Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 865-872, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 31, 2021)
Ant diversity sampling in the Brazilian Amazon:
a comparison of litter collection and pitfall trapping
Wully B. da Silva
*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6209-4984
Reinaldo L. Cajaiba
; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0176-9201
Eduardo Périco
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2926-6246
1. Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution, University of Taquari Valley, Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; wully_bio@
hotmail.com (Correspondence*), perico@univates.br
2. Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará, Itaituba, Para, Brazil.
3. Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão,
Buriticupu, Maranhão, Brazil; reinaldocajaiba@hotmail.com
Received 05-V-2021. Corrected 08-VII-2021. Accepted 19-VIII-2021.
Introduction: Ants in tropical forests are a hyper-diverse group that plays important ecological roles. Several
studies on tropical forests have used different sampling protocols to capture soil ants, making it difficult to com-
pare responses and patterns of diversity between studies. Thus, research that compares different well-structured
and standardized sampling methodologies to adequately estimate the richness of ant species in tropical forests
is necessary.
Objective: In this study, we examined the combination of catches with pitfall traps with and without baits and
litter collections for soil ant sampling.
Methods: In the fall traps, we use two baited (sardines and bananas) and one non-baited. For the manual collec-
tions (litter sampling), the litter and only the topsoil of the loose soil were collected.
Results: We found that traps containing sardine baits collected a greater abundance of ants, whereas non-baited
traps collected a greater richness of ant species. On the other hand, litter collections captured the largest number
of exclusive species, presenting a different species composition from the pitfall traps (with and without baits).
In general, baited traps showed greater abundance in more degraded locations, while manual collections and
unbaited pitfalls captured more individuals in preserved environments.
Conclusions: Our results provide evidence that, for accurate sampling of soil ant assemblages in tropical forests,
the use of different methodologies is necessary to capture a greater diversity of species because the methods
differ in effectiveness according to habitat.
Key words: ant community; Formicidae; inventory; sampling methods; tropical forests.
da Silva, W. B., Cajaiba, R. L., & Périco, P. (2021). Ant diversity
sampling in the Brazilian Amazon: a comparison of
litter collection and pitfall trapping. Revista de Biología
Tropical, 69(3), 865-872. https://doi.org/10.15517/rbt.
Studies of soil macrofauna require well-
structured and standardized sampling methodo-
logies to adequately estimate species richness
and uniformity (Véle et al., 2009). However,
it is challenging to estimate species richness
in megadiverse regions because the techniques
used by researchers do not always provide a
representative sample of total richness (Agosti
& Alonso, 2001; Orsolon-Souza et al., 2011;
Tista & Fiedler, 2011). Ants are a hyperdiver-
se group in tropical forests and particularly
important in the soil macrofauna, as they are
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 865-872, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 31, 2021)
highly abundant, have a wide geographical dis-
tribution, and occupy a wide variety of niches
(Andersen & Majer, 2004; Solar et al., 2016;
Tiede et al., 2017). They play critical ecologi-
cal roles, acting as herbivores, seed dispersers,
or predators of other arthropods and scavengers
(Del Toro et al., 2012; Andersen, 2019). In
addition, they contribute in an extraordinary
way to the edaphic processes, such as the
movement of water and soil and the cycling of
nutrients (Sousa-Souto et al., 2007). Because of
these characteristics, ants have frequently been
used as a focal taxon in biodiversity studies or
as bioindicators in soil management studies
(Schimidt & Solar, 2010; Pacheco & Vascon-
celos, 2012).
Several methodologies have been used to
collect ants from the soil, each of which has
limitations. No method can collect all the spe-
cies that inhabit a specific area because these
species usually have a great diversity of fora-
ging and nesting habits (Pacheco & Vasconce-
los, 2012; Salata et al., 2020). Ant community
researchers suggest combining different tech-
niques as the best way to estimate ant richness
and abundance (Delabie et al., 2000a; Longino
et al., 2002; Gotelli et al., 2011). Therefore, it
is important to compare the efficiency of the
various techniques for sampling ant diversity
in one place to advance knowledge about ant
fauna in hyper-diverse regions, especially in
the litter (Castilho et al., 2007; Veiga-Ferreira
et al., 2010; Hanisch et al., 2018). As a result,
many ant inventories employ more than one
sampling technique because their use in com-
bination often increases sampling efficiency
(Wong & Guénard, 2017; Lee & Guénard,
2019; Salata et al., 2020).
