Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
Effect of seasonality on the leaf phenology and physiology
of Byrsonima species (Malpighiaceae)
Bárbara Godinho Pereira1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5485-8211
Ana Paula de Faria1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7043-2480
Vinícius Coelho Kuster2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1236-486X
Ana Silvia Franco Pinheiro Moreira1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5090-5527
1. Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Institute of Biology, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, CEP 38400-902,
Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil; barbara.godinhop@gmail.com, anapdefaria@gmail.com,
anasilviamoreira@gmail.com (Correspondence*)
2. Laboratory of Plant Anatomy, Universidade Federal de Jataí, CEP 75801-615, Jataí, Goiás, Brazil;
Received 07-III-2022. Corrected 20-X-2022. Accepted 24-I-2023.
Introduction: Defined seasonality in savanna species can stimulate physiological responses that maximize
photosynthetic metabolism and productivity. However, those physiological responses are also linked to the phe-
nological status of the whole plant, including leaf phenophases.
Objective: To study how physiological traits influence phenophase timing among congeneric and co-occurring
savanna species.
Methods: We evaluated the leaf phenology and physiological traits of populations of Byrsonima intermedia, B.
coccolobifolia, and B. verbascifolia. Physiological measurements were performed at the onset of the dry and
rainy seasons and again late in the season.
Results: B. intermedia and B. coccolobifolia were classified as brevideciduous and B. verbascifolia as evergreen.
The maximum quantum yield for B. intermedia and B. coccolobifolia were lowest during the dry season. At the
onset of the dry period, the highest chloroplastidic pigment levels were observed, which decreased as the season
advanced, total chlorophyll/carotenoid ratios were lowest, and carotenoid contents were highest. We detected
low starch content values at the start of the rainy season, coinciding with the resumption of plant growth. Two
months into this season, the leaves were at their peak structural and functional maturity, with high water-soluble
polysaccharide values and photosynthetic rates, and were storing large amounts of starch.
Conclusions: Physiological and leaf phenological strategies of the Byrsonima species were related to drought
resistance and acclimatization to the seasonality of savanna water resources. The oscillations of the parameters
quantified during the year indicated a strong relationship with water seasonality and with the phenological status
of the leaves.
Key words: carbohydrate balance; Cerrado; drought; tree ecophysiology; leaf phenology; photosynthesis;
woody species.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
Low water availability is one of the envi-
ronmental factors that can most alter plant
structures and behavior (Reddy et al., 2004).
Among the strategies developed by plants
to survive dry periods are improvements of
antioxidant systems, changes in leaf osmotic
potentials, as well as in the periods of growth
and developmental of vegetative organs, adjust-
ments of photosynthetic metabolism, and mor-
phological such as increased leaf sclerophylly
(Chaves et al., 2002; Reddy et al., 2004; Reich
et al., 2003; Souza et al., 2015). Water deficits
can induce the development of leaves with
thick cuticles, low investments in mesophyll
formation, and large investments in lignin and
sclerenchyma that confer greater tissue den-
sity (Edwards et al., 2000; Lüttge et al., 1997;
Salleo & Nardini, 2000; Sobrado & Medina,
1980; Souza et al., 2015). Different morpho-
logical characteristics reflect different adaptive
processes to protect against high light intensi-
ties and long dry periods, while still ensuring
efficient photosynthetic levels (Ehleringer &
Mooney, 1978; Hoffmann et al., 2005; Nicotra
et al., 2011; Reich et al., 2003).
The temporal patterns of plant growth
observed in savanna environments are linked
to climatic seasonality especially the rainy and
dry seasons (Williams et al., 1997). The season-
ality of water resources stimulates leaf fall in
several species (Borchert et al., 2005; Morella-
to et al., 2000; Williams et al., 1997), although
the real trigger of leaf phenology remains
uncertain. Rapid decreases in soil moisture,
the activities of the endogenous process such
as stem rehydration (Reich & Borchert, 1984)
and photoperiodism (Rivera et al., 2002) have
been proposed to explain leaf fall. Despite that,
there is a consensus that resource seasonality is
the selective force behind distinct phenologi-
cal strategies (Camargo et al., 2018; Eamus &
Prior, 2001; Goldstein et al., 2008). Decidu-
ousness can have an adaptive advantage when
combined with other functional and structural
characteristics (Rossatto, 2013), as deciduous
species generally have leaves with shorter life
Efecto de la estacionalidad en la fenología y fisiología de especies de Byrsonima (Malpighiaceae)
Introducción: La marcada estacionalidad en las especies de sabana puede estimular respuestas fisiológicas
que maximicen el metabolismo fotosintético y la productividad. Sin embargo, esas respuestas fisiológicas están
vinculadas al estado fenológico de toda la planta, incluidas las fenofases de las hojas.
Objetivo: Estudiar cómo los rasgos fisiológicos influyen en el tiempo de la fenofase entre especies de sabana
congenéricas y concurrentes.
