Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
Diversity patterns of vascular and non-vascular epiphytes
along tropical dry forest
Edier Soto Medina1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1518-4805
Catalina Montoya2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1038-5595
Alejandro Castaño3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4164-748X
Jonathan Granobles3; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8572-446X
1. Grupo de Ecología Vegetal, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia; ediersot@gmail.com (*Correspondence)
2. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia; catalina.montoyam@udea.edu.co
3. Grupo de Biodiversidad Neotropical, Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimonio Cultural y
Natural del Valle del Cauca-INCIVA, Cali, Colombia; alecastulua@gmail.com, jnathanoblesc@gmail.com
Received 17-I-2023. Corrected 08-VI-2023. Accepted 12-X-2023.
Introduction: Epiphytes (vascular and non-vascular) are one of the most diverse groups in the Neotropics, but
despite their importance in the functioning of many ecosystems, much of their taxonomy and ecology is still
unknown in the dry forest of Colombia.
Objective: To compare the diversity patterns and species composition of vascular and non-vascular epiphytes
along tropical dry forest remnants of Cauca Valley, Colombia.
Methods: Ten permanent plots (50 x 20 m2) were established in tropical dry forest remnants. The epiphytes were
sampled in 40-50 trees per plot. Alpha and gamma diversity were calculated using the richness (q0) and Shannon
index (q1) (alpha was estimated as the average for phorophytes). Beta diversity was measured using the Whitaker
index. To evaluate the relationship between diversities and environmental variables, GLM analysis was used.
Results: We found 50 morphospecies of vascular epiphytes, 77 of bryophytes and 290 of lichens. The 𝛼 and 𝛾
diversity of bryophytes from each remnant was significantly explained by temperature. The abundance of lichens
per tree was significantly related with the DBH and tree height of each remnant. The 𝛼 diversity of vascular epi-
phytes shown can be explained by temperature and precipitation. The 𝛾 diversity was strongly influenced by the
beta diversity in bryophytes and lichens. This pattern is because the sites with high disturbance present a lower
diversity, as a consequence of a homogenizing effect, that is, a low turnover of species between sampling units.
Conclusions: Precipitation and temperature affected the diversity of bryophytes and vascular epiphytes, while
it did not show a relationship with the lichens diversity, for which there is not a high congruence between the
diversity and composition of these epiphytes.
Key words: lichens, corticolous, ecology, mosses, liverworts, TDF.
Patrones de diversidad de epífitas vasculares y no vasculares a lo largo del bosque seco tropical
Introducción: Los epífitos (vasculares y no vasculares) son uno de los más diversos grupos de plantas en el
Neotrópico, pero a pesar de su importancia para el funcionamiento de varios ecosistemas, existen grandes vacíos
en su conocimiento taxonómico y ecológico en el bosque seco de Colombia.
Objetivo: Comparar los patrones de diversidad y composición de especies de epífitas vasculares y no vasculares
a lo largo de remanentes de bosque seco tropical del Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
Dry forests are ecosystems with a marked
seasonality, with dry periods interrupted by
rainy months. Formally, a tropical dry forest
(TDF) is defined as one with a closed canopy,
where the average annual precipitation is less
than 1 800 mm, with periods of three to six
months with precipitation of less than 100
mm per month, during which the vegetation
is deciduous (Gentry, 1995; Murphy & Lugo,
1986; Sánchez-Azofeifa et al., 2005). The topical
dry forest also encompasses taxonomic, compo-
sitional, and structural variations that depend
on climate, topography, and hydrogeography
(Ramos & Silverstone, 2018). As these ecosys-
tems normally occur in agriculturally fertile
areas, often large human populations have set-
tled there, exacerbating the pressures on these
forests, and drastically reducing their extension
to only 10 % of the original. In Colombia, dry
forest is the most threatened ecosystem, with
only 5 % of their original extension left (Ramos
& Silverstone, 2018).
The Colombian dry forest is restricted to
the inter-Andean valleys, the Caribbean region,
part of the plains and rivers. The floristic com-
position and physiognomy of TDF in Colombia
differs markedly between regions, with several
endemic species (Ramos & Silverstone, 2018).
However, dry forests in Colombia are being
destroyed at accelerated rates due to intensive
agriculture such as the cultivation of sugar-
cane, rice and soybeans and transformation
into pastures for cattle (Ramos & Silverstone,
2018). This destruction is very noticeable in
the region of the geographic valley of the Cauca
River, where the sugarcane cultivation and
cattle ranching reduced the dry forest to small
patches, with an estimated total extension of
less than 500 ha. These remnants are largely iso-
lated due to the persistence of the agricultural
lands (Ramos & Silverstone, 2018).
