience and adaptation
of natural systems.
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