Ants have been the subject of several
ecological studies and have been sampled by
various methods, including pitfall traps, bait
traps, litter sampling, fogging, beating the vege-
tation and manual harvesting (Orsolon-Souza
et al., 2011; Yusah et al., 2012; Cajaiba & Silva,
2014; Antoniazzi et al., 2020). In this study,
we compared the performance of two methods
usually used for catching soil ants: manual lit-
ter collection and pitfall traps (Nakamura et al.,
2007). Although the combined use of these two
techniques results in some redundancy (Lopes
& Vasconcelos, 2008; Souza et al., 2012), they
are essential for estimating species richness in
megadiverse regions (Delabie et al., 2000b). In
pitfall traps, we used two types of baits, banana
and sardines, in addition to the non-baited, that
is, pitfall without baits. Our objective was to
test whether there are effects of different sam-
pling techniques on the abundance, richness,
and composition of soil ant species between
each method. In addressing these questions,
we attempt to build a framework of reference,
which should help researchers to evaluate the
trade-offs between sampling completeness and
the costs and time required (Souza et al., 2012).
Study location: The study was carried out
in the state of Pará, Northern Brazil, in an Ama-
zon rainforest region, during the year 2015, in
the months of February/March (rainy season),
June (final of rainy season and early dry sea-
son) and September/October (dry season). We
conducted collections in areas with five diffe-
rent land uses and land cover, which were clas-
sified into: i) preserved forest – PF (area with
little or no disturbance identified in the last
hundred years, where we used geoprocessing
of satellite images, interviews with residents,
and on-site visits); ii) secondary forest – SF15,
in an intermediate stage of regeneration with 15
years of fallow; iii) secondary forest – SF5, in
an initial stage of regeneration with five years
of fallow; as in preserved forests, we used geo-
processing of satellite images, interviews with
residents, and on-site visits to estimate the age
of secondary forests; iv) agricultural areas – Ag
(cocoa crop, Theobroma cacao), and v) pasture
area – Pa (extensive livestock) - see details of
the study areas in Cajaiba et al. (2020). In each
of these habitats, two areas were sampled, tota-
ling 10 sampled areas.
Ant sampling: Pitfall traps were used
to collect the ants. The traps were 75 mm
in diameter and 110 mm deep, containing
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 865-872, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 31, 2021)
approximately 500 ml of solution (water, coar-
se salt for preserving dead animals, and neutral
detergent to break the surface tension of the
water), and covered by a suspended roof to pre-
vent rainwater from entering. The traps were
installed at seven random points in each study
site, with a minimum distance of 150 m from
each other, always considering a minimum
distance of 150 m from the edge to prevent
the sample from being influenced by the edge
effect (Lacasella et al., 2015). Three traps were
installed at each point, two baited (sardines
and bananas) and one non-baited, 10 m apart,
totaling 21 pitfall traps at each location. Each
trap remained installed for 48 h, with the pro-
tocol being repeated in all areas and periods
of collection, totaling a sampling effort of 630
traps (see Digital Appendix 1, for details of the
sample design).
For the manual collections (litter sam-
pling), 10 random sampling points of 1 m
(1x1 m - total of 300 sampled points, Digital
Appendix 2) with a distance of 100 m between
them were selected for each ecosystem and
sampling period. At each collection point, the
litter and only the topsoil of the loose soil were
scraped gently with a metal spatula to include
those ants in the samples that fell from the litter
during the collection procedure. The litter here
is defined as the layer of leaves and debris that
can be easily removed from the more compact
soil (Ivanov & Keiper, 2009; Da Silva et al.,
2018). We refrained from simply separating
the litter and the soil, considering that if the lit-
ter is removed, ants can escape and hide in the
topsoil (Nakamura et al., 2007; Cajaiba et al.,
2017). Each soil and litter sample was placed in
a tightly closed tissue bag and kept in an insu-
lated box. All materials were screened in the
laboratory, with detailed searches on the leaves,
branches, and soil. The ants were extracted
manually and preserved in 70 % ethanol solu-
tion. Ants (captured in all collection methods)
were identified according to keys (Bolton,
1994; Palácio & Fernández, 2003; Baccaro et
al., 2015), and reference material in the Labo-
ratory of Ecology and Conservation, Federal
Institute of Education, Science and Technology
of Maranhão.
Data analysis: To analyze the effects
of habitat types on the species richness and
abundance of ants, we performed generalized
linear model (GLM). Models were analyzed
with a Poisson distribution (to analyze species
richness) and a negative binomial distribu-
tion (to analyze abundance), given the high
overdispersion found in ants abundance. We
performed pairwise contrast analyses to detect
differences among treatments (Crawley, 2013).
