Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
Flowering time and harvest on floral morphology and production
of hermaphrodite flowers in the cashew tree Anacardium occidentale
Jéssica Soares Pereira¹*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1662-7591
Júlio César DoVale¹; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3497-9793
Ingrid Pinheiro Machado¹; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7486-1063
José Wagner Silva Melo¹; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1056-8129
Francisco das Chagas Vidal Neto2; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9412-6955
Dheyne Silva Melo2; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9961-7286
Levi de Moura Barros2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0379-9685
1. Departamento de Fitotecnia, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Campus do Pici–Blocos 805 e 806, 60356-000, Fortaleza,
Ceará, Brasil; jessicasoaresp99@gmail.com (*Correspondence), juliodovale@ufc.br, ingridpin03@hotmail.com,
2. Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, Rua Dra. Sara Mesquita, 2270, Pici, 60511-110, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil; vidal.
neto@embrapa.br, dheyne.melo@embrapa.br, levi.barros@embrapa.br
Received 09-VIII-2022. Corrected 14-XI-2022. Accepted 27-I-2023.
Introduction: Morphological parameters of flowering are fundamental in the reproductive process of plants, but
this subject is poorly explored in the cashew tree Anacardium occidentale.
Objective: To determine the influence of the flowering and harvest period on floral parameters, and to identify
association with hermaphrodite flowers in the dwarf cashew.
Methods: For the 2018 and 2019 harvests in 120 samples we measured number of male/hermaphrodite/abnor-
mal flowers; panicle biomass, length, maximum width, and ramifications at 30, 45 and 60 days for 360 samples
in total.
Results: The harvest effect was not significant. Panicle length and width (at 30 days), had the greatest contribu-
tions to the production of hermaphrodite flowers. The presence of male flowers (at 45 days), and the panicle
length and number of primary branches (at 60 days) were the main factors at their respective periods.
Conclusions: The emission of hermaphrodite flowers responds negatively to male flowers. Variations in flower-
ing compromise the production of hermaphrodite flowers and the flowering structure.
Key words: Anacardium occidentale; floral biology; panicle length; flowering times; flowering; panicle width.
Período de floración y cosecha en la morfología floral y producción de flores hermafroditas
en el árbol de marañón, Anacardium occidentale (Anacardiaceae)
Introducción: Parámetros morfológicos de la floración son fundamentales en el proceso reproductivo de las
plantas, sin embargo, el tema es poco explorado en el árbol de marañón Anacardium occidentale.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
Flowering in plants indues a succession
of subsequent events, including anthesis, fruc-
tification, development, and fruit maturation,
which determine the propagation of species and
can contribute to crop improvement via genetic
recombination (Bhagwan & Reddy, 2014). In
fruit trees, flowering is an important reproduc-
tive phenomenon that marks the commence-
ment of fruit production (Olubode et al., 2018).
It typically progresses in four stages: floral
induction, floral initiation, floral differentia-
tion, and flowering. The length of the flower-
ing phase is dependent on both genotype and
environmental conditions (Saroj et al., 2014).
In cashew, flower production is a gradual pro-
cess that can be influenced by morphological
mechanisms in the panicles, interfering in the
final proportion of male and hermaphrodite
flowers that remain until the final development
of the fruits in the crop.
The plant family Anacardiaceae comprises
more than 700 species (Barros, 1988; Naka-
sone & Paul, 1998). Prominent among these
is the cashew tree Anacardium occidentale
Linnaeus, a species native to Northeastern
Brazil (Barros et al., 2002), although is now
cultivated in more than 30 countries worldwide
(FAOSTAT, 2021). Classified as an andromo-
noic species, the cashew tree has both male and
hermaphroditic flowers (Barros & Crisóstomo,
1995). The inflorescence of A. occidentale is a
panicle, with variable shapes, sizes, quantities,
and proportions of male and hermaphrodite
flowers (Adiga et al., 2019; Sousa et al., 2007).
Flowering in cashew is directly associated
with vegetative growth fluxes, both of which
occur concomitantly during certain periods
and with different intensities. The period of
maximum floral differentiation and flowering
occurs mainly during the dry season (Frota &
Parente, 1995; Wunnachit & Sedgley, 1992)
and can extend to up to 7 months (Sousa et al.,
2007) due to the heterogeneity of the orchards,
which undergo variations in the length of the
flowering period (Barros, 1988). Under suit-
able growing conditions with well-distributed
rainfall, cashew trees can flower more than
once a year (Nambiar, 1979; Ohler, 1979; Wait
& Jamieson, 1986), with flowering and fruiting
during the dry season conferring the distinct
advantage of a lower incidence of pests and
diseases, thereby reducing potential damage
during these vulnerable phenological phases
(Wunnachit & Sedgley, 1992). However, low
levels of relative humidity during flowering and
fruiting can reduce not only stigma receptivity
but also pollen viability (Sturtz, 1981), and
increase the likelihood of the abortion of devel-
oping fruits (Wunnachit & Sedgley, 1992).