One of the most threatened floristic com-
ponents in the tropics are the epiphytes, plants
that use other plants as substrate without para-
sitizing the host and can be classified into
vascular and non-vascular epiphytes (algae,
bacteria, bryophytes, and lichens) (Mendieta-
Leiva, Porada et al., 2020). Despite the taxo-
nomic heterogeneity of the group, epiphytes
show ecological and functional similarities.
Epiphytes have important functions in ecosys-
tems ranging from the cycling of nutrients and
water to serving as food source for other organ-
isms (Benzing, 1992). The greatest diversity
of these plants occurs in the neotropics, with
cloud forests being one of the most diverse
habitats (Gentry, 1995; Soto et al., 2019). These
organisms depend on tree structure, climatic
factors, and other epiphytes for their establish-
ment (e.g., non-vascular epiphytes form litter
Métodos: Se establecieron diez parcelas permanentes (50 x 20 m2) en remanentes de bosque seco tropical. Las
epífitas se muestrearon en 40-50 árboles por parcela. La diversidad alfa y gamma se calculó utilizando la riqueza
(q0) y el índice de Shannon (q1) (alfa se estimó como el promedio para los forófitos). La diversidad beta se midió
utilizando el índice de Whitaker. Para evaluar la relación entre diversidades y variables ambientales se utilizó el
análisis GLM.
Resultados: Se encontraron 50 morfoespecies de epífitas vasculares, 77 de briófitas y 290 de líquenes. La diversi-
dad de 𝛼 y 𝛾 de briófitas de cada remanente fue explicada significativamente por la temperatura. La abundancia
de líquenes por árbol se relacionó significativamente con el DAP y la altura del árbol de cada remanente. La diver-
sidad 𝛼 de epífitas vasculares que se muestra puede explicarse por la temperatura y la precipitación. La diversidad
𝛾 estuvo fuertemente influenciada por la diversidad beta en briófitas y líquenes. Este patrón se debe a que los
sitios con alta perturbación presentan una menor diversidad, como consecuencia de un efecto homogeneizador,
es decir, un bajo recambio de especies entre unidades de muestreo.
Conclusiones: La precipitación y la temperatura afectaron la diversidad de briófitas y epífitas vasculares, mientras
que no mostró relación con la diversidad de líquenes, por lo que no existe una alta congruencia entre la diversidad
y composición de estas epífitas.
Palabras clave: líquenes, cortícolas, ecología, musgos, hepáticas, BST.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
that allows vascular establishment) (Gentry,
1995). Epiphytes also interact with each other
(vascular and non-vascular), with variations
according to the type of ecosystem, as in cloud
forests, where vascular and bryophytes are
dominant compared to lichens (Soto et al.,
2019; Wolf, 1993). However, there is no con-
sensus regarding the relationship between the
diversity of vascular and non-vascular epi-
phytes, showing patterns of positive, nega-
tive, or absent relationship (Affeld et al., 2008;
Bacaro et al., 2019). Currently, progress has
been made in the study of epiphytes, which has
allowed a better understanding of their ecol-
ogy, conservation, distribution, and large-scale
patterns, as well as standardizing sampling pro-
tocols (Wolf, 1993; Wolf et al., 2009). However,
due to both taxonomic and sampling complex-
ity of these groups, there are few studies that
include vascular and non-vascular epiphytes
(Affeld et al., 2008; Bacaro et al., 2019, Ramos &
Silverstone, 2018; Soto et al., 2015). Therefore,
there are still several gaps of knowledge about
the interaction and ecological dynamics of the
relationship between vascular and non-vascular
epiphytes (e.g., relationship between the diver-
sity of vascular vs. non-vascular epiphytes and
their responses to environmental gradients).
Currently, vascular epiphytes in the Neo-
tropics are of high interest due to their high
diversity, but not well known in ecology, bio-
geography and macroecology (Mendieta-Leiva,
Porada et al., 2020). However, it is known that
epiphytes are less diverse in dry ecosystems,
but little is known about their ecology (Gen-
try, 1995; Mendieta-Leiva, Ramos et al., 2020;
Werner & Gradstein, 2009). On the other hand,
non-vascular epiphytes show growing inter-
est, but are perhaps less well known in the
neotropics both taxonomically and ecologi-
cally (Benitez et al., 2019; Cornelissen & Steege,
1989). There are also very few ecological stud-
ies that integrate vascular and non-vascular
epiphytes, despite their obvious interaction
(Ramos & Silverstone, 2018; Soto et al., 2015).
Interest in the conservation of these plants
has increased, with greater representation in
management plans and conservation priorities.
Because of this, it is necessary to contribute to
the knowledge of these groups of organisms,
especially in poorly studied ecosystems, such as
the dry forest.
