Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
Floral ontogeny and anatomy of the hemiparasitic shrub
Gaiadendron punctatum and a comparison of floral characters in
the tribes Gaiadendrinae and Nuytsiae (Loranthaceae)
Hernán Darío Suárez
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8460-6995
Camila Robayo
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1710-9489
Xavier Marquínez
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0035-260X
Lauren Raz
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3152-4726
1. Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, (Sisbio, COL0024669), Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede
Bogotá, Colombia, Carrera 30 # 45-03, Bogotá D.C., Colombia; hdsuarezr@unal.edu.co, carobayom@unal.edu.co,
xmarquinezc@unal.edu.co (Correspondence*)
2. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Bogotá, Colombia,
Carrera 30 # 45-03, Bogotá D.C., Colombia; lraz@unal.edu.co
Received 01-III-2021. Corrected 07-V-2021. Accepted 09-VII-2021.
Introducction: Gaiadendron punctatum is a hemiparasitic species of Loranthaceae (Tribe Gaiadendreae) that
is widely distributed in mountainous regions of Central and South America. Embryological and phylogenetic
studies in the family indicate a trend towards reduction of the gynoecium and ovules, the morphology of which
supports the current circumscription of Tribe Gaiadendreae (Gaiadendron and Atkinsonia). Molecular phyloge-
netic studies suggest that Nuytsia, Atkinsonia and Gaiadendron diverged successively, forming a grade at the
base of the Loranthaceae, but support values are low.
Objetive: In the present study, the floral anatomy of Gaiadendron punctatum was investigated in order to
provide additional data to permit comparisons among the three basal-most genera in the Loranthaceae and
reevaluate their relationships.
Methods: Flowers of G. punctatum were collected at different developmental stages and serial sections were
prepared and analyzed by light microscopy.
Results: Inflorescence development is acropetal; the flowers are bisexual with an inferior ovary surmounted by
a calyculus, a ring-shaped structure lacking vascular tissue; the ovary is comprised of seven basal locules, each
with an ategmic, tenuinucellate ovule. Above the locules is a mamelon that is fused with the adjacent tissues.
The androecium is comprised of seven epipetalous stamens, the anthers with fibrous endothecium dehiscence
through a single longitudinal slit, releasing tricolpated pollen.
Conclusions: The results of this study show that Gaiadendron and Atkinsonia share versatile, dorsifixed anthers,
while Gaiadendron and Nuytsia share the same mode of anther dehiscence. On the other hand, Gaiadendron
shares with members of Tribe Elytrantheae an amyliferous mamelon and an unvascularized calyculus.
Combined phylogenetic analyses of morphological and molecular data are desirable to determine whether Tribe
Gaiadendreae comprises a clade, a grade or if the two genera are more distantly related.
Key words: Atkinsonia; embryo sacs; floral development; gynoecium; hypostase; mamelon; Nuytsia.
Suárez, H. D., Robayo, C., Marquínez, X., Raz, L. (2021).
Floral ontogeny and anatomy of the shrub Gaiadendron
punctatum and a comparison of floral characters in
the tribes Gaiadendrinae and Nuytsiae (Loranthaceae).
Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(3), 787-810. https://doi.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
Loranthaceae Juss. is the most diverse fam-
ily of parasitic plants in the tropics, comprising
approximately 73 genera and 960 species (Due-
ñas-Gómez & Franco-Roselli, 2001; Nickrent
et al., 2010; Dueñas-Gómez, 2015). The mono-
phyly of the family is strongly supported by
molecular and morphological evidence, with
the molecular data also providing robust sup-
port for the genus Nuytsia R.Br. as sister to the
rest of the family (Vidal-Russell & Nickrent,
2008a; Nickrent et al., 2010; Su et al., 2015).
In the aforementioned studies, Nuytsia forms
a grade with two other early-diverging genera:
(Nuytsia (Atkinsonia F.Muell. (Gaiadendron
G. Don (rest of the Loranthaceae)))), although
Nickrent et al., (2019) recovered an alternate
topology: (Nuytsia (Gaiadendron (Atkinsonia
(rest of the Loranthaceae)))). Grimsson et al.,
(2017) recovered a completely different topol-
ogy in which Atkinsonia was resolved as sister
to an entirely Australasian clade, but with a
low bootstrap support value. More data are
desirable to resolve the divergence order in this
basal part of the tree.
The current classification of the family
includes five tribes and 11 subtribes (Nickrent
et al., 2010; Kuijt, 2015). This study focuses in
tribe Nuytsieae Tiegh., including only Nuytsia
floribunda (Labill) R.Br., endemic to Western
Australia, and tribe Gaiadendreae Tiegh., com-
prising Atkinsonia ligustrina (Lindl.) F. Muell.,
also from Australia, plus the Neotropical Gaia-
dendron, which includes G. punctatum (Ruiz
& Pav.) G. Don, distributed in high montane
ecosystems of South and Central America,
and G. coronatum Kuijt, narrowly endemic to
high-Andean dwarf forests in Peru (Kuijt &
Graham, 2015). Although Gaiadendreae are not
monophyletic, its two component genera share
the following characters: versatile, dorsifixed
anthers, fruits forming pseudodrupes and seeds
with sulcate endosperm. The inflorescences
of Atkinsonia are composed of monads, while
those of Gaiadendron form triads, but the
floral morphology is similar in both genera
(Nickrent et al., 2010).
