Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
Size distribution and sex ratio between populations of the artisanal
harvested land crab Cardisoma guanhumi (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae), with
the estimation of relative growth and size at sexual maturity in Puerto Rico
Jesús D. Quiñones-Llópiz
*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3533-5236
; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7622-7381
Tomás Luppi
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4959-5987
Nahuel E. Farias
; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5190-370X
1. Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón, Bayamón, Puerto Rico;
jesus.quinones5@upr.edu (Correspondence*), concepcion.rodriguez@upr.edu
2. Laboratorio de Invertebrados, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata – Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CC
1260, Funes 3350, CP 7600, Mar del Plata, Argentina; taluppi@mdp.edu.ar, nefarias@mdp.edu.ar
Received 29-I-2021. Corrected 16-VII-2021. Accepted 25-VIII-2021.
Introduction: Knowledge of growth patterns, sex ratio, and sexual maturity are of importance to exploited
populations. The land crab Cardisoma guanhumi is an artisanal and subsistence exploited species in Puerto Rico.
However, the growth patterns and sexual maturity of the local populations are not known.
Objectives: This study has a double objective: (1) to compare the size and sex structure between populations
and (2) to model the relative growth of structures related to reproduction to estimate the average size of mor-
phometric sexual maturity (MSM) for both males and females.
Methods: A total of 2 849 specimens were captured from nine dispersed populations on the island between
2001 and 2020. Carapace width (CW) was measured as an estimator of the absolute size of all individuals,
together with the propodus length (PL) in males and the abdomen width in females (AW). Differences in length
structure between sexes and populations were tested by applying goodness-of-fit tests based on Kernel Density
Estimators (KDE). The relative growth pattern was modeled adjusting a spline from which the maximum of its
second derivative was calculated as an estimator of the MSM, and bootstrapping was used to generate confi-
dence intervals.
Results: Differences were found in size structures, between sexes, and between sites. Our estimates of mor-
phometric sexual maturity resulted in a sexual maturity size for males between 57.9 and 79.0 mm CW, while in
females, morphological maturity occurs between 43.8 to 51.5 mm CW.
Conclusions: We found inter-population differences in body size that can be attributed to differences in the
history of changes of land use and the exploitation biased towards larger individuals, though differences in
recruitment should also be considered. Current regulations in Puerto Rico protect female crabs but not to larger
male crabs. The regulation establishes that crabs smaller than 64 mm carapace width cannot be captured, leav-
ing immature male crabs over 64 mm CW unprotected. We suggest considering different size limits depending
on the sex of the crab. This will allow the full range of sizes where sexual maturity is reached to be protected,
increasing the likelihood of the population’s size to increase.
Key words: reproductive biology; juey; mangrove; land-use change; fisheries; management recommendations.
Quiñones-Llópiz, J. D., Rodríguez-Fourquet, C., Luppi, T.,
& Farias, N. E. (2021). Size distribution and sex ratio
between populations of the artisanal harvested land crab
Cardisoma guanhumi (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae), with the
estimation of relative growth and size at sexual maturity
in Puerto Rico. Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(3), 898-
1003. https://doi.org/10.15517/rbt.v69i3.45570
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
Management of commercially exploited
species heavily relies on regulatory tools that
protects the fishery resources by recovering
overfished stocks, protecting fish habitat, regu-
lating fishing gears, and minimizing bycatch
(Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act, 2014). But to be effective,
such regulations should be supported by relia-
ble, up-to-date population-level estimations
of the ecological and life-history parameters
involved coupled to the ecosystem and human
interactions (Pikitch et al. 2004; Townsend,
2019). In crustacean fisheries, the establis-
hment of a legal minimum size and bans on
females catching are the instruments traditiona-
lly applied, but often with no previous studies
on the local populations to support it (Olson
et al., 2018). Accurate estimation of the size
range at which most individuals reach maturity
is fundamental to set minimum legal sizes for
extraction with the aim of leaving a portion
of the population to reproduce at least once
before being harvested. Particularly in crabs,
the determination of maturity has been based
on changes in molt increments, gonad develo-
pment, detection of spermatophores in males
and females or even size-specific behaviors,
but by far the most used criterium is the iden-
tification of changes in the relative growth of
different body parts known to be under sexual
or fecundity selection, i.e., secondary sexual
traits (Farias et al., 2020; Hartnoll, 1978;
Lovett & Felder, 1989). The determination
of maturity based on morphological changes
termed “morphometric maturity” requires the
proper analyses of the relative growth trajec-
tories to detect significant artifact-free changes
in body shape that mark the onset of maturity.