Cashew flowering normally begins at the
end of the rainy season, after the emergence
of a new growth stream, although its onset and
duration are strongly dependent on external
environmental factors, including temperature,
Objetivo: Determinar la influencia de la floración y periodos de cosecha sobre parámetros florales, e identificar
asociaciones con flores hermafroditas en el marañón enano.
Métodos: Para las cosechas de 2018 y 2019 en 120 muestras, medimos el número de flores masculinas/herma-
froditas/anormales; biomasa de panícula, largo, ancho máximo, y ramificaciones a los 30, 45 y 60 días, un total
de 360 muestras.
Resultados: El efecto de la cosecha fue insignificante. Longitud y ancho de la panícula (a los 30 días), tuvo la
mayor contribución a la producción de flores hermafroditas. La presencia de flores masculinas (a los 45 días), y
el largo de panícula y número de ramas primarias (a los 60 días) fueron los principales factores en sus periodos
Conclusiones: La emisión de flores hermafroditas responde negativamente a flores masculinas. Variaciones en
la floración afecta la producción de flores hermafroditas y estructura de floración.
Palabras clave: Anacardium occidentale; biología floral; longitud de panícula; tiempos de floración; floración;
ancho de panícula.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
radiation and precipitation, which occur in the
planting area during the period. of flowering
(Saroj et al., 2014). Such factors can compro-
mise the structural aspects of flowering, inter-
fering with the sexual expression of flowers
(Sousa et al., 2007), promoting the develop-
ment of panicles that present a large number of
male flowers and low emission of hermaphro-
dite flowers, negatively influencing production
(Madail et al., 2012).
Although cashew trees produce an abun-
dance of flowers, less than 10 % of these are
hermaphroditic and, among these, approxi-
mately 85 % are fertilized. Of these fertilized
flowers, however, only 4 % to 6 % will subse-
quently undergo development to maturity and
bear fruit, with the remainder being eliminated
at different stages of production (Mog et al.,
2018). Accordingly, the characteristics of flow-
ers and flowering affect not only those of the
fruits, but also their production. Nevertheless,
despite the important practical implications of
floral biology, this is an aspect that has hardly
been investigated in A. occidentale. In this
study, we tried for the first time to answer some
behaviors. How can the association between
the expression of hermaphrodite flowers and
other morphological parameters of panicles in
dwarf cashew trees be explained? Furthermore,
from an evolutionary point of view, how is the
influence of the evaluation period of flowering
and harvests established on the floral param-
eters of the culture? These parameters are
important, because the time of flowering evalu-
ation is important to explain the production
of hermaphrodite and male flowers during the
different flowering periods of the species, and
they can also exhibit different behaviors under
the influence of the crops and their respective
environmental characteristics.
Experimental area: Data were col-
lected from dwarf-type cashew plants that
were vegetatively propagated and cultivated
under rain-fed conditions in an experimental
field of Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, in
the municipality of Pacajus in Ceará, Brazil
(4º10’21” S & 38°27’50” W). The predominant
climate of the region is humid hot tropical (Aw,
in the Köppen Geiger climate classification),
with an average annual temperature of 26 °C
and an average annual rainfall of 1 020 mm
(Kottek et al., 2006). The meteorological data
recorded in the experimental area in 2018 and
2019 are presented in Fig. 1.
Genetic material: Ten clones of the dwarf
cashew tree were selected in progeny experi-
ments based on phenotypic evaluations of their
suitability to edaphoclimatic conditions in the
state of Ceará (Table 1). The selected clones
differed with respect to several characteristics,
including chestnut and peduncle productiv-
ity, average weight of chestnut and peduncle,
peduncle color and shape, plant size, early
flowering, fruiting, and the duration of these
productive periods and almond yield.