The first embryological studies in the
family, including the first interpretation of the
reproductive organs, were published by Treub
(1883). A century later, Bhatnagar and Johri
(1983) studied the floral structure and embryol-
ogy of an expanded sample of 13 genera, cul-
minating in the publication of their series titled
“Morphological and embryological studies in
the family Loranthaceae”. Contemporaneous-
ly, Cocucci (1982) and Venturelli undertook
studies of some Neotropical genera including
Struthanthus Mart. (Venturelli, 1981) and Tri-
podanthus (Eichl.) Tiegh. (Venturelli, 1983).
Based on their work, these authors had differ-
ent interpretations of the process of reduction
of the gynoecium and ovules observed in the
family (Cocucci, 1982; Bhatnagar & Johri,
1983). The “primitive” condition was repre-
sented by Nuytsia (Bhatnagar & Johri, 1983) or
by Tripodanthus and Nuytsia (Cocucci, 1982),
in both cases with ategmic ovules completely
separated from the ovary wall and enclosed
in differentiated locules with the embryo sacs
pointing towards the base of the gynoecium.
These interpretations were based on
detailed studies of embryogenesis in Nuytsia
floribunda (Narayana, 1958a). Detailed embry-
ological studies have also been conducted on
Atkinsonia ligustrina by Prakash (1961), who
suggested that it would be useful to study
the embryology of Gaiadendron in order to
test the relationships of the Gaiadendreae and
Elytrantheae Engl. (considered subtribes at
that time). More recently, Suaza-Gaviria et
al., (2016) studied the floral structure of Gaia-
dendron along with that of other Neotropical
Loranthaceae species, but this work was mostly
focused on inflorescence morphology.
Here we present a detailed study of floral
development in Gaiadendron punctatum in
order to fill in existing gaps in the data and
thereby allow direct comparison of floral mor-
phology and especially embryological char-
acters among the three basal genera (Nuytsia,
Atkinsonia and Gaiadendron) in Loranthaceae,
data that may help shed light on the as-yet
unresolved relationships among these taxa.
Plant material: Flowers at different pheno-
logical stages (buds, anthetic and post-anthetic
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
flowers) were collected in the field and imme-
diately fixed in FAA (formaldehyde: acetic
acid: 70 % ethanol, 10:5:85) from a plant of a
small population of Gaiadendron punctatum
from the following locality: Colombia. Dept.
Cundinamarca, Municipality la Calera, locality
“Los Patios”, North of the tollboth, paramo ca.
3 000 m. (voucher specimen Raz 1742, COL).
The determination was confirmed using keys
and descriptions by Kuijt (1981) and, Dueñas-
Gómez and Franco-Roselli (2001).
In order to facilitate the description of the
floral developmental processes, we established
six stages of flower development taking into
account the phenological phase (bud: 1 to 4;
anthesis: 5; post-anthesis: 6), the total length of
the flower measured in longitudinal section and
the observed phases of microgametogenesis
and megagametogenesis in the androecium and
gynoecium, respectively (Table 1).
The flowers, fixed in FAA for 48 hours,
were subsequently stored in 70 % ethanol,
and treated following the Robles et al., (2016)
protocol. This involved standard methods of
dehydratation, paraffin infiltration, sectioning
with a rotary microtome (820 Spencer, Ameri-
can Optical Company, NY) and attachment
to microscope slides. The slides were stained
with astra-blue and fuchsine and deposited in
the Department of Biology collection at the
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.
The slides were analyzed and photographed
using an Olympus BX-50 microscope with a
Moticam Pro 282B camera. Fixed flowers were
studied with a Leica M205A stereoscope using
multifocus mode and photographed with a
Leica MC 170 HC camera. Digital images were
processed and edited with the software Adobe
Photoshop CC and InDesign.
Flower and inflorescence morphol-
ogy: Gaiadendron punctatum is a profusely
branched shrub with axillary and/or terminal
compound racemose inflorescences, develop-
ing acropetally (Fig. 1A). The partial inflo-
rescences are dichasia composed of a central
flower and two sessile lateral flowers (Fig.
1B). The dichasia are opposite and decussate
along the inflorescence axis, each subtended
by bracts. All the flowers are bisexual and sub-
tended by foliaceous bracts.
The flower of Gaiadendron punctatum is
epigynous, so the ovary is inferior (Fig. 1B,
Fig. 1C) and is surrounded by the hypanthium.
The inferior ovary subtends the other floral
whorls: the calyx (or calyculus), the corolla
and the androecium of epipetalous stamens
(Fig. 1D).