Bryophytes and lichens are organisms that
are an important part of the primary eco-
logical succession, as well as of the water cycle
through horizontal rainfall (Blum, 1973; Kap-
pen, 1973; Proctor, 1982). Furthermore, they
can be used as bioindicator organisms of pol-
lution and disturbance since they are poikilo-
hydrous, that is, their water content depends
on the environment (Conti & Cecchetti, 2001).
Non-vascular epiphytes strongly depend on
deterministic factors such as microclimate and
stochastic factors such as dispersal, already
showing changes in their community composi-
tion with small environmental changes. Simi-
larly, vascular epiphytes also depend on factors
such as climate, plant structure, characteristics
of the phorophyte and dispersal capacity. Due
to these similarities, vascular epiphytes have
been used as surrogates for establishing nature
reserves, identifying conservation priorities,
and for environmental planning (Ryti, 1992). In
the dry forests of Colombia, fauna and flora are
mainly used as priorities for conservation and
to establish guidelines for management plans,
under the principle that these groups are substi-
tutes for other groups of organisms. However,
there are studies that show that the relationship
between the diversity of vascular and non-vas-
cular epiphytes is not consistent, with positive
or negative relationships, for which there is not
a high congruence between these taxa (Bacaro
et al., 2019). Thus, understanding the relation-
ship between the diversity and composition
of vascular epiphytes, bryophytes and lichens
would help improve conservation strategies in
the Colombian dry forest.
The objective of this study was to compare
the diversity patterns and species composition
of vascular and non-vascular epiphytes along
tropical dry forest remnants. The hypothesis is
that vascular and non-vascular epiphytes will
show similar patterns of diversity with respect
to an environmental and disturbance gradient
of dry forest.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
Study zone: Sampling was carried out in
the dry forest of Cauca Valley, a department
in the Southwestern part of Colombia. This
department ranges from the Pacific coast to
the central and western mountain ranges, with
elevations above 4 000 m. The dry forest of
the geographic Cauca valley is found along the
Cauca River, which is located between the two
aforementioned mountain ranges. Ten dry for-
est remnants (sites) were chosen as sampling
sites, mainly in the North-central part of Cauca
Valley: Chimbilaco (Yotoco), PNR El Vínculo
(Buga), Gitana (Riofrío), Higueroncito (Rolda-
nillo), PNR Mateguadua (Tuluá), El Medio
(Zarzal), Valenzuela (Tuluá), La Venta (Buga-
lagrande), Verdun (Andalucia) and El Volcán
(Yotoco) (Table 1). The ten localities present
dry forests in different states of conservation,
with an elevation range between 993-1 150 m
and precipitation between 1 057 and 1 593 mm.
Sampling: For vegetation sampling (forest
structure) plots of 50 x 20 m2 were established
and all the trees with a diameter at breast height
(DBH) > 2.5 cm were counted. For each tree
DBH, height and number of branches were
noted down. Phorophytes with a DBH > 20
cm were selected from the dominant species
of each locality. The phorophytes were at a dis-
tance > 10 m from the forest edges. The species
and number of vascular epiphyte individuals
were counted in three vertical strata (stratum 1:
from the base up to the first branching; stratum
2: between the first and second branching; stra-
tum 3: after the second branching) (Gradstein
et al., 2003). In total, 50 trees were selected for
each plot. One specimen of each species was
deposited in the TULV Herbarium.
For the sampling of non-vascular epiphytes,
three strata were established: base (between
0.5-1 m), trunk (between 1-2 m) and branches
(branches were collected from the upper parts)
(Gradstein et al., 2003). In each stratum, a 30 x
20 cm2 quadrant (divided into 1 cm2 cells) was
placed and the coverage of each non-vascular
species was estimated (Déleg et al., 2021). One
specimen of each species was deposited in the
TULV Herbarium. For more information on
the species found, consult Soto & Moncaleano
(2021). Additionally, Annual Mean Tempera-
ture (Bio 1), Annual Precipitation (Bio 12) and
Temperature seasonality (Bio 4) were estimated
for each forest remnant using the Worldclim
databases (Fick & Hijmans, 2017). Layers were
used at a resolution of 2.5 minutes and values
of the variables were extracted by site (ten for-
est remnants). Only these variables were used
because they were the ones with the highest
correlation between them (Pearson R > 0.7) and
variation among the remnants (since the study
sites are in the same geographical valley).
Statistical analysis: Initially, the abun-
dance of bryophytes and lichens was measured
Table 1
Location and climate data of the remnants of dry forest that were chosen as study sites.