Identification of dwarf cashew clones
and their referred origins
Clones Origins
END II 6-9 Dwarf x Dwarf hybrid
PRO 555/2 Free-pollinated progeny
PRO 553/2 Free-pollinated progeny
A + A 134/1 Dwarf x Dwarf hybrid
HB 116/4 Dwarf x Dwarf hybrid
HB 33 Dwarf x Dwarf hybrid
PRO 740/4 Free-pollinated progeny
PRO 106/2 Free-pollinated progeny
CCP 76 Commercial Clone
BRS 226 Commercial Clone
Experimental design: Experiments
were performed based on a randomized block
design, with 10 treatments (genotypes), three
replications, and four plants per plot. One plant
in each plot was selected for examination. The
block structure and the genotype factor were
not considered in the analysis, thereby enabling
extrapolation of results for the dwarf cashew
tree. In this way, each plant represented a rep-
etition (30 repetitions). The five-year-old plants
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
were spaced in rows of 8 m × 6 m, and all cul-
tural management practices, including pruning,
fertilization, weed control, and pest and disease
control, were carried out in accordance with
the recommendation for commercial cashew
cultivation under rain-fed conditions (Serrano
& Oliveira, 2013).
Evaluations: For the morphological char-
acterization of panicles, we took into con-
sideration the period of maximum floral
differentiation and full flowering that occurred
in the 2018 and 2019 growth seasons. As a ref-
erence point, for the purposes of evaluations,
we defined the commencement of the repro-
ductive period of each genotype as day 30 after
marking panicles in the field.
For each of the focal plants, three panicles
were selected and marked at each of the
cardinal points (North, South, East, and West)
of the tree, one for each flowering time assess-
ment (30, 45, and 60 days after the beginning of
flowering), totaling 12 panicles per plant.
During each of the two flowering seasons,
four panicles (one from each quadrant of the
plant) were detached from the plants, packed
in labeled plastic bags to prevent dehydration,
and placed in plastic boxes. After which they
were transported to the evaluation room at the
Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Breeding of
Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, for morpho-
logical characterization of the floral structures.
According to Violle et al. (2007), the
functional traits of plants can be defined as the
morphological, physiological and phenological
characteristics that directly impact the perfor-
mance reproduction of individuals, thus influ-
encing their aptitude for a given environmental
Fig. 1. Meteorological information from the experimental area in the two crops evaluated for the years A. 2018. B. 2019 in
the municipality of Pacajus–CE, Brazil, 2021.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
condition. Based on its attributes, which repre-
sent the different values that a given functional
trait can assume (Appendix), the characteriza-
tion of the floral structures of A. occidentale L.
(Fig. 2) was carried out through the evaluation
and classification of panicles, according to the
following parameters: Number of male flow-
ers: counting the number of male flowers with
approximately 10 stamens (male organ of the
flower), with one stamen being more developed
than the others. Number of hermaphrodite flow-
ers: counting the number of hermaphrodite
flowers with small stamens and a pistil, the
latter of which is generally longer than the
most developed stamen and is attached to the
ovary. Number of abnormal flowers: counting
the number of flowers with an arrangement
similar to that of male or hermaphrodite flow-
ers, but with no pistil or larger stamen. Panicle
biomass: determined by weighing the panicles.
Panicle length: the distance from the first node
to the apex. Maximum panicle width: the maxi-
mum distance between the ends of the panicle
branches. Number of panicle branches: count-
ing the number of branches originating from
the main axis of the panicle (primary branches)
and from the branches that develop from the
primary branches (secondary branches).
Variation in floral parameters as a func-
tion of time-point and harvest: Variations in
floral parameters with respect to the effect of
time (time-point of flowering evaluation) and
harvest were determined by analysis of vari-
ances, followed by Tukey’s HSD and Fisher’s
exact tests (F test), respectively. Analyses of
variance were conducted using the following
genetic-statistical model:
Eq. (1): Yijk = m + di + sj + dsij + eijk,
Fig. 2. Classification, floral structures and evaluations performed on dwarf cashew plants in the 2018 and 2019 harvests
in the experimental area of the municipality of Pacajus, Ceará, Brazil. A. Male flowers on panicles. B. Floral details and
structures of male flowers. C. Hermaphrodite flowers in panicles. D. Floral details and structures of hermaphrodite flowers.