The anatomical description presented here
follows a topological order, from the base to
Floral developmental stages studied in Gaiadendron punctatum, lengths in mm and characteristics associated
with the androecium and gynoecium
Length (mm) Characteristics
to apex
Style and
Androecium Gynoecium
1 1.7 2.5 4.2 1.5
Archesporium, dyads and
2 2.1 3.4 5.5 2.0 Tetrads Meiosis in the ovule
3 3.1 5.4 8.5 4.2
Tetrads, tetrads with triradiate
Meiosis in the ovule
4 3.5 6.5 10 4.8
Mature pollen free uninuclear
and binuclear
Lengthening of the embryo sacs
5 3.8 8.1 11.9 6.4
Anthesis flower, anther
dehiscence, mature pollen shed
Lengthening of the embryo sacs
6 4.0 - - 9.5
Post-anthesis flower without
petals and stamens
Mature embryo sacs, Complete
ovular apparatus
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
Fig. 1. A. Inflorescence and flower anatomy of Gaiadendron puntantum. A. Inflorescence with flowers developing
acropetally; B. Lateral flowers in side view; C. Detail of flower with inferior ovary; D. Longitudinal section of the flower
(the lines indicate the approximate position of the transverse sections corresponding to Fig. 1E, Fig. 1F and Fig. 1G); E.
Transverse section (TS) of the floral receptacle; F. TS at the pelvis level; G. TS at the ovary level; H. Detail of the mamelon
in longitudinal section (the lines indicate the approximate position of the transverse sections corresponding to Fig. 1I, Fig.
1J, Fig. 1K, Fig. 2A and Fig. 2B; I. J. and K. TS at different levels of the mamelon immersed in amyliferous tissue. An
= Anther; Cx = Calyculus, Io = Inferior ovary; Ma = Mamelon; Pe = Petal; Pv = Pelvis; Sy = Style; St = Stamen; Ts =
Surrounding tissues; Triangle = Vascular bundle; Triangle with number 1 = External vascular bundle; Triangle with number
2 = Internal vascular bundle; Red asterisks = Locules; D. E. F. G. H. I. J. and K. Astra blue/fuchsine. Scale bars: 2 mm in
A. and B.; 1 mm in C.; 500 µm in D.; 300 µm in E.; 200 µm in F. ; 150 µm in G.; 100 µm in H. I. and J.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
the distal parts of the flower. We begin with
the receptacle, then the inferior ovary and the
hypanthium, following the vascularization as
it continues into the style and stigma and the
perianth: calyculus and corolla, ending with
the epipetalous androecium. The processes of
microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis are
described in association with the description of
the gynoecium and androecium, respectively.
Gynoecium and floral vasculature:
Seven traces enter the sessile flowers via the
receptacle from the inflorescence axis (Fig.
1E). The mature hypanthium has a single
epidermal layer composed of elongate, papil-
lose cells covered by a thick cuticle; after the
epidermis, 6-9 inner layers of tanniniferous
parenchymatic tissue are observed, followed by
10-11 layers of parenchyma towards the central
region; the vascular bundles that irrigate the
petals and stamens are embedded in parenchy-
matic cells (Fig. 1F).
The ovary is situated above the base of
the receptacle, which is in turn composed
of sclerenchymatic tissue (when mature) and
is referred to as the pelvis (Fig. 1F). It is
composed of seven basal locules each with
a single ategmic ovule (Fig. 1G). There is a
non-vascularizated conical structure above the
locules called the mamelon (Fig. 1H) which
is composed of amyliferous parenchyma that
is fused with the surrounding tissues; embryo
sacs will eventually grow through this tissue
(Fig. 1I). The mamelon is separated from the
surrounding tissues just beneath the style (Fig.
1J, Fig. 1K).
At the base of the flower, seven vascu-
lar bundles can be seen forming a ring at the
periphery of the pelvis (Fig. 1E); above this
point, the bundles divide to form two concen-
tric rings (Fig. 1H, Fig. 1I). The interior ring is
made up of seven bundles that correspond to
the seven locules of the gynoecium (Fig. 1H,
Fig. 1J); all or part of these five to seven bun-
dles continue into the style (Fig. 2A, Fig. 2B).
There are seven vascular bundles in the exterior
ring, each one composed of three to five strands
including a large central strand that is external
to the others, plus two to four lateral strands
(Fig. 1I, Fig. 1J, Fig. 1K). The lateral strands
fuse to form a new bundle that enervates the
stamens, while the external strand enervates the
petals. No vascular traces enter the calyculus
(Fig. 1D, Fig. 1E, Fig. 1F, Fig. 1G, Fig. 1H),
in which there is neither evidence of tracheids,
nor any other vascular tissue.
Megasporogenesis: The ovary is com-
posed of seven locules (Fig. 1G), each of
which contains a single ategmic, tenuinucellate
ovule oriented towards the base of the flower
(Fig. 2D). The placentation is axillary. In floral
developmental stages 2 and 3 (Table 1), meio-
sis can be observed, resulting in four cells that
are similar in size and contour (Fig. 2E, Fig.
2F). In each locule, the developing embryo sacs
elongate through the amyliferous tissue of the
mamelon until they reach the base of the style
(Fig. 2C, Fig. 2J; stage 6 in Table 1) without
invading the latter structure.