There are several alternative methods to per-
form these analyses, each with its pros and
cons (Farias et al., 2014; Farias et al., 2020;
Hartnoll, 2012). All methods are based on the
same reasoning that if there is one conspicuous
change in the shape of a body part known to be
involved in reproduction, such change should
reflect the onset of sexual maturity (or the so-
called ‘size at morphometric maturity’ since it
was estimated based in morphometric data).
The typical body parts used for this aim are the
male claws involved in the intra-sex competi-
tion for mating, courtship, and pair handling
during copula, and the female abdomen, which
widens through the ontogeny to protect and
carry the eggs until spawning (Hartnoll, 2012).
Cardisoma guanhumi is a land crab species
that inhabits the coastal forests, mangroves,
wetlands, grasslands in the Caribbean islands,
and tropical and subtropical regions of North,
Central, and South America (Chase & Hobbs,
1969). This species has a key ecological role
in the tropical coastal forest ecosystems, modi-
fying soil properties with its digging activities
(Quintero-Torre et al., 2018; Ridd, 1996), and
affecting the seedling density and recruitment
of the mangroves (Lindquist et al., 2009;
Sherman, 2002). Therefore, the conservation
of herbivorous land crabs should be included
in management plans to maintain the forest
structure, composition, and function (Lindquist
et al., 2009).
Despite a steep decline in number over the
past decades, likely due to habitat change and
overexploitation (Govender, 2007; Rodríguez-
Fourquet & Sabat, 2009), C. guanhumi still sus-
tains a great deal of artisanal and commercial
activity so that its harvest is both economically
and culturally relevant (García-Quijano et al.
2015a, García-Quijano, et al. 2015b). However,
an earlier perceived population decline related
to a reduction in the reported landings pro-
voked the Puerto Rico Department of Natural
Environmental Resources (DNER) to regulate
the species’ capture by prohibiting the capture
of gravid females by imposing an arbitrary size
limit of 64 mm carapace width (CW) for both
sexes, and by establishing a temporary ban on
the capture during the reproductive season of
the crab (Reglamento de Pesca de Puerto Rico,
2010). Within the broader aim of generating
basic biological information needed for the
development of more sustainable exploitation
of C. guanhumi in Puerto Rico, we studied the
size structures and sex ratio in different areas
and model the relative growth of body structu-
res considered to be under sexual and fecundity
selection with the ultimate aim to estimate the
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
size at first maturity of both males and females.
We discuss our results in contrast to the availa-
ble information for the species and comparing
the studied areas, suggesting changes to the
parameters used by current local regulations.
Sampling and study area: Sampling was
conducted between 2001 and 2020 at nine
different coastal locations around Puerto Rico,
in the municipalities of Fajardo, Ceiba, Guáni-
ca, Cabo Rojo, Manatí, and Maunabo (Fig. 1).
Each sampling event consisted of collecting
crabs using traps set within fixed 10 x 10 m
plots established a priori with that aim, from
now on referred to as “sampling sites” or only
“sites.” The traps were made of PVC pipes
of different diameters (4, 5, 8, and 10 cm)
that allow the crabs to enter the tube and then
block the exit with a lid (Fig. 2A). The traps
were placed in all burrows present within the
sampling site for approximately 12 hours from
sunset to sunrise, corresponding to the hours of
most activity of the land crab (Feliciano, 1962;
Taissoun, 1974), except in Manatí where they
remain for six hours. For all specimens, the
sex was determined, and the following measu-
rements were taken using a dial caliper to the
nearest ± 0.1 mm: the males’ and females’ cara-
pace width (CW), major chela male’s propodus
length (PL), and female’s fifth abdominal seg-
ment width (AW) (Fig. 2B).
There was only one sampling site per
municipality, except in the two easternmost,
Fajardo and Ceiba (latitudinally distant ca. 15
km from each other), in which two and three
sampling sites were chosen respectively. The
details of the sampling sites and periodicity are
described below and summarized in Table 1.
