Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 1138-1148, July-September 2021 (Published Sep. 30, 2021)
Effectiveness of aerial wildlife crossings: Do wildlife use rope bridges more
than hazardous structures to cross roads?
Katra Laidlaw
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7782-1339
Eben Broadbent
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4488-4237
Stephanie Eby
; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7047-7101
1. Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Northeastern University, 02115, Boston, Massachusetts, United
States of America; katra.laidlaw@gmail.com (Correspondence*)
2. School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, University of Florida, 32611, Gainsville, Florida, United States
of America; eben@ufl.edu
3. Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Northeastern University, 02115, Boston, Massachusetts, United
States of America; s.eby@northeastern.edu
Received 23-V-2021. Corrected 09-IX-2021. Accepted 30-IX-2021.
Introduction: Although wildlife crossing structures have proven successful at reducing wildlife-vehicle col-
lisions and linking fragmented habitat, their ability to prevent electrocutions of arboreal wildlife has not been
closely examined.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of aerial rope bridges in restoring habitat connectivity for arboreal spe-
cies in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, while preventing electrocutions by determining 1) what species are using
the rope bridges and 2) whether wildlife prefer to use rope bridges instead of other hazardous structures that
cross the roads (such as telephone cables, which are often in close proximity to electric wires).
Methods: From January to May 2016, nine rope bridges along the highly-trafficked main road that extends from
Quepos to Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, were monitored using camera traps, and ten rope bridges were observed
directly along a paved side road off the main road.
Results: A total of 11 species were seen using the bridges, and 1 540 crossings were witnessed via camera traps
and observations (1 234 via camera traps, 306 during observations). Results from a paired t-test showed no
significant difference in the average number of individuals crossing the road via rope bridges versus telephone
cables (t(8) = 1.027, P = 0.334).
Conclusions: Rope bridges are used by a variety of arboreal wildlife species with a high degree of frequency;
however, due to the equally high usage of telephone cables by arboreal wildlife, they are insufficient to prevent
wildlife electrocutions on their own. Rope bridges should be installed in tandem with other methods to prevent
electrocutions, such as insulating electric wires, to facilitate the safe passage of wildlife over roads.
Key words: electrocution mitigation; telephone cables; anthropogenic impacts; habitat modification; behavioral
ecology; wildlife management; endangered species; Costa Rica.
Laidlaw, K., Broadbent. E., & Eby, S. (2021). Effectiveness
of aerial wildlife crossings: Do wildlife use rope bridges
more than hazardous structures to cross roads?. Revista
de Biología Tropical, 69(3), 1138-1148. https://doi.
Habitat loss and fragmentation lead to
a variety of negative consequences for eco-
systems (Broadbent et al., 2008; Chape et
al., 2005; Haddad et al., 2015). Long-term
studies have indicated that habitat fragmen-
tation degrades ecosystems, reduces species
richness and persistence, impedes nutrient
retention, alters trophic dynamics, and hinders
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 1138-1148, July-September 2021 (Published Sep. 30, 2021)
wildlife movement among isolated habitat frag-
ments (Haddad et al., 2015; Turner, 1996).
Roads are one of the main causes of habi-
tat fragmentation (Coffin, 2007; Spellerberg,
1998; van der Ree et al., 2011).
In addition to fragmenting habitats, roads
also cause the death of wildlife due to colli-
sions with vehicles (Artavia, 2015; Caceres,
2011; Coffin, 2007; Laurance et al., 2009).
Although arboreal species generally experi-
ence fewer vehicle-related deaths than terres-
trial species, they still experience a significant
amount of vehicular mortality (Artavia, 2015;
Caceres, 2011; Rodrigues & Martinez, 2014).
Powerlines, which often run along roads, also
kill wildlife, particularly arboreal wildlife, via
electrocutions (Cunneyworth & Slade, 2021;
Kumar & Kumar, 2015; Lindshield, 2016;
Lokschin et al., 2007; Moore et al., 2010;
Rodrigues & Martinez, 2014; Teixeira et al.,
2013). For example, in Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil,
electrocutions are the leading cause of injury
and/or death of Wied’s Marmosets (Callithrix
kuhlii) due to human infrastructure (Rodrigues
& Martinez, 2014).