At the upper end of the mature embryo sac,
a small protuberance is observed. It is called
the caecum, which functions as a haustorium
(Fig. 2G). It is followed by the synergids, the
filiform apparatus, the egg cell and the central
cell (Fig. 2H). The antipodal cells are found at
the base of the embryo sac, near the hypostase
and these tend to degenerate (Fig. 2I).
Style and stigma: The base of the style is
expanded (Fig. 1C, Fig. 1D, Fig. 1H) and seven
projections are observed at the periphery (Fig.
1C); these correspond to the outermost layers
of the tissues that nourish the embryo sacs dur-
ing their development (Fig. 2A). The style is
hollow (Fig. 1D, Fig. 1H) and it is composed
of a single outer epidermal layer interspersed
with stomata and covered by a thick cuticle.
Beneath the epidermis, there are 10-12 layers
of tanniniferous parenchyma and seven collat-
eral vascular bundles are observed towards the
inner part of the tissue, surrounded by smaller
parenchyma cells, which are, in turn, adjacent
to the inner epidermis that surrounds the stylar
canal (Fig. 2B).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
Fig. 2. Floral morphoanatomy of Gaiadendron punctantum, megasporogenesis and perianth. A. Transverse section of the
flower (TSF) at the base of the style; B. TSF at the level of the calyculus; C. Longitudinal section (LS) of the gynoecium,
(the lines indicate the approximate positions of the corresponding transverse sections in A. and B.); D. LS, detail of the
ovary and ategmic ovule; E. LS after first meiotic division, arrows indicate nuclei; F. LS, after second meiotic division,
arrows indicate nuclei; G. and H. LS at the upper level of embryo sac showing the caecum, synergids and egg cell; I. LS at
the lower level of embryo sac showing degenerated antipodal cells; J. Transverse section at the level of the embryo sacs; K.
and L. Detail of the mucilage secreting structures. Ac = Antipodal cells; Ao = Ategmic ovule; At = Amyliferous tissue; Cc
= Caecum; Cx = Calyculus; Ec = Egg cell; Es = Embryo sac; Mc = Mucilage canal; Ms = Mucilage secreting structure; Pe
= Petal; Pv = Pelvis; Sg = Synergids; Sy = Style. Triangle = Vascular bundle; Triangle with number 1 = External vascular
bundle; Triangle with number 2 = Internal vascular bundle; Asterisks = Locules; Red circle = Interdigitated epidermal cells;
2e-3e = Second and third embryo sac divisions; A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. and L. = Astra blue/fuchsine. Scale bars:
200 µm in A. B. and L.; 500 µm in C; 50 µm in D. G. I. and K.; 30 µm in E. F. and H.; 100 µm in J.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
There is a trilobate stigma at the end of the
style, with interdigitated epidermal cells at the
edges of the lobes; stigmatic cells are slightly
rounded, whereas the epidermal style cells are
flattened (Fig. 1D).
Perianth - calyculus and corolla: The
calyculus is short and light green in color (Fig.
1C); it forms a ring above the ovary, being
more or less persistent in fruit, with a vari-
able number of irregular teeth at the margin
(Fig. 1C, Fig. 2B, Fig. 2C). The epidermis is
uniseriate abaxially and is made up of radi-
ally elongated cells and structures that secrete
mucilage (Fig. 2B), the latter persisting even in
fixed material (Fig. 1C). The adaxial epidermis
(oriented towards the petals) is composed of
quadrangular cells. The mesophyll is composed
of undifferentiated parenchyma with small
cells and thin walls as well as parenchyma with
larger cells and dark, tanniniferous cytoplasm.
As mentioned above, no vascular traces were
observed (Fig. 2B).
The corolla is composed of seven long,
white petals that measure approximately 3.5
x 1.3 mm, with valvate aestivation (Fig. 1B).
The petals are postgenitally fused in the flower
bud by interdigitation of the external epidermal
cells (Fig. 1D, Fig. 2B, Fig. 3K). The bases of
the petals are narrow and articulated (Fig. 1H).
The corolla lobes are completely free at anthe-
sis, but the basal third of the petals form a tube
that surrounds the style; the petals are reflexed
in the upper two thirds of their length, where
the filaments of the epipetalous stamens are
free from the petals (Fig. 3B). The adaxial epi-
dermis of the petals is papillose, followed by
4-7 layers of tanniniferous parenchyma made
up of very tightly packed cells; then there is a
less compact parenchymatous region toward
the center of the petals in which the vasculature
is embedded, the latter consisting of a central
bundle and one or two lateral bundles. Between
the central and lateral bundles, some packets
of sclerenchymatic cells with not very thick
walls are observed; these are accompanied by
cells that stain densely and form longitudinal
mucilaginous ducts. Exterior to these cells,
another layer of tightly packed parenchymatic
cells is seen, some of which are tanniferous; the
abaxial epidermis at outer edge of the petals is
composed of quadrangular cells and mucilage-
secreting structures (Fig. 2K, Fig. 2L).
Androecium and microsporogenesis:
The androecium is composed of seven stamens
of three different lengths; this variation can be
seen in the mature flower as well as in earlier
developmental stages (Fig. 3A). The filaments
are adnate to the bases of the petals (Fig.