Reserva Natural Las Cabezas de San Juan
is located in the Northeastern part of Puerto
Rico in Fajardo. Two sampling sites, Redon-
del and Canalejo, are within the 178 ha of the
reserve, where the mean annual temperature
and precipitation are 25.6 ºC and 1 709.2 mm
Fig. 1. Map of Puerto Rico, showing municipalities and sampling sites in this study. Satellite images retrieved from Google
Earth (n.d.).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
respectively (https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-
web/). Redondel is located 90 m inshore and
has been used as barren land/pasture converted
into a mangrove/coastal forest and has been
a coastal forest for over 20 years. In turn,
Canalejo is 13 meters away from the ocean
and has been a coastal forest for over 80 years
(Rodríguez-Fourquet, 2004).
Former United States Naval Station Roo-
sevelt Roads is located in the Eastern part of
Puerto Rico in Ceiba. Three sampling sites,
Comisaría, Playa Los Machos, and Medio
Mundo y Daguao are within the 3 480 ha
where the mean annual temperature is 27.1
ºC and mean annual precipitation is 1 329.44
mm respectively (https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/
cdo-web/). Comisaría is located 486 m inshore
and is a swamp with marsh deposits with a
land-use history that includes agriculture and
pasture, secondary forest, military facility, and
Fig. 2. A. Trap method used and B. Juvenile female of Cardisoma guanhumi showing where the morphometric measurements
were taken. CW: Carapace Width, PL: Propodus Length in the major chela, AW: Abdomen Width.
Numbers of individuals of Cardisoma guanhumi, sampling sites and collection and dates of collection
Sampling site Dates Males Females Total
Redondel May 2001 - November 2002 and February 2020 412 373 785
Canalejo June 2001 - November 2002 41 66 107
Comisaría June 2001 - November 2002 71 69 140
Los Machos June 2001 - November 2002 58 61 119
Guánica December 2001 - November 2002 and July 2017 92 92 184
Cabo Rojo June 2001 - November 2002 and March 2020 188 203 391
Manatí April 2006 - February 2020 546 422 968
Maunabo December 2017 - April 2019 86 57 143
Medio Mundo July 2017 10 2 12
Grand Total 1 504 1 345 2 849
Sampling was continuous between the time ranges specified except for Manati.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
mangroves. Playa Los Machos is located 55 m
from the ocean and has been a beach with dune
deposits and mangrove forest for more than
85 years (Rodríguez-Fourquet, 2004). Medio
Mundo y Daguao is a coastal forest located 195
m from shore.
Reserva Natural Punta Ballena is located
in the Southwestern part of Puerto Rico in
Guánica. This sampling site is located within
the 65.9 ha reserve, where the mean annual
temperature and precipitation are 24-28 ºC and
762 mm, respectively (Guánica Dry Forest,
unpublished data, 2004). This site is located at
534 m inshore and is a dry forest with abando-
ned plantation and secondary forest develop-
ment. The land-use history includes barren land
and mudflat (Rodríguez-Fourquet, 2004).
Refugio de Vida Silvestre de Boquerón is
located in the Southwestern part of Puerto Rico
in Cabo Rojo. This sampling site is located
within 182 ha of the refuge, where the mean
annual temperature and precipitation are 25.9
ºC and 594 mm, respectively (Boquerón Wild-
life Refuge). This site is located 594 m from
the Rincon Lagoon and is composed of dense
forest mangrove. The land-use history of the
area changed from agriculture to dense forest
mangrove surrounded by an abandoned landfill
and pastures (Rodríguez-Fourquet, 2004).
Reserva Natural Hacienda La Esperanza
is located in the Northern part of Puerto Rico
in Manatí. The reserve has an area of 898.5
ha where the mean annual temperature and
precipitation are 25.0 ºC and 1 443.48 mm,
respectively. The land-use history of the area
has been sugar cane, pasture, and most recently,
an increase in wetlands and coastal forest has
been observed (Fideicomiso de Conservación
de Puerto Rico, 2011).
Reserva Natural Humedal Punta Tuna is
located in the Southeastern part of Puerto Rico
in Maunabo. This sampling site is located within
43.2 ha of the refuge, where the mean annual
temperature and precipitation are 26.6 ºC and
1 833.4 mm, respectively. This site is located at
110 m inshore, and the land-use history of the
reserve included swamps, agriculture, drainage
of swampy areas, pasture, and coastal forest
(Estudios Técnicos Inc., 2009).