If wildlife is unable to safely access habitat
on the other side of the road, then roads even-
tually lead to the genetic isolation of wildlife
populations, thereby increasing the risk of
inbreeding and local species extinctions (Cace-
res, 2011; Forman et al., 2003; Glista et al.,
2009; Haddad et al., 2015; Rybicki & Hanski,
2013). Local extinctions could cause changes
in community structure, which may ultimately
lead to further extinctions (Larsen et al., 2005).
This would be especially true if the species that
go locally extinct are important pollinators or
seed dispersers (Anderson et al., 2011; Mem-
mott et al., 2004; Van Wieren & Worm, 2001).
Many types of arboreal rainforest wildlife,
such as primates, play an important role in
the seed dispersal of rainforest plants (Bond,
1994; Chapman & Russo, 2005). If seed-dis-
persing wildlife becomes locally extinct, then
plants that have developed reproductive depen-
dence on this mutualism could also become
extinct (Memmott et al., 2004). This would
decrease plant diversity and regeneration in
the rainforest, which may, in turn, negatively
impact other wildlife species (Bond, 1994;
Cordeiro & Howe, 2003).
To reduce road-related deaths of wildlife
and mitigate the effects of habitat fragmenta-
tion, a variety of approaches have been used.
These approaches generally aim to modify
the behavior of motorists and/or to modify the
behavior of wildlife. To change the behavior of
motorists, speed limits, lights, and signs have
been established to warn drivers of the pres-
ence of crossing wildlife (Forman et al., 2003).
To change the behavior of wildlife, crossing
structures and habitat modifications have been
implemented (Glista et al., 2009). Although
the effectiveness of wildlife crossing signs
is questionable, wildlife-crossing structures
have proven successful at reducing roadkill
and restoring habitat connectivity (Dodd et
al., 2004; Glista et al., 2009; Van Wieren &
Worm, 2001).
Rope bridges have been shown to be effec-
tive wildlife crossing structures for a variety
of arboreal species (e.g., Lindshield, 2016;
Lokschin et al., 2007; Teixeira et al., 2013;
Weston & Goosem, 2011). However, despite
their usage, wildlife also attempts to cross
roads using telephone cables and electric wires
(Lokschin et al., 2007; Teixeira et al., 2013).
Although telephone cables do not directly
pose a threat to wildlife, they are usually con-
nected to the same poles as electric wires and,
therefore, can inadvertently bring wildlife in
close proximity to dangerous structures such
as uncovered electric wires and transformers.
When wildlife uses telephone cables to cross
the road, they are at a higher risk of electrocu-
tion than if they choose to cross the road on
rope bridges, which are not connected to the
electric poles.
This study aims to evaluate the effective-
ness of rope bridges in reconnecting fragmented
habitats while preventing the electrocution of
arboreal wildlife. Specifically, this study aims
to determine what species of wildlife are using
the rope bridges in the Quepos/Manuel Antonio
area of Costa Rica, how frequently they use the
rope bridges, and whether they use the bridges
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 1138-1148, July-September 2021 (Published Sep. 30, 2021)
more than hazardous structures (such as tele-
phone cables that are adjacent to electric wires)
to cross roads. Although other studies have
noted the use of telephone cables by arboreal
wildlife (Lokschin et al., 2007; Moore et al.,
2010; Rodrigues & Martinez, 2014), this is the
first study to quantitatively compare the usage
of telephone cables by wildlife with the usage
of crossing structures intentionally installed for
wildlife (i.e., rope bridges). We hypothesize
that arboreal wildlife will use rope bridges
more than telephone cables or electric wires
to cross the road due to frequent sightings of
wildlife using rope bridges by local residents.
We tested this hypothesis by conducting daily
observations at a series of ten rope bridges
along a road with telephone cables and uncov-
ered electric wires and installing camera traps
on an additional nine rope bridges distributed
throughout the study area.
Study site: The study area is located South
of Quepos and North of Manuel Antonio, Costa
Rica (9°25’55.2”-9°23’33.3” N & 84°09’41.6-
84°08’13.2” W). Costa Rica is an ideal location
to conduct this study because electrocutions
from power lines and transformers and vehicu-
lar mortalities are the primary causes of death
for wildlife in the country (Lindshield, 2016;
Monge-Nájera, 2018). The study was conduct-
ed in a mixed-use area that consists primarily
of hotels and restaurants with some residential
housing (Fig. 1). Extending from Quepos to
Manuel Antonio, there is a highly-trafficked
two-lane road (approximately 6 m wide) that is
frequented by charter bus companies, taxis, and
local buses that run every 20 min. Stemming
from the main road are less trafficked roads, the
majority of which are gravel. The speed limit
Fig. 1. Map of the study area in Costa Rica with vegetation types overlaid with the locations of rope bridges (vegetation
data from Broadbent et al., 2012).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 1138-1148, July-September 2021 (Published Sep. 30, 2021)
for the main road is 40 kph, although vehicles
regularly exceed this speed limit. Amidst the
buildings and roads are patches of primary
and secondary forest which are inhabited by a
variety of wildlife.