3B) and the anthers are dorsifixed (Fig. 3L,
Fig. 3M), each with two thecae measuring 2-3
mm long (Fig. 3K). Two pollen sacs of similar
size are observed within each theca, each with
a uniseriate exothecium of very thin-walled,
unlignified cells (Fig. 3C). The fibrous endo-
thecium is made up of a single layer of large,
quadrangular cells plus two thinner layers that
do not persist, and a secretory tapetum that per-
sists until maturity. The tapetum is non-inva-
sive (Fig. 3I, Fig. 3K) and is initially composed
of uninucleate cells, becoming binucleate at
the end of their development. No amyloplast
or other type of reserves were observed in the
endothecium, or in any of the other tissues of
the anther during its development.
Microsporogenesis begins with a solid,
diploid archaesporium (Fig. 3C). The uninucle-
ate microspores separate (Fig. 3D) and undergo
two meiotic divisions (Fig. 3E), first forming
dyads (Fig. 3F) and then tetrads (Fig. 3G). The
four nuclei separate simultaneously, creating
primarily tetrahedral tetrads (Fig. 3G), near
which tapetum and orbicules (Ubisch bodies)
can be observed, the latter appearing red in the
figure. In the final stage, four trilobate pollen
grains can be distinguished within the callose
wall of the tetrad (Fig. 3H, Fig. 3I). The free
pollen becomes binucleate just before anthesis
(Fig. 3J).
Anther dehiscence is longitudinal and
occurs via dehydration of the tissues (Fig. 3L,
Fig. 3M). The cells of the exothecium near the
stomium become elongated in the later devel-
opmental stages of the anther to facilitate pol-
len dispersal. Dehiscence occurs without prior
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
Fig. 3. Floral morphoanatomy of Gaiadendron puntantum: Androecium and microsporogenesis; A. Anther in longitudinal
section in mature stage; B. Detail of the anther attachment; C. Immature pollen sacs with archaesporium (2n); D. Uninucleate
microspores; E. First meiotic division; F. Dyads; G. Tetrad formation in the pollen sacs; H. Pollen sac with tetrads; I. Detail
of fibrous endothecium, intermediate strata and tapetum; J. Pollen sac with mature pollen and persistent tapetum; K. Mature
anther; L. and M. Dorsifixed anthers showing longitudinal dehiscence. An = Anther; Ar =Archesporium; Ct = Connective
tissue; Da = Dorsifixed anther; En = Endothecium; Ep = Epidermis; Fi = filament of stamen; Is = Intermediate strata; Ld
= Longitudinal dehiscence of the anther; Pe = Petal; g = Pollen grain; Ps = Pollen sac; Se = Septum; t = Stamens; Tp =
Tapetum; Ub = Ubisch bodies (orbicules). C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. and K. = Astra blue/fuchsine. Scale bars: 2 mm in A.; 500
µm in B., L.; 50 µm in C, J; 20 µm in D. E. G. and I.; 10 µm in F.; 100 µm in H.; 200 µm in K.; 1 mm in M.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
coalescence of the pollen sacs in each theca, via
rupturing of the central septum and the walls
of the two pollen sacs along their entire length
(Fig. 3J).
Given the lack of robust support for a
specific branching order among the three basal
genera in the Loranthaceae (Gaiadendron,
Nuytsia and Atkinsonia) according to the phy-
logenetic proposals available for the family,
we consider the utility of comparative floral
morphoanatomy to help resolve these relation-
ships. With the data reported here for Gaiaden-
dron, such a comparison is now possible and
is presented below. Table 2 summarizes some
of the characters and their states in the basal
genera of Loranthaceae: Nuytsia, Atkinsonia
and Gaiadendron. Comparisons with some
members of the nearby tribe Elytrantheae are
also considered here.
The inflorescences of the three basal genera
in the Loranthaceae are indeterminate racemes;
the parcial inflorescences are dichasia in Gaia-
dendron, but these are reduced to monads in
Atkinsonia. The flowers are generally bisexual,
Comparison of characters among the three basal genera of Loranthaceae
Nuytsia Atkinsonia Gaiadendron
Inflorescence Racemose Racemose Racemose
Parcial inflorescence Dichasium with central
flower bisexual, laterals
Monad subtended by three
bracts, bisexual flowers
Dichasium of
bisexual flowers
Central mamelon Present Present (¿?) Present
Number of locules 3 4 7
Fusion of the mamelon and
adjacent tissues
No ¿? Yes, in the middle
Tracheids in the mamelon Yes ¿? No
Number of vascular bundles
at the base
7 7 7
Number of bundles in the
internal ring of the ovary and
6 (6) 4 (4) 7 (5-7)
Number of bundles in the
internal ring of the petals and
7 bundles each with:
1 external
(2 laterals that fuse)
7 bundles each with:
1 external
(2 laterals that fuse)
7 bundles each with:
1 external
(2 to 4 laterals that fuse)
Vascularization of the
Yes, 5 initial traces that
Yes; no traces enter from
the main stele, but tracheids
differentiate in each lobe
Ovules Ategmic, oriented towards the
base, tenuinucellar
¿? Ategmic, oriented towards
the base, tenuinucellar
Style With amyliferous tissue ¿? Without amyliferous tissue
Intrusion of the embryo sacs Ovary and style Ovary Ovary
Hipostase composition Collenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma
Base of the style With angular thickenings With slightly rounded
With angular thickenings
Anthers Epipetalous, Basifixed Epipetalous, dorsifixed,
Epipetalous, dorsifixed,
Sources Narayana (1958a)
Narayana (1958b)
Prakash (1961)
Garg (1958)
Cocucci (1982)
This study
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
except in Nuytsia, where the central flower is
bisexual and the lateral flowers are pistillate or
staminate (Narayana, 1958a); lateral flowers
abort in some cases in this genus.