E. Flowers classified as abnormal for presenting malformation, absence, or duplication of floral structures. F. Biomass. G.
length. H. width evaluations of panicles. I. General structure of panicles. J. Branches classified as primary. K. Branches
classified as secondary. An = Anther; St = Stamen; Pt = Petals; Sg = Stigma; Sl = Style; Pb = Primary branches; Sb =
Secondary branches.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
where Yijk is the observation referring to the i-th
flowering time-point, in the j-th harvest, in the
k-th replication (block); m is the general mean;
di is the effect of the i-th season (i = 30, 45, or
60 days after flowering), considered as fixed;
sj is the effect of the j-th harvest (j = 2018 and
2019), considered as random, where sj~NID (0,
σ2); dsij is the effect of the interaction between
the i-th flowering season in the j-th crop, con-
sidered as random, where dsij~NID (0, σ2) and
eijk is the random experimental error associated
with the Yijk observation.
The period effect was considered as fixed
in view of the particularities of each flowering
period in the crop, specifically to enable con-
clusions to be drawn regarding panicle behavior
in each of the three evaluation periods. The har-
vest effect was considered as random, with the
aim of reaching broader conclusions regarding
the responses of the cashew tree flowering,
regardless of the agricultural year (harvest)
considered. Block structure and the genotype
factor were not considered in the analysis, to
enable extrapolation of the results for the dwarf
cashew tree. Thus, influences associated with
flowering times of the two evaluated crops
could be extrapolated to the whole, as time
× harvest interactions have a random effect
(Resende, 2005).
The relationships between floral param-
eters and the expression of hermaphrodite
flowers: The data obtained for panicle morpho-
logical parameters were subjected to correlation
analysis using linear regression, implemented
with SAS® statistical software (SAS, 2002).
Given that we detected minimal seasonal varia-
tion in these morphological parameters (7 of
the 8 floral parameters showed no significant
differences), they were grouped in order to con-
struct more robust statistical models. Data were
subjected to multiple regression analyses using
the proc reg procedure, selection=stepwise,
with hermaphrodite flowers as the dependent
variable (y), and the numbers of male and
abnormal flowers; the inflorescence biomass;
the length and width of the inflorescence; and
the numbers of primary and secondary branch-
es as independent variables.
Initially, all eight floral morphological
parameters were included, adjusted by stepwise
regressions, to explain the dependent variable
(number of hermaphrodite flowers). Using the
statistically significant model, the parameters
were selected according to the flowering season
and higher coefficient values in the regression
analysis, and thereafter, the data obtained for
the parameters selected by stepwise regression
were plotted as a function of the hermaphrodite
flower number.
Variation of floral parameters depend-
ing on the time-point and harvest: With
the exception of panicle biomass, significant
effects of the time-point (T) (P < 0.05 and P
< 0.01) were observed for all other assessed
floral parameters, whereas in contrast, with
the exception of the number of secondary
branches, no significant effects were detected
with regards to harvest. However, period of
evaluation × harvest interactive effects were
found to be significant for most of the assessed
parameters (Table 2). These significant interac-
tive effects can be attributed to the variation in
all floral parameters in the year 2018 and an
absence of variation in almost all parameters in
2019 (Fig. 3).
During the 2018 harvest, the number of
hermaphrodite and male flowers, panicle fresh
biomass, and length and width of panicles
showed similar trends, with higher mean values
observed at 30 days after the commencement of
flowering and lower mean values at 45 and 60
days after the initiation of flowering (Fig. 3A,
Fig. 3B, Fig. 3D, Fig. 3E and Fig. 3F). With
regards to the number of abnormal flowers, we
observed mean values higher than 30 and 45
days and lower than 60 days after the onset of
flowering (Fig .3 C).
The number of primary branches showed
lower mean values at 30 days after the com-
mencement of flowering and higher mean
values at 45 and 60 days (Fig. 3G). Compared
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
P-values for the effects of season, crop and interaction (season x crop) of floral morphology characters of dwarf cashew tree,
evaluated in two years of cultivation, in the municipality of Pacajus, CE, 2021
Effects GL P-values
Season (S) 2< 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.0846 0.0003 < 0.0001 0.0084 < 0.0001
Harvest (H) 1 0.5739 0.8867 0.0534 0.6036 0.1374 0.2878 0.0965 0.0225
S x H 2< 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.0004 0.0913 < 0.0001 0.0042 0.0076 0.4999
Values in bold are significant (P < 0.05) or (P < 0.01) by the F test. FH–hermaphrodite flowers; FM–male flowers; FA–abnormal
flowers; BP–panicle biomass; CP–panicle length; LP–panicle width; RP–primary branches; RS–secondary branches.
Fig. 3. Dwarf cashew plants showed higher flower production at the beginning of the flowering season. Boxplots of panicle
floral morphology characters. A. Hermaphroditic flowers. B. Male flowers. C. Abnormal flowers. D. Panicle biomass. E.