Throughout the study area, 75 rope bridges
for wildlife extend across the main and side
roads, installed at an average distance of 90.48
m (+ 8.56 SE) from one another. These bridges
were installed by the wildlife rehabilitation
center, Kids Saving the Rainforest, with the
help of the local electric company, ICE, start-
ing in 2000. The majority of the bridges
were installed from 2001-2002. The wildlife
bridges consist of a blue, 25 mm, electricity-
proof, nylon rope that is fastened to trees on
either side of the road, typically in the space
between the electric wires and the telephone
cables (Fig. 2).
Observations: Ten rope bridges were
observed along a paved side road (approxi-
mately 5-6 m wide) off of the main road that
runs between Quepos and Manuel Antonio
(Fig. 1). At each bridge location, an aver-
age of three electric wires and six telephone
cables crossed the road (≤ 15 m from the rope
bridge) (Fig. 2). This area was chosen because
the electric wires along this road are not insu-
lated; therefore, they pose an electrocution
risk to wildlife.
Animal counts were conducted, from 7:00-
9:00 a.m., and from 3:30-5:30 p.m., for a total
of five morning and five afternoon sessions at
each bridge location between 2/28/2016 and
5/13/2016. During observation sessions, the
observer sat in a folding chair at the side of
the road a minimum of 5 m away from the
rope bridge because, at this distance, wildlife
did not hesitate to approach the observer. In
fact, many times, the wildlife would climb
on the telephone cables that extended above
the observers head. Moreover, since Manuel
Antonio is a main tourist area, wildlife is accus-
tomed to seeing people. During observation
sessions, when and what types of wildlife were
seen and how they crossed the road (i.e., on the
ground, jumping across the canopy, using the
rope bridge, using the electric wires, or using
the telephone cables) was noted.
Camera traps: Camera traps were placed
on nine bridges, all located in similar habitat
(primary forest), along the main road that
Fig. 2. Illustration of a typical rope bridge site with telephone cables and electric wires crossing the road within < 15 m of
the bridge.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 1138-1148, July-September 2021 (Published Sep. 30, 2021)
extends from Quepos to Manuel Antonio (Fig.
1). The main road was chosen because it is
highly trafficked and therefore poses a high
risk of fatal wildlife-vehicle collisions. At each
of the bridge locations, there was an average
of three electric wires and a cluster of six tele-
phone cables that crossed the road < 15 m from
the rope bridge (Fig. 2).
PC800 Hyperfire Professional Semi-
Covert Camera traps were installed above the
rope bridges with one RAM® Short Double
Socket Arm (part number RAM-B-201U-A),
and two RAM® 2.4 cm (1”) balls (part number
RAP-B-366U) connected to an 8.5 × 19.5 cm
portion of PVC pipe (with four slits carved for
Nylon webbing straps). Prior to attaching the
ball joints and double socket arm, the research-
er painted the piece of PVC pipe brown and
green using acrylic paint (to aid in camouflag-
ing the camera). The first ball joint was con-
nected to the piece of PVC by drilling a hole
into the middle of the PVC and then securing it
with a wing nut on the other side. The first ball
joint was then connected to the double socket
arm, and the second ball joint was connected
to the opposite side of the double socket arm
and then screwed into the back of the camera.
Finally, the piece of PVC (with the double
socket arm and ball joint attached to the cam-
era) was secured to the tree using Nylon web-
bing straps and 2.4 cm (1”) plastic buckles that
were threaded through the slits of the portion
of PVC pipe (Gregory et al., 2014). Bicycle
cables were threaded through the hole in the
side of the cameras in order to discourage theft.
In order to provide additional support, heavy-
duty 60 cm (24”) cable ties were also threaded
through the hole in the camera and secured
to the tree using 1 cm (¼”) fence staples at a
45-degree angle above the camera (Fig. 3).
