Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
Reproductive cycle of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali
(Holothuriida: Holothuriidae) in the Ría de Vigo (NW of Spain)
Tania Ballesteros
Ana Tubío
Rosana Rodríguez
Alba Hernández
Damián Costas
Jesús Troncoso
1. Centro de Investigación Mariña, Universidade de Vigo, Grupo de Ecoloxía Costeira, Edificio CC Experimentais,
Campus Lagoas Marcosende, Vigo, Spain; tballesteros@uvigo.es (*Correspondence), atubio@uvigo.es,
alba.hernandez@uvigo.es, troncoso@uvigo.es
2. Centro de Investigación Mariña, Universidade de Vigo, Estación de Ciencias Mariñas de Toralla, Illa de Toralla,
Coruxo, Spain; rrodriguez@uvigo.es, dcostas@ecimat.org
Received 10-V-2020. Corrected 08-IX-2020. Accepted 20-X-2020.
Introduction: The exploitation of the sea cucumber (Holothuria (Panningothuria) forskali) in Ría de Vigo (NW
Spain) is recent (2015) and it has been done until now with scarce or no information about some key biological
aspects as reproduction, recruitment or growth. Objective: To describe the reproductive cycle of H. forskali
in Ría de Vigo. Methods: We sampled fortnightly throughout 2018. We calculated gonadal condition indices
(GCI) and gametogenic stages by classic histological methods. Results: The reproductive cycle of H. forskali
in the Ría de Vigo is characterized by a sexual resting stage during spring, when temperature and daylight hours
are lower; the beginning of gametogenesis during summer, when temperature is higher, daylight hours longer
and the sea bottom is rich in nutrients; then, a period of spawns interspersed with a gonadal restoration during
autumn and winter, when temperature is lower and food is scarce. Sex ratio is 1:1, however, the studied popula-
tion is not synchronized, because females initiate maturation earlier. The comparison of the histological results
with GCI indices suggest that GCI is a good indicator for gonadal stage. Fishery management strategies, such as
a closure period, must be adapted to the reproductive stage. We recommend avoiding fishing between November
and February to increase spawning potential ratio and, consequently, recruitment.
Key words: gonad restoration; abiotic factors; sex ratio; gonadal condition index; fisheries.
Ballesteros, T., Tubío, A., Rodríguez, R., Hernández, A.,
Costas, D., & Troncoso, J. (2021). Reproductive
cycle of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali
(Holothuriida: Holothuriidae) in the Ría de Vigo
(NW of Spain). Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(S1),
101-117. DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69iSuppl.1.46331
For centuries, sea cucumbers have been
consumed as a luxury food item in Asian coun-
tries (Conand & Byrne, 1993; Bordbar, Anwar
& Saari, 2011; Mehmet, Hüseyin, Bekir, Yilmaz
& Sevim, 2011; Purcell et al., 2013) due to its
high protein content, low fat content and amino
acid profile (Chen, 2003, 2004; Taboada,
Millán, Míguez & Fernández-Pulpeiro, 2008).
Due to its nutritional richness, they have also
been used in artificial feed (Bakus, 1973) and
as a fishing bait (Entrambasaguas, 2008). They
have been used in the traditional medicine sys-
tems, too because of their effectiveness against
hypertension, asthma, rheumatism, cuts and
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69iSuppl.1.46331
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
burns, impotence and constipation (Wen, Hu &
Fan, 2010; Bordbar et al., 2011). Also, they are
part of balms, oils, toothpastes, body lotions
and soaps (Poh-Sze, 2004; Conand, 2005). In
addition, new studies have attracted interest
from nutritionists and pharmacologists (Zhong,
Khan & Shahidi, 2007; Bordbar et al., 2011;
Santos et al., 2016).
All these possible applications have mas-
sively increased their demand, causing serious
problems of overexploitation around the world.
The high demand has caused 70% of the fisher-
ies to be depleted or over/fully exploited, and
that has led to the search for new less valuable
species in other distribution areas (Guzmán,
Guevara & Hernández, 2003; Purcell et al.,
2013; Sonnenholzner, Searcy-Bernal & Pan-
chana-Orrala, 2017; González-Wangüemert,
Domínguez-Godino & Cánovas, 2018). 16 out
of the 66 exploited species have been classified
as vulnerable or endangered by IUCN (Conand
et al., 2014; IUCN, 2019).
One of these new target species is Holo-
thuria (Panningothuria) forskali (González-
Wangüemert et al., 2018). This species is
present in the NE Atlantic Ocean, in Portugal
several companies are selling it (González-
Wangüemert, Valente, Henriques, Domínguez-
Godino & Serrão, 2016) and in Galicia (NW
of Spain) it began being exploited in 2015.