Métodos: Evaluamos la fenología y características fisiológicas de poblaciones de Byrsonima intermedia, B. coc-
colobifolia y B. verbascifolia. Las mediciones fisiológicas se realizaron al inicio de la estación seca y lluviosa,
y de nuevo al final de la estación.
Resultados: B. intermedia y B. coccolobifolia se clasificaron como brevicaducifolias y B. verbascifolia como
perennifolias. El rendimiento cuántico máximo para B. intermedia y B. coccolobifolia fueron más bajos durante
la época seca. Al inicio del período seco, se observaron niveles de pigmentos cloroplastídicos más altos, aunque
los niveles de clorofila disminuyeron a medida que avanzaba la estación seca, las proporciones clorofila/carot-
enoides totales fueron más bajas y los contenidos de carotenoides más altos. Detectamos valores bajos de con-
tenido de almidón al inicio de la época lluviosa, que coincide con la reanudación del crecimiento de la planta. A
dos meses de esta época, las hojas estaban en su máxima madurez estructural y funcional, con altos valores de
polisacáridos solubles en agua y tasas fotosintéticas, y almacenaban grandes cantidades de almidón.
Conclusiones: Las estrategias fisiológicas y fenológicas de las hojas de las especies de Byrsonima estaban rela-
cionadas con la resistencia a la sequía y la aclimatación a la estacionalidad de los recursos hídricos de la sabana.
Las oscilaciones de los parámetros cuantificados durante el año indicaron una fuerte relación con la estacionali-
dad hídrica y con los estados fenológicos de las hojas.
Palabras clave: balance de carbohidratos; Cerrado; sequía; ecofisiología de árboles; fenología de hojas; foto-
síntesis; especies leñosas.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
spans (and therefore greater investment in pho-
tosynthetic tissues), lower specific leaf masses,
and higher stomatal conductance and carbon
assimilation rates (Eamus et al., 1999; Ishida et
al., 2010). The leaves of evergreen species, on
the other hand, generally are expected to have
greater longevities, lower quantum yields, and
evidence of greater water use efficiencies (Ros-
satto et al., 2013; Somavilla et al., 2014; Wei et
al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2013).
Seasonal leaves may optimize carbon allo-
cation during different seasons (Kitajima et al.,
1997; Newell et al., 2002). Carbohydrates may
be constituents of cell walls, can be stored as
starch, or can be oxidized during respiration (as
small soluble sugars) (Pallardy, 2008). Those
soluble sugars can also decrease the osmotic
potentials of the plants and increase the water-
holding capacities of their tissues (Pallardy,
2008). Roots, stems, and leaves serve as stor-
age sites for carbohydrates, but the storage and
use of those resources appear to be related to
the phenology of carbon gain (Pallardy, 2008).
Maximum non-structural carbohydrate concen-
trations have been found when plant canopies
are at their fullest among seasonal species
(Newell et al., 2002) and, during any given
season (dry or rainy), the leaves may evidence
different patterns of sugar dynamics depending
on their phenological status, which led us to
analyze leaf sugar concentrations at different
times during the same season.
Herein, three congeneric Byrsonima spe-
cies from the Neotropical savanna were used as
a biological study model to analyze variations
in their physiological traits depending on the
timing of their leaf phenophases. Byrsonima
intermedia, B. coccolobifolia, and B. verbas-
cifolia have been described as evergreen (Boas
et al., 2013), deciduous (Silvério & Lenza,
2010), and brevideciduous (Kuster et al., 2017;
Lenza & Klink, 2006) respectively. Phenologi-
cal behaviors may change in different environ-
ments or during different periods (Borchert et
al., 2005; Cuzzuol & Clippel, 2009; Rivera
et al., 2002; Rossatto, 2013), which led us to
examine the phenological patterns of those
selected species in the field and address the
following questions: (i) are there variations in
plant functional traits during the same season?
(ii) Are there relationships between the func-
tional traits and the phenological statuses of the
studied species? We used specific leaf mass to
estimate investments in photosynthetic compo-
nents (Reich & Schoettle, 1988), and their rela-
tive water contents to indicate the water status
of the plant, chloroplastidic pigments, and fluo-
rescence parameters to evaluate the photosyn-
thetic apparatus and photochemical yields. We
also examined the carbohydrate balances of the
plants in each season, as well as the phenologi-
cal stages of the leaves of each species.
Study area and plant species: The present
study was carried out in savanna areas (Cerrado
sensu lato in Brazil) at the Panga Ecological
Station (19º11’40” S & 48º19’06” W), a Private
Natural Heritage Reserve (Reserva Ecológica
do Panga) belonging to the Universidade Fed-
eral de Uberlândia (UFU) and located 30 km
from Uberlândia in southeastern Brazil. The
area has many Cerrado savanna plant forma-
tions, which include open formations (wetlands
and savannas) and forest formations (dense
Cerrado, evergreen forests, and gallery forests)
(Gonçalves et al., 2021). The local climate is
humid subtropical, with hot austral summers
and dry winters (Cwa) (Alvares et al., 2014),
with an average annual rainfall of apprximately
1 500 mm and a mean annual temperature of
23 ºC. Precipitation and temperature data were
provided by the Meteorological Station of the
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia and are
presented in Fig. 1.