Gaiadendron punctatum has a septilocular
ovary, which is the greatest number of loc-
ules in the Loranthaceae. Nuytsia (Narayana,
1958a) and Lepeostegeres (Dixit, 1958) each
have three locules, while Atkinsonia, Amylothe-
ca (Raj, 1970), Lysiana (Narayana, 1958b) and
Peraxilla (Prakash, 1960) each have four. The
ovary is unilocular in the remaining genera of
the family (Kuijt, 2015).Nuytsia, Gaiadendron
and the genera of the tribe Elytrantheae all have
a mamelon, being amyliferous in G. punctatum
and in the tribe Elytrantheae (Johri et al., 1992)
and not being amyliferous in Nuytsia (Nara-
yana, 1958a). The mamelon in G. puntatum
is retained within the ovary without entering
the style, a condition also reported in Perax-
illa Tiegh. and Amylotheca Tiegh. (Prakash,
1960; Raj, 1970), while in Nuytsia, Lysiana
Tiegh. and Lepeostegeres Blume (Dixit, 1958;
Narayana, 1958a; Narayana, 1958b), the mam-
elon invades the hollow style. In Nuytsia the
mamelon remains separate from the adjacent
tissue, but in Lysiana and Lepeostegeres this
structure is fused with the ovary wall and the
tissues of the stigma.
The mamelon of Nuytsia does not have
amyliferous tissue, but the style does have
amyliferous parenchyma. Thus, the embryo
sacs can invade the style for quite a good
part of its length. The embryo sacs of Lysiana
and Lepeostegeres also enter the style due to
the invasion of the amyliferous tissue of the
mamelon into the lumen of the stylar canal
(Bhatnagar & Johri, 1983). The embryo sacs
of Gaiadendron, just like those of Peraxilla y
Macrosolen (Blume) Rchb., develop only up
to the base of the style because the mamelon
is short and there is no amyliferous tissue in
the style. The mamelon is fused with the ovary
wall in Gaiadendron, a condition also seen in
Lysiana and Lepeostegeres (Dixit, 1958; Nara-
yana, 1958b) but not in Nuytsia. The aforemen-
tioned characters suggest that Gaiadendron has
a greater affinity with the tribe Elytrantheae
than with Nuytsia.
Although Cocucci (1982) indicated that
Atkinsonia ligustrina has an amyliferous ovary
like that found in genera of the tribe Elytranthe-
ae, there is no direct evidence of this condition
in Atkinsonia according to the studies cited by
Cocucci (Garg, 1958; Prakash, 1961).
Calyculus, base of style and nectary: The
vascularization of the calyculus is different in
each of the three basal genera of Loranthaceae
(Table 2). The absence of bundles or tracheids
in the calyculus of Gaiadendron punctatum is
the state found in the rest of the Loranthaceae,
while only Nuytsia and Atkinsonia present
alternative states. This result supports the Su
et al., (2015) topology of (Nuytsia (Atkinsonia
(Gaiadendron (rest of the Loranthaceae)))).
It should be noted that the inconspicuous
calyculus of G. punctatum contrasts with that
of G. coronatum, in which the lobes are den-
tate, well differentiated, and persistent in fruit
(Kuijt, 2015).
Diverse types of nectaries have been
reported in Loranthaceae. In the Neotropical
clade Psittacanthinae, (sensu Nickrent et al.,
2010), the nectaries often form a disk or ring
between the base of the style and the base of
the petals. This ring usually has stomata and
subepidermal parenchyma with dark-staining
cellular contents, as can be seen in Peri-
stethium leptostachyum Kunth (Tiegh.) (Robles
et al., 2016), Psitacanthus Mart. (Robayo et
al., 2020), Passovia Karst., Aetanthus (Eichl.)
Engl. and Oryctanthus Eichl. (Suaza-Gaviria
et al., 2016). A different type of nectary found
at the base of the petals has been described in
Cladocolea Tiegh. (Cid-Villamil, 2006).
