Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
Mutualistic interaction of aphids and ants in pepper,
Capsicum annuum and Capsicum frutenscens (Solanaceae)
Diana Nataly Duque-Gamboa
*; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1859-8381
Anderson Arenas Clavijo
; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5639-5273
Andres Posso-Terranova
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2647-3397
Nelson Toro-Perea
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2835-7285
1. Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Bioinformática y Fotónica (CIBioFi), Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia;
diana.nataly.duque@correounivalle.edu.co (*Correspondence)
2. Departamento de Biología, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia; anderson.arenas@correounivalle.edu.co
3. Seed and Developmental Biology, Global Institute for Food Security - GIFS, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
Canada; andres.posso@usask.ca
4. Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Bioinformática y Fotónica (CIBioFi), Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia;
Received 10-VIII-2020. Corrected 08-IV-2021. Accepted 06-V-2021.
Introduction: Adequate biological identification is fundamental for establishing integrated pest management
programs and identifying the trophic and mutualist relationships that can affect pest population dynamics.
Aphids are the main pest of pepper Capsicum spp. (Solanaceae) crops in Southwestern Colombia, due to their
role as vectors of viruses. However, the identification of aphid species is complex, limiting the investigations
performed to address their interactions with other organisms. Ants and aphids present a facultative mutualistic
relationship, that promotes the growth of hemipteran colonies, for this reason, the study of the ecological mutu-
alistic association between aphids and ants is important. Objective: The main objective was to discriminate the
aphid species present in commercial crops of Capsicum spp., and to identify the ant community that attends the
aphid colonies and its effects on the size of the aphid colonies. Methods: Aphid species, and their ant mutualist,
were collected from Capsicum annuum and Capsicum frutescens, in the Cauca valley, Southwestern Colombia.
We used the DNA barcoding approach to identify aphid species, and the ants were identified by morphology-
based taxonomy. To evaluate the effect of ant care on the size and structure of aphid colonies, generalized linear
models were calculated using as the response variables the total number of aphids for each colony and the pro-
portion of nymphs. Results: The aphid species that attack pepper crops, are: Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae
(Hemiptera: Aphididae), with A. gossypii being the species that interacts with ants (19 ant species). A. gossypii
colonies attended by ants had larger sizes and more nymphs per colony, than those not attended. Conclusions:
Although the aphid-ant interaction is not species-specific, it is necessary to consider its role in the propagation of
viral diseases in peppers and to determine how this interaction may affect regional biological control strategies.
Key words: Aphis gossypii; Myzus persicae; COI; DNA barcoding; ants.
Duque-Gamboa, D.N., Arenas Clavijo, A., Posso-Terranova, A.,
Toro-Perea, N. (2021). Mutualistic interaction of aphids
and ants in pepper, Capsicum annuum and Capsicum
frutenscens (Solanaceae). Revista de Biología Tropical,
69(2), 626-639. https://doi.org/10.15517/rbt.v69i2.43429
Herbivorous insects become pests of culti-
vated systems (Mazzi & Dorn, 2012), because
of the increasing nutritional value of plants via
the addition of nitrogen and homogenization of
plant communities in the agricultural system
(Matson, Parton, Power, & Swift, 1996; Altieri,
1999; Rusch, Bommarco, & Ekbom, 2017).
Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) are among the
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
leading insect pests worldwide due to the phys-
iological stress their feeding generates in their
host plants and their ability to transmit phy-
topathogenic viruses (Goggin, 2007; Brault,
Uzest, Monsion, Jacquot, & Blanc, 2010).
The identification of aphid species is com-
plex due to their evolutionary tendency of
losing taxonomically useful morphological
characters and their environmental plasticity
(Foottit, 1997; Foottit, Maw, Von Dohlen, &
Hebert, 2008). Classical morphological and
taxonomical identification involves micromet-
ric measurements of certain characteristics
at specific developmental stages, which are
usually during the adult stage of the female
(Holman, 1974), thus requiring the rearing
of insects (Blackman & Eastop, 2007). The
presence of different morphological variants
in the same species increases the difficulty
of identifying these insects and subsequently
identifying and characterizing species-specific
relationships at different levels, such as her-
bivore-host, parasitoid-host and virus-vector
relationships (Foottit et al., 2008; Miller &
Foottit, 2009; Nie, Pelletier, Mason, Dilworth,
& Giguère, 2011; Pelletier et al., 2012).