Data analysis: The size structure was first
visualized by building histograms separated
by sex and location using carapace width as
the variable for absolute size. Then sexual
differences in size distributions were evalua-
ted using Kernel Density Estimators (KDE)
following Farias et al. (2014). This method
allows knowing whether the differences are
due to distributions’ shapes, position, or both.
A chi-square was also performed to identify
differences in the sex ratio of each location,
below and over the minimum legal size (MLS).
First, the whole morphometric dataset was
pooled, and outliers were eliminated after con-
firming that they represented limb regenera-
tions. Then the relative growth of selected body
parts was modeled, and morphometric maturity
was determined using the method developed
by Watters and Hobday (1998) and used as in
Farias et al. (2014). The method involves the
use of smoothed splines instead of parametric
models such as the classic two segment model
of Somerton (1980) or the other available
variations of it (Corgos & Freire, 2006). The
rationale behind using splines is to avoid fit-
ting models on transformed data or based on
a priori assumptions on the ‘real’ trajectory of
the relative growth that may result in artificial
breakpoints in the growth trajectories, mislea-
ding conclusions and estimations of the size
at maturity (Farias et al., 2014, Farias et al.,
2020; Packard, 2012). Briefly explained, the
method consists in first ‘binning’ the bivariate
data to create a new dataset with the values of
the mean of each size class produced as the
predictor variable and the median size of the
body part of interest as the response variable.
Then, a smoothed spline is fitted with degrees
of freedom (d.f.) chosen based on a General
Cross-Validation criterion. If the selected spli-
ne model is different from a straight line (have
more than two d.f.), it is used to estimate the
size at morphological sexual maturity by calcu-
lating the maximum point in its first derivative.
This is made on the understanding that the
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
first derivative of the relative growth trajectory
represents the instantaneous growth rate for the
average individual, so the maximum corres-
ponds to the maximum rate of change in the
relative growth of the selected body part. All
the statistical analyses and the morphometric
sexual maturity estimation were performed
using the R software version 3.6.1 (R Core
Team, 2016).
Size frequency distributions by sites
and sex: A total of 2 849 crabs were captured
during the study period. Twelve crabs from
Medio Mundo y Daguao were not included in
the size-frequency distribution analysis becau-
se this site was sampled only once. Of the
2 849 crabs, 1 494 males and 1 343 females
(2 837 crabs) were used for the size-frequency
distribution analyses. Most of the crabs (62 %)
were captured in Redondel and Manatí (28 and
34 % respectively). Most crabs in Redondel
were below the MLS in contrast with Manatí
(Fig. 3). Only in Manatí were all sizes well
represented in the two sexes, ranging from 15.9
to 118.5 mm CW in males and 15.4 to 106.6
mm in females. The remaining sites, with com-
paratively much fewer individuals sampled,
had distributions skewed to sizes either smaller
(Guánica, Cabo Rojo, and Maunabo) or larger
(Canalejo, Los Machos, and Comisaría) than
the MLS (red line in Fig. 3), and varied size
range widths. Particularly, in Los machos and
Canalejo, individuals smaller than 50 mm CW
were absent. In general, some sites presented
smaller crab sizes than in others (e.g. Guánica,
Redondel and Cabo Rojo), and in others juve-
nile crabs were not found (e.g. Canalejo and
Los Machos).
Size frequency distributions were mostly
unimodal but, in some cases, differed between
sexes and/or among locations (Fig. 3). When
the distributions were tested with the KDE test,
the populations of Redondel, Canalejo, Mauna-
bo and Manatí show a difference in the position
of their distribution by sex (KDE test, P <
0.05, Fig. 3). Redondel, Canalejo and Manatí
show larger males than females. Maunabo is
an atypical case because it presents more small
males than females and the largest number of
individuals over 60 mm are female. The only
population that presents differences in both
position and distribution is Manatí. This popu-
lation shows practically a normal distribution
for females. However, the distribution of male
crabs shows a slight skewness to smaller sizes,
showing that most of the male crabs have cara-
pace widths greater than 60 mm. On the other
hand, the populations of Cabo Rojo, Comisaría,
Los Machos and Guánica do not present diffe-
rences in position or the form of their distribu-
tion by sex (KDE test, P > 0.05, Fig. 3).