The cameras were set to record 24 h a
day, take three photographs per trigger, with
one second between photographs and no ‘quiet
period’ between triggers. The cameras were
positioned about 30 cm or less above the rope
bridge so that the photographs showed most
of the bridge extending across the road. It was
not always possible to capture the entirety of
the bridge within the camera’s frame because
the passing cars would trigger the camera and
Fig. 3. Front and side view of the PC800 Hyperfire Professional Semi-Covert Camera trap mounted above a rope bridge.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 1138-1148, July-September 2021 (Published Sep. 30, 2021)
quickly cause the camera’s SD card to fill up
and the batteries to run out. Therefore, the
length of the bridges that was not captured by
the cameras ranged from 0.6 to 2.4 m. Cameras
were installed from 1/29/16 to 5/21/16 for an
average of 459.49 h each (± SE 80.21).
Data analysis: For the observation data, a
paired t-test was used to compare the average
number of crossings that occurred via the rope
bridges versus the telephone cables. All statis-
tics were conducted in Microsoft Excel
A total of 11 species were seen using the
bridges, and 1 540 crossings were witnessed
via camera traps and observations (1 234 via
camera traps, 306 during observations) (Table
1). An average of 8.44 (± SE 3.69) crossings
per bridge were captured by the camera traps
per day, and an average of 6.12 (± SE 3.77)
crossings per bridge were seen during obser-
vations per day. The following species were
seen: common opossum (Didelphis marsu-
pialis); Derby’s woolly opossum (Caluromys
derbianus); kinkajou (Potos flavus); Mexican
tree porcupine (Coendou mexicanus); two-fin-
gered sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni); Northern
tamandua (Tamandua mexicana); white-faced
monkey (Cebus capucinus); grey-crowned
Central American squirrel monkey (Saimiri
oerstedii citrinellus); mantled howler mon-
key (Alouatta palliata); three-fingered sloth
(Bradypus variegatus); and variegated squirrel
(Sciurus variegatoides) (Table 1).
During observations only one squirrel
monkey (Saimiri oerstedii citrinellus) was seen
using an electric wire to get across the road.
Therefore, electric wires were excluded from
all statistical analyses. Results from a paired
t-test showed no significant difference in the
average number of crossings that occurred via
rope bridges versus telephone cables (t(8) =
1.027, P = 0.334) (Fig. 4).
Total number of crossings of each species seen using bridges
Species observed
using bridges
Number of crossings seen
during observations
Number of crossings seen
via camera traps
Saimiri oerstedii citrinellus
199 402
Cebus capucinus
65 337
Alouatta palliata
39 179
Sciurus variegatoides
2 79
Bradypus variegatus
1 -
Potos flavus
- 125
Coendou mexicanus
- 55
Caluromys derbianus
- 27
Choleopus hoffmanni
- 12
Didelphis marsupialis
- 9
Tamandua mexicana
- 9
Total 306 1 234
Fig. 4. There was no significant difference in the average
number of road crossings (+ SE) that occurred via the
bridges or telephone cables (P = 0.3).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 1138-1148, July-September 2021 (Published Sep. 30, 2021)
Wildlife crossing structures have proven
successful at reducing roadkill and restoring
habitat connectivity in a variety of contexts and
are an essential tool in mitigating the negative
effects of roads on wildlife (e.g., Dodd et al.,
2004; Glista et al., 2009; Van Wieren & Worm,
2001). However, the relationship between rope
bridges and electrocutions has largely been
unexamined. Over the course of this study,
rope bridges in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica,
were frequently used by a variety of arbo-
real wildlife with average crossing frequencies
comparable to the high usage of rope bridges
by the endangered Western ringtail possums
(Pseudocheirus occidentalis) in Australia (8.87
± 0.59 complete crossings per night) (Yokochi
& Bencini, 2015). However, despite their high
usage, there was not a significant difference in
usage between the rope bridges and the tele-
phone cables, which were in close proximity to
uncovered electric wires. It seems that wildlife
will use any infrastructure that allows them to
move throughout the landscape.
Electrocution risk: Only one individual
was seen crossing the road using an electric
wire during observations of the ten rope bridg-
es along the side road. However, local residents
witnessed the electrocutions of two mantled
howler monkeys and one grey-crowned Central
American squirrel monkey, and we saw a dead
two-fingered sloth showing signs of electrocu-
tion along that same road. It is possible that
wildlife in the area does not typically choose
electric wires to cross the road because they
are thinner and therefore more difficult to walk
across than the thicker clusters of telephone
cables. Alternatively, it is possible that wildlife
accustomed to using telephone cables may not
perceive electric wires as a threat and may
eventually get electrocuted when attempting to
use them in the future (Lindshield, 2016).