Locality Elevation (m) Latitude Longitude Temperature (°C) Temperature
Seasonality Precipitation (mm)
Chimbilaco 1 092 3.935672 -76.356558 22.5 288 1 176
El Vinculo 1 150 3.836200 -76.296503 23.7 290 1 057
Gitana 1 122 4.166017 -76.333967 22.9 275 1 466
Higueroncito 993 4.497430 -76.109160 23.6 348 1 109
Mateguadua 1 150 4.027992 -76.159331 21.6 248 1 584
Medio 1 000 4.335278 -76.081111 23.9 335 1 239
Valenzuela 1 050 4.010607 -76.171244 21.6 287 1 372
La Venta 1 166 4.198944 -76.065611 23.1 280 1 465
Verdun 1 056 4.215492 -75.996389 22.2 314 1 593
Volcán 1 100 4.021400 -76.362817 22.2 263 1 260
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
as the cover (cm2) per sampled quadrant, while
the abundance of vascular plants was measured
as the number of individuals. Alpha diversity
of epiphytes was evaluated by the number of
species (Hill number q0) and Shannon diver-
sity indices (Hill number q1) per sampling
unit (phorophyte) (Chao et al., 2014). Alpha
diversity per site was calculated as the average
of q0 and q1 of the phorophytes. Gamma diver-
sity was calculated as q0 (richness) and (q1)
(index Shannons diversity) for the entire rem-
nant (McCune & Grace, 2002) and beta diver-
sity as the Whitaker index for each remnant,
which considers the average alpha diversity and
gamma diversity of each site (Hammer et al.,
2001). In this way, an alpha (average between
phorophytes), gamma (Hill number) and beta
diversity value was obtained for each remnant.
These indices were calculated with the PAST
2.0 ® software (Hammer et al., 2001).
General Linear Models (GLM) were per-
formed to evaluate the relationship between
abundance, alpha, beta and gamma diversities,
and the environmental variables (temperature,
precipitation, and Temperature seasonality,
abundance, diversity, DBH and tree height).
Previously, Spearmans correlation analysis
(between the predictor variables) was per-
formed to select variables with high correlation
(R > 0.7) and avoid collinearity. These analyzes
were also made between the alpha, beta, and
gamma diversities. The variables followed a
normal distribution (Shapiro Wilk: P > 0.05).
Statistical analyzes were conducted with the
software STATISTICA® 7.0 (StatSoft, 2004).
To evaluate the relationship between the
remnants based on their epiphyte composition
(similarity), a multidimensional non-metric
scaling (NMDS) was performed. The Bray-
Curtis similarity index was used to make the
NMDS (McCune & Grace, 2002). To evaluate
the relationship between environmental vari-
ables and epiphyte composition, a Spearman
correlation was performed between the NMDS
axes and environmental variables. These analy-
ses were conducted with the PAST 2.0 ® soft-
ware (Hammer et al., 2001).
The 10 remnants were also grouped
according to whether they had a conservation
status assigned (natural reserve or a similar
status) or not (Remnants on farms or without
protection), to establish differences in alpha,
beta, and gamma diversities of the epiphytes.
For this purpose, t-tests were used to compare
the remnants with a conservation status vs. no
conservation in terms of diversity and abun-
dance of epiphytes. Alpha and gamma diversi-
ties were compared between remnants using
t-tests (Hammer et al., 2001).
There were 50 morphospecies of vascular
epiphytes, 77 of bryophytes and 290 of lichens.
The most abundant lichen species were Crypto-
thecia striata (15 743 cm2), Coenogonium mag-
dalenae (11 887 cm2), Porina imitatrix (10 229
cm2) and Zwackhia viridis (Ach.) Poetsch &
Schied (8 451 cm2), while Emmanuellia tenuis,
Bacidia sp.2, Bulbothrix isidiza, Byssoloma
leucoblepharum, Herpothallon confluenticum,
Hyperphyscia minor, Lopezaria sp., Physcia sp.,
Porina sp., Lichen sp. and Usnea sp. had 1 cm2.
The most frequent species in the ten remnants
were Coenogonium linkii (9 remnants), Herpo-
thallon rubrocinctum, Diorygma australasicum
(Elix) Lücking et al., Herpothallon roseocinc-
tum, Zwackhia viridis, Porina imitatrix, Coe-
nogonium magdalenae and Cryptothecia striata
(8 remnants), while 175 species were very rare
(singletons: occurred in only 1 remnant).
For bryophytes, Lejeunea sp., Radula pal-
lens, Helicodontium capillare, Schiffnerolejeunea
polycarpa and Lejeunea subsessilis Spruce were
most abundant (13 074, 4 755, 3 488, 3 313 and
3 230 cm2, respectively), whereas Plagiochila
deflexirama, Bryophyte sp. and Leskeadelphus
angustatus, were the least abundant (5, 3 and
3 cm2, respectively). The most frequent spe-
cies were Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Brid.)
