Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
Time partitioning among neotropical frugivorous bats:
effects of phylogeny, body size, and abundance
Manuel Francisco Cano
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0238-1762
Oscar E. Murillo-García
; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5040-7894
1. Grupo de Ecología Animal, Departamento de Biología, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia;
manuel.cano@correounivalle.edu.co (*Correspondence), oscar.murillo@correounivalle.edu.co
Received 18-VI-2021. Corrected 20-IX-2021. Accepted 13-X-2021.
Introduction: Resource partitioning by promoting coexistence is essential to determine species richness and
composition in natural communities. However, the partitioning of time has been questioned as a mechanism that
promotes the coexistence of ecologically similar species.
Objective: To determine the importance of the partitioning of time as a mechanism that promotes coexistence,
we compared the activity patterns of tropical frugivorous bats.
Methods: We captured bats with mist nets from sunset to sunrise in three study sites (tropical dry forest, wet
forest, and rainforest) to calculate activity patterns of the species using Kernel density estimation. We used the
superposition coefficient (Δ
) to compare activity patterns between (1) bat assemblages of study sites, (2) fru-
givorous species in the same site, and (3) populations of the same species among different sites. To determine
whether the overlap in the activity patterns was related to the ecological similarity of species, we evaluated the
association between Δ
and similarity in abundances and body mass and phylogenetic closeness.
Results: We found geographical variations in the overall activity patterns of the assemblages of the three locali-
ties. Likewise, we found variations in activity patterns between species at each study site and between popula-
tions in different study sites. Overlap in activity patterns tended to decrease as species were phylogenetically
more closely related and similar in abundance and body size.
Conclusions: Our results provide empirical support for the role of temporal segregation in activity patterns as a
mechanism that promotes the coexistence of ecologically similar species in nature.
Key words: competition; niche overlapping; temporal segregation; ecological segregation; ecologically similar
species; species coexistence.
Cano, M. F., & Murillo-García, O. E. (2021). Time partitioning
among neotropical frugivorous bats: effects of phylogeny,
body size, and abundance. Revista de Biología Tropical,
69(4), 1149-1163. https://doi.org/10.15517/rbt.v69i4.47487
Interspecific interactions are essential to
determine species richness and composition in
natural communities (Chase & Leibold, 2003;
Colorado-Zuluaga, 2015; Diamond, 1975). In
particular, competition is considered a critical
interaction since its reduction or avoidance
promotes resource partitioning of ecological-
ly similar species (Holt, 2001; Klatt et al.,
2015). Thus, temporal and spatial segregation
of ecologically similar species can result from
the effect of interspecific competition, which
may have ecological and evolutionary implica-
tions by constituting a mechanism that allows
coexistence between species and, so, affect-
ing the structure of biological communities
(Kronfeld-Schor & Dayan, 2003). The remov-
al of an ecologically similar species leads
to changes in the temporal activity patterns
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
and habitat use of competing species (Ziv et
al., 1993), suggesting temporal segregation;
however, it is considered less common than
dietary specialization and spatial segregation
(Schoener, 1974). Consequently, the ecological
significance of segregation in temporal activ-
ity to facilitate the coexistence of species is
still controversial (Zeppelini et al., 2017), and
this segregation is usually associated with the
circadian rhythms of species (Kronfeld-Schor
& Dayan, 2003).
The temporal activity patterns of species
can vary across their geographic ranges in
response to biotic and abiotic factors (Vieira
et al., 2017). In small mammals, the degree of
flexibility in the temporal activity pattern is
associated with predation risk, so species with
a higher predation risk tend to have less flex-
ible activity patterns (Halle & Stenseth, 2000).
Besides, abiotic factors (such as temperature,
precipitation, and photoperiod) tend to influ-
ence the activity patterns of certain groups of
organisms (Kronfeld-Schor & Dayan, 2003;
Vieira et al., 2017), with different effects and
magnitudes depending on the animal group
(Vieira et al., 2017). Variations in the daily
activity patterns of species between locations
possibly reflect fluctuations in food availability
or foraging strategies (O’Donnell, 2010; Vieira
et al., 2017). Due to the multiple factors that
can influence the temporal activity of species,
assessing the importance of temporal segrega-
tion as a mechanism of coexistence requires
understanding spatial and temporal variation in
activity patterns of ecologically diverse groups.
However, partitioning of time among species
has been less studied than spatial partitioning.