The sex ratio did not differ significantly
between all populations (X
= 4.37, d.f. = 7, P
= 0.74). However, we found a significant diffe-
rence in the sex ratio (1:1) within some popu-
lations. We found a difference over the MLS
in the Redondel, Canalejo and Manatí popu-
lations (Table 2). The population of Redondel
and Manatí has a greater number of males
than females, while Canalejo shows a greater
number of females. Also, a difference in sexual
ratio was found below the MLS in Maunabo.
This population shows a greater number of
males below 64 mm CW. No differences were
found in sex ratio in Los Machos, Comisaría,
Guánica and Cabo Rojo (Table 2).
Relative growth and morphometric
sexual maturity: Propodus and abdomen data
were obtained from a total of 318 crabs (162
males and 156 females), which were analyzed
to estimate the morphometric sexual maturity
size of this species in Puerto Rico. In males, the
carapace width and propodus measurements
were used to estimate morphometric sexual
maturity obtaining the best spline model fit-
ted to the data with four d.f. (Fig. 4). Using
this model, males show positive allometric
growth (b = 1.31). The first derivative shows
the increase in the growth velocity of the pro-
podus in a constant way up to 80 mm carapace
width approximately. The major change in
relative growth for males occurred at 77.6 mm
(95 % CI 57.9-79.0 mm); this measurement
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
corresponds to the mean size of morphometric
sexual maturity.
In females, the carapace width and abdo-
men measurements were used to estimate the
morphometric sexual maturity obtaining the
best spline model with four d.f. (Fig. 4). The
female abdomen also showed positive allo-
metry (b = 1.36). The first derivative shows
that the abdomen has an increase in growth
velocity until it reaches approximately 60
mm carapace width, where it then begins
to decrease. For females, the morphometric
sexual maturity occurs at 47.2 mm (95 % CI
43.8-51.5 mm). Analysis of female abdomen
growth shows a decrease in growth velocity
starting at 30 mm carapace width. Female
propodus growth is isometric (b = 1.07) with a
best spline model with two d.f. This model was
Fig. 3. Carapace width distributions for sampling sites in Puerto Rico. The sex ratio is shown in the upper right corner
(Males:Females), and the red line shows the minimum legal size (MLS) in Puerto Rico (Dark Gray = Males, Light Gray =
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
not used for the determination of morphometric
sexual maturity.
Size distribution and sex ratio: Unimo-
dal size distributions such as those found here
are common in decapod populations (Díaz
& Conde, 1989; García & Mantelatto, 2001;
Sastre, 1991; Spivak et al., 1991). Howe-
ver, marked differences in both the position
and shape of the unimodal size structure are
not frequent among populations sampled from
different sites with similar environmental fea-
tures, as is the case here. Skewed distributions
lacking individuals of a particular size range
reflect particular processes affecting the local
demography, such as punctual recruitment and
mortality events, sustained size-selective har-
vesting, or habitat segregation (Gulland &
Rosenberg, 1992). Populations of Comisaría,
Los Machos, and Canalejo had mostly large
individuals and no individuals below 40 mm
CW, indicating past very low or episodic
recruitment and relatively high survival rates of
large individuals (Rodríguez-Fourquet, 2004).
In contrast, Redondel, Guánica, Cabo Rojo,
and Maunabo had size-frequency distributions
skewed to the right, showing a relative lack
of adult crabs above the MLS, probably due
to land-use change (Estudios Técnicos Inc.,
2009; Rodríguez-Fourquet, 2004) aggravated
by illegal harvesting (C. Rodríguez-Fourquet,
personal observation, 2018).