E.Britton, Neckeropsis undulata, Frullania eri-
coides (Mart.) Mont., Radula tectiloba and Fru-
lania sp.2., occurring between in 5-6 remnants,
while 10 were rare (doubletons: occurred in 2
remnants) and 55 species (71 %) were very rare.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
The most abundant species among the
vascular epiphytes were Tillandsia recurvata
(2 221 individuals), Pleopeltis astrolepis (160),
Tillandsia usneoides (159) and Tillandsia juncea
(115). The most frequent species were Monstera
adansoni (8 remnants), Tillandsia recurvata
(7 remnants), Tillandsia juncea (6 remnants),
Philodendron barrosoanum and Tillandsia elon-
gata (5 remnants), while 34 species were only
present in one remnant.
Diversity 𝛼, β and 𝛾 in dry forest rem-
nants: The remnants with the highest bryo-
phyte gamma diversity (q0) were Mateguadua
(24 species) and Verdun (23 species), while El
Vínculo was the place with the lowest diversity
(six species). In terms of q1, Verdun was the site
with the highest diversity, while the Medio had
the lowest bryophyte diversity. Alpha diversity
was highest in Mateguadua and lowest in Vín-
culo (Table 2). Verdun was the remnant with
the highest beta diversity, while Vínculo had
the least beta diversity. The abundance of bryo-
phytes was highest in the Gitana and lowest in
the Volcan.
Regarding lichens, it was found that
Higueroncito was the place with the greatest
diversity 𝛾, while Chimbilaco was the one with
Table 2
Diversity 𝛼, β and 𝛾 for epiphytes (bryophytes, lichens and vascular) in ten dry forest remnants.
Epiphyte Locality β𝛼 𝛾
Abundance/tree Richness q1 Total abundance Richness q1
Bryophytes Chimbilaco 4.47 427.36 2.83 2.34 10 043 10 4.31
El Vinculo 4 360.51 2.20 2.08 6 309 6 3.82
Gitana 4.35 484.00 2.87 2.41 11 132 10 3.22
Higueroncito 8.93 205.83 2.51 2.20 4 837 15 5.10
Mateguadua 7.64 397.00 3.78 2.69 7 146 24 8.08
Medio 6.15 407.46 2.54 2.18 5 297 11 2.53
Valenzuela 8.21 395.88 3.06 2.51 6 334 19 7.54
Venta 5.25 364.36 3.08 2.48 9 109 13 5.10
Verdun 9.36 477.71 3.22 2.46 9 793 23 11.25
Volcán 5.6 169.91 2.82 2.39 1 869 12 6.82
Lichens Chimbilaco 6.6 231.12 3.54 2.27 11 831 28 11.59
El Vinculo 5.91 474.70 4.34 2.48 24 000 31 16.28
Gitana 8.36 254.98 5.02 2.64 11 474 47 12.55
Higueroncito 10.39 312.21 6.94 3.29 14 986 80 28.50
Mateguadua 8.33 327.29 7.07 3.60 13 746 66 16.95
Medio 9.48 313.92 4.49 2.03 11 615 47 13.33
Valenzuela 9.27 571.06 6.43 3.42 26 840 66 23.34
Venta 9.43 349.96 6.52 3.19 17 498 68 21.33
Verdun 11.01 400.63 6.16 2.86 19 631 74 21.33
Volcán 8.06 590.74 6.40 3.22 20 676 58 16.95
Vascular Chimbilaco 3.75 18.21 2.47 3.13 173 7 2.20
El Vinculo 1.77 123.50 2.08 1.08 741 3 2.01
Gitana 3.67 3.50 2.42 3.67 21 6 2.27
Higueroncito 1.76 49.29 2.45 1.43 764 4 2.23
Mateguadua 4.5 14.53 3.00 7.24 109 11 2.56
Medio 6.12 21.00 2.55 2.56 231 11 2.23
Valenzuela 79.60 2.25 4.39 96 11 2.16
Venta 6.6 31.53 2.58 2.66 599 13 2.25
Verdun 6.58 24.61 3.64 5.16 443 20 2.77
Volcán 2.08 7.60 2.30 2.34 38 4 2.10
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
the least diversity. Regarding the diversity 𝛼,
Mateguadua was the remnant that showed the
highest values, while the Medio presented the
lowest q1 and Chimbilaco the lowest q0. Diver-
sity β was highest in Verdun, while Vínculo
showed the lowest values. The abundance of
lichens was highest in Valenzuela (total abun-
dance) and El Volcan (average abundance).
