Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 545-556, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 19, 2021)
Rhinella genus (Bufonidae) comprises 94
species distributed in Central (Panama) and
South America (Paraguay, Bolivia, Argenti-
na, Uruguay and Brazil), with approximately
30 of them found in Brazil (Pereyra et al.,
2016; Wake, 2020). The secretion produced
by amphibian paratoid glands is composed by
numerous active components such as biogenic
amines, peptides, steroids (bufadienolides and
bufotoxins), alkaloids (batrachotoxin ‘tetrodo-
toxin’), and proteins (Gregerman, 1952; Zel-
nik, 1965; Mahan & Biggers, 1977; O’Rourke,
Chen, Hirst, Rao, & Shaw, 2004), compris-
ing the main protection mechanism against
potential predators (Clarke, 1997; Kowalski,
Marciniak, Rosiński, & Rychlik, 2018). These
components, especially those bufadienolides
and bufotoxins, have been considered potential
therapeutic tools for exhibiting cancer inhibi-
tory activity (Meng et al., 2009), apoptosis
suppressive action (Qi et al., 2010) and anti-
microbial activity (Tempone et al., 2008). The
paratoid gland secretion and their components,
e.g., non-enzymatic presynaptic active toxin
(730.6 Da) isolated from R. schneideri poison
(Rostelato-Ferreira et al., 2018), can induce
neurotoxicity characterized by suppression of
the motor acetylcholine release (Rostelato-
Ferreira, Dal Belo, Cruz-Höfling, Hyslop, &
Rodrigues-Simioni, 2011; Rostelato-Ferreira,
Dal Belo, Leite, Hyslop, & Rodrigues-Simioni,
2014; Rostelato-Ferreira et al., 2018), includ-
ing cardiotoxicity consisted in arrhythmia and
ventricular failure mostly by antagonizing Na
ATPase of cardiomyocytes (Toledo & Jared,
1995; Sakate & Oliveira, 2000; Gadelha, Lima,
Batista, Melo, & Soto-Blanco, 2014; Leal
et al., 2020). R. marinus and R. vulgaris are
responsible for causing the most cases of
envenomation in domestic animals (Sakate &
Oliveira, 2000; Sakate & Oliveira, 2001).
In recent years, several biological proper-
ties have been characterized from Rhinella
schneideri ‘Schneider’s toad’ poison (Rostela-
to-Ferreira et al., 2011; Rostelato-Ferreira et al.,
2014; Abdelfatah, Lu, Schmeda-Hirschmann,
& Efferth, 2019; Leal et al., 2020), a species
widely distributed in Brazil (Wake, 2020),
including the chemical identification and struc-
tural characterization of bufadienolides, e.g.,
marinobufagenin, bufalin, telocinobufagin, hel-
lebrigenin, 20S21R-epoxymarinobufagin and
β-sitosterol, which exhibit cytotoxic activity,
modulatory action on the complement cascade,
anti-inflammatory activity, inhibitory action
of serine protease, presynaptic neuromuscular
blocking activity and anticonvulsant action
(Cunha-Filho et al., 2010; Anjolette et al.,
2015; Sousa-Filho et al., 2016; Shibao, Anjo-
lette, Lopes, & Arantes, 2015; Freitas et al.,
2017; Rostelato-Ferreira et al., 2018; Baldo et
al., 2019; Zheng et al., 2020).
Heparin has been successfully used to
neutralize the neurotoxic and myotoxic activi-
ties of Bothrops (Viperidae: Crotalinae) ‘pit-
viper’ snake venoms (Melo & Suarez-Kurtz,
1988a; Melo & Suarez-Kurtz, 1988b; Melo &
Ownby, 1999; Calil-Elias, Martinez, & Melo,
2002; Rostelato-Ferreira et al., 2010) and their
major phospholipase A
) (Lomonte,
Moreno, Tarkowski, Hanson, & Maccarana,
1994a; Lomonte, Tarkowski, Bagge, & Han-
son, 1994b; Rodrigues et al., 2004a; Perchuc et
al., 2010; Rostelato-Ferreira et al., 2010). The
action of heparin against the effects produced
by amphibian poisons on the motor neurotrans-
mitter release has not been previously investi-
gated, however, the acid-basic characteristics
of steroid derivatives and biogenic amines
found in toad venoms may suggest an even-
tual interaction with heparin (Zelnik, 1965). In
addition, acetylcholine (ACh) release modulat-
ing drugs, e.g., neostigmine, an acetylcholin-
esterase inhibitor, and 3.4-diaminopyridine, a
voltage-gated potassium channel blocker, show
to be effective in counteract the neuromuscular
paralysis caused by animal venoms and iso-
lated toxins by promoting the increase of ace-
tylcholine release in motor nerve terminal (Ng
et al., 2017; Floriano et al., 2019; Neely, Sabir,
& Kohli, 2020). In this work, we have tested
different pharmacological strategies in order to
counteract the neuromuscular action induced
by R. schneideri poison in avian isolated prepa-
ration by applying heparin and acetylcholine
(ACh) release modulating drugs.