Bats are highly diverse, abundant, and
ecologically important in tropical forests; thus,
understanding their activity patterns can help
unravel the mechanisms that determine the
local diversity of assemblages. Temporal activ-
ity patterns are known for some species of Neo-
tropical bats (Brown, 1968; Rocha et al., 2020;
Zeppelini et al., 2017), vary spatially, and are
influenced by the availability of resources:
vegetation structure, nectar availability, energy
requirements, and activity patterns of their
preys (Kunz, 1973; Rothenwöhrer et al., 2011).
For insectivorous bats, the temporal variation in
activity patterns is related to the temporal dis-
tribution of insects (Hagen & Sabo, 2014; Kue-
nzi & Morrison, 2003; Speakman et al., 2000).
For canopy frugivores, there are regulatory fac-
tors of the activity patterns as climatic seasons
and lunar cycles, mainly associated with full
moon nights (Lang et al., 2005; Santos-Moreno
et al., 2010; Zeppelini et al., 2019) and several
unpredictable factors such as precipitation and
environmental disturbance (López-González et
al., 2012; Milne et al., 2005). However, despite
the high local richness of bats, time partitioning
as a mechanism structuring bat assemblages
remains poorly studied.
Neotropical frugivorous bats, in particular,
are a rich local guild with a high potential for
niche overlap and interspecific competition,
resulting from a close phylogenetic relationship
since all species belong to the Phyllostomidae
family. Thus, studying Neotropical frugivorous
bats’ activity patterns can help to understand
the mechanisms that allow the coexistence of
species in highly diverse assemblages. For bats
of Carolliinae subfamily, differences in noctur-
nal activity among closely related have been
reported (Bonaccorso et al., 2007; Delaval et
al., 2005). Besides, base on a high spatial over-
lap on foraging sites, the differences in mean
emergence time among Carollia castanea y C.
brevicauda seem to avoid competition and sug-
gests the existence of exploitative competition
between them (Bonaccorso et al., 2007). How-
ever, comparisons of activity patterns between
pairs of closely related species have concluded
that the activity peaks of fruit bats have not
evolved to reduce competition between them
(Aguiar & Marinho-Filho, 2004; Zeppelini et
al., 2017). Hence, empirical studies are needed
to fully understand the importance of segrega-
tion in temporal activity as a mechanism that,
by reducing competition, promotes coexistence
in bat assemblages.
To understand the importance of time
partitioning for the coexistence of ecologi-
cally similar species, we studied the temporal
activity patterns of assemblages of Neotropical
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
frugivorous bats in three ecosystems (tropical
dry forest, wetforest, and rainforest). We com-
pared the degree of overlap in temporal activity
at different levels: A) Community, contrasting
assemblages between study areas; B) inter-
specific, comparing species inside each of the
assemblages; and C) intra-specific, comparing
the same species between study areas. We
compared temporal activity by estimating the
degree of overlap in hourly activity between
species pairs. Additionally, we evaluated the
association between the degree of overlap in
temporal activity and the differences in body
size, abundance, and phylogenetic relationship
at each site. We predict that: (1) the temporal
overlap between assemblages of bats will be
low, indicating that temporal activity patterns
will be different between assemblages due to
adjusting of species to contrasting local envi-
ronmental and biotic conditions between sites
(O’Donnell, 2010; Vieira et al., 2017; Vilella
et al., 2020); (2) in each site, the overlap in
temporal activity of species will decrease as
species are more similar in size, abundance, or
phylogenetically (Castro-Arellano & Lacher,
2009; Nagy-Reis et al., 2018) and (3) the tem-
poral overlap between populations of the same
species will be low, indicating that temporal
activity patterns of the same species will dif-
fer between sites due to adjusting of species to
contrasting local biotic and abiotic conditions
between sites (O’Donnell, 2010; Vieira et al.,
2017; Vilella et al., 2020).
Study area: The research was carried out
in three study sites that, according to Hold-
ridge (1967), represent different life zones
in Valle del Cauca, Colombia (Fig. 1). 1) El
Vínculo Regional Natural Park (3°50’12” N &
76°17’58” W): A protected fragment of tropical
dry forest of 83 ha (Funagua, 2010) with wood-
ed areas in different stages of natural regenera-
tion such as intervened primary forest (Bp-i),
secondary forest (Bs), and scrub (M) (Cadelo-
Cabrera & Parra-Valencia, 2007). El Vínculo
has altitudes between 997 and 1 150 m above
sea level (m.a.s.l.), an average temperature of
25 °C, and an annual rainfall of 1 380 mm.