These findings are consistent with the
incidences of electrocutions of arboreal wild-
life in other locations (Cunneyworth & Slade,
2021; Kumar & Kumar, 2015; Lindshield,
2016; Lokschin et al., 2007; Moore et al.,
2010; Rodrigues & Martinez, 2014; Saavedra-
Rodríguez et al., 2013; Teixeira et al., 2013).
According to a study conducted in the rural
areas of the city of Cali, Colombia, over the
course of 14 months, two electrocuted Derby’s
woolly opossums (Caluromys derbianus) and
two gray-bellied night monkeys (Aotus lemu-
rinus) were found dead on the electric wires
(Saavedra-Rodríguez et al., 2013). Given the
substantially smaller area evaluated in this
study, the three electrocutions that were wit-
nessed firsthand along the same road, over the
course of five months, constitutes a notably
high rate of electrocutions.
Use of telephone cables: The lack of
difference between rope bridge and telephone
cable usage may indicate that arboreal spe-
cies do not have a preference for the type of
crossing structure and simply seek to cross the
road however possible. In addition to witness-
ing wildlife using telephone cables to cross
the roads, we also witnessed wildlife using
telephone cables to travel alongside the road to
gain access to the rope bridges. This could be
problematic in cases where using the telephone
cables puts the individual at a higher risk of
electrocution by bringing them in close prox-
imity to uncovered electric wires and trans-
formers. On the other hand, if electrocution
risk is low, for example, because the electric
wires are covered, telephone cables might actu-
ally benefit arboreal species by providing safe
passage away from traffic and other threats on
the ground. However, ideally, canopy bridges
should be installed above the powerlines with
sufficient distance between them to prevent the
electrocution of wildlife.
Alternatively, it could be that the lack of
a difference in use has to do with site-specific
factors. On average, there were more crossings
via the bridges (34 ± 21) than the telephone
cables (12 ± 5). However, there was large
variability in site-specific bridge use with use
ranging from 0-183 crossings at a specific
bridge site. This variability was also observed
in preference between crossing structures at
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 1138-1148, July-September 2021 (Published Sep. 30, 2021)
the site level. At five of the observation sites,
wildlife used bridges more than the telephone
cables. While at four of the sites, wildlife used
the telephone cables more than bridges. Future
studies should focus on trying to determine
how use varies depending on site charac-
teristics. Furthermore, how species-specific
preferences affect the frequency of rope bridge
use should also be evaluated in future studies.
For example, Northern tamanduas (Tamandua
mexicana) and common opossums (Didelphis
marsupialis) are the species most frequently hit
by cars in Costa Rica (Monge-Nájera, 2018).
The degree of arboreality varies widely among
Tamandua mexicana, and therefore, to effec-
tively prevent road-related deaths of Northern
tamanduas, terrestrial and arboreal crossing
structures should be installed and monitored
(Brown, 2011).
Other electrocution mitigation methods:
Nevertheless, the fact that our data suggests
that wildlife do not appear to prefer rope bridg-
es over the telephone cables is a noteworthy
finding. If wildlife does not prefer the bridges
over the telephone cables, then rope bridges are
insufficient to prevent wildlife electrocutions
on their own. This suggests that other methods,
aside from installing rope bridges, need to be
employed in order to prevent wildlife electro-
cutions. Unfortunately, according to ICE, the
costs of insulating powerlines are substantial;
it would cost $ 250 to insulate a transformer,
$ 18 462 to insulate a km of secondary electric
wires, $ 21 538-$ 46 154 to insulate a km of
semi-isolated electric wires, and $ 141 129 to
bury a km of electric wires. Therefore, further
studies should focus on assessing the success
and cost-effectiveness of less expensive meth-
ods to prevent electrocutions, such as trimming
branches that touch powerlines while main-
taining natural canopy crossings and installing
structures that successfully deter wildlife from
accessing the electric wires. In Diani, Kenya,
a combination of short-term and long-term
solutions were implemented to prevent wildlife
electrocutions, from trimming trees to relocat-
ing transformers and isolating electric cables,
and despite the expansion of electricity infra-
structure throughout the study period, primate
electrocutions did not increase (Cunneyworth
& Slade, 2021). If less expensive methods do
not prove sufficient or cost-effective in the
long term, covering the wires in locations with
high amounts of electrocutions may be the only
viable permanent solution. There is evidence,
in some localities, that electrocutions occur in
hotspots, meaning that the strategic insulation
of these zones could greatly reduce the number
of electrocutions overall (Katsis et al., 2018;
Ram et al., 2015).