Galicia´s fisheries are co-managed by the
Autonomous Administration (Xunta de Gali-
cia) and fishers guilds (called “cofradías de
pescadores”) which nowadays design harvest-
ing plans every three years. H. forskali was
included in the sea urchin exploitation plan
(Plan Xeral de Explotación, 2015), as both
are echinoderms. Until now, the management
of the exploitation of this marine resource has
been done with scarce or no information about
some key biological aspects as reproduction,
recruitment and growth in this area. Studies
about the reproduction of holothurians are usu-
ally implemented when a fishery exploitation
has already started, or even when populations
are already overexploited (Navarro, García-
Sanz & Tuya, 2012).
There are only two studies on the repro-
ductive biology of this species. The first one
was carried out in Brittany-France by Tuwo
and Conand (1992) and the second in Peniche-
Portugal (2016) by Santos et al. Both agree
that it has an annual cycle, but disagree on
other aspects such as the resting period. The
gametogenic cycle may differ between popula-
tions in response to interactions with external
factors (e.g. seawater temperature, salinity,
light, food availability, parasitic infestations)
and internal factors (e.g. genetics, hormonal
cycle, nutrient reserves). This may generate
variations even within a small spatial range
like a ria, especially in sedentary invertebrates
such as sea cucumbers. In a study of gonadal
development of the temperate species Sewell
(1992) found that one population in northern
New Zealand had complete resorption of the
gonad after spawning, with no gonad material
present during the winter months. The same
species in the south retained a large volume of
tubules containing developing oocytes in the
resting period. Later Sewell, Tyler, Young and
Conand (1997) showed that gonad develop-
ment varies in holothurians as a function of
taxonomic position, geographical location and
habitat, even within individuals in the same
location. The aim of this paper is to present the
main features of the reproductive biology of
H. forskali in a bed of the Ría de Vigo, based
on histological examination of the gonads and
gonad indices, as well as to investigate the
relationship of the reproductive cycle with the
main environmental variables. This knowledge
would allow the development of effective
fishery management strategies, taking steps
toward conservation.
Sampling collection: Samples were taken
fortnightly (each comprising 30 individuals)
during 2018 from the Ría de Vigo (Galicia, NW
Spain) (42°14’65’ N & 8°49’63.4’ W) (Fig. 1),
by scuba-diving, at a depth of 10 m, with a total
of 630 individuals. Samples were put in plastic
recipients with seawater and were brought to
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
laboratories at Estación de Ciencias Mariñas de
Toralla (ECIMAT, University of Vigo).
Histological analyses and gonadal con-
dition index (GCI): Individuals were relaxed
for 15 min with 5 % MgCl
before the follow-
ing measurements were taken: total length (Lt)
and total wet weight (Wt). For histological
analysis, a piece of gonad was dissected and
routinely processed for histology: i.e. fixed in
Davidson formaldehyde for 24 h, dehydrated
in an ethanol series, embedded in paraffin, sec-
tioned at 5 μm and stained with hematoxylin
and eosin (Howard & Smith, 1983).
A gonadal status was assigned to each
individual according to a scale modified from
Tuwo et al. (1992), Ramofafia, Battaglene,
Bell and Byrne (2000), Navarro et al. (2012)
and Santos et al. (2016), which describes a new
stage of gonadal restoration, not described until
now for this species far as authors know. Gonad
development was therefore scored in five stag-
es: 0 (sexual rest), 1 (start of gametogenesis),
2 (advanced gametogenesis), 3 (maturation),
4A (spawning), 4B (gonad restoration) and 5
(exhaustion). For all collected individuals, the
gonad was removed, weighed (Gw) and mea-
sured (Gl). The eviscerated body weight (Ew),
which corresponded to the body wall weight,
excluding internal organs was also recorded.
The eviscerated body and the gonad were dried
for 48 h at 80 ºC to obtain dry weight of the
gonad (Gd) and dry weight of the eviscerated
body (Ed).
Two gonadal condition indices (GCI) were
calculated using wet and dry weights of the
body wall and gonads (Tuwo et al., 1992;
Navarro et al., 2012): GCI
= Gd100/Ed and
= Gw100/Ew.
The GCI values were plotted using the
mean and the standard deviation as estimators
of the central trend of the sample. Progress
through the gametogenic stages was deter-
mined by the histological analyses and changes
in the GCI; it was compared to confirm the
correlation between both methods.
Environmental variables: The environ-
mental variables selected to study its effect
on the reproductive cycle of H. forskali were
sea water temperature and photoperiod. Water
temperatures were obtained from Torallamar
Fig. 1. Location of the sea cucumber studied population (star).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
(Oceanographic and Meteorological Informa-
tion Portal developed by the Physical Oceanog-
raphy Group and the staff of the Marine Research
Center of the University of Vigo) (https://www.