Fig. 1. Study area showing sampling sites. Dry forest (El Vínculo Regional Park), wet forest (Pericos Community Reserve),
and rainforest (Bachué Reserve).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
2) Pericos Natural Reserve (3°50’39” N &
76°47’22” W): A community-managed reserve
that contains an extensive area of wet forest
(440 ha) in the Choco Biogeographic region,
on the Western slope of the Western mountain
range of the Andes. The reserve is located in
the Dagua river basin at 500 m.a.s.l., has a high
annual rainfall of above 5 000 mm, and temper-
atures above 24 °C (Funagua, 2010). 3) Bachué
Nature Reserve (3°19’50” N & 76°39’15” W):
A private reserve of 2 000 ha of rainforest with
intervened primary and secondary forest areas
in the Tropical Andes region. It is located in
the Farallones de Cali National Natural Park
buffer zone at 1 800 m.a.s.l., at the confluence
of the Pato and Pance rivers. The temperature
varies from 16 to 24 °C and has an annual rain-
fall between 2 000 and 3 000 mm (Fundación
Farallones, 2013).
Sampling method: We sampled bats
between July and October 2018 using mist
nets. Each study site was sampled once at
nighttime for a total sampling of 44 nights: 15
nights at the Vínculo and Pericos and 14 nights
at Bachué. To determine the activity patterns
of the frugivorous bats, we captured specimens
using ten mist-nets (2.5 × 12 m) for a total
of 158 400 m
-net/h in the localities: 54 000
-net/h in Vínculo and Pericos, and 50 400
-net/h in Bachué.
The mist nets were deployed in areas suit-
able for bat captures, such as forest clearings,
trails, and water sources. We relocated them
every two nights to include the variation in
vegetation cover of each locality. The nets were
checked hourly, from 18:00 to 6:00 h, due to
the low catch rates of individuals. However,
in case of rain, intervals of net checking were
shorter, or nets were closed. We kept all cap-
tured individuals in cloth bags and classified
them taxonomically using a field guide from
South America (Díaz et al., 2016). Addition-
ally, the weight of each individual was recorded
and considered as a surrogate of body size.
To avoid pseudo-replication, individuals were
marked with haircuts in the lower dorsal region
(close to the uropatagium). Finally, we fed
individuals with fruit compote before being
released. The study was covered by the permit
for the sampling and handling of wild animals
1 070 (28/08/2015) issue by National Authority
for Environmental Licenses (ANLA) to Uni-
versidad del Valle. All applicable international,
national, and institutional guidelines for the
care and use of animals were followed.
Data analysis: We used the distribution
that describes the probability of capture within
any particular hourly interval of the day to
characterize the temporal activity patterns.
Thus, we used the probability density func-
tion, calculated with the Kernel method of the
overlap R-package (Meredith & Ridout, 2017),
to describe activity patterns. First, we calcu-
lated the activity pattern for each assemblage
of frugivorous bats (by adding all the capture
data from a given site) and for each species at
each locality. For analysis, we only considered
species with at least ten records. Posteriorly,
we quantified the extent of overlap between
the correspondent estimated distributions of
two assemblages or species to compare activ-
ity patterns. The overlapping coefficient
quantifies the area of overlap between pairs
of density curves and is recommended for
small sample sizes (less than 50 records per
species) (Meredith & Ridout, 2014). So, we
used Δ
to quantify the differences in hourly
activity between assemblages or species. This
coefficient varies between 0 (no overlap) and
1 (complete overlap) (Linkie & Ridout, 2011;
Meredith & Ridout, 2017). Finally, we gener-
ated 95 % confidence intervals for ∆1 using
the Bootstrap method from 1 000 repetitions
(Meredith & Ridout, 2014). Then, we used
these confidence intervals to determine wheth-
er activity patterns were different (between
assemblages and populations of species in
various sites) or whether temporal segregation
was present (between species at each site).
Between sympatric species of genus Carollia,
the early emergence of 14 min for the small
species (C. castanea) is enough to foraging,
avoiding competition with the more dominant
and larger species (C. brevicauda) (Bonaccorso
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
et al., 2007). Thus, we considered differences
or temporal segregation when the upper levels
of confidence intervals for the overlap index
were less than 0.9, indicating that the activity
patterns diverged by at least 10 %.