A useful complement in the identification
of species of the family Aphididae has been
the use of the mitochondrial region called the
“DNA barcode”, which corresponds to a frag-
ment of approximately 700 base pairs at the
5 ‘end of the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI)
gene (Foottit et al., 2008; Miller & Foottit,
2009; Chen, Jiang, & Qiao, 2012). This tech-
nique proposed by Hebert, Cywinska and Ball
(2003), has allowed for the rapid identifica-
tion of aphid species by considering genetic
distance thresholds specific to this group and
comparing the sequences with those available
in public reference databases (Coeur d’acier
et al., 2014). DNA barcoding has also con-
tributed to the discrimination of cryptic aphid
species (Piffaretti et al., 2012), the association
of morphological variants with different devel-
opmental stages in the same species (Miller &
Foottit, 2009) and the establishment of differ-
ent morphotypes that a species can present in
different host plants (Lokeshwari, Kumar, &
Manjunatha, 2014).
Another advantage of molecular techniques
is the identification of species at any develop-
mental stage of the pest (Armstrong & Ball,
2005). This type of reliable and early detec-
tion is of great phytosanitary value because it
allows for a timely and adequate response to
a potential impact (Armstrong & Ball, 2005;
Mazzi & Dorn, 2012). At the same time, proper
identification of the species is also essential for
establishing integrated pest management (IPM)
and clarifying different ecological and trophic
interactions that may affect the biological con-
trol of pests (Foottit, Maw, Havill, Ahern, &
Montgomery, 2009; Pelletier et al., 2012).
Among the different ecological interac-
tions that aphids establish with other organ-
isms, the mutualistic relationship with ants
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is noteworthy.
Although this interaction is facultative and
not species-specific (Buckley, 1987; Collins &
Leather, 2002), it contributes to the population
growth of aphids, which provide sugar secre-
tions to ants while the ants offer protection
from generalist and specialist aphidophagous
predators (Styrsky & Eubanks, 2007; Powell
& Silverman, 2010a). Negative aspects of this
interaction may include reduced size and repro-
ductive fitness of aphids and its predation by
ants (Billick, Hammer, Reithel, & Abbot, 2007;
Yao, 2014; Hosseini, Hosseini, Katayama, &
Mehrparvar, 2017). This mutualist association
can interfere with integrated pest management
and this interference is why its description in
agricultural systems is relevant.
Aphids are the main pest of the pepper
Capsicum spp. in Colombia because they can
transmit phytopathogenic viruses of the genera
Potyvirus and Cucumovirus (Van Emden &
Harrington, 2003), which affect these crops
(Pardey & García, 2011), and depending on the
level of incidence of the disease, and the age
of the crop plants at the time of the infection,
losses in the crop may reach 100 % (Kenyon,
Kumar, Tsai, & Hughes, 2014). However, the
morphological identification of these aphids is
complex, aphid species identity and diversity
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
are unknown, therefore, the ecological inter-
actions with other insects in this agricultural
system are not well identified. For this reason,
this study sought to identify both the aphid
species present in the pepper crops, cayenne
pepper Capsicum annuum L. and tabasco pep-
per Capsicum frutescens L. (Solanaceae), in
Southwestern Colombia, as well as mutualistic
ant species associated with the care of aphid
colonies and to evaluate the effect of ant care
on the size of the aphid colonies. Finally, the
present study aimed to explore and illustrate
the plant-aphid-ant interaction networks in
Capsicum spp. commercial farming systems.
Obtaining insects: Commercial crops of
Capsicum spp. were visited in seven loca-
tions in Valle del Cauca, Southwestern Colom-
bia, Bolivar (04°17’60.0” N & 76°12’28.8”
W), Roldanillo (4°24’14.4” N & 76°08’42.0”
W; 04°28’30.0” N & 76°07’04.8” W), Toro
(04°36’21.6” N & 76°04’58.8° W; 04°36’21.6”
N & 76°05’24.0” W), Dagua (03°45’10.8° N
& 76°39’21.6” W), Guacari (03°45’00.0” N
& 76°19’30.0” W), Rozo (03°37’15.2” N &
76°25’14.5” W; 03°37’10.6” N & 76°23’22.9”
W), Vijes (03°42’18.0” N & 76°25’48.0” W);
and they included four cayenne pepper (C.
annuum) and six tabasco pepper (C. frutescens)
sampling sites (Fig. 1). Each location was vis-
ited at two phenological stages between Janu-
ary (before flowering) and August (flowering
and fruiting stage) of 2017. The area analysed
corresponds to the inter-Andean valley of the
Cauca river, located between the Western and
central mountain ranges. In this regional scale,
the surface covered is an inter-Andean tectonic
depression between 900 m to 1 000 m of eleva-
tion, it presents 23.3 ± 6 ° C and 79 ± 24 % RH
(Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi, 1998;
Cueto, 2006; Montoya-Colonia, 2010).
Because aphids enter the fields of tabasco
pepper crops in Southwestern Colombia from
the edges and present an aggregate distribution
Fig. 1. Geographical location of the sampled sites. Yellow indicates the localities with tabasco pepper (C. frutescens) crops
and red indicates the localities with cayenne pepper (C. annuum) crops.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
pattern (Tálaga et al., 2017), a manual sampling
of aphids was performed, covering the perime-
ter of the cultivated area, in plants separated by
20 m to avoid the collection of aphids belong-
ing to the same colony and to obtain a good
representation of the diversity of these insects.