MAT) (González, Herrera & Varela, 2020) and
the number of hours of light per day was pro-
vided by the reference meteorological station
Chi-square analysis was performed on the
data of all samples analyzed by histological
methods to test possible deviations from the 1:1
ratio of the male:female ratio. The normality
of the size and weight distribution was evalu-
ated by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The relationship
between size/weight and sex was examined by
a non-parametric test, unpaired two-samples
Wilcoxon test. The homogeneity of variance
(Levene test) and normality (Shapiro test) in
the GCI between groups was not achieved.
Therefore, to study possible differences of the
GCI between variables (sex-month and sex-
season) it has been used a robust method of
a single factor Welch-ANOVA for each of the
settings and Games-Howell post-hoc test to sta-
blish pairwise comparisons of means. Two-way
ANOVA to explore single and combined effects
of sex, months and seasons over GI (Wilcox,
2012; Liu, 2015; Mair & Wilcox, 2020).
Population characteristics: Of the 630
individuals, 49.37 % were males, 45.24 %
females and 5.40 % were undetermined sex
(Fig. 2). The sex ratio for all sampled speci-
mens not differ significantly from 1:1 (c
P > 0.05). All indeterminate individuals
correspond to the period of sexual rest, when
the sexes cannot be differentiated. The aver-
age weight (± SD) of the males was 262.47
± 83.47 g and of females 271.62 ± 83.46
g; average length (± SD) was 27.68 ± 5.04
and 27.60 ± 5.04 cm, respectively (Table 1).
Although females were bigger (in weight) than
males, no significant differences in weight
were found between the sexes (Wilcoxon, P
> 0.05). Significant differences were found
between gonad measurements and sex. Males
had longer gonads than females, but weighed
less (Wilcoxon, P < 0.05).
Fig. 2. Proportion of sex of H. forskali by monthly sample (N = 630).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
Histological analyses: seven stages were
defined for H. forskali based on histological
observations (Table 2). A gonadal status was
assigned to each individual according to fol-
lowing scale:
Stage 0 - Sexual rest: most of the gonad
is occupied by connective tissue. The tubules
are small with very thick walls. There may be
primary germ cells but it is not possible to dif-
ferentiate the sex (Fig. 3A). This stage remains
from March to May, predominating in April.
Stage 1- Start of gametogenesis: the wall
of the tubule is reduced, but the connective
tissue still abounds. In males the germinal
epithelium forms numerous folds extending to
the lumen. The tubules are full immature cells:
oogonias and previtelogenic oocytes adhered
to the walls of the tubule in females (Fig.
3B) and spermatogonia of spherical appear-
ance and primary spermatocytes in males (Fig.
3C). This stage predominates from the end of
April to July.
Stage 2 - Advanced gametogenesis: the
inside of the tubule is filling up of cells, the
wall goes away slimming down and the folds
begin to disappear as gametogenesis progress-
es. All maturity stages of the reproductive cells
are observed, with more germ cells than mature
ones (in number). The immature oocytes are
fully adhered to the wall of the follicle while
mature oocytes are attached by one peduncle
or free in the follicle (Fig. 3D). The imma-
ture sperm (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and
spermatids) are close to the follicle wall and
mature sperm (with tail) occupies the center
(Fig. 3E). This stage predominates from July
to October.
Stage 3 - Maturation: the tubules are very
big; have a thin wall, the longitudinal folds in
them disappear and no germ cells are found.
In females, oocytes measure 162.68 ± 6.1
µm and may acquire polygonal forms due to
them under pressure (Fig. 3F). In males, sperm
occupy all the lumen, hold on strongly and the
longitudinal folds disappear (Fig. 3G). This
stage is more frequent between September
and February.
Stage 4A - Spawning: the tubule wall
remains thin, with strangulations, and as the
stage progresses this begins to thicken again.
As a result of the partial release of gametes,
follicular pressure decreases, empty spaces
are observed inside the follicles (Fig. 3H for
females and Fig. 3I for males). Disorganiza-
tion of the sperm is stands out in males. This
stage predominates from the end of October
to March.
Stage 4B - Gonad restoration: after the
spawn, a new line of germ cells appears on
the wall of the tubules. This stage is similar to
stage 2, but it differs in the big size of tubules,
in the absence of connective tissue and in that
the wall is thin (Fig. 3J for females and Fig.
3K for males). In males there is a separation
between the mature spermatocytes at the center
of the lumen and the immature spermatocytes
at the periphery of the follicles. This stage is
more frequent between December and April but
in a low number of individuals.