To determine whether the overlap in the
activity patterns was related to the ecological
similarity of species, we evaluated the associa-
tion between Δ
and similarity in abundances
and body mass and phylogenetic closeness.
For this, we calculated matrices of similarity in
activity patterns
), differences in body mass
and abundance, and phylogenetic distance for
each pair of species at each site. We calculated
the abundance matrix based on the differences
in captures between species from the same
locality, the body size matrix based on the dif-
ference in average body mass between each
pair of species, and the phylogenetic matrix
based on the patristic distances (index of phy-
logenetic distance) between species pairs using
a phylogeny of Noctilionoidea superfamily
(Rojas et al., 2016), which includes more than
90 % of genera and 76 % of the superfamily
species. Finally, to determine the degree of
association of the temporal overlap matrix with
the matrices of abundance, body size, and phy-
logenetics, we performed Mantel tests using the
vegan package (Oksanen et al., 2017) in the R
programming language (R Core Team, 2017).
A total of 21 species (350 individuals) of
frugivorous bats were captured. The highest
species richness was found in the site of wet
forest (Pericos: 13 species), followed by the
site of rainforest (Bachué: 10 species), and the
site of dry forest (El Vínculo: 7 species). Fru-
givorous bats of the genera Carollia and Arti-
beus obtained the highest number of records
in the wet forest and dry forest sites, while
those of genus Sturnira were dominant in the
rainforest site. Small frugivorous bats, such as
those of genus Vampyressa, had a low number
of captures (Table 1).
Species richness and abundance of frugivorous bats
in El Vínculo (dry forest), Pericos (wet forest),
and Bachué (rainforest) study sites
Species (sp. / spp.)
El Vínculo Pericos Bachué
Artibeus aequatorialis
0 16 0
Artibeus jamaicensis
0 3 0
Artibeus lituratus
26 0 2
Artibeus planirostris
22 0 0
Carollia brevicauda
3 16 50
Carollia castanea
0 27 1
Carollia perspicillata
10 16 1
Dermanura anderseni
0 0 8
Dermanura Phaeotis
1 16 0
Dermanura sp 1
3 0 0
Dermanura sp 2
0 12 0
Enchistenes hartii
0 0 2
Platyrrhinus chocoensis
0 3 0
Platyrrhinus dorsalis
0 7 1
Rhinophylla alethina
0 21 0
Sturnira bogotensis
0 0 20
Sturnira erythromos
0 0 2
Sturnira koopmanhilli
0 1 0
Sturnira ludovici
0 0 41
Sturnira parvidens
0 0 2
Uroderma convexum
10 1 0
Vampyressa thyone
0 6 0
Total 75 145 135
The activity patterns of assemblages of
frugivorous bats were variable among sites.
The assemblage at the dry forest showed a
bimodal pattern, with activity peaks during the
first two hours after sunset and the last two
hours before sunrise (Fig. 2A). On the other
hand, the activity patterns of the wet forest
and rainforest assemblages were unimodal,
with a peak of activity during the first hours
of the night and a gradual decrease in activity
(Fig. 2B, Fig. 2C) respectively. The observed
overlap coefficients (∆1) in hourly activity was
lower between the sites with unimodal activity
pattern than between them and the site with
bimodal pattern: Wet forest dry forest (∆1 =
0.675, IC = 0.555-0.751) , wet forest rainfor-
est (∆1 = 0.791, IC = 0.612-0.838) and dry for-
est - rainforest (∆1 = 0.588, IC = 0.444-0.652).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
The overlap in temporal activity patterns
between sympatric species of frugivorous bats
(Table 2) was high and variable. At the dry
forest of El Vínculo, the observed overlap
coefficients (∆1) in hourly activity were on
average 0.76 ± 0.06 with a difference greater
than 10 % for all pairs of species (upper level
of confidence intervals less than 0.9); except
for Carollia perspicillata and Artibeus lituratus
(Table 2).
At the wet forest of Pericos, the observed
overlap coefficients were on average 0.70
± 0.16, with 20 out of the 27 comparisons
between species differing by more than 10 %
(confidence intervals with values lower than
0.9) (Table 3). This difference was especially
marked between Rhinophylla alethina and Car-
ollia castanea since the confidence interval for
∆1 was the lowest (∆1 = 0.530, IC = 0.359-
0.800) (Table 3), indicating a difference of
Fig. 2. Estimates of activity patterns overlap for frugivorous bat assemblages between different ecosystems: Dry forest (El
Vínculo Regional Park), wet forest (Pericos Community Reserve), and rainforest (Bachué Reserve). Comparison between A.