This study was undertaken in a fragment of
Cerrado sensu stricto vegetation, the dominant
phytophysiognomic formation in the reserve
(Gonçalves et al., 2021). Twenty-five adult
individuals of Byrsonima intermedia A. Juss
and B. cocolobifolia H. B. & K., as well as 20
individuals of B. verbascifolia (L.) DC were
randomly marked. Ten individuals of each spe-
cies (n = 10) were used for the physiological
analyses, considering one leaf per individual;
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
the remaining individuals were accompanied
during the phenological analyses (n = 15),
except for B. verbascifolia (with n = 10), due
to the low number of individuals of that species
in the Cerrado fragment.
Fully developed leaves, without signs of
herbivory, were collected both during the dry
season and the rainy season for physiological
analyses. Samples were collected at the onset
of the dry period (June/2016) and again later in
the dry season (August/2016), as well as at the
onset of the rainy season (December/2016) and
again later in the rainy season (February/2017)
(Fig. 1). Only young leaves were collected
from the three species in December/2016, as
leaf sprouting was the principal phenophase
of both B. intermedia and B. coccolobifolia
(Fig. 2, Fig. 3).
Phenological analyses: The vegeta-
tive phenology of the three species studied
was monitored every month. The presence or
absence of foliar events (leaf sprouting, mature
leaves, senescence, and abscission) were
recorded for each plant. This method estimates
the percentage of individuals in the population
evidencing a given phenological event and
indicates the synchronicity of that specific
phenological event during the year (Morellato
et al., 2010). The intensities of the foliar events
(the expression of each phenophase by popula-
tions) were estimated for each plant according
to Fournier (1974), using a semi-quantitative
interval scale of five categories (0 to 4). The
levels of leaf deciduousness were determined
considering: (1) evergreen species, as those that
retain their leaf areas approximately constant,
or immediately recover them throughout the
year (Borges & Prado, 2014; Camargo et al.,
2018); (2) brevideciduous species, as those that
retain approximately half of their leaves and
quickly replace them during the same season
(Borges & Prado, 2014; Lenza & Klink, 2006);
and (3) deciduous species, as those that lose
their leaves for a period of at least 30 days dur-
ing the year (Borges & Prado, 2014; Damascos
et al., 2005). This classification has been used
for many tree species growing in the Brazilian
savanna (Borges & Prado, 2014).
Specific leaf mass and relative water
content: The specific masses and relative water
Fig. 1. The seasonal climate in the Brazilian savanna with its rainy and dry seasons. Mean temperature (line) and monthly
rainfall rates (bars) from April/2016 to August/2017 are indicated. The periods of the physiological analyses are shown for
the dry season (onset of the dry season–June/2016, and near the end of the dry season - August/2016) as well as the rainy
season (onset of the rainy season – December/2016, and during the time of more prolonged rainfall–February/2017). The data
were acquired from the Meteorological Station at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (Uberlândia, southeastern Brazil).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
contents of the leaves were obtained consider-
ing mature leaves (completely expanded leaves
on the 2nd or 3rd node), except in December,
when leaf sprouting was the predominant phe-
nophase (and the most expanded leaf of the
same season was used for the determinations).
Specific leaf masses (SLM) and relative water
contents (RWC) were determined using 0.5
cm2 leaf fragments (n = 10 per species). Those
samples were weighed in order to obtain their
fresh masses (FM), and then oven-dried at 60
ºC for 72 h to obtain their dry masses (DM).
The SLM was obtained as the ratio between
the dry mass (DM) and sample area (A) fol-
lowing Witkowski & Lamont (1991), and the
sclerophylly index following Groom & Lamont
(1999). RWC was obtained based on the FM,
using the equation, according to Turner (1986).
Carbohydrate (starch, total soluble sug-
ars, and water-soluble polysaccharides) con-
tents and osmotic potential: Leaf samples
from each species (n = 10) were oven-dried,
ground, and homogenized, and 0.2 mg of
each sample was centrifuged in 15 ml of
methanol:chloroform:water (12:5:3) solution
Fig. 2. Intensities (circular histograms) and activity indices (table) of the leaf phenophases evaluated for Byrsonima
intermedia. The leaf sprouting was presented in green coloration, mature leaves in blue, senescence red, and abscission in
brown coloration. The results of the Rayleigh (z) test, the mean angle concentration index (R), and the mean angle (indicating
the month with the greatest vector) in each phenophase are listed in the table.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
for total soluble sugar (TSS) extraction. The
residues were resuspended in 5 ml of 10
% ethanol to determine their water-soluble
polysaccharide (WSP) contents. Starch con-
tent was determined after further resuspen-
sion of the residue in 5 ml of 30 % perchloric
acid. Carbohydrate content was determined by
the phenol-sulfuric acid colorimetric method
(Chow & Landhäusser, 2004; Dubois et al.,
1956), using glucose as the standard. The
absorbance of the characteristic yellow-orange
color of the extracts was measured at 490
nm for hexoses (Dubois et al., 1956), using a
spectrophotometer (BioSpectro, SP-220, São
Paulo, Brazil).