Vascular epiphytes presented a higher
diversity 𝛾 in Verdun, while it was lower in
Vínculo. Diversity 𝛼 was highest in Verdun
(average richness) and Mateguadua (average
q1), while it was lowest in Vínculo. Regarding
β diversity, the Valenzuela remnant was the one
that showed the greatest diversity, while the
Vinculo had the lowest values (Table 2). The
abundance of vascular epiphytes was highest in
Higueroncito (total abundance) and El Vínculo
(average abundance per tree), in contrast, La
Gitana was the site with the lowest total and
average abundance.
Diversities 𝛼, β, and 𝛾 and environmental
variables: The gamma diversity of epiphytic
bryophytes from each remnant was signifi-
cantly explained by alpha and beta diversities
(Table 3). The diversities 𝛼 and 𝛾 were related
with temperature and precipitation, indicat-
ing that the sites with the highest precipitation
and lowest temperature tended to present the
highest diversity of corticolous bryophytes. The
average DBH was significant to the 𝛼 diversity,
suggesting that the sites with the largest trees
tended to present the highest diversity of bryo-
phytes per tree.
The diversity 𝛾 of corticolous lichens was
explained by 𝛼 and β diversities. The abun-
dance of lichens per tree was significantly
related with the DBH and tree height of each
remnant (Table 4). Alpha diversity was affected
by temperature.
The alpha diversity of vascular epiphytes
was explained by temperature with precipita-
tion (Table 5). Gamma diversity was related to
precipitation. Gamma diversity was explained
only by alpha diversity. The total abundance of
vascular epiphytes per tree showed a negative
relationship with the DBH.
When comparing the diversity among the
remnants with some figure of conservation vs.
without conservation, it was observed that the
richness and diversity of trees was greater for
these last (Table 6). Regarding the epiphytes,
no significant differences were found for the
diversities 𝛼, β and 𝛾.
Composition of epiphytes: The NMDS
for vascular epiphytes, lichens, and bryophytes,
Table 3
GLM between diversity and environmental variables for epiphytic bryophytes. Significant Chi- Square are in bold.
Gamma Temperature Precipitation q1 trees DBH Height (m)
Abundance/tree 0.21 3.39 0.00 0.38 2.38
Abundance 0.08 3.19 3.27 1.95 2.39
Gamma 8.93 0.19 0.04 1.99 0.00
Alfa 6.14 12.62 10.96 3.09 1.31 1.01
Beta 4.59 1.33 0.34 0.08 0.06 1.18
Table 4
GLM between diversity and environmental variables for epiphytic lichens. Significant Chi- Square are in bold.
Gamma Temperature Precipitation q1 trees DBH Height (m)
Abundance/tree 3.82 1.34 1.68 20.74 4.82
Abundance 0.60 1.50 4.67 1.15 0.12
Gamma 0.11 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.76
Alfa 0.026 4.21 0.06 0.00 0.13 0.01
Beta 0.018 0.04 3.49 0.03 1.79 0.30
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
showed different clustering patterns related to
the different environmental variables evaluated
(Fig. 1). The bryophytes were grouped accord-
ing to precipitation and temperature, with a
group formed by Chimbilaco, El Medio and El
Vínculo, and another by Volcán, Venta, Mateg-
uadua and Valenzuela. Regarding lichens, the
grouping patterns were related to the coordi-
nates (latitude and longitude), and the param-
eters related to the vegetation. The NMDS of
Table 5
GLM between diversity and environmental variables for vascular epiphytes. Significant Chi- Square are in bold.
Gamma Temperature Precipitation q1 trees DBH Height (m)
Abundance/tree 3.82 1.34 1.68 20.74 4.82
Abundance 4.71 0.01 0.02 4.65 2.22
Gamma 1.80 7.74 0.61 1.42 0.30
Alfa 0.14 9.76 10.17 0.20 1.93 2.13
Beta 0.015 1.03 4.36 0.64 3.10 7.59
Table 6
Comparison of diversity 𝛼, β and 𝛾 between remnants of dry forest with Conservation vs. without Conservation.