Stage 5 - Exhaustion: the tubules with
numerous folds begin to degenerate (phago-
cytic cells appear), so they decrease in number
and size, being replaced by connective tissue.
In females, residual oocytes can be observed
Biometric data attending to sex
Wet weight (g) Length (cm)
Mean ± SD Min Max Mean ± SD Min Max
Males 311 262.47 ± 83.47 100.4 522 27.68 ± 5.04 15 45
Females 285 271.62 ± 83.46 109.35 622 27.60 ± 5.04 12 42
Undetermined 34 241.94 ± 70.07 122 451 27.06 ± 4.13 19.5 37
*N = Population size, Mean ± standard deviation, Min = minimum size, Max = maximum size.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
(Fig. 3L) and in males, the spermatozoa are dis-
organized (Fig. 3M). The gonad is practically
reabsorbed by phagocytic activity. This stage
predominates from March to May.
Gonadal condition index (GCI), repro-
ductive cycle and environmental factors:
The mean (± SD) obtained from GCI
12% (± 11%) while that of GCI
was 11%
Description of each gonadal state for females and males
Stage Month Males Females
0: sexual rest March-May Abundance of connective tissue
Small tubules
Abundance of connective tissue
Small tubules
1: start of
April- July Abundance of connective tissue
Small tubules
Germinal epithelium with numerous folds
Immature cells: spermatogonia and
primary spermatocytes
Abundance of connective tissue
Small tubules
Immature cells: oogonias and
previtellogenic oocytes adhered to the
2: advanced
July-October Inside of the tubule is filling up of cell
Wall goes away slimming down
Folds begin to disappear
Cells in all stages of development
Spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and
spermatids are close to the follicle wall
and mature sperm (with tail) occupy the
Inside of the tubule is filling up of cell
Wall goes away slimming down
Cells in all stages of development
Immature oocytes adhered to the wall
and mature oocytes attached by one
peduncle or free in the follicle
3: maturation September-
Big tubules
Thin wall
No folds
No germ cells
Sperm occupy all the lumen
Filled tubules
Big tubules
Thin wall
No germ cells
Polygonal oocytes
Filled tubules
4A: spawning October- March Big tubules
Thin wall with strangulations
No folds
No germ cells
Empty spaces
Disorganization of the sperm
Big tubules
Thin wall with strangulations
No germ cells
Follicular pressure decreases
Empty spaces
4B: gonad
December- April Big tubules
Thin wall with strangulations
Absence of connective tissue
New line of germ cells on the wall of the
Mature spermatocytes in the center
Immature spermatocytes in the periphery
of the follicles
Big tubules
Thin wall with strangulations
Absence of connective tissue
New line of germ cells on the wall of
the tubules
Mature oocytes in the center
Previtellogenic oocytes in the periphery
of the follicles
5: exhaustion March- May Numerous folds
Phagocytic cells
Small tubules
Connective tissue
Phagocytic activity
Phagocytic cells
Small tubules
Connective tissue
Residual oocytes
Phagocytic activity
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
(± 11%). Despite the fact that the GCI
was higher except in the months of sexu-
al rest (March, April and May), the trend
throughout the year is similar in both
indices (Fig. 4A, 4B and 4C). Conse-
quently, only GCI
will be kept in mind
for using the dry weight and not the wet
weight, resulting in less error. The GCI
varies throughout the year, significant
differences were found between months
(Welch’s ANOVA, F
= 146.26, P
< 0.05) and seasons (Welch’s ANOVA,
= 267.16, P < 0.05). Consider-
ing two-to-two comparisons between
months, there would be no difference
between the winter months and the
spring months. June shows more similar-
ity with the spring months, August with
the winter ones and in the winter months,
September differs from November.
There were significant differences
between sexes on the yearly mean GCI
(Welch’s ANOVA, F
= 6.05, P <
0.05) obtaining an annual mean (± SD)
12.2 % (± 11.7 %) for females and 10.2
% (± 8.8 %) for males. There is interac-
tion of the GCI
between sex-season (sex
x season, two-way ANOVA, P < 0.05)
and sex-month (sex x month, two-way
ANOVA, P < 0.05), the difference in
the GIC
between sexes is not constant
throughout the year, that difference is
more important in winter and more con-
stant in the other seasons (Fig. 4D). The
maximum values of the gonad index
Fig. 3. Gametogenic stages of female (B, D, F, H,
J, L) and males (C, E, G, I, K, M) Holothuria
forskali. A. Stage 0-sexual rest in indeterminates.
B-C. Stage 1-start of gametogenesis. D-E.
Stage 2-advanced gametogenesis. F-G. Stage
3-maturation. H-I. Stage 4A-spawning. J-K. Stage
4B-gonad restoration. M-N. Stage 5-exhaustion.