The osmotic potential (Ψs) was estimated
using van’t Hoffs equation as proposed by
Niinemets & Kull (1998). In this equation,
CAST is the total soluble sugar concentration
(kmol kg-1), Dw is the dry mass (DM)/fresh
mass (FM) (kg kg-1) ratio, σ is the water density
(kg m-3), R is the universal gas constant, and T
is the temperature in K°.
Chloroplastidic pigment content: To
obtain the chloroplastidic pigment contents,
Fig. 3. Intensities (circular histograms) and activity indices (table) of the leaf phenophases evaluated in Byrsonima
coccolobifolia. The leaf sprouting was presented in green coloration, mature leaves in blue, senescence red, and abscission in
brown coloration. The results of the Rayleigh (z) test, the mean angle concentration index (R), and the mean angle (indicating
the month with the greatest vector) in each phenophase are listed in the table.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
one leaf was collected from each plant (n = 10
per species), stored in a cool environment, and
protected from light until extraction. Leaf disks
(0.5 cm2 area) were immersed (under green
light) in 5 ml of 80 % acetone for 48 hours. The
samples were then grounded, and another 5 ml
of 80 % acetone was added. The extract was
subsequently centrifuged, and the supernatant
subjected to spectrophotometry at 470, 643
and 663 nm (BioSpectro spectrophotometer,
SP-220, São Paulo, Brazil). The Chlorophyll a,
b and carotenoid (xanthophylls and carotenes)
contents were calculated according to Lichten-
thaler & Wellburn (1983).
Photosynthetic efficiency (chlorophyll a
fluorescence): Photosynthetic efficiency was
assessed by the chlorophyll a fluorescence
method, using a modulated fluorometer (MINI-
PAM, Walz, Germany). Measurements were
performed on eight individuals of each species
(n = 8) between 8:00 and 11:30 am. The maxi-
mum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) values of pho-
tosystem II (PSII) were determined after leaf
adaptation to the dark for 30 min, with Fv cor-
responding to the difference between the maxi-
mum (Fm) and minimum (F0) fluorescence of
the dark-adapted PSII (Genty et al., 1989).
Data analysis: The seasonality of activity
and the intensities of the phenology data were
tested, and the mean angles and the concentra-
tion coefficients (r) of the phenophases (con-
sidering their mean periods) were calculated
using the Rayleigh (z) test for circular distribu-
tions (Zar, 1998). The concentration coefficient
refers to the length of the vector, and the mean
angle of that vector corresponds to the mean
date for the period around which a phenophase
activity is most concentrated. When the mean
angle is statistically significant, it means that
the phenophase demonstrates seasonality. The
concentration of the mean angle, indicated by
(r), can be considered a measure of the degree
of seasonality (Morellato et al., 2000). The cir-
cular tests were performed using the R software
package (R Core Team, 2014).
The specific leaf mass, relative water con-
tent, carbohydrate content, osmotic potential,
and chloroplastidic pigment content data were
evaluated by determining the existence of inter-
actions between predictor variables (months
and species). Differences between months and
between species were determined using gen-
eralized linear models (GLM) with Gaussian
distributions, with R software. Fisher’s F test
(R Core Team, 2014) and resources of the
Rcmdr package (Fox, 2005) were used. For the
variables whose F tests were significant, the
means among species and among months were
compared by the RT4Bio package test (Reis-
Junior et al., 2015).
For fluorescence data analysis, the exis-
tence of interactions between predictor variables
(months and species) and differences among
months and species were determined by gener-
alized linear mixed models (GLMM) using R
software (R Core Team, 2014). Data normality
was tested, followed by data log transformation,
and the Tukey test was applied to determine
variations among the different months.
Leaf phenology: Byrsonima intermedia
and B. coccolobifolia were classified as brevi-
deciduous because they conserve up to 50
% of their leaves throughout the year (Fig.
2, Fig. 3); B. verbascifolia was classified as
evergreen because it keeps most of its leaves
throughout the year (Fig. 4). The individuals of
each species showed synchronization of most
of their phenophases, except leaf abscission
in B. coccolobifolia. The concentration index
of the mean angle (r) was low for all three
species during sprouting, mature leaves, and
abscission, thus indicating poor synchrony
of the populations during those phenophases.
Byrsonima intermedia and B. coccolobifolia
produced new leaves throughout the year, but
their production was more concentrated in Sep-
tember-November (Fig. 2, Fig. 3). Byrsonima
verbascifolia, on the other hand, showed clear
seasonal sprouting, senescence, and abscission,
with no leaves retained between August and
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
September, and new leaf production starting at
the end of September (P 0.05, R = 0.541, and
mean angle = 124.0) (Fig. 4).