Redondel and Canalejo, which are in the
same reserve and less than 1 km apart, have
contrasting size structures, which interestingly
look complementary. It seems that the larger
crab sizes, particularly the males, that are
scarce in Redondel are well represented in the
very close and well-connected site of Canalejo,
suggesting habitat segregation by size for both
sexes. Land use in Canalejo has not changed
over the past 80 years, while Redondel suffered
many land-use changes during that period as
previously described. High habitat disturbance
associated with land use might be the reason
for the lack of larger crabs in Redondel. It has
already been shown that larger crabs are more
abundant in areas with lower disturbances
and less historical land-use changes (Rodrí-
guez-Fourquet, 2004; Rodríguez-Fourquet &
Sabat, 2009). Lastly, Manatí was the only sam-
pling site where the size distribution structure
resembled the normal distribution theoretically
expected for populations of long-lived species
with similar recruitment and mortality rates
over time (Gulland & Rosenberg, 1992). In
Results obtained in the Chi-Square and Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)
Chi-Square Test KDE Test (P)
≤ 64 mm CW > 64 mm CW
Position and Shape Only Shape
Redondel 0.015 0.901 9.092 0.003* < 0.001* 0.016*
Canalejo 1.600 0.206 8.670 0.003* 0.040* 0.854
Comisaria 0.053 0.819 0.160 0.689 0.052 0.482
Los Machos 0.571 0.450 0.036 0.850 0.774 0.830
Guánica 0.312 0.576 1.815 0.178 0.490 0.740
Cabo Rojo 0.884 0.347 0.063 0.803 0.560 0.880
Manatí 0.649 0.420 21.891 < 0.001* < 0.001* 0.002*
Maunabo 13.764 0.0002* 0.891 0.345 < 0.001* 0.178
The chi-square evaluates differences in sexual ratio below and over the minimum legal size (MLS), and the KDE compares
differences in the distribution by sex. *: Show significant differences.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
this area, land use has been mainly agricultural
with minimum disturbance to coastal areas and
no neighboring urban development (Fideico-
miso de Conservación de Puerto Rico, 2011),
conditions that seem to favor the stability of C.
guanhumi populations at that site.
When comparing by sex, both the ratios
and size distributions vary among sites in a
manner that also seems to be resulting from
differences in harvesting. Maunabo with a much
smaller geographic extension than the other
sites had experience many land-use changes
Fig. 4. Relative growth model and estimated morphometric sexual maturity for Cardisoma guanhumi in Puerto Rico. A.
Original Data. B. Spline Model. C. First Derivative Plot. D. Second Derivative Plot with the sexual maturity size and 95
% confidence interval.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
throughout the years (Estudios Técnicos Inc.,
2009). Based on field observations, we assume
that the impact of harvesting is more signi-
ficant than in other sites. In fact, during the
sampling period, we found evidence of illegal
harvesting, some of them reported following
the DNER wildlife officers’ intervention. The
departure from the 1:1 sex ratio below MLS
and the difference in sizes could indicate a sex-
selection harvesting effect where male crabs
are more likely to be selected for their larger
size as has been explained previously (Qui-
ñones-Llópiz & Rodríguez-Fourquet, 2019).
At Maunabo, male crabs are more abundant in
the smaller size classes while larger sizes are
dominated by females. In some crab fisheries,
it has been shown that if harvesting is heavily
biased towards males (either because they are
larger and thus more profitable, or because of
arbitrary regulations based on the idea of maxi-
mizing egg availability), the sperm availability
and quality can become a limiting factor for the
effective reproduction and sustainability of the
stock (Pardo et al., 2017; Sainte-Marie, 2007).
The male-biased fishery can have significant
implications for the reproductive biology of
the species and consequently in the population
survival. Manatí shows the same male-biased
sex ratios; however, most crabs are sexually
mature males capable of reproduction. Cana-
lejo shows a female-biased sex ratio, possibly
because this study area is very close to the sea,
allowing easy access to the water for larval
release during the reproductive season.
Given the wide variation in the size struc-
tures we observed, even between very similar
and close sites, it is evident that monitoring the
populations over time can be informative. The
monitoring will provide information about the
natural demographic processes of the species
that are not yet properly known, the degree of
exploitation, and habitat recovery. This beco-
mes very useful data in the current context of
unreported artisanal and personal consumption
extraction that limits the access to the catch
effort data required for management decisions.
Sexual maturity using relative growth:
The relative growth of the land crab Cardiso-
ma guanhumi has been studied previously on
populations in Florida, USA, showing sexual
dimorphism (Gifford, 1962; Herreid, 1967).