Nevertheless, it has been reported that
the basal genera Nuytsia (Narayana, 1958a),
Atkinsonia (Prakash, 1961) and few species of
the Tribe Elytrantheae have thickenings at the
base of the style (Amylotheca, Lepeostegeres:
respectively, Dixit, 1958; Raj, 1970). In some
of these cases, they have been interpreted
as possible nectaries (Lepeostegeres, Nuyt-
sia: respectively Narayana, 1958a; Raj, 1970)
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
and only in Lepeostegeres, the presence of a
dark-staining subepidermal tissue has been
confirmed (Schaeppi & Steindl, 1942). Also,
Lamilla et al., (2020) recently found that the
base of the style conforms a nectary in Tristerix
longebracteatus (Desr.) Barlow & Wiens, a
basal member of the tribe Psittacantheae Horan
Suaza-Gaviria et al., (2016) suggested that
G. punctatum presents a nectary disk. How-
ever, no disk was observed in the present study
(Fig. 1D, Fig. 1E, Fig. 1F, Fig. 1G, Fig. 1H;
Fig. 2B, Fig. 2C). Our longitudinal sections
of G. punctatum found a widened base of the
style with some stomata in the epidermis and
typical parenchyma beneath the epidermis (Fig.
1D, Fig. 2B); nor did we find sunken stomata
at the base of style, and therefore the evidence
is insufficient to confirm or reject that this
structure is a nectary. In contrast, our research
team found a widened style in Tristerix formed
by an epidermis with abundant sunken stomata,
underlain by parenchymatic tissue with dense
cytoplasm and abundant intercellular spaces
surrounding the vascular bundles (Lamilla et
al., 2020). Nevertheless, the dark-staining sub-
epidermal parenchyma at the base of the petals
and stamens suggests the possibility of a differ-
ent type of nectary (Fig. 2B).
Anther dehiscence: The endothecium in
Loranthaceae can be fibrous or non-fibrous.
When is it fibrous, it is composed of thickened
cells that surround the pollen sacs, interrupted
by cells that lack thickenings. The position of
these weaker cells determines the type of dehis-
cence (Table 3).
In type A dehiscence, present in Atkinso-
nia ligustrina (Prakash, 1961), the two pol-
len sacs of each theca undergo coalescence
due to the rupturing of the septum between
them, followed by a single longitudinal rupture
of the stomium.
In type B dehiscence, present in Nuyt-
sia (Narayana, 1958a) and Gaiadendron (this
study), the septum that divides the pollen sacs
within each theca remains intact initially, and
dehiscence occurs via simultaneous rupture
of the septum and the outer wall of the theca
(stomium), at the precise point where they
connect, thereby creating a single longitudinal
opening (Table 3).
Anther dehiscence in Nuytsia, Atkinsonia, Gaiadendron and some genera of the tribe Elytrantheae
Genus Endothecium Dehiscence type Scheme of dehiscence Source
Fibrous A Prakash, 1961
Fibrous B Narayana, 1958a
This study
Fibrous C Narayana, 1958b
Prakash, 1960
Non-Fibrous D Dixit, 1958
Raj, 1970
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
In the genera Lysiana and Peraxilla of
the tribe Elytrantheae, the interruption of the
fibrous endothecium occurs in the middle of
each pollen sac (Table 3) such that each theca
opens via two longitudinal slits (type C dehis-
cence). On the other hand, in Amylotheca and
Lepeostegeres, also of the tribe Elytrantheae,
the endothecium has no thickened zones and
therefore dehiscence may occur at any point
(type D dehiscence).
According to Fig. 7F of Suaza-Gaviria et
al., (2016), anther dehiscence in Gaiadendron
punctatum occurs via two longitudinal slits
in each theca, one for each pollen sac, corre-
sponding to our type C. The results of the pres-
ent study do not corroborate type C dehiscence
in this taxon. The septum that separates the
two pollen sacs within each theca is thickened
and the weakest zone (Fig. 3K) is localized to
the point where it fuses with the outer wall of
the theca (the stomium, Table 3). Dehiscence
occurs via a single longitudinal slit between the
two pollen sacs (Fig. 3M). Therefore, Gaiaden-
dron punctatum has type B anther dehiscence,
just like Nuytsia floribunda.
Atkinsonia and Gaiadendron: clade
or grade: In traditional classifications of
Loranthaceae as well as in recent molecular
systematic studies, Nuytsia, Atkinsonia and
Gaiadendron have been considered basal gen-
era. The character traditionally used to support
this position is root parasitism through second-
ary haustoria, whereas in the rest of the family,
it is the primary haustorium that parasitizes
the stems of the host plants (Vidal-Russell &
Nickrent, 2008b). It should be noted, however,
that Gaiadendron punctatum can occasionally
parasitize epiphytes (Kuijt, 2015).