Wet forest and dry forest B. Wet forest and rainforest C. Rainforest and dry forest. The shaded area represents the overlap
coefficient (∆1).
Mean hourly overlap (95 % confidence interval) in temporal activity between the most abundant species
of frugivorous bats in a dry forest (El Vínculo Regional Park)
Species (sp.)
Artibeus lituratus Artibeus planirostris Carollia perspicillata Uroderma convexum
Artibeus lituratus
1 0.708 (0.452-0.850) 0.878 (0.500-0.907) 0.748 (0.408-0.862)
Artibeus planirostris
1 0.714 (0.366-0.851) 0.766 (0.391-0.882)
Carollia perspicillata
1 0.737 (0.325-0.847)
Uroderma convexum
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
Mean hourly overlap (95 % confidence interval) in temporal activity between the most abundant species
of frugivorous bats in a wet forest (Pericos Community Reserve)
Species (sp.)
sp. 2
Artibeus aequatorialis
1 0.765
Carollia brevicauda
1 0.686
Carollia castanea
1 0.782
Carollia perspicillata
1 0.833
Dermanura sp. 2
1 0.677
Dermanura phaeotis
1 0.616
Platyrrhinus dorsalis
1 0.564
Rhinophylla allethina
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
more than 20 % in the activity patterns of these
two species. This marked segregation between
the activity patterns of both species is because
the peak activity of R. alethina occurs around
21:00 h, when the activity of C. castanea has
decreased (Fig. 3).
Finally, at the rainforest of Bachué, the
average overlap coefficient was 0.67 ± 0.11,
with differences greater than 10 % between the
two species of Sturnira (S. bogotensis and S.
ludovici) and between them and C. brevicauda
(Table 4). The overlap was particularly lower
between S. bogotensis and S. ludovici (∆1 =
0.456, IC = 0.269-0.677). The activity of S.
bogotensis is restricted to the first four hours
at night (18:00-22:00 h), while S. ludovici
increases after 21:00 h and remains relatively
constant until before dawn (Fig. 4).
We found contrasting activity patterns
between populations of the same species from
different locations. For Carollia perspicillata,
we found a difference greater than 10 % in tem-
poral activity between Pericos and El Vínculo
populations (Δ
= 0.695, CI = 0.415-0.896),
with El Vínculo individuals exhibiting a second
activity peak just before the dawn that was not
observed in Pericos (Fig. 5A). However, Carol-
lia brevicauda´s activity patterns did not differ
between Pericos and Bachué
= 0.800, CI
= 0.498-0.924), with both populations having
higher activity at the beginning of the night and
a gradual decrease after (Fig. 5B).
We found evidence for an association
between the temporal overlap and traits related
to ecological similarity in some sites with high
effect sizes indicating moderate to strong cor-
relations (R > 0.64) but no significant due to
Fig. 3. Estimates of activity patterns overlap for R.
alethina y C. castanea in the site of wet forest (Pericos
Community Reserve). The shaded area represents the
overlap coefficient (∆1).
Fig. 4. Estimates of activity patterns overlap for S.
bogotensis and S. Ludovici in the site of rainforest
(BachuéReserve). The shaded area represents the overlap
coefficient (∆1).
Fig. 5. Estimates of activity patterns overlap for frugivorous
bats between localities. A. C. perspicillata in wet forest
(Pericos Community Reserve) and dry forest (El Vínculo
Regional Park). B. C. brevicauda wet forest (Pericos
Community Reserve) and rainforest (BachuéReserve). The
shaded area represents the overlap coefficient (∆
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
the small sample sizes involved in the tests.
We found a positive and marginally significant
association of temporal overlap
) with abun-
dance (R = 0.647, P = 0.166) and body mass
(R = 0.657, P = 0.083) in El Vinculo, and with
phylogenetic distance in Bachué (R = 0.829, P=
0.083) (Table 5). On the other hand, we did not
find associations of temporal overlap with body
mass, abundance, or phylogenetic similarity in
the assemblage of Pericos. Thus, these results
indicate that species similar in abundance, size,
and phylogenetic history tend to have less over-
lap in activity patterns.