CT: connective tissue, CTF: connective tissue
folds, GV: germinal vesicle, GW: gonadal wall, L:
lumen, N: nucleus, O: oocyte, P: phagocytes, PO:
previtellogenic oocytes, PS: primary spermatocytes,
RO: residual oocyte, S: spermatozoa (bar: 100 µm).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
were achieved in February during the winter
season, whereas in spring the lowest values
were found, corresponding to the sexual rest
stage (stage 0) when there is hardly any gonad.
The successive ups and downs from October to
January may be indicative of partial spawning,
and those in February, of the main spawning.
The study of the reproductive cycle (Fig.
5) began in winter, when the H. forskali species
was in the maturation (stage 3) and spawning
(stage 4A) stages, with the predominance of the
latest ones. Then, the gonadal remnants were
resorbed to a stage of sexual exhaustion (stage
5) and rest (stage 0) that occurs in spring, find-
ing a higher percentage of individuals in these
stages in April. After a period of sexual rest
(the total number of individuals sampled in this
stage is never observed), a new gonadal cycle
begins. Individuals in the beginning phase of
gametogenesis (stage 1) were observed from
April to summer, a period in which this stage
dominates together with that one of advanced
gametogenesis (stage 2). At the end of June, the
first mature individuals appeared, the stage of
maturation remained until the end of the year
and overlaps with the first spawning which
started in November. The stage of gonad resto-
ration (4B) was observed after the first spawn-
ing, in the month of December and continued
always in a low percentage of the population
until the rest stage (end of April). Something to
note, is that the stage of gonadal recovery was
Fig. 4. H. forskali gonad condition index (GCI) through the year 2018. A. Represent GCI1 vs. GCI2 in females. B. Represent
vs. GCI
in males. C. Represent GCI
vs. GCI
in all population. D. Represent the interaction of sex and seasons over
-dark grey line, GCI
-light grey line, females-empty circles and males-full circles.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
uncommon (Fig. 6), and it appeared in females
during the months of March (Fig. 6A) and
April. However, it appeared in males between
December and February (Fig. 6B).
The studied population showed some asyn-
chronous gametogenic development between
sexes (Fig. 6), females initiated maturing ear-
lier than males. It is worth noting that, in addi-
tion, the females remained in a longer stage of
maturation, finding mature females in a higher
percentage until March. Another observation to
highlight between the sexes was that in males
the first gonadal restoration was observed in
December and continued until the exhaustion
stage, whereas in the females it appeared coin-
ciding with the resting stage (March).
When representing the reproductive cycle
against environmental variables (Fig. 5), it can
be observed that there is a negative correlation
between gonadal development and photope-
riod, as the hours of light increase, the gonadal
condition index decreases, coinciding with the
stages of sexual exhaustion and rest. The sexual
rest coincides with the increase in temperature
and hours of light, and the beginning of matura-
tion, with the decrease.
Although some aspects of reproductive
biology of H. forskali have been studied in
other areas, there may be differences from one
population to another. Therefore, it was neces-
sary to study the population of the Ría de Vigo
in order to carry out proper fisheries manage-
ment. The first study that reported data on the
reproductive cycle of this species was that of
Tuwo et al. (1992) in France. As in the French
Brittany population, this population did not
show significant differences in size between
males and females as in many other species
(Despalatović, Grubelić, Ŝimunović, Antolić &
Zuljević, 2004; Fajardo-León, Suárez-Higuera,
del Valle-Manríquez & Hernández-López,
Fig. 5. Temporal distribution of gametogenic stages of H. forskali and variation in gonadal condition index (GCI; mean). 0:
sexual rest; 1: start of gametogenesis; 2: advanced gametogenesis; 3: maturity; 4A: spawning; 4B: gonad restoration and 5:
exhaustion. Also are represented monthly variations in water temperature and in the hour of light.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
2008), and the sex ratio did not differ from the
1:1. In contrast, the population of the Ría de
Vigo presents bigger individuals with an aver-
age weight of 265.42 ± 83.40 g compared to
152.5 g of the French population. This may be
due to the fact that the holothurian fishery in
Galicia is still very recent or that Galicia waters
are richer in nutrients.
Despite the fact that the sex ratio is 1:1
in most holothurians (Ramofafia, Byrne &
Battangle, 2001; Asha & Muthiga, 2008;
Fajardo-León et al., 2008; Kazanidis et al.,
Fig. 6. Temporal distribution of gametogenic stages of H. forskali. 0: sexual rest; 1: start of gametogenesis; 2: advanced
gametogenesis; 3: maturity; 4A: spawning; 4B: gonad restoration and 5: exhaustion. A. Females. B. Males.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
2010; Peters-Didier, Pardo, Garrido & Gal-
lardo, 2018; Cahuzac et al., 2019), as in the
Ría de Vigo, some species demonstrated an
unbalanced ratio (Costelloe, 1985; Navarro et
al., 2012; Omar, Abdel Razek, Abdel Rahman
& El Shimy, 2013; Pañola-Madrigal, Calde-
rón-Aguilera, Aguilar-Cruz, Reyes-Bonilla &
Herrero-Pérezrul, 2017). In fact, Santos et al.