Panicle length; F. Panicle width; G. Primary branches. H.* Secondary branches) of dwarf cashew, analyzed in two harvests
(2018 and 2019), in the municipality of Pacajus-CE, for the three periods after the beginning of flowering (30, 45 and 60
days). Only significant differences are shown. Different letters indicate significant differences between seasons for the same
season by the Tukey test (P < 0.05). (*) indicates that there was a significant effect of crops (isolated effect).
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
with 30 days after the initiation of flowering,
mean values of number of secondary branches
were higher at 45 days and lower at 60 days
(Fig. 3H). With respect to the 2019 harvest,
we detected significant variations only for the
number of male flowers, with lower mean val-
ues at 30 days and higher mean values at 45 and
60 days after the beginning of flowering.
The effect of harvest was detected only
with respect to the number of secondary
branches (Fig. 3H), with the average number of
secondary branches in the 2019 harvest being
higher than that observed in the 2018 harvest.
The relationship between floral param-
eters and the expression of hermaphrodite
flowers: Different models were obtained to
explain the expression of hermaphrodite flow-
ers at the three evaluation times (30, 45, and
60 days after the commencement of flowering)
(Table 3). For the 30-day evaluation, the param-
eters contributing most to an explanation for
hermaphrodite flower expression were panicle
length and width, which together accounted
for 47 % (R² = 0.47) of the numerical varia-
tions in hermaphrodite flowers. For the 60-day
evaluation, panicle length and the number of
primary branches were found to make the high-
est contribution, collectively explaining 37 %
(R² = 0.37) of the numerical variation in her-
maphrodite flowers. We were, however, unable
to obtain a significant model for the 45-day
evaluation period. Interestingly, although nei-
ther significant nor marginally significant (P =
0.102), the floral parameter that appeared to be
the most important at this time-point was the
number of male flowers.
In terms of the accumulation of hermaph-
rodite flowers, a contrasting result was obtained
with respect to panicle dimensions (length and
width) during the first flowering season (30
days after the commencement of flowering),
with the number of hermaphrodite flowers
being positively correlated with panicle width.
However, we detected a negative correlation
with panicle length (Fig. 4A, Fig. 4B).
Furthermore, there was a negative correla-
tion between male and hermaphrodite flowers
at 45 days after the onset of flowering (Fig.
4C). This negative effect of an increase in
the production of male flowers suppresses
the development of hermaphrodite flowers,
the production of which was observed to be
inversely proportional to the increase in the
number of male flowers in panicles.
When evaluated after 60 days of flowering,
it was found that the greater the panicle length,
the higher the number of hermaphroditic flow-
ers per panicle (Fig. 4D). At this time-point, we
also detected an inverse correlation between
number of primary branches and number of
hermaphrodite flowers produced in inflores-
cences (Fig. 4E).
The findings of this study revealed that
with the exception of panicle biomass, all
assessed morphological parameters of cashew
panicles showed significant effects with respect
Contributions of dwarf cashew panicles morphological characters in the dynamics of explaining the emission of
hermaphrodite flowers collected in two harvests, in the municipality of Pacajus, CE
Flowering season Characters R² (partial) Estimated R² (model) F Test P
Panicle length (1) 0.2621 -6.3992 - - -
Panicle width (2) 0.2089 6.6411 - - -
(1)*(2) - - 0.4710 25.37 < 0.001
45 Male flowers (1) 0.0454 -0.0354 0.0454 2.76 0.102
Panicle length (1) 0.3449 1.0027 - - -
Primary Branches (2) 0.0333 -1.0174 - - -
(1)*(2)* - - 0.3782 17.34 < 0.001
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
to evaluation time-point. Contrastingly, for
most parameters, we were unable to detect any
significant differences between the two harvest
seasons, which can be explained by the fact that
the annual variations in abiotic factors were not
pronounced enough to promote quantitative
changes among the panicle parameters. The
number of hermaphrodite flowers produced
by cashew trees is dependent on parameters
associated with the vegetative structures of
panicles. The contribution of this factor to the
expression of these flowers was found to differ
Fig. 4. Different floral morphological attributes explained the emission of hermaphrodite flowers in panicles. Stepwise
regression analysis correlating morphological characters and the production of hermaphrodite flowers in dwarf cashew
panicles in 2018 and 2019 crops, in the municipality of Pacajus, CE. Assessments performed at 30 days. A. Panicle length
x hermaphrodite flowers, y = -1.6892x + 63.3501, R2 = 0.0267. B. Panicle width x hermaphrodite flowers, y = 3.7713x –
39.2612, R2 = 0.2095; P = <0.001), 45 days. C. Male flowers x hermaphrodite flowers, y = -0.0356x + 14.4965, R2 = 0.0460;
P = 0.102), and 60 days. D. Panicle length x hermaphrodite flowers, y = 0.8702x -11.0664, R2= 0.3445. E. Primary branches
x hermaphrodite flowers, y = 0.4163x + 1.4416, R2 = 0.0068; P = <0.001) after flowering starts.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
when evaluated at three different time-points
during the flowering period.