As previously described, the species present
heterochely in both males and females, but
males develop larger chelae in relation to body
size. In crabs, heterochely and sexual differen-
ces in claw size are thought to be associated
with the multiplicity of functions played by the
chelae and the differences in use by sex, such
as in defense, feeding, intra-sex antagonisms,
courtship display, burrowing, mate guarding,
and pair manipulation during copula (Daleo et
al., 2009; Yamaguchi et al., 2005). In some land
crab species, such as most fiddler crabs, the dri-
vers for the development of sexual differences
in relative growth of the chelae are well unders-
tood because of their role on male’s courtship,
defense of the territory, and combat (Crane,
2015). However, in C. guanhumi, the specific
function of the major chela was not studied
in depth, although it was suggested that it has
implications in social behavior (Herreid, 1967).
The male size at sexual maturity found in this
study is close to that reported in the literature
for other regions in the continent (Herreid,
1967; Shinozaki-Mendes et al., 2013). The
higher acceleration rate of propodus growth
indicates the moment the crab reaches maturity.
During growth, male crabs invest much energy
in gonadal development, and once their gonads
mature, they can invest energy in the growth
of other organs. This difference occurs after
the prepubertal molt, previously described by
Teissier (1960).
Females also present heterochely as dis-
cussed above. However, the isometric growth
of the propodus with respect to carapace width
makes it impossible to estimate the size of
sexual maturity. The model used in this study
permits estimating tipping points in the onto-
genic trajectory of the relative growth only if
it is significantly different from a straight line.
Females often show allometrically positive
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
growth of the abdomen during gonadal matura-
tion and then a decrease in growth acceleration
when they reach puberty (Hartnoll, 1988). The
morphometric size at sexual maturity based
on the abdomen found in this study is smaller
than most previously reported in the literature
(Botelho et al., 2001; Shinozaki-Mendes et al.,
2013; Silva et al., 2014). However, the methods
used differ among studies. Also, the size of
sexual maturity may vary by location because
growth in crabs is limited by several factors, for
example, availability of water and food (Hirose
et al., 2013; Spivak et al., 2016; Wolcott, 1988).
The exploitation of natural populations
with a strong bias towards the removal of the
largest individuals may lead to changes in the
mean values of some life history and other fea-
tures of the harvested population, e.g. the size
at first maturity, maximum size and sex ratios.
In particular, a reduction in the size at maturity
due to size biased harvesting has been obser-
ved in variety of species form different taxa,
including true crabs (e.g. Chionoecetes bairdi)
(Edeline et al., 2007; Grift et al., 2003; O’Dea
et al., 2014; Zheng, 2008). Therefore, the diffe-
rence observed in the size at sexual maturity of
the females compared to other regions can be
an indication of the intense harvesting pressure
that the species is experiencing in Puerto Rico.
Early maturity increases the probability that the
population will reproduce, at least once before
being captured, in response to exploitation on
the island. Regulation in Puerto Rico allows the
capture of females that are non-ovigerous and
exceeding a minimum size of 64 mm carapace
width (Reglamento de Pesca de Puerto Rico,
2010). In practice, however, it is known that
egg-bearing females are routinely caught due to
the lack of proper control in the field and their
higher value, as the egg masses are considered
a culinary delicacy, increasing the possibility of
changes in the life history of this species.
Implications and Recommendations:
Current regulations in Puerto Rico afford pro-
tection to the female crabs but not to larger
male crabs. The regulation establishes that
crabs smaller than 64 mm carapace width
cannot be captured. Therefore, the whole range
of female sizes reaching morphometric sexual
maturity is protected (range 43.8 to 51.4 mm
CW). However, males that reach sexual matu-
rity at a larger size are not protected by this
regulation. The higher limit of the confidence
interval of the morphometric sexual maturity
is 79.0 mm carapace width (range 57.9 to 79.0
mm carapace width), indicating that sexually
immature male crabs are legally captured under
current regulations. This could have significant
implications for the reproduction of the species
and, therefore, for the conservation of its popu-
lations on the island. We suggest considering
different size limits depending on the sex of
the crab. Based on our estimates of morpho-
metric sexual maturity for C. guanhumi in
Puerto Rico, we recommend that the minimum
commercial size be 60 mm CW for females and
80 mm CW for males. This will allow the full
range of sizes where sexual maturity is reached
to be protected, increasing the likelihood of the
population’s size to increase.