The grouping of the genera Atkinsonia and
Gaiadendron in the tribe Gaiadendreae was
based on the following characters: vascular
bundles in the calyculus, drupaceus fruit, fur-
rowed endosperm and dorsifixed and versatile
anthers (Nickrent et al., 2010). Regarding
the first character, the vascularization of the
calyculus occurs in three different states in
each of these three basal genera (Table 2)
with Gaiadendron punctatum lacking vascular
traces or tracheids, a state shared with the rest
of the Loranthaceae. It would be interesting to
study this character in Gaiadendrum corona-
tum, the calyculus of which is much larger and
persists in the fruit (Kuijt, 2015). Regarding the
drupaceous fruit, Atkinsonia and Gaiadendron
have pseudodrupes in which the embyro is sur-
rounded by a hard endocarp. This condition is
also found in fruits of the tribe Elytrantheae,
including the genera Amylotheca (Raj, 1970),
Lepeostegeres (Dixit, 1958), Lysiana (Naraya-
na, 1958b) and Peraxilla (Prakash, 1960). The
fruit of Nuytsia is completely distinct, being a
winged nut (Kuijt, 2015). Discarding the first
two characters, only furrowed endosperm and
dorsifixed versatile anthers remain as possible
synapomorphies of tribe Gaiadendreae as it is
currently circumscribed.
In most molecular phylogenetic studies
published to date (Nickrent et al., 2010; Su et
al., 2015; Nickrent et al., 2019), Gaiadendron
and Atkinsonia form a grade rather than a
clade, although Grimsson et al., (2017) recov-
ered Atkinsonia as sister to a clade comprising
mostly genera of the tribe Elytrantheae. As
can be seen, the morphological evidence is
not unequivocal either, with some characters
supporting Gaiadendron as sister to Atkinsonia
(dorsifixed versatile anthers) and/or to Nuytsia
(type of anther dehiscence), while the combina-
tion of characters 1. non-vascularized calyculus
and 2. amyliferous mamelon would appear
to support a sister relationship of Gaiaden-
dron to the tribe Elytrantheae or to rest of the
Loranthaceae. In order to definitively resolve
the matter, it will be necessary to collect the
last bits of missing data for Atkinsonia ligus-
trina (Table 2) and ideally, perform a combined
analysis of molecular and morphological data
to determine if the two genera of Gaiadendreae
really do form a clade, a grade or are more
distantly related.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 797-810, July-September 2021 (Published Aug. 09, 2021)
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We thank the Fundación para la Promoción
de la Investigación y la Tecnología “Banco de
la República” for the partial financing of Proj-
ect 3758 (Agreement 201618 with the U.N.C.)
and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia
for matching funds. The authors thank Diego
Andrés Benítez for helping to process the
plant material.
Ontogenia floral y anatomía del arbusto
hemiparasítico Gaiadendron punctatum y comparación
de caracteres florales en las tribus Gaiadendrinae
y Nuytsiae (Loranthaceae)
Introducción: Gaiadendron punctatum es una especie
hemiparásita perteneciente a uno de los tres géneros basa-
les de la familia Loranthaceae, siendo los otros dos Nuytsia
y Atkinsonia. El género está conformado por dos especies
distribuidas en regiones montañosas de Sudamérica y
Centroamérica. Tanto los estudios embriológicos, como
los filogenéticos, indican una tendencia hacia la reducción
del gineceo y de los óvulos en la familia, cuya morfolo-
gía respalda la circunscripción de la tribu Gaiadendreae
(Gaiadendron y Atkinsonia). Estudios filogenéticos mole-
culares sugieren que Nuytsia, Atkinsonia y Gaiadendron
divergieron sucesivamente, formando un grado en la base
de la familia Loranthaceae, pero los valores en los que se
sustenta son bajos.
Objetivo: En el presente trabajo se describe la anatomía
floral de la especie Gaiadendron punctatum con el objetivo
de complementar la información embriológica, de manera
que se pueda comparar directamente la morfología floral y
los caracteres embriológicos entre los tres géneros basales
de la familia Loranthaceae y reevaluar sus relaciones.
Métodos: Las flores de G. punctatum fueron recolectadas
en diferentes estados de desarrollo, se realizaron cortes
histológicos seriados, se tiñeron con azul de astra y fucsina,
y se analizaron mediante microscopía óptica.
Resultados: Las inflorescencias mostraron un desarrollo
acrópeto, las flores bisexuales presentaron ovario ínfe-
ro con presencia de una estructura en forma de anillo,
carente de tejidos vasculares llamada calículo; el ovario
se compone por siete lóculos basales, cada uno con un
óvulo atégmico tenuinucelar. Por encima de los óvulos, el
mamelón se fusiona con los tejidos adyacentes. El andro-
ceo está conformado por siete estambres epipétalos, las
anteras presentan un endotecio fibroso y granos de polen
tricolpados. La dehiscencia de las anteras es mediante una
sola apertura longitudinal.
Conclusiones: Los resultados del presente trabajo demues-
tran que Gaiadendron y Atkinsonia comparten anteras
dorsifijas y versátiles, mientras Gaiadendron y Nuytsia
comparten el tipo de dehiscencia anteral y por otro lado
Gaiadendron comparte los caracteres de mamelón amilí-
fero y calículo no vascularizado con la tribu Elytrantheae.
La clasificación del género Gaiadendron con respecto a los
dos géneros basales de la familia debe ser objeto de inves-
tigación (análisis filogenético combinado) que permita
dirimir si la tribu Gaiadendrae es un clado, un grado o dos
géneros más lejanamente emparentados.
Palabras clave: Atkinsonia; sacos embrionarios; desarrollo
floral; gineceo; hipostasa; mamelón; Nuytsia.
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