The cashew tree growth pattern alternates
between vegetative and reproductive phases,
whose onset and duration differ according to
the genotype, as these phases are regulated by
genetic and environmental factors (Saroj et
al., 2014). Among the environmental factors,
those that have the most pronounced effects on
cashew growth are the amount of solar radia-
tion and the availability of water, as they play
a particularly important role in the opening of
flower buds, triggered by the hormonal activity
expressed in the plants (Saroj et al., 2014).
The higher rate of flower production
observed at the beginning of the flowering
season in the 2018 crop, with similar trends in
the first evaluation period at 30 days, is consis-
tent with corroborates the results of research
carried out by Sharma (2009), who claimed to
have reported a greater production of male and
female flowers (hermaphrodites) in early flow-
ering. Similarly, Wunnachit and Sedgley (1992)
found that the majority of hermaphrodite flow-
ers were produced during the first 21 days of
the flowering period.
According to Parente et al. (1991), in the
semi-arid regions of the tropics, dwarf cashew
trees are known to display peak flowering in
August, with greater flowering intensities at
the beginning of the reproductive period. This
behavior among panicles can be explained by
the occurrence of higher temperatures during
this period of the season. Our failure to detect
any significant differences among the three
periods evaluated in 2019 can be ascribed to the
fact that transitions in the phases of the plant
life cycle are regulated by genetic development
programs, modulated by environmental and
endogenous stimuli (Ravindra, 2014). Thus, we
suspect that the environmental stimuli experi-
enced by cashews during the 2019 season were
not strong enough to promote any pronounced
differences among parameters.
According to the meteorological data
obtained for the experimental area during
the 2018 and 2019 harvests, the period from
August to November corresponds to the period
with the lowest relative humidity, high average
temperatures (close to 30 °C), and high solar
radiation levels. These factors predictably con-
tribute to greater variation in the floral biology
of plants, affecting the emission of hermaphro-
dite flowers during the typical period of flower-
ing of the crop (Fig. 1). In 2018, low amounts
of rainfall were recorded during the months of
August and December, which, together with the
low relative humidity and high average tem-
peratures, probably altered the microclimate
of the area, thereby influencing the pattern of
flowering. The occurrence of high temperatures
during this period, along with the differences
in humidity and solar radiation, enabled the
cashew trees to channel larger amounts of pho-
toassimilates to the formation of new branches,
thus providing a physical structure of healthy
branches for the support and favorable distribu-
tion of inflorescences.
At the onset of the flowering cycle, pan-
icles assign a large proportion of the energy
contained in photoassimilates to the growth of
the main stem and the production of primary
branches, which serve as a structural basis for
the development of secondary branches. This
development of secondary branches becomes
more pronounced after 45 and 60 days of flow-
ering, when there is a greater incidence of solar
radiation and higher temperatures together with
greater panicle growth. In this regard, sev-
eral species exhibit gradual phenotypic changes
during the flowering period, corresponding to
variations determined by meteorological vari-
ables (Wadgymar et al., 2015). Changes in tem-
perature during the dry season, together with a
reduction in the length of the photoperiod, are
considered factors most conducive to the pro-
motion of flowering (Silvério & Lenza, 2010).
The production of flowers during periods of
lower rainfall is assumed to be a survival strat-
egy, which, in addition to avoiding damage to
the flowers from heavy rainfall (Janzen, 1967;
Sousa & Cunha, 2018), makes the flowers more
conspicuous to potential pollinators, thereby
enhancing pollination.
In the present study, we found that the
emission of hermaphroditic flowers was
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
associated with the characteristics of other
structural parameters of panicle morphology,
which influenced the proportions of these
flowers throughout the three evaluation peri-
ods. Structural parameters of panicle length
and width, primary/secondary branches, and
production of male flowers in panicles were
identified as the most important determinants.