(2016) found in H. forskali, more female than
males; these authors explain that the place of
sampling is subject to strong tides which is
considered to be another major factor affecting
the balanced sex ratio due to the fact that strong
sea waves often promote species´ evisceration
as a stress response. However, this result may
also be a consequence of the low sample num-
ber (N = 91), Tuwo et al. (1992) sampled a total
of 409 mature individuals, and in this study,
596 individuals. Shiell & Uthicke (2006) also
found that in Holothuria whitmaei the males
and females’ ratio did not differ from unity in
a population of Western Australia (N = 325),
but in a population of Pacific Australia more
males than females predominated significantly
(N = 206). Something similar happened also
happens with the species Isostichopus fuscus in
two populations of Mexico (Pañola-Madrigal et
al., 2017). Another species of the same genus
(Holothuria tubulosa) was studied in the Aege-
an Sea (N = 166) by Kazanidis et al. (2010) and
in the Adriatric sea (N = 130) by Despalatović
et al. (2004), both obtained the same result
(1:1) regarding the sex ratio.
The measurements taken from the gonads
differ between sexes, agreeing with the data
selected by Santos et al. (2016) and Tuwo et al.
(1992) to H. forskali, male gonads are longer
than female gonads but with less weight. This
is common in sea cucumbers, females with
shorter tubules have a greater quantity because
they invest more in reproduction (Shiell &
Uthicke, 2006). The size of the gonad with
respect to each sex can differ between species
of holothurian and may reflect differences in
spawning behavior (Morgan, 2000).
In all the papers reviewed, although they
can designate the stages with another name or
include 2 stages in 1, basically all of them state
a phase of rest, growth, maturation, spawn and
exhaustion. However, in this study a gonadal
restoration phase has been observed, without
going through a previous rest, probably thanks
to the high sampling periodicity and by the
sample number (N = 630). To understand this
stage of gonadal restoration, it is necessary to
keep in mind that unlike other species (Costel-
loe, 1985), H. forskali does not present germ
cells in the mature stage. They appear after the
first spawning. The gonadal restoration phase
is frequent in many bivalves (Suárez, Álvarez,
Molist & San Juan, 2005; Martínez-Castro &
Vázquez, 2012; Hernández-Otero, Martínez-
Castro, Vázquez & Macho, 2014) but not in
holothurians. The low percentage of individu-
als found in this stage suggests that those who
have gutted use this strategy (gonadal restora-
tion), individuals who have gutted part of the
gonad in the period of maturity could regener-
ate it without going through a period of rest.
These individuals begin a new gametogenic
cycle without going through a resting stage to
save time and not lose the reproductive period.
Also, if we keep in mind the GCI, before appre-
ciating the steepest peak (February) we can
observe other weaker prior peaks, and as Tuwo
et al. (1992) indicate, after spawning, almost
the entire content of the gonads is released,
causing the decrease in GCI. If this is compared
with what happens in two species of mollusks
(Darriba, San Juan & Guerra, 2005), one of
them with recovery status and the other without
it, the following can be observed: Ensis siliqua
is a species that does not exhibit gonadal resto-
ration during the spawning period and for this
reason there is only one maximum in the GCI
rather than consecutive maxima, which would
be indicative of consecutive spawns over the
course of several months, as it occurs in Ensis
arcuatus. Females start before maturation,
which may be because it was underestimating
the rate of mature males, since this status has
only been assigned to males in which the tubule
walls were free of immature cells. Although
the criteria were the same in both sexes, males
may release sperm before immature cells stop
proliferating. In addition, some females start
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
a new cycle of gametogenesis without going
through a resting stage, which may be the
reason why some mature females appear in the
month of July.
The reproductive cycle of H. forskali was
determined based on the histological analysis
and the GCI. The influence of environmental
variables on it was also observed. Different
gonadal indices have been used (Pérez &
Marcos, 1985) from the beginning, with them
a first idea of the periodicity of the reproduc-
tive cycles can be obtained (Engstrom, 1980).