Statistical analyses were conducted using the
lme4 package in R software version 3.2.0 (R
Core Team, 2016; Bates et al., 2019). The taxo-
nomic composition of ant communities bet-
ween capture methods was compared using a
multivariate analysis of permutational variance
(PERMANOVA). Non-metric multidimensio-
nal scale (NMDS) graphs were used to assist
in the interpretation of the results found with
PERMANOVAs (see Anderson (2001) for a
similar procedure).
Using the various collection techniques
in the different sampled environments, we
collected 9 727 individuals and 131 ant species,
distributed in 31 genera and 8 subfamilies.
The richest subfamilies were Myrmicinae (66
species, 5 029 individuals) and Ponerinae (25
species, 2 786 individuals), while the most
representative genera were Pheidole (15 spe-
cies and 2 872 individuals), Camponotus (12
species and 1 016 individuals) and Solenopsis
(10 species and 1 128 individuals).
Traps containing sardine baits showed
a greater abundance of ants (3 207 indivi-
duals), followed by banana baits (2 529 indi-
viduals). Non-baited traps collected greater
species richness (89 species), followed by
manual collection (83 species). The GLM
tests showed statistically significant differences
of species abundance according to different
collection methods (F = 14.77, P < 0.001). Sig-
nificant differences were found between all the
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 865-872, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 31, 2021)
collection methods (Fig. 1A). The GLM tests
also showed statistically significant differences
of species richness according to the different
methods (F = 11.98, P < 0.001). According to a
paired test, there were no significant differen-
ces between the non-baited and manual means
(P > 0.05) (Fig. 1B).
In terms of exclusivity, leaf-litter manual
sampling gathered the largest number of exclu-
sive species (21 species). We discovered that
the pitfall, regardless of the baits used, captured
larger ants, while manual collections captured
smaller ants with less foraging capacity. The
species composition differed between the diffe-
rent collection methods (Permanova F = 259.2,
P < 0.001) (Table 1).
These data were corroborated with the
NMDS, where the species collected using
different methods (pitfall and manual) and
different baits differed from each other. Bait
traps have a greater overlap of species (54
shared species), while non-baited pitfalls and
manual collections were separated from the
other methods (Fig. 2).
When ant richness was tested for the diffe-
rent collection methods within each habitat,
significant differences were found (Digital
Appendix 3). In general, baited traps were more
abundant in more degraded places (pasture and
secondary forest with five years of regeneration
and cocoa, respectively), while manual collec-
tions and non-baited pitfall captured more
individuals in more preserved environments.
These differences were confirmed using the
GLM test (Digital Appendix 4). Species rich-
ness followed the same pattern, in which
the different methods were significant within
the sampled environments. Manual collection
and non-baited pitfall showed greater species
richness in primary forests, while sardine and
banana baits collected more species in pasture
and cocoa areas. On the other hand, baited traps
with banana and sardines showed lower species
richness in primary forest areas (Digital Appen-
dix 4). The taxonomic composition of ants cap-
tured by habitat showed significant differences
between the different collection methods, as
demonstrated by PERMANOVA and NMDS
(see Digital Appendix 3 and Digital Appendix
5 for the associated differences between baits
in each studied habitat).
Fig. 1. Box plot expressing the differences in the median values for A. Abundance and B. Richness of the ant community
using the different collection methods. The values followed by the same letters are not significantly different. Sar = sardine,
Ban = banana, Nbt = non-baited, Man = manual.
PERMANOVA results comparing the composition of ant
assemblages between different sampling methods
Sardine Banana Non-baited Manual
Sardine - 0.001 0.001 0.001
Banana 27.9 - 0.01 0.001
Non-baited 18.8 18.5 - 0.01
Manual 6.80 15.4 28.2 -
PERMANOVA based on the similarity of Bray-Curtis
using 9999 permutations, F = 259.2, P < 0.001.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 865-872, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 31, 2021)
Our results demonstrate that the inventory
of ant depends on the sampling methods selec-
ted, corroborating other authors’ findings (Lee
& Guénard, 2019; Salata et al., 2020). Thus,
depending on the objectives of each study (eco-
logical studies or species surveys), different
collection methods should be used (Wiezik et
al., 2015). We identified that pitfall traps and
manual collections provided a different species
composition in most of the sampled habitats,
which is in agreement with Salata et al. (2020),
who recommend using an integrated approach
including several complementary methods sui-
table for the studied habitat.