In this sense, several studies have evaluated the
influence of panicle structure on fruit produc-
tion and quality, which are directly dependent
on the density of fertile flowers suitable for pol-
lination. Vidal-Neto et al. (2013) reported that
panicle structure is an important factor, as it
directly or indirectly influences the production
of hermaphroditic flowers. Thus, the oscillation
of climatic variables, mainly temperature, solar
radiation, and humidity, between the evalu-
ation periods, contributed to changes in the
development pattern of hermaphrodite flowers
in the panicles, reflecting changes in the avail-
able amounts of nutrients and photosyntates in
the plants directed to the formation of flowers
(Olsen & Martin, 1980).
We identified associations between differ-
ent floral components and the emission of her-
maphrodite flowers throughout the evaluation
period. At 30 days after the onset of flowering,
the length and width of the panicle were found
to affect the number of hermaphroditic flowers,
which to a large extent was expected, given
that an increase in panicle dimensions provides
mechanical support for better distribution of
branches in the inner structure of the inflo-
rescence. The flowering process is affected by
the structural characteristics of the aerial parts
(Ravishankar, 2014), with the composition
of floral buds being altered by the degree of
branch extension. Although this direct growth
relationship is clear in cashew, the panicle does
not grow in width and length simultaneously,
which is taken to be a strategy of the plant to
evenly distribute the photoassimilates among
panicle, as the larger the panicle, the greater the
potential number of hermaphroditic flowers.
An increase in the width of the inflores-
cences promotes a greater allocation of pho-
tosynthetic resources to the panicle structure,
thereby initiating a greater expansion in the
primary and secondary branches, the structures
of which are essential for the effective distribu-
tion of new flowers. This broad inflorescence
structure contributes to enhancing the pollina-
tion and fertilization of hermaphrodite flowers,
which develop throughout the period of bloom-
ing. Conversely, the development of narrower
panicles would limit the access of pollinators
to flower buds, thereby leading to pollination
deficits, and thus potentially compromising
the desired productivity (Freitas, 2014). A
further characteristic that tends to preclude
the production of hermaphrodite flowers is the
development of male flowers. Male flowers,
when present in larger quantities in these inflo-
rescences, can interfere with the proportion of
hermaphrodite flowers exposed to pollinators.
With the progression of flowering time,
we found that after 45 days, there was a direct
relationship between the emission of hermaph-
rodite flowers and the trend in male flower
production. During this period, there was peak
in male flower production, which accordingly
represents greater competition for photoassimi-
lates. Flowers are normally supplied via the
formation of new buds, which serve as a
depot for carbohydrates in the subterranean
and aerial organs of the plants (Baptist et al.,
2009). Therefore, if the production of flowers
is sustained by the provision of photoassimi-
lates, large amounts of which are consumed in
the production of male flowers, there will be a
reduction in the availability of these resources
for the production of hermaphrodite flowers.
Another important feature to be highlighted in
this context is that flowers of the cashew tree
abort during flowering. Consequently, floral
parameters that might initially contribute to
flower development may no longer make a
prominent contribution when evaluated later
during the flowering period, as the number of
hermaphrodites tends to decline as a conse-
quence of abortion.
The production of large numbers of male
flowers consumes large amounts of energy, the
expenditure of which results in a reduction in
production efficiency (Araújo, 2013; Pinheiro
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
et al., 1993). In this regard, anacardiaceous
species are typically characterized by prolific
flower abortion and, accordingly, it can be con-
jectured that over time, the length and width
of panicles might no longer explain the num-
ber of hermaphroditic flowers present. At 60
days into the flowering period, it is likely that
the composition of the continually developing
inflorescences comprise not only hermaph-
roditic, but also male and abnormal flowers.
During this period, increases in the length and
width of panicles occur as a consequence of the
sustained input of photoassimilates throughout
the flowering phase, which enables the different
cashew genotypes to maintain the growth of
vegetative structures. This is consistent with the
findings of Saroj et al. (2014), who observed
that the proportion and emission of hermaph-
rodite flowers differed significantly from the
development of new branches, due to the veg-
etative growth of the species.
In the present study, we detected positive
and negative linear correlations between the
morphological attributes of panicles and the
emission of hermaphrodite flowers, reinforcing
the fact that cashew flowers show associations
with the morphological structure of panicles,
irrespective of the evaluation period. Positive
linear correlations with structural components
at the beginning of the reproductive period
indicate that during this period, plants require
a sufficient quantity of photoassimilates to
strengthen development of the panicle struc-
ture, contributing to an increase in panicle
width. Furthermore, the negative linear corre-
lation between panicle length and the produc-
tion of hermaphroditic flowers indicates that
the greater the extension in panicle length, the
lower the production of hermaphrodite flowers.