We found differences in the temporal
activity pattern of frugivorous bats assemblag-
es among sites, revealed by a difference greater
than 10 % in activity patterns of assemblages.
We also found differences in activity patterns
between species in each locality and popula-
tions of the same species among sites. Finally,
we found that species similar in abundance,
size, and phylogenetic history, tend to have less
overlap in activity patterns. Consequently, our
results suggest that (1) local biotic and abiotic
conditions may influence variation in the activ-
ity patterns between assemblages and popula-
tions of the same species, and (2) ecologically
similar species tend to present less overlap in
their activity patterns. Thus, our results provide
empirical support for the role of segregation in
temporal activity as a mechanism that allows
the coexistence of ecologically similar species.
We obtained a low capture rate of phyl-
lostomid bats that contrasts with studies in
other Neotropical sites (La Val, 1970), but it
is consistent with previous studies at Reserva
Pericos (Zapata-Mesa et al., 2017) and El Vin-
culo (Velásquez-Roa & Murillo-García, 2019)
and in another wet forest at similar altitude on
the Western Andes of Colombia (Ferro-Muñoz
et al., 2018). As we expected, the assemblages
of frugivorous bats showed spatial variations
in their activity patterns. Given the high energy
cost and predation risk implicit in bat flight
(Erkert, 1982; Norberg et al., 1993), the eco-
logical tendency is to minimize foraging time
(Howe, 1979). On the other hand, frugivo-
res could require more time to satisfy their
daily energetic requirements than other trophic
Mean hourly overlap (95 % confidence interval) in temporal activity between the most abundant species
of frugivorous bats in a rainforest (Bachué Reserve)
Species (sp.)
cf. anderseni
Carollia brevicauda
1 0.764 (0.474-0.930) 0.666 (0.472-0.863) 0.741 (0.560-0.89)
Dermanura cf. Anderseni
1 0.694 (0.339-0.900) 0.718 (0.354-0.915)
Sturnira bogotensis
1 0.456 (0.269-0.677)
Sturnira ludovici
Summary of Mantel test applied to assemblages of frugivorous bats comparing effects of abundance, body mass,
and phylogenetic distance into temporal segregation estimated by the hourly overlap in the temporal activity
Abundance Body mass Phylogenetic distance
R P-value R P-value R P-value
0.647 0.166 0.657 0.083
0.085 0.5
Pericos -0.344 0.866 -0.037 0.638 -0.354 0.874
Bachué -0.058 0.485 0.486 0.167
0.829 0.083
The correlations with marginally significant associations are highlighted in bold.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
guilds since their food can have a higher pro-
portion water and indigestible materials (Erk-
ert, 1982; Thomas, 1984). Bats spend most of
the daytime in shelters, a period in which they
do not feed, so they are expected to leave their
shelters early in the night to solve this situation
of energy stress (Aguiar et al., 2014; Ortêncio
Filho et al., 2010). The frugivorous bats of the
three assemblages showed the highest activity
during the first hours of the night. This pat-
tern is widely documented in neotropical bats
and can result from synergistic factors (Erkert,
1982; Marinho Filho & Sazima, 1989; Pedro
& Taddei, 2002; Verde et al., 2018). In this
sense, the activity time, which initiates with
the emergence from shelters, is also influenced
by the diet of the species and the shelters
proximity to food sources (Ortêncio Filho et
al., 2010). With an activity peak early in the
night, the unimodal pattern observed in Pericos
and Bachué is characteristic of frugivorous spe-
cies (De Souza & Marinho-filho, 2004; Erkert,
1982; Ramirez-Pulido & Armella, 1987). How-
ever, frugivorous bats at El Vínculo showed a
bimodal pattern of activity, which peaks just
after sunset and before sunrise. The availability
of food sources can be low in El Vínculo since
it is a small fragment of tropical dry forest,
which could probably force frugivorous bats
to perform a second feeding trip to supply
their daily energy requirement. Alternatively,
variations in activity between assemblages may
correspond to species responses to differences
between study sites in other ecological factors,
such as vegetation coverage, luminosity, etc.
When there is a high overlap in one of
the dimensions of the niche (for example, in
the food source), a low overlap is expected
in other dimensions (such as the foraging
schedule) (Pianka, 1974). Experimental stud-
ies have induced temporal changes of activity
in small mammals attributed to competition,
resulting in a species being restricted to a less
favorable activity time due to the influence of
the more dominant species (Ziv et al., 1993).