Two indices were used in this study, the GCI
considering the dry weight and the GCI
the wet weight, this is the reason why the GCI
is superior and why the differences between
indices decrease in the months of rest when the
gonad is reduced, thus accumulating less water
inside. The highest percentages of GCI
reached between October and February. The
gonadal cycle of H. forskali in Galicia shifts
one month when compared to the study carried
out in Brittany (France) (Tuwo et al., 1992), in
which they obtained the highest percentages
of GCI
between November and March, on
the other side it agrees with the data obtained
by Santos et al. (2006) in Peniche (Portugal),
who found the highest values in November
and February.
trend of the was similar in both
sexes, but females have a higher ICG than
males, this difference being more evident in the
reproductive period just like in other species
(Sewell & Bergquist, 1990; Asha & Muthiga,
2008; Omar et al., 2013; Woong, Lee, Yoo &
Hang, 2017). These results coincide with those
obtained by Tuwo et al. (1992) in this species,
but they differ from those found by Santos et
al. (2006), also for H. forskali. No significant
differences were found either between sexes
or among months and in other species the
opposite occurs, where the male has a higher
GCI than that of the females except in the
maturation stage (Peters-Didier et al., 2018).
Other species of the same genus, such as Holo-
thuria sanctori, have the highest GCI values
in the summer months and the lowest between
November and March. Its reproductive cycle is
contrary to that of H. forskali, because despite
being an Atlantic species in this region there
is a subtropical climate (Navarro et al., 2012).
Comparison of the histological results with
GCI indices suggests that GCI is a good indi-
cator for the gonadal stage. A good homol-
ogy between the GCI and the stages of the
gonads with a histological analysis has been
reported for various aspidochirote holothuri-
ans (Conand, 1993; Shiell & Uthicke, 2006;
Kazanidis et al., 2010), thus GCI seems to be
reliable for the description of the reproductive
cycle in holothurians. Although a first idea of
the periodicity of the reproductive cycles can
be obtained through GCI (Engstrom, 1980)
such as Fajardo-León et al. (2008) indicate in
their studies, the GCI can vary with the physi-
ological stage of the organism, due to environ-
mental factors and diet, therefore it is necessary
to complement it with a histological study.
H. forskali showed an annual cycle, with
spawning in winter and rest in spring. These
results concur with that found for this species
by Tuwo et al. (1992), the maturation starts
in October. However, these authors conclude
that there is a short spawning in April, but in
this case, we have found partial spawns from
November and a large one in February. On
the other hand, Santos et al. (2006) did not
find a resting period in males and they found
resting females in January, May and June.
These differences can be attributed to the fact
that the frequency of gonad maturity stages
used by these authors was determined by the
physical characteristics of large tubules and
not by histology. In H. forskali there could be a
latitudinal gradient as with other species. It has
been noticed that the sexual rest of this species
in Galicia-Spain takes place one month earlier
than in Brittany-France (Tuwo et al., 1992) and
some females were found at rest in January
in Peniche-Portugal (Santos et al., 2016), two
months earlier than in Spain. A gradient lati-
tudinal from south to north has been described
(Fajardo-León et al., 2008) to Parastichopus
parvimensis, in the south the maturity-spawn-
ing period is in winter / spring and in the north
in spring / summer.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
Correlation of reproductive cycle with con-
ditions existing in the natural environment has
been examined for a number of sea cucumbers
(Costelloe, 1985; Sewell & Bergquist, 1990;
Hamel, Himmelman & Dufresne, 1993; Hop-
per, Hunter & Richmond, 1998; Asha & Muth-
iga, 2008; Pañola-Madrigal et al., 2017) since,
the reproductive activities of echinoderms are
regulated by endogenous factors, which, in
turn, are affected by exogenous environmental
factors (Costelloe, 1985). According to Costel-
loe (1985), the environmental stimuli that have
the most influence on sexual cycles directly
or indirectly are: changing temperature, salin-
ity, photoperiod, food and habitat availability
and juvenile recruitment and survival. In this
study, two of these factors have been studied;
temperature and photoperiod.
The reproduction pattern of this species is
contrary to that the other holothurians, which
reproduce during the warmer months when the
days are longer. In this way the larvae have
greater food availability due to the prolifera-
tion of phytoplankton (Cameron & Fankboner,
1986; Sewell & Bergquist, 1990; Conand, 1993;
Hamel et al., 1993; Morgan, 2000; Ramofafia
et al., 2001; Guzmán et al., 2003; Despalatović
et al., 2004; Kazanidis et al., 2010; Omar et
al., 2013; Pañola-Madrigal et al., 2017). The
spawning period of H. forskali takes place
when the temperatures are lower as well as
are the species Holothuria whitmaei (Shiell
& Uthicke, 2006), Aslia lefevrei (Costelloe,
1985) or Holothuria nobilis (Conand, 1993).
In fact, the induction of spawning by thermal
stimulus supports the suggestion that tempera-
ture may be a factor that cues gamete release.