Variations of functional traits: Inter-
actions between months and species were
observed for many of the functional traits ana-
lyzed (water-soluble polysaccharides - F(6,95)
= 2.95, P 0.05, total soluble sugar - F(6,95) =
8.89, P 0.001, and osmotic potential based on
it - F(6,95) = 5.19, P 0.001, and total chloro-
phyll content - F(6.97) = 2.28, P 0.5), showing
the connection between the timing of each leaf
phenophase and the leaf phenological pattern
of each species.
No differences in SLM values were
observed when comparing months or species
separately (Fig. 5A), although the relative water
content values of B. intermedia showed lower
values at the onset of the rainy season (Decem-
ber, F(3,34) = 7.60, P 0.001), as compared to
the other months (Fig. 5B).
Considering the analysis of carbohydrates,
the three species showed differences in their
Fig. 4. Intensities (circular histograms) and activity indices (table) of the leaf phenophases evaluated in Byrsonima
verbascifolia. The leaf sprouting was presented in green coloration, mature leaves in blue, senescence red, and abscission in
brown coloration. The results of the Rayleigh (z) test, the mean angle concentration index (R), and the mean angle (indicating
the month with the greatest vector) in each phenophase are listed in the table.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
starch contents in terms of the timing of the
seasons (Fig. 6A). Byrsonima intermedia and
B. verbascifolia had lower starch contents at
the onset of the rainy season (December) than
during the other periods evaluated (F(3,28) =
3.73, P 0.05; F(3,35) = 5.93, P 0.01 respec-
tively). Byrsonima occolobifolia also evidenced
its lowest starch contents during the prolonged
dry season (August) as well as at the onset of
the rainy season (December) (F(3,32) = 3.26,
P 0.05), showing that this carbon resource
may be more related to the phenological status
of the leaves than to the season. Water-soluble
polysaccharide (WSP) concentrations were also
different only in terms of the timings of the sea-
sons (Fig. 6B). Byrsonima intermedia had the
highest WSP levels during the prolonged dry
season (August) and after the prolonged rainy
season (February) (F(3,28) = 38.46, P 0.001),
while B. coccolobifolia and B. verbascifolia had
their highest WSP levels during the prolonged
rainy season (February, F(3,32) = 33.82, P
0.001; F(3,35) = 11.33, P 0.001, respectively).
The lowest values were observed at the onset of
the dry season (June) for all the species.
Regarding the total soluble sugar (TSS)
results (Fig. 6C), differences were observed
among species and among the timings of the
Fig. 5. A. Specific leaf mass–SLM, and B. B. and relative water content–RWC of Byrsonima intermedia-white bars,
Byrsonima coccolobifolia-gray bars, and Byrsonima verbascifolia-black bars. Samples were collected at the onset of the
dry season (June), after the prolonged dry season (August), as well as at the onset of the rainy season (December) and
after the prolonged rainy season (February). Data are reported as the mean ± standard error of the mean. Lower case letters
represent differences between months (seasons). The absence of any letter signifies the absence of any difference between
those factors.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
seasons. Byrsonima verbascifolia had higher
values than the other species during the pro-
longed dry season (August) (F(2,17) = 7.22, P
0.01) and after the more prolonged rainy season
(February) (F(2,25) = 18.7, P 0.001), with its
lowest values at the onset of the rainy season
(December) (F(2,27) = 9, 07, P 0.001). Com-
paring the timing of the seasons, B. intermedia
and B. coccolobifolia showed oscillations dur-
ing the year, with the highest TSS values at the
onset of both the dry season (June) and the rainy
season (December) (F(3,28) = 10.54, P 0.001;
F(3,32) = 14.76, P 0.001 respectively). Byrson-
ima verbascifolia had the lowest TSS levels at
the onset of the rainy season (December) (F(3.,5)
= 3.80, P 0.05). Osmotic adjustments based
on total soluble sugars (Ψs) (Fig. 6D) showed
differences only among months. Byrsonima
intermedia had the lowest Ψs values at the onset
of the rainy season (December) (F(3,28) = 9.61,
P 0.001), while B. coccolobifolia evidenced
oscillations, with the lowest values at the onset
of the dry season (June) and at the onset of the
rainy season (December) (F(3,32) = 12.50, P
0.001). Byrsonima verbascifolia evidenced no
differences among the different months.