Likewise, previous studies have reported dif-
ferences in the temporal activity patterns of
frugivorous bats (Aguiar & Marinho-Filho,
2004; Zeppelini et al., 2017). Some authors
suggest that this difference in the temporal
activity does not result from competition (Agu-
iar & Marinho-Filho, 2004; Zeppelini et al.,
2017), even though exploitation competition
has been reported between species of Neo-
tropical frugivorous bats (Bonaccorso et al.,
2007). However, differences in activity patterns
between frugivorous bats may suggest an effect
of competition, with the early emergence of a
species to avoiding competition during forag-
ing with the more dominant and larger species
(Bonaccorso et al., 2007).
In habitats with limited resources, it is
highly probable to expect competition among
bats for the fruits available a given night
(Bonaccorso et al., 2007). Consequently, the
bats that emerge early can successfully find
food (Bonaccorso et al., 2007) since the avail-
ability of ripe fruits decreases throughout the
night; consumed fruits are not renewed on the
same night (Aguiar & Marinho-filho, 2004;
Heithaus et al., 1975). Thus, a species can
roost closer to the feeding patches or advance
its emergence time to avoid competition with
other ecologically similar species (Bonaccorso
et al., 2007). We considered that a 10 % differ-
ence in temporal activity between two species
could be enough to suggest temporal segre-
gation. In agreement with the hypothesis of
temporal segregation of resources between the
species of the same guild, we found differences
of at least 10 % in the activity patterns of pairs
of sympatric species in the three habitats; it
suggests that frugivorous bats alter their activ-
ity periods in order to reduce competition with
similar species. We found marked differences
between the activity patterns of species with
similar body mass such as C. castanea - R.
alethina in the wet forest site and between spe-
cies of the same genus such as S.ludovici - S.
bogotensis in the rainforest site.
Across the Neotropic region, there is a
high association between genera of plants and
frugivorous bats. Bats of the genus Artibeus
have an affinity for the fruits of plants of the
genus Cecropia, bats of Dermanura for Ficus,
bats Carollia for Piper, and bats of Sturnira for
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
Solanum (Agnarsson et al., 2011; Estrada &
Fleming, 1986; Howell & Burch, 1974; Muller
& Reis, 1992), with species showing some
discrepancies at specific sites (Bonaccorso,
1979; Handley et al., 1991). These associations
have been previously found in our study sites
(El Vinculo: Velásquez-Roa & Murillo-Gar-
cía, 2019; Pericos: Zapata-Mesa et al., 2017),
which may reduce intergeneric competition
and explain the high overlap in the activity pat-
terns we observed inside the local assemblages.
Besides diet, vertical stratification in neotropi-
cal bats assemblages (Delaval et al., 2005;
Pereira et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2020) may be a
mechanism of spatial segregation. It can reduce
the probability of encounters between bats
foraging mainly in the canopy (i.e., Artibeus)
and the understory (i.e., Carollia, Sturnira),
reducing competition intensity. On the other
hand, foraging strategies can also promote
coexistence (Delaval et al., 2005; Soriano,
2000). Nomadic frugivores like species of Ster-
nodermatinae subfamily (except Sturnira) feed
on trees distant from each other by foraging
over large areas tracking resource availabil-
ity, whereas sedentary frugivores forage over
short distances by staying in permanent roosts
(Soriano, 2000). Therefore, the combination of
spatial and temporal segregation with behav-
ioral strategies may lead to coexistence and be
critical to determining the structure of frugivo-
rous bats’ assemblages, as has been reported
for insectivorous species (Razgour et al., 2011).
As predicted, we found an association of
temporal overlap with traits that suggest eco-
logical similarity: abundance, body size, and
phylogenetic closeness. As species differ more
in body mass and phylogenetic history, they
increase their temporal overlap, suggesting a
tendency for ecologically similar species to
segregate temporally. This effect is significant
among the most abundant species, which may
have a greater probability of interacting with
each other (Meyer & Kalko, 2008; Patterson et
al., 2003). However, we did not find these asso-
ciations for all traits in all the sites studied, sug-
gesting that the degree of ecological similarity
between species may occur through different
mechanisms or that the structuring mecha-
nisms differ between sites or ecosystems. On
the other hand, predation risk is a fundamental
aspect considering activity patterns, particular-
ly for small species such as bats. The segrega-
tion of activity times can reduce predation risk
since bat predators can detect the aggregations
of foraging bats in fruiting plants (Breviglieri
et al., 2013; Howe, 1979; Thies et al., 2006),
so visiting plants sporadically at night could
reduce the chances of being predated.