Both collection methods used in this study
have advantages and disadvantages; for exam-
ple, manual collections involve a direct search
for individuals or colonies and are generally
considered the most effective method to cap-
ture the maximum species richness within a
study area (Ellison et al., 2007). However,
manual collections are more time-consuming
and require a greater number of researchers
involved in the fieldwork (Underwood & Fis-
her, 2006), and pitfall traps can be installed in
the field for several days unattended. However,
the use of pitfall traps is limited because they
tend to capture larger individuals with high
foraging capacity (Martelli et al., 2004), a trend
observed in our study. In addition, pitfall traps
do not capture the smaller ants that form small
colonies (Bestelmeyer et al., 2000; Castilho et
al., 2007), so, for these ants, the most suitable
method is manual collection (Lindsey & Skin-
ner, 2001; Véle et al., 2009). We also found that
manual collections are more efficient in envi-
ronments with high litter cover since we obser-
ved that, in pasture areas, manual collection did
not add any species that had not been collected
by pitfall traps (Parr & Chown, 2001). In
fact, we observed that in more anthropogenic
habitats (Agriculture & Pastures), the commu-
nity comprises mainly generalist ants, with the
capacity to use both forest and modified areas,
which can be captured through pitfall traps.
In summary, our findings highlight the
importance of different sampling methods for
collecting ants from the soil, including manual
collection, pitfall traps with and without baits,
as well as other methods not applied here. This
approach can address the different aspects of ant
communities that inhabit different ecosystems
and, therefore, overcome specific disadvanta-
ges of using only a single method to monitor
Fig. 2. Non-metric multidimensional scale (NMDS) showing assemblies of ants grouped according to different
capture methods (using Bray-Curtis similarity; Stress: 0.08). Star = Sardine, Circle = Banana, Triangle = Non-baited,
Square = Manual.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 865-872, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 31, 2021)
changes in the ant community across ecosys-
tem boundaries (Bestelmeyer et al., 2000; Tista
& Fiedler, 2011). Although the use of different
sampling methods can be redundant in the ant
fauna obtained from comprehensive surveys, it
is known that each of them registers a certain
fauna, so they are complementary (Wiezik et
al., 2015; Antoniazzi et al., 2020). We also
stress the importance of studying a greater
number of areas with different levels of distur-
bance. It is important to emphasize that new
collections should be standardized for compari-
son with other studies. Finally, it is essential to
consider appropriate methodologies to answer
ecological questions, for example, using the
same sampling methods when the objective is
to compare differences between distinct habi-
tats (Antoniazzi et al., 2020).
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowled-
gements section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
WBS thank the Coordenação de Aper-
feiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior,
Brazil through a doctorate fellowship (Finance
Code 001). EP thanks Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico,
Brazil for the research grant (Research Produc-
tivity nº 307303/2019-5).
Muestreo de la diversidad de hormigas en la Amazonía
brasileña: una comparación de recolección
de hojarasca y trampas de caída
Introducción: Las hormigas en los bosques tropicales
son un grupo hiperdiverso que juega un papel ecológico
importante. Varios estudios en los bosques tropicales han
utilizado diferentes protocolos de muestreo para capturar
las hormigas de suelo, lo que dificulta la comparación
de respuestas y patrones de diversidad entre estudios.
Por lo tanto, es necesaria una investigación que compare
diferentes metodologías de muestreo bien estructuradas
y estandarizadas para estimar adecuadamente la rique-
za y uniformidad de las especies de hormigas en los
bosques tropicales.
Objetivo: En este estudio, examinamos la combinación de
capturas con trampas de caída con y sin cebos y recolec-
ciones manuales para muestreo de hormigas en el suelo.
Métodos: En las trampas de otoño, utilizamos dos cebos
(sardinas y plátanos) y uno sin cebo. Para las recolecciones
manuales (muestreo de hojarasca), se recogió la hojarasca
y solo la capa superior de suelo suelto.
Resultados: Encontramos que las trampas que contenían
cebos de sardina recolectaron una mayor abundancia de
hormigas, mientras que las trampas sin cebo recolectaron
una mayor riqueza de especies de hormigas. Por otro lado,
las recolecciones de hojarasca capturaron el mayor núme-
ro de especies exclusivas, presentando una composición
de especies diferente a las trampas de caída (con y sin
cebo). En general, las trampas con cebo mostraron mayor
abundancia en lugares más degradados, mientras que las
recolecciones manuales y las trampas sin cebo capturaron
más individuos en ambientes preservados.
Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados proporcionan eviden-
cia de que, para un muestreo preciso de ensambles de las
hormigas de suelo en los bosques tropicales, el uso de dife-
rentes metodologías es necesario para capturar una mayor
diversidad de especies, ya que los métodos difieren en la
efectividad de acuerdo con el hábitat.
Palabras clave: comunidad de hormigas; Formicidae;
inventario; métodos de muestreo; bosques tropicales.
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