Comparing the three species, differences
could be observed in their total chlorophyll
contents–TCC (Fig. 7A) and total chlorophyll/
carotenoid ratios (Fig. 7B), reinforcing the
different patterns among the different species
and oscillations within the same season. The
different patterns among the different species
could be detected by observing that Byrsonima
Fig. 6. Carbohydrate content in three Byrsonima species. Samples were collected at the onset of the dry season (June),
after the prolonged dry season (August), at the onset of the rainy season (December), and after the prolonged rainy season
(February). A. Starch content. B. Water-soluble polysaccharides (WSP). C. Total soluble sugars (TSS). D. Osmotic potentials
(Ψs). Data are reported here as the mean ± standard error. Lower case letters represent differences between months (seasons),
while upper-case letters represent differences between species. Byrsonima intermedia-white bars; Byrsonima coccolobifolia-
gray bars; and Byrsonima verbascifolia-black bars.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
intermedia had higher TCC values than the
other species during the prolonged dry season
(August) and after the prolonged rainy season
(February) (F(2.22) = 6.26, P 0.5, F(2.27) =
3.43, P 0.5, respectively) (Fig. 7A). The high-
est values of the total chlorophyll/carotenoid
ratios were observed in B. verbascifolia at the
onset of the rainy season (December) (F(2.25)
= 5.44, P 0.5) and in B. intermedia after
the prolonged rainy season (February, F(2.27)
= 7.11, P 0.5) (Fig. 7B). There were no dif-
ferences in carotenoid contents or chlorophyll
a/b ratios among the different species (Fig. 7C,
Fig. 7D). Comparing the months, it was pos-
sible to detect changes in the total chlorophyll
content (Fig. 7A), total chlorophyll/carotenoid
ratio (Fig. 7B), and carotenoid content (Fig.
7C). Byrsonima intermedia evidenced its low-
est total chlorophyll content value during the
prolonged dry season (August-F(3,34) = 7.82, P
0.5), while B. coccolobifolia had its highest
chlorophyll levels at the onsets of the dry (June)
and rainy seasons (December) (F(3,30) = 11.30,
P 0.5) (Fig. 7A); Byrsonima verbascifolia
evidenced oscillating values throughout the
year, with its highest total chlorophyll content
being observed at the onset of the dry season
(June) (F(3,105) = 27,54, P 0,5) (Fig. 7A). Con-
sidering the chlorophyll/carotenoid ratio, Byr-
sonima intermedia and B. coccolobifolia had
their lowest values during the prolonged dry
season (August - F(3,34) = 6.67, p 0.5; F(3,30) =
Fig. 7. Chloroplastidic pigment contents of Byrsonima intermedia-white bars, Byrsonima coccolobifolia-gray bars, and
Byrsonima verbascifolia-black bars at the onset of the dry season (June) and after the prolonged dry season (August), and
at the onset of the rainy season (December) and after the prolonged rainy season (February). A. Total chlorophyll content.
B. Chlorophyll/carotenoid content. C. Carotenoid content. D. Chlorophyll a/b ratio. Data are reported here as the mean ±
standard error of the mean. Capital letters represent differences among the different species, and lower-case letters represent
differences among the different months. The absence of any letter signifies the absence of any difference between the factors.
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
5.64, P 0.5 respectively), while B. verbascifo-
lia evidenced oscillating values during the year,
with its highest values at the onsets of the dry
(June) and rainy (December) seasons (F(3,105) =
4.73, P 0.5) (Fig. 7B). Carotenoid contents
were higher in B. intermedia and B. verbas-
cifolia at the onset of the dry season (June)
(F(3,34) = 3.18, P 0.5; F(3,105) = 6.27, P 0.5
respectively), but B. coccolobifolia evidenced
oscillating values during the different months,
being higher at the onsets of the dry (June) and
rainy (December) seasons (F(3,30) = 7.80, P
0.5) (Fig. 7C). No differences in chlorophyll
a/b ratios were observed among the different
months (Fig. 7D). Despite the observed chang-
es in photosynthetic pigment contents, few
modifications of chlorophyll fluorescence were
detected, highlighting the lowest maximum
quantum yield (Fv/Fm) values for B. intermedia
and B. coccolobifolia during the dry season (χ
= 17.57, df = 3, P < 0.05) (Table 1).
The leaf phenology described for the three
Byrsonima species studied here are different
from their previously reported patterns (Boas
et al., 2013; Kuster et al., 2017; Lenza &
Klink, 2006; Silvério & Lenza, 2010), with
B. intermedia and B. coccolobifolia classified
here as brevideciduous and B. verbascifolia
as evergreen. Our data reinforce the view that
environmental seasonality may act differently
on plant growth and development, changing
phenological expression mainly when related
to water resource availability during the year
(Borchert et al., 2005; Cuzzuol & Clippel,
2009; Morellato et al., 2000; Williams et al.,
1997) and to photoperiod differences during
the transition from the dry to the rainy season
(Rivera et al., 2002; Rossatto, 2013). Byr-
sonima intermedia, B. coccolobifolia, and B.
verbascifolia initiated new leaf sprouting in the
transition between the dry to rainy period. The
peak of leaf sprouting occurs at the onset of the
rainy season and, independent of an induction
factor, new leaf production occurred at a time
that guaranteed tissues with high productivity
during the period of greatest water availability.
Additionally, the timing of each leaf pheno-
phase seems to be determinant for whole plant
metabolism in Byrsonima species, adjusting
them to seasonal resource availability.