The study of resource partitioning
in space and time is vital to understand how
interspecific competition can allow the stable
coexistence of species with similar ecologi-
cal characteristics (Bonaccorso et al., 2007;
Schoener, 1974). Nevertheless, the effect of
time partitioning on intra-guild competition has
been poorly studied. We found that temporal
activity patterns of Neotropical frugivorous
bats are variable between assemblages, sym-
patric species, and populations of the same
species. Activity patterns respond to the inter-
action of multiple factors, ranging from the
supply of resources to interactions with other
species. The results suggest that the association
between plant and bat genera (i.e., Carollia -
Piper, Sturnira - solanum), which may reduce
intergeneric bat competition, may partially
explain the high overlap in the activity patterns
we observed. Besides, although the highest
activity is conserved at the beginning of the
night, the phylogenetic factor does not seem
to influence the conservation of the activity
patterns in bats, unlike other groups such as
rodents (Castro-Arellano & Lacher, 2009).
Finally, we found that species with similar
size, abundance, and evolutionary history dif-
ferentiate their activity patterns. Thus, our
study provides empirical support for a trend
towards temporal segregation in the activity of
ecologically similar species, which may repre-
sent a mechanism that promotes coexistence.
Consequently, our results contrast with those
pointing out that temporal activity patterns of
sympatric species do not respond to interspe-
cific competition.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1149-1163, October-December 2021 (Published Oct. 26, 2021)
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We would like to thank to thee staff of
La Fundación Farallones, El Parque Nacional
Natural Farallones de Cali, el Instituto para
la Investigación y la Preservación del Patri-
monio Cultural y Natural del Valle del Cauca
(INCIVA) and the Medio y Alto Dagua Com-
munity Council for their logistic collaboration
and for allowing access to the sampling areas.
Thanks to Cristhian Calvache, Andrea Bernal,
Christian Cabrera, Oscar Cuellar, Julio Salinas,
Sergio Tabares, Andrés Ocampo and Alejandro
Montoya for their unconditional support during
the fieldwork. Finally, we thank the Graduate
Biology program of Universidad del Valle for
providing funds to cover publication expenses.
Distribución del tiempo entre murciélagos frugívoros
neotropicales: efectos de la filogenia, el tamaño
corporal y la abundancia
Introducción: La partición de recursos es esencial para
determinar la riqueza y composición de especies en las
comunidades naturales. Sin embargo, la segregacion tem-
poral ha sido cuestionada como un mecanismo que promue-
ve la coexistencia de especies ecológicamente similares.
Objetivo: Con el fin de determinar la importancia de la
segregación en los patrones de actividad, como mecanismo
que promueve la coexistencia; se compararon los patrones
de actividad de murciélagos frugívoros neotropicales.
Métodos: Se capturaron murciélagos con redes de niebla
desde el atardecer hasta el amanecer en tres localidades
(bosque seco tropical, bosque muy húmedo y bosque
lluvioso submontano) con el fin de calcular los patrones
de actividad de las especies empleando la estimación de
densidad Kernel. Se utilizó el coeficiente de superposición
(Δ) para comparar patrones de actividad entre: (1) ensam-
blajes de murciélagos de los sitios de estudio, (2) especies
frugívoras en el mismo sitio, y (3) poblaciones de la misma
especie en diferentes sitios.
Resultados: Se encontraron variaciones geográficas en
los patrones de actividad de los ensamblajes en las tres
localidades. Asimismo, se encontraron variaciones en los
patrones de actividad entre especies en cada sitio y entre
poblaciones en diferentes sitios. Determinamos que la
superposición en los patrones de actividad disminuyó a
medida que las especies estaban más relacionadas filoge-
néticamente, similares en abundancia y tamaño corporal;
lo que sugiere una tendencia hacia la segregación temporal
de especies ecológicamente similares.
Conclusión: Estos resultados proveen apoyo empírico del
papel de la segregación temporal en los patrones de activi-
dad como un mecanismo que promueve la coexistencia de
especies ecológicamente similares en la naturaleza.
Palabras clave: competencia; traslape de nicho; segrega-
ción temporal; segregación ecológica; especies ecológica-
mente similares; coexistencia de especies.
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