Knowing the ecological, cultural, and eco-
nomic importance of this species and the
minimal information that exists, research and
mitigation efforts should be increased on the
island. Immediate measures should be imposed
to ensure the protection of populations of this
species as well as the habitat. We recommend
this effort to go with an educational compo-
nent that informs the public and community
about the importance of this species to the
coastal ecosystems in Puerto Rico and the
danger they face. More research about the
ecology, reproduction and physiological sexual
maturity combined with the regulations will
safeguard the populations of C. guanhumi for
future generations.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we followed
all pertinent ethical and legal procedures and
requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgements
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(3): 898-1003, July-September 2021 (Published Set. 07, 2021)
section. A signed document has been filed in
the journal archives.
Funding for this project came from diffe-
rent sources throughout the years: Sea Grant
College Program, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Grant # PD-225R/L.b.-31. Para La Naturaleza,
Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Envi-
ronmental Resources, University of Puerto
Rico at Bayamon, University of Puerto Rico at
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance
for Minority Participation. We want to thank
the Universidad de Mar del Plata, Argentina
and the Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y
Costeras (CONICET) in Mar del Plata. We also
want to thank all the undergraduate and gra-
duate students, citizen scientists, Comité Pro-
Desarrollo de Maunabo, friends and colleagues
that participated in data gathering in the field,
data entry, data analysis and discussions, and
also to all the anonymous reviewers for their
valuable comments to improve this manuscript.
Distribución de tallas y proporción de sexos entre
poblaciones del cangrejo de tierra cosechado
artesanalmente Cardisoma guanhumi
(Decapoda: Gecarcinidae), con la estimación
del crecimiento relativo y tamaño en la madurez
sexual en Puerto Rico
Introducción: El conocimiento de los patrones de creci-
miento, la proporción de sexos y la madurez sexual son de
suma importancia para las poblaciones explotadas. El can-
grejo terrestre Cardisoma guanhumi es una especie explo-
tada artesanalmente y para subsistencia en Puerto Rico. Sin
embargo, se desconocen los patrones de crecimiento y la
madurez sexual para la isla.
Objetivos: Este estudio tiene un doble objetivo: (1) com-
parar el tamaño y la estructura sexual entre las poblaciones
y (2) modelar el crecimiento relativo de estructuras relacio-
nadas con la reproducción (propodo en machos y abdomen
en hembras) para estimar el tamaño promedio de madurez
sexual morfométrica (MSM).
Métodos: Se capturaron un total de 2 849 especímenes de
nueve poblaciones dispersas en la isla, entre 2001 y 2020.
Se midió el ancho del caparazón (AC) como un estimador
del tamaño absoluto de todos los individuos, junto con el
largo de propodo en los machos y el ancho del abdomen
en las hembras. Las diferencias en la estructura de tallas
entre sexos y poblaciones se probaron aplicando la prueba
de bondad de ajuste basado en estimaciones de densidad
kernel (KDE). El patrón de crecimiento relativo se modeló
ajustando un spline a partir del cual se calculó el máximo
de su segunda derivada como estimador del MSM y se
utilizó bootstrapping para generar intervalos de confianza.
Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias en las estructuras
de tallas, entre sexos y poblaciones. Nuestras estimaciones
de madurez sexual morfométrica dieron como resultado
un tamaño de madurez sexual para los machos entre 57.9
y 79.0 mm AC, mientras que, en las hembras, la madurez
morfométrica se produce entre 43.8 y 51.5 mm AC.
Conclusiones: La diferencia en el tamaño de la población
se puede atribuir a las diferencias entre poblaciones en
el cambio de uso de la tierra y la presión de explotación
asociada con el sesgo hacia la captura de individuos más
grandes o el reclutamiento. Las regulaciones actuales en
Puerto Rico brindan protección a las hembras, pero no a
los machos más grandes. El reglamento establece que no
se pueden capturar cangrejos de menos de 64 mm de AC
dejando desprotegidos los cangrejos machos inmaduros de
más de 64 mm AC. Sugerimos considerar diferentes límites
de tamaño según el sexo del cangrejo. Esto permitirá pro-
teger un rango más amplio de tamaños donde se alcanza la
madurez sexual, aumentando la probabilidad de un incre-
mento en el tamaño de la población.
Palabras clave: biología reproductiva; juey; mangle;
cambio de uso de tierra; pesquerías; recomendaciones
de manejo.
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