Without Conservation Conservation Tgl p
Bio4 294.67 290.00 0.22 8.00 0.83
Temperature 227.50 227.00 0.09 8.00 0.93
Precipitation 1 344.83 1 313.00 0.24 8.00 0.81
Richness trees 21.00 34.50 -2.91 8.00 0.02
Abundance trees 324.00 564.75 -0.83 8.00 0.43
D tres 0.37 0.11 1.77 8.00 0.12
H trees 1.72 2.74 -2.37 8.00 0.05
DBH 21.39 20.94 0.10 8.00 0.92
Height 7.91 7.60 0.17 8.00 0.87
Vascular β 4.07 4.85 -0.55 8.00 0.60
Abundance/tree 22.46 42.16 -0.85 8.00 0.42
𝛼 q0 2.64 2.47 0.58 8.00 0.58
𝛼 q1 1.04 1.12 -0.20 8.00 0.85
Abundance total 339.67 294.25 0.23 8.00 0.82
𝛾 q0 8.83 8.75 0.02 8.00 0.98
𝛾 q1 0.83 0.80 0.48 8.00 0.64
Bryophytes β 6.33 6.50 -0.13 8.00 0.90
Abundance/tree 354.86 390.21 -0.50 8.00 0.63
𝛼 q0 2.89 2.89 -0.02 8.00 0.98
𝛼 q1 0.87 0.85 0.22 8.00 0.83
Abundance total 7797.17 6271.50 0.81 8.00 0.44
𝛾 q0 13.83 15.00 -0.29 8.00 0.78
𝛾 q1 1.70 1.59 0.36 8.00 0.73
Lichens β 8.97 8.25 0.69 8.00 0.51
Abundance/tree 22.46 42.16 -0.85 8.00 0.42
𝛼 q0 5.76 5.58 0.22 8.00 0.83
𝛼 q1 1.06 1.03 0.22 8.00 0.83
Abundance total 16 016.00 19 050.25 -0.85 8.00 0.42
𝛾 q0 59.17 52.50 0.56 8.00 0.59
𝛾 q1 2.88 2.84 0.21 8.00 0.84
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
Fig. 1. NMDS epiphytes from TDF Valle del Cauca. A. vascular, B. bryophytes and C. lichens.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
vascular epiphytes showed that temperature,
temperature seasonality and precipitation were
the variables associated with the grouping pat-
terns of the remnants, with Chimbilaco, Venta,
Higueroncito, El Vínculo forming a group and
Valenzuela, Volcán, Gitana and Mateguadua
the other.
This study is the first to explore the epi-
phyte diversity in the dry forest of the geo-
graphic valley of the Cauca River. The diversity
of vascular epiphytes was low compared to other
tropical ecosystems (Mendieta-Leiva, Porada et
al., 2020), which may be since the conditions
of high temperature and low rainfall nega-
tively impacted the abundance and richness
of these organisms (Gentry, 1992). Regarding
bryophytes, a low diversity was found com-
pared to the Andean life zones, but like other
dry forests in Colombia (García-Martínez &
Mercado-Gómez, 2017; Lombo-Sánchez &
Suarez-Contento, 2018; Ramírez-Morán et al.,
2016). Regarding lichenized fungi, high diver-
sity was observed compared to other dry forests
in Colombia (Lücking et al., 2019, Soto et al.,
2021). However, this diversity is still low com-
pared to the Andean zone and humid forests at
low elevations, which may be because the for-
ests have low precipitation and high tempera-
tures (Sipman, 1996; Soto et al., 2019).
The most frequent and abundant vascular
epiphyte species found in this study are com-
mon in the dry forest of the geographic valley
of the Cauca River, both in artificial and natural
ecosystems (Benzing et al., 1992). These species
were dominant in remnants with a plant struc-
ture with greater dominance than few species,
which suggests that these epiphytes are favored
by the disturbance.
The most abundant lichen species were
Cryptothecia striata, C. magdalenae, Porina imi-
tatrix and Zwackhia viridis. The most frequent
species in the ten remnants were Coenogonium
linkii, Herpothallon rubrocinctum, Diorygma
australasicum, H. roseocinctum, Z. viridis, Porina
imitatrix, Coenogonium magdalenae y C. striata,
while 175 species were very rare. Thus, the
most important species of lichens belong to
the Arthoniaceae, Coenogoniaceae, Porinaceae
and Lecanographaceae families, typical families
in open and disturbed ecosystems. It should be
noted that species of the Graphidaceae, Rama-
linaceae and Trypetheliaceae families were not
dominant, families that are considered the most
diverse in the Neotropics (Menezes et al., 2018).
On the other hand, there is a high presence of
rare to very rare species, which is a common
pattern in communities of lichenized fungi in
the Neotropics, since many species of lichens
have microclimate and microsite specialists
(Cáceres et al., 2007).
The abundance of bryophytes was highest
in the Gitana and lowest in the Volcan. The
greater abundance of bryophytes in La Gitana
may be since this site is a dry forest-premontane
transition, for which climatic conditions favor a
greater abundance and richness of bryophytes,
which are photophobic organisms (Glime,
2007; Proctor, 1999; Proctor & Tuba, 2002). In
contrast, Verdun was the site with the highest
diversity, although it was not the one with the
highest abundance and richness, which indi-
cates that it is the site with the greatest diversity
of bryophytes since the Shannon index corrects
the effects of abundances. In this way, it is pos-
sible that Verdun is a forest with a higher degree
of conservation even though it is immersed in
a cattle farm, since bryophytes are indicators of
habitat quality (Czerepko et al., 2021).
