Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1189-1203, October-December 2021 (Published Nov. 17, 2021)
the humid mountain forest is one of the most
threatened ecosystems (González-Espinosa et
al., 2012; Toledo-Aceves et al., 2011), due
to its scarce distribution and the alterations
caused by global climate change, deforesta-
tion, the expansion of human communities to
mountainous areas where this forest persists,
and changes in land use due to conversion to
crop systems (Cayuela et al. 2006; González-
Espinosa, et al., 2011; Gual-Díaz & Rendón-
Correa, 2017).
The Humid Mountain Forest has also
been described as cloud forest and mountain
cloud forest (Rzedowski, 2006). It develops
between 800 and 3 000 m above sea level, in
the mountainous regions of Mexico, on the
slopes where the humid winds that come from
the sea affect, and generally between 1 000 and
3 000 m of altitude (Villaseñor, 2010) to the
windward of mountain massifs, where moisture
condenses and fogs form, as well as in ravines
and humid slopes (Challenger & Soberón,
2008; Rzedowski, 2006; Villaseñor, 2010). The
HMF is characterized by having a very dense
tree canopy, which limits the passage of light
to the lower strata (Challenger & Soberón,
2008; CONAFOR & COLPOS, 2014). Its
vegetation develops in very heterogeneous
climatic, altitudinal and edaphic conditions and
the orographic and local humidity conditions
that characterize it, originate a wide structural
variability in the form of various associations
that differ from each other in height, phenology
and dominant species (Gual-Díaz & Rendón-
Correa, 2014; Rzedowski, 2006). In addition,
HMF contains floristic elements of different
biogeographic affinity whose presence creates
a great opportunity to evaluate the relationships
among factors as climate, microenvironment,
changes in vegetation structure, and its floristic
composition (González-Espinosa et al., 2011;
Guerrero-Hernández et al., 2019).
Slopes facing north, in the northern hemi-
sphere, tend to be more humid, which benefits
different plant species; unlike south-facing
slopes which receive more solar radiation and
tend to be drier and warmer (Holland & Steyn
1975; Mata-González et al., 2002; Renaud et
al., 2011), thus the aspect is a factor that can
modify, at a local level, essential variables of
plant functions, such as the quantity and qual-
ity of incident radiation, temperature or frost
frequency (Torres et al., 2012). The foregoing
affected, for example, the presences of HMF
patches studied by Luna-Vega et al. (2007),
one oriented to the north and the other to the
southwest, in which these authors found differ-
ences in ecological attributes as the number of
individuals per ha, basal area (m2/ha), species
richness, crown cover and normal diameter.
It is important to mention that these ecologi-
cal attributes have a differential impact on the
structure and diversity of the HMF in different
environments. Williams-Linera et al. (2013) in
a study of the HMF (which they call Cloud For-
est) of central Veracruz, they mention that these
types of forests located at low altitudes are
less diverse, and more similar in composition,
unlike forests located at higher elevations, but
not found differences in the structure of vegeta-
tion in forests located at different altitudes.
Santana et al. (2014), analyzed the biodi-
versity and structure in fragments of the HMF
(described as Bosque Mesófilo de Montaña) of
Michoacán, México; the authors mention that
diversity, similarity, and structure demonstrate
significant heterogeneity in HMF fragments.
García-De la Cruz et al. (2013) mention, that
the alpha diversity of one of the studied sites
for a mountain cloud forest of Veracruz, Méxi-
co, was significantly higher than the other two
sites; similarly, the plant structure between sites
was different, which was attributed to the man-
agement history and natural disturbances that
favor the establishment and development of
different species. Luna-Vega et al. (2007) car-
ried out a structural analysis of two fragments
of mountain cloud forest of the Trans-Mexican
Volcanic Belt; the authors refer that the two
sites have densities of 740-1 720 individuals
per hectare, differ in basal area, and foliage
coverage. García-Franco et al. (2008) analyzed
the vegetation of the Mountain Cloud Forest in
three sites in the center of Veracruz, Mexico;
the authors mentioned that there were no sig-
nificant differences for basal area between