The discrepancies found between our
phenological data and those reported in the
literature indicate the phenological plasticity
of Byrsonima species, which may alter their
leaf phenology in response to environmental
changes within the same ecosystem. Varia-
tions in the phenological behaviors of plant
species indicate different strategies in response
to similar environmental conditions (Camargo
et al., 2018). The marked seasonality of water
resource availability in the savanna leads to the
predominance of brevideciduous species within
the plant community (Camargo et al., 2018;
Kikusawa, 1991), which, like B. intermedia and
Maximum quantum yields of photosystem II (Fv / Fm) of the three Byrsonima species. Measurements were made at the onset
of the dry season (June) and after the prolonged dry season (August), as well as at the onset of the rainy season (December)
and after the prolonged rainy season (February), in a savanna environment
Dry season Rainy season
The onset of the
dry season
dry season
The onset of the
rainy season
rainy season
B. intermedia 0.733 ± 0.07b 0.739 ± 0.01b 0.771 ± 0.07ab 0.805 ± 0.01a
B. coccolobifolia 0.710 ± 0.08b 0.721 ± 0.06b 0.796 ± 0.04ab 0.804 ± 0.03a
B. verbascifolia 0.795 ± 0.04ab 0.778 ± 0.01ab 0.812 ± 0.02a 0.808 ± 0.03a
* Lower case letters indicate differences among the different months according to ANOVA, at a 5 % level of probability.
Values are reported as the mean ± standard deviation.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
B. coccolobifolia in our study, lose their leaves
during the dry season as a mechanism of water
stress escape by reducing transpiration (Loh-
beck et al., 2015; Singh & Kushwaha, 2016).
Evergreen species (such as B. verbascifolia in
our study) maintain their leaves during the dry
season, but generally have other strategies to
overcome water stress (such as xylopodia or
well-developed deep root systems with greater
water absorption efficiency) (Franco et al.,
2005; Jackson et al., 1999) that allow them
to maintain their leaves throughout the year
(Franco et al., 2005).
Evergreen species commonly have higher
SLM values than deciduous species, but that
was not observed in our study. SLM represents
a balance between leaf density and leaf thick-
ness (Witkowski & Lamont, 1991), and may
be used to quantify how much matter the plant
invests per unit of photosynthetic area (Villar
et al., 2013); it can also determine differences
in water storage capacities. The similar SLM
values among the different Byrsonima species
may have influenced RWC. Furthermore, the
similar environmental conditions that the three
Byrsonima species studied here were subjected
to affect their SLM values, as their leaves are
more sensitive to the prevailing conditions
during leaf expansion (Witkowski & Lamont,
1991), including light, temperature, water scar-
city, and nutrients (Meziane & Shipley, 1999;
Niinemets, 2001; Poorter et al., 2009; Tholen
et al., 2012). Ishida et al. (2010), in their stud-
ies of evergreen and deciduous species, showed
that differences related to hydraulic conduc-
tance and osmotic adjustments in plants are
more dependent on the species themselves than
on phenological patterns, an observation that
seems to fit for Byrsonima species.
The phenophases of evergreen species are
less dependent on rainfall (Singh et al., 2006),
but can serve as good models for studies of the
effects of water seasonality on the dynamics
of stomatal opening, and its implications for
CO2 assimilation. In general, evergreen species
evidence better control of stomatal conduc-
tance and have leaf characteristics that reduce
transpirational water losses (stomatal hydraulic
resistance may represent 30 to 80 % of the
total hydraulic resistance of the plant body)
(Ishida et al., 2010). The reduction of stomatal
conductance, however, directly affects the entry
of CO2, and therefore reduces assimilation
efficiency (Chaves et al., 2002). The similar
maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) values seen
in B. verbascifolia throughout the year suggest
greater water use by that evergreen species
(Givnish, 2002; Ishida et al., 2010) as well as
a sustained photosynthetic rate throughout the
year, allowing the old leaves to persist until
there is complete nutrient translocation to
younger leaves (Jackson, 1978).
The deciduous species studied here showed
higher photosynthetic yields during the season
of abundant water supply (Table 1), mainly
after complete hydric recovery during the pro-
longed rainy season. Low precipitation is usu-
ally responsible for the low photosynthetic
yields observed in savanna plants under water
deficit conditions (Ronquim et al., 2009; Zhang
et al., 2007). A low water potential during
the dry season in Copaifera langsdorffii was
enough to impose significant restrictions on
total photosynthesis (Ronquim et al., 2009). In
the present study, however, the three Byrsonima
species evidenced strategies that guaranteed
the maintenance of the water statuses of their
leaves during the dry season, and despite the
low Fv/Fm values observed during the extended
dry season in the deciduous species, their pho-
tosynthetic yields were not severely affected
by water deficits. Medina & Francisco (1994)
reported that Godmania macrocarpa (and other
plant species) were also able to maintain high
photosynthetic rates even with low relative
water contents during the dry season.