In contrast, it was found that Higueroncito
was the place with the greatest diversity 𝛾 of
corticolous lichens, while Chimbilaco was the
one with the least diversity. The β diversity was
highest in Verdun, while the Vinculo showed
the lowest values. The abundance of lichens
was highest in Valenzuela (total abundance)
and Volcán (average abundance). These results
differ from those of bryophytes because the
diversity of lichens is modulated by other fac-
tors. Higueroncito was one of the sites with
the highest temperature of the ten remnants,
in addition to a possible effect of a fog current,
which favors a high abundance and diver-
sity of lichens (Stanton, 2015). The sites with
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
the lowest rainfall tended to have the lowest
lichen diversity.
Vascular epiphytes presented greater diver-
sity 𝛼 and 𝛾 in Verdun, while it was lower in
Vínculo. Regarding β diversity, the Valenzuela
remnant was the one that showed the great-
est diversity, while the Vinculo had the lowest
values. The abundance of vascular epiphytes
was higher in Higueroncito (total abundance)
and Vínculo (average abundance per tree), in
contrast, La Gitana was the site with the lowest
total and average abundance. The greater diver-
sity of vascular epiphytes in Verdun may be due
to the fact that it is a site with premontane forest
characteristics, which are characterized by high
epiphytism (Gentry, 1992). On the other hand,
the Vínculo was a site with a low diversity and
high abundance of epiphytes, which suggests
that this site presents a high disturbance.
Regarding the diversity of epiphytic
bryophytes, 𝛾 diversity of each remnant was
significantly related with precipitation and
temperature. The diversity 𝛼 was explained
by temperature, indicating that the sites with
the highest precipitation and lowest tempera-
ture tended to present the highest diversity
of corticolous bryophytes. The foregoing is
in line with what was previously said that the
remnants with higher precipitation and lower
temperature tended to present the greatest
diversity and abundance of bryophytes (Grass
et al., 2015). Bryophytes are poikilohydrous
organisms since they do not have mechanisms
for regulating their water content. This condi-
tion makes them organisms with high water /
humidity requirements to maintain adequate
hydration and maintain biological processes
(Glime, 2007; Proctor, 1999; Proctor & Tuba,
2002). The average DBH was positively related
to the diversity 𝛼 and 𝛾, suggesting that the
sites with the largest trees tended to present the
greatest diversity of bryophytes. This may indi-
cate that the diversity of bryophytes is higher
in potentially more conserved sites (with larger
trees), since they are forests with favorable
climatic conditions for these organisms (Alva-
renga & Pôrto, 2007; Bates et al., 2005; Bisang
& Hedenäs, 2005; Czerepko et al., 2021). This
response is because bryophytes show particular
physiological and ecological aspects related to
tolerance to light (photophobic), habitat spe-
cialization and reproductive strategies, there-
fore an alteration of their habitat negatively
affects their diversity.
With respect to lichenized fungi, diver-
sity 𝛾 was only explained by 𝛼 and β diversi-
ties. The abundance of lichens per tree was
positively correlated with the abundance of
trees in each remnant. In lichens it has been
observed that the total diversity of a place is
strongly influenced by the exchange of species
among phorophytes (Cáceres et al., 2007; Lück-
ing, 1999). This pattern is since lichens have a
strong microclimate and microsite specializa-
tion, which is why a high presence of rare and
restricted species is observed.
In general terms, in bryophytes and lichens
𝛾 diversity was explained by 𝛼 and β diversi-
ties, but in vascular epiphytes it was only alpha
diversity. This pattern is because the sites that
have a high disturbance, present a lower diver-
sity, is usually due to a homogenizing effect, that
is, a low turnover of species between sampling
units (Ardila-Ríos et al., 2015). In this way,
even though a high diversity 𝛼 is conserved,
the diversity β falls and this is expressed in a
low diversity 𝛾; However, in vascular epiphytes,
alpha diversity was more important for the total
diversity of each site, which can be explained
by the fact that microenvironmental factors
are less important in modulating the diversity
of these epiphytes at a site (Soto-Medina et al.,
2015). On the other hand, precipitation and
temperature affected the diversity of bryophytes
and vascular epiphytes, while it did not show a
relationship with the lichens diversity. In this
way, the results show that there are contrasting
patterns between the two groups of epiphytes,
which is very important when making con-
servation decisions: e.g., using only vascu-
lar epiphytes to take conservation measures
could negatively affect epiphytic lichens. In this
sense, these results are an important basis for
establishing conservation strategies in tropical
dry forests.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53522, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Oct. 30, 2023)
made significant contributions; that there is
no conflict of interest of any kind; and that we
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowled-
gments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
To the Institute for Research and Preser-
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Valle del Cauca” (INCIVA) (Colombia), with
the project “Dry Forest.
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