This is a widely used spawning method in the
cultivation of holothurians (Rakaj et al., 2018;
Hartai & Pringgenies, 1998; Agudo, 2006)
and has also been successful for this species
(Laguerre et al., 2020).
It can be observed that there is a negative
correlation between gonadal development and
photoperiod, as the hours of light increase, the
gonadal condition index decreases. By contrast,
according to Cameron & Fankboner (1986),
most holothurians according spawn in longer
photoperiod; for example, Parastichopus cali-
fornicus initiates spawning with the increase
in daylight length and intensity which means
an increase in phytoplankton biomass. The
same happens with Actinopyga mauritiana,
the observations of Hopper et al. (1998) and
Ramofafia et al. (2001) support the suggestion
that spawning coincided with increased water
temperature and day length, and the beginning
of the wet season.
The strategy followed by H. forskali could
be to accumulate reserves in the hot months
with more hours of light, when the food is pre-
dominant, in order to use these reserves during
the maturation and spawning periods together
with the accessible food in this moment. In
this way, the larvae would be favored, they
would have greater availability of food, since
from February the hours of light and the tem-
perature increase. This idea was also proposed
by Costelloe (1985) and Costelloe & Keegan
(1984) for A. lefevrei, this species accumu-
lates most of the nutrients during the warmer
months and depends on these food reserves for
general metabolism and gametogenic activity
during the winter. Galicia has waters very rich
in nutrients and although the upwelling events
are a frequent phenomenon during the spring
and summer months, there is also in the pos-
sibility of observing some these events during
the maturation-spawning periods of this species
(November-February) (Álvarez, Prego, deCas-
tro & Varela, 2012). The results of this study
confirm that the abiotic factors are probably
important signals for the gonadal development
of this species.
Data obtained on the reproductive biol-
ogy of H. forskali can be useful to implement
a sustainable exploitation of this resource, as
it would help to stablish a harvest season and
a closure during the spawning period. The
sea cucumber fishery is recent in Galicia and
therefore, it is important to develop this type
of study and apply effective management mea-
sures that avoid overexploitation of this sea
cucumber species.
The tendency of the two GCI was the
same, the GCI
is a good tool to be used by
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 101-117, March 2021 (Published Mar. 30, 2021)
fishermen’s guilds to check the maturity period
in which the population is, because it is faster
and does not require special equipment.
The closure period must be adapted to the
reproductive stage. Thus, it is recommended to
avoid harvesting between November and Feb-
ruary in order to increase the spawning poten-
tial ratio and consequently the recruitment.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
To all the personnel of the Toralla Marine
Science Station (ECIMAT) and to the fisher´s
guild of Cangas. This study was conducted
under the project “Study of the biology, popu-
lation status and genetic diversity of holoturia
(Holothuria forskali) in the Ría de Vigo”,
financially supported by the Consellería do
Mar, Xunta de Galicia.
Ciclo reproductivo del pepino de mar Holothuria fors-
kali (Holothuriida: Holothuriidae) en la Ría de Vigo
(NW de España)
Introducción: La explotación del pepino de mar
(Holothuria (Panningothuria) forskali) en la Ría de Vigo
(NO España) es reciente (2015) y se ha llevado a cabo
con poca o ninguna información sobre algunos aspectos
biológicos claves como la reproducción, el reclutamiento
o el crecimiento. Objetivo: Describir el ciclo reproductivo
de H. forskali en un banco de la Ría de Vigo. Métodos: Se
tomaron muestras quincenales durante el 2018. Se calcu-
laron índices de condición gonadal (ICG) y se obtuvieron
los estados gonadales siguiendo métodos histológicos
clásicos. El estado gonadal de cada individuo se asignó de
acuerdo con una escala modificada por otros autores, y en
ella se describe un nuevo estado de recuperación gonadal,
no descrito hasta ahora para esta especie. Resultados:
El ciclo reproductivo de H. forskali se caracteriza por
una etapa de reposo sexual en primavera, un inicio de la
gametogénesis durante el verano y un período de pues-
tas sucesivas intercaladas con recuperaciones gonadales
durante el otoño e invierno. La proporción de sexos es 1:1
y la población estudiada no está sincronizada, las hembras
inician la maduración antes. La comparación de los resul-
tados histológicos con los índices ICG sugiere que este
índice es un buen indicador del estado gonadal. El período
de veda debe adaptarse a la etapa reproductiva, por lo que
recomendamos evitar la extracción del recurso al menos
entre noviembre y febrero para asegurar un mayor número
de puestas y, en consecuencia, el reclutamiento.
Palabras clave: recuperación gonadal; factores abió-
ticos; proporción sexual; índice de condición gonadal;
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