The concentrations of chloroplastidic pig-
ments in savanna plants may vary between
the dry and rainy seasons, as was seen with
B. verbascifolia and Solanum lycocarpum
respectively (Kuster et al., 2017). The high-
est concentrations of chloroplastidic pigments
were observed in our study at the onset of the
dry season (June), although those chlorophyll
levels decreased with the advance of the dry
season. Our data reinforce that chloroplastidic
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
pigment concentrations are not related solely
to light variations, but also vary with other
environmental conditions, such as water avail-
ability and phenological conditions. Similar
results were reported for Polylepis tarapa-
cana and other plant species (González et al.,
2007; Inoue, 2010). According to Inoue (2010),
increased pigment contents may be related
to lower solar incidence during the winter
months, although that might not be the case
with vegetation formations in tropical regions
having open canopies. The high concentra-
tions of chloroplastidic pigments seen in the
Byrsonima species studied here appeared to be
a strategy to maintain high photosynthetic rates
in the remaining leaves. Moreover, the lowest
total chlorophyll/carotenoid ratios and the high
carotenoid content values encountered at the
onset of the dry season indicate that, under
water deficit conditions, Byrsonima plants still
invest in mechanisms of photoprotection and
excess energy dissipation in their photosyn-
thetic systems.
The resumption of plant growth at the
end of the dry season/beginning of the rainy
season in the three Byrsonima species studied
here, help explain the low leaf starch contents
observed at the onset of the rainy season. In
contrast, at two months into the rainy season
the leaves are at their peaks of structural and
functional maturity, with high water-soluble
polysaccharide contents (including structural
carbohydrates such as pectins) and high pho-
tosynthetic rates–with the storage of large
amounts of starch. Similar observations were
made of the leaves of Sinningia aghensis (Cuz-
zuol & Clippel, 2009) during the rainy season,
with higher starch contents after prolonged
rains as a consequence of higher photosyn-
thetic yields due to greater water availability
and greater synthesis of photoassimilates and
carbohydrate storage. The high Fv/Fm values
observed here in the prolonged rainy season
demonstrate the maturity of the photosynthetic
tissues in the month following leaf sprouting in
abundantly available water. The high Fv/Fm val-
ues also point to the absence of severe photo-
inhibition and suggest the presence of effective
mechanisms for excess energy dissipation even
during the dry season.
Many studies have reported that savanna
tree species are isohydric (maintaining their
water contents relatively constant throughout
the year and not performing osmotic adjust-
ments), as they have deep root systems and
can extract water from the deepest soil layers
(Bucci et al., 2005; Bucci et al., 2008; Franco,
1998; Meinzer et al., 1999; Prado et al., 2004).
Osmotic adjustment is, however, an acclimati-
zation response and an adaptation that keeps
photosynthetic tissues hydrated under water
deficit conditions, (and may reflect high con-
centrations of soluble carbohydrates in meso-
phyll cells (Chaves et al., 2009; Irigoyen et
al., 1992; Vieira et al., 2017), as was observed
in the present study. Medina and Francisco
(1994) detected osmotic adjustments in Cura-
tella americana and Godmania macrocarpa,
two Venezuelan savanna species with contrast-
ing foliar phenologies. The maintenance of
leaf conductance at low water potential levels
in both species was ensured by reductions of
their osmotic potentials related to increases in
their soluble sugar concentrations (Medina &
Francisco, 1994). Here, only B. coccolobifolia
showed low osmotic potential throughout the
dry season, evidencing osmotic adjustment
as an alternative to the maintenance of their
relative leaf water contents. Byrsonima inter-
media and B. coccolobifolia, on the other hand,
evidenced lower osmotic potential values at
the onset of the rainy season, with high total
soluble sugar values possibly indicating the
mobilization of carbohydrate reserves at the
beginning of the flowering period.
Our data showed divergences in the leaf
phenology of three Byrsonima species in rela-
tion to previous studies, demonstrating the
importance of confirming the phenology of
plants before undertaking ecophysiological
studies. Savanna seasonality did not drastically
affect the photosynthetic efficiencies of the
Byrsonima species studied here, even during
periods of low water availability. The seasonal-
ity of their carbohydrate contents evidenced
osmotic adjustments in B. verbascifolia that
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e50344, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado 02 de febrero, 2023)
helped conserve its relative water content dur-
ing the dry season and represented a mobili-
zation of soluble sugars at the beginning of
the flowering period. The metabolic differ-
ences between the onsets and peaks of the same
seasons indicate the high importance of the
phenological status of the leaves (or even the
whole plant). Thus, differences in the leaf phe-
nology and physiological strategies among the
Byrsonima species studied here converged on
drought resistance and the seasonality of water
resources in the Brazilian savanna.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
The authors thank CAPES for the scholar-
ships, CNPq and FAPEMIG for their financial
support of the PELD program, Alan N. da
Costa for identifying the species in the field,
Gudryan J. Barônio for assistance with the
statistical analyses, and Roy Funch for English
language revision of the final text.
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