Conclusion: Where electric wires are cov-
ered, telephone cables provide a relatively safe
way for wildlife to cross the roads and navigate
modified habitats. However, in areas where
electric wires are uncovered, rope bridges
should be installed along with other electrocu-
tion mitigation methods, such as insulating the
electric wires, to effectively facilitate the safe
passage of wildlife across roads while prevent-
ing wildlife electrocutions. Further research is
needed to determine the most cost-effective
combination of strategies to mitigate arboreal
wildlife electrocutions while taking into account
the site-specific conditions and species-specific
preferences. Additional studies are also needed
in the Manuel Antonio area to determine the
effect of the rope bridges in maintaining the
genetic diversity of local populations of wild-
life, particularly the endangered grey-crowned
Central American squirrel monkey.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is
no conflict of interest of any kind; and that we
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowled-
gements section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 1138-1148, July-September 2021 (Published Sep. 30, 2021)
First and foremost, we would like to
thank Rocío Pérez for her unyielding support
and incredibly useful knowledge of the rope
bridges and their history. Additionally, we
would like to thank Grupo ICE (specifically
José Ricardo Carvajal Rodríguez) for support-
ing this project by helping to install the camera
traps and maintaining the rope bridges. We
would also like to thank, Kids Saving the
Rainforest, for establishing the Monkey Bridge
Project and for helping to facilitate this project.
We would also like to express our gratitude to
Tremaine Gregory, for helping to troubleshoot
during the installation of the camera traps and
assisting during the launching of the study.
Thank you to Northeastern University for pro-
viding scholarship funding to pay for supplies
and living costs.
Eficacia de los pasos aéreos sobre carretera:
¿Cruza la fauna más por puentes de cuerda que
por otras estructuras peligrosas?
Introducción: Aunque los pasos de fauna han demostrado
ser exitosos para reducir las colisiones entre vehículos y
vida silvestre y vincular el hábitat fragmentado, su capa-
cidad para prevenir electrocuciones de la vida silvestre
arbórea no se ha examinado a fondo.
Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de los puentes aéreos
de cuerdas para restaurar la conectividad del hábitat de
las especies arbóreas en Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica y al
mismo tiempo prevenir las electrocuciones al determinar
1) qué especies están usando los puentes de cuerda y 2) si
la vida silvestre prefiere usar puentes de cuerda en lugar de
otras estructuras peligrosas que cruzan las carreteras (como
cables telefónicos, que frecuentemente están muy cerca de
cables eléctricos).
Métodos: De enero a mayo de 2016, se monitorearon
nueve puentes de cuerda a lo largo de la carretera princi-
pal altamente transitada que se extiende desde Quepos a
Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, utilizando cámaras trampa y
la observación directa en diez puentes de cuerda a lo largo
de una carretera pavimentada más pequeña fuera de la
carretera principal.
Resultados: Se observaron un total de 11 especies utili-
zando los puentes y se presenciaron 1 540 cruces mediante
cámaras trampa y observaciones (1 234 mediante cámaras
trampa, 306 durante las observaciones). Los resulta-
dos de una prueba t pareada no mostraron diferencias
significativas en el número promedio de individuos que
cruzan la carretera a través de puentes de cuerda versus
cables telefónicos, t (8) = 1.027, P = 0.334.
Conclusiones: Los puentes de cuerdas son utilizados por
una variedad de especies de vida silvestre arbóreas con
un alto grado de frecuencia; sin embargo, debido al uso
igualmente elevado de cables telefónicos por parte de la
vida silvestre arbórea, se considera que son insuficientes
para prevenir las electrocuciones de la vida silvestre por
sí solas. Los puentes de cuerda deben instalarse junto con
otros métodos para evitar electrocuciones, como cables
eléctricos aislados, para facilitar el paso seguro de la vida
silvestre por las carreteras.
Palabras clave: mitigación de electrocuciones; cables tele-
fónicos; impactos antropogénicos; modificación del hábi-
tat; ecología del comportamiento; manejo de vida silvestre;
especies en peligro de extinción; Costa Rica.
Anderson, S. H., Kelly, D., Ladley, J. J., Molloy, S., &
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