In our evaluation of flowering at day
45, we detected a negative linear correlation
between the number of male and hermaphro-
dite flowers, indicating that a higher density
of male flowers tends to suppress the produc-
tion of hermaphrodite flowers, and vice versa,
due to competition for plant photoassimilates.
Evaluations performed at day 60 revealed posi-
tive linear correlations between the length and
number of primary branches, and the produc-
tion of hermaphrodite flowers in the panicles.
On the basis of these findings, we can deduce
that as flowering progresses, there is a conver-
sion of energy to promote an increase in the
growth of the panicle main axis, thereby posi-
tively influencing the production of hermaph-
rodite flowers in the branches. This, in turn, can
probably be attributable to the fact that a larger
panicle area is conducive to increased photo-
synthesis, thereby channeling larger amounts of
photosynthates for flower production.
With the advance of flowering, floral struc-
tures show significant development, concomi-
tant with a gain in fresh plant biomass and an
increase in branch expansion. Given their influ-
ence on the structure of panicles, the primary
branches of panicle have a notable influence
on the proportion of hermaphrodite flowers,
with the number of these branches showing a
positive correlation with the number of her-
maphrodite flowers. The greater the number of
primary branches, the greater the support base
for the development of new secondary branch-
es, which in turn facilitates the development of
new floral apices.
The flowering distribution in cashew was
found to be strongly dependent on the develop-
ment of the morphological parameters of pani-
cles, which changed over time. These alterations
promoted changes in the vegetative structures
of the species associated with an elongation of
the internodes, which subsequently developed
into productive branches, with the produc-
tion of an inflorescence in the terminal part
of the newly formed bud. Thus, the emission
of hermaphrodite flowers was altered due to
characteristic variations in the floral and repro-
ductive morphology of the crop, consequently
determining the potential production.
Collectively, our findings thus indicate
that changes in the vegetative structure at dif-
ferent time-points in the flowering period and
the variation between different harvest seasons
lead to differences in the parameters of panicle
floral morphology. Another important finding
is that the numbers of hermaphrodite flowers
were mainly influenced by panicle length and
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e52092, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 02, 2023)
width, the presence of primary branches, and
the production of male flowers in panicles. A
greater number of hermaphrodite flowers in the
panicles is fundamental in the selection of early
dwarf cashew tree clones.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is
no conflict of interest of any kind; and that
we followed all pertinent ethical and legal
procedures and requirements. All financial
sources are fully and clearly stated in the
acknowledgements section. A signed document
has been filed in the journal archives.
The authors are grateful to Empresa
Brasileira de Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), to
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher
Education Personnel–Brazil (CAPES), and
Postgraduate Program in Agronomy/Plant Sci-
ence of the Federal University of Ceará for
conducting this research.
Morphological characters of panicles and their relevance to the fitness of Anacardium occidentale
Morphological Characters Relevance to plant fitness
Number of male flowers Pollen grain production. The formation of the pollen grain plays a role in fertilization and
fruit production. A greater energy expenditure of the plant for the production of pollen,
results in a low productive efficiency.
Number of hermaphrodite
Fruit production. In addition to the male gamete (pollen grain), which serves as food for
visiting insects, this type of flower also has the female gamete (egg), located inside the
ovary. Therefore, these flowers result in the production of fruits.
Number of abnormal flowers They have a stamen arrangement similar to that of staminate and hermaphrodite flowers;
however, they do not present the most developed stamen or the pistil, being, therefore,
denominated as anomalous. They affect the concentration of fertile flowers that are suitable
for pollination. Differences related to floral structures contribute to variability in flower
quality, pollination efficiency, and uneven production.
Panicle biomass Allocation of photosynthetic resources that are directed to production of new floral gems.
The panicle area favors the increase of photosynthesis, energy conversion and the targeting
of photosyntates for the production of flowers.
Panicle length Panicle length extension. The expansion of the forming panicle affects the number of
flowers on the lateral and sublateral branches.
Maximum panicle width Greater dimensioning of photosynthetic resources in the partitioning of the panicle
structure, promoting greater expansion of primary and secondary branches, whose
structure is essential for the distribution of new flowers.
Number of panicle branches Physical structure of healthy branches for the support and distribution of inflorescences.
They serve as a structural basis for the development of primary and secondary branches,
which will support the development of flower buds.
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