The individual colonies of aphids as well as the
associated ants that were observed attending
the aphid colonies were manually collected in
90 % ethanol, separated in the laboratory, and
stored at -20 °C until analysis.
Identification of aphids and mutual-
istic ants: To identify the aphids present in
the crops, the apterous adult insects collected
were grouped according to the macroscopic
morphological characteristics described by
Holman (1974). For the DNA extraction and
COI sequencing procedures, specimens of each
morphological variant were randomly selected
in each crop and sampled locality.
DNA extraction was performed using the
complete body of each aphid and the commer-
cial animal tissue kit from QIAGEN following
the manufacturers recommendations. Ampli-
fication of the COI fragment (658 base pairs)
was performed using primers LCO1490 (5’
ggtcaacaaatcataaagatattgg-3’) and HCO2198
(5’-taaacttcagggtgaccaaaaaatca-3’) (Folmer,
Black, Hoeh, Lutz, & Vrijenhoek, 1994) in 25
μL of amplification cocktail with 1X PCR buf-
fer solution, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.05 mM dNTPs,
0.25 μM of each primer, 1U of Taq DNA
polymerase, and 5-10 ng of DNA. The tem-
perature profile for the reaction included an
initial denaturation step for 5 min at 92 °C,
which was followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at 94
°C, 1 min at 52 °C, and 1 min at 72 °C; and a
final extension for 5 min at 72 °C. Sequenc-
ing was performed via the specialized supplier
Macrogen USA, and the sequences obtained
were edited and aligned using Mega 7 (Kumar,
Stecher, Tamura, & Dudley, 2016).
The COI identification sequence was
mainly based on three aspects: the neighbour
joining (NJ) analysis based on the Kimura two-
parameter (K2P) nucleotide substitution model
(Kumar et al., 2016), the estimation of genetic
distances between COI haplotypes estimated
with the K2P model using Mega 7 (Kumar et
al., 2016) and a comparison of the similarity
and sequence homology of the unique haplo-
types obtained for aphids with those available
in public databases, such as the NCBI GenBank
(Hebert et al., 2003; Ratnasingham & Hebert,
2007). Sequences representing each haplotype
per species on the different host plants were
deposited in GenBank under the unique acces-
sion codes MK766466-MK766469.
To estimate the genetic distancing thresh-
olds expected for the species found, the haplo-
types reported in the NCBI database and their
intraspecific and interspecific differentiation
values were compared with those obtained by
analysing the distance values in the collected
aphids via the Automatic Barcode Gap Discov-
ery ABGD programme (Puillandre, Lambert,
Brouillet, & Achaz, 2012).
The identification of ants was performed
at the Laboratory of Ant Biology and Ecology,
Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) using
specialized taxonomic keys (Fernández, Guer-
rero, & Delsinne, 2019), the AntWeb v8.41
digital tool (California Academy of Sciences,
2020), and by direct comparison with speci-
mens deposited at the Entomological Museum
of Universidad del Valle (MUSENUV).
Mutual association between aphids and
ants: To visualize the structural patterns of
the host plant-aphid-ant trophic network, the
programme Food Web Designer 3.0 was used
(Sint & Traugott, 2016). To evaluate the effect
of ant care on the size and structure of aphid
colonies, generalized linear models were cal-
culated using the programme R V3.4.4 (R Core
Team, 2018). The response variables were the
total number of aphids for each colony and
the proportion of nymphs, with the latter used
as a measure of the reproductive success of
the colony.
Identification of pest aphids: The 1 504
apterous adult insects collected were grouped
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
according to the macroscopic morphological
characteristics described by Holman (1974)
in two groups corresponding to the genera
Aphis (N= 1 460) and Myzus (N= 45). Aphis
presented 4 colour variants, while Myzus pre-
sented only one.
Among the 144 specimens selected for
the COI characterization, a total of 124 aphids
of the genus Aphis were obtained, and they
included four colour variants, yellow (21 speci-
mens from tabasco pepper and 18 from cay-
enne pepper), beige (13 sampled in tabasco
pepper and 15 from cayenne pepper), green
(22 specimens from tabasco pepper and 19
from cayenne pepper), brown (5 specimens
collected in tabasco pepper and 11 from cay-
enne pepper), while a total of 20 aphids of the
genus Myzus were obtained, and they included
a single colour pattern in both hosts. The NJ
analysis based on the K2P nucleotide substitu-
tion model (Fig. 2) indicated that the different
morphological groups corresponded to two
genetic groups, with each genetic group only
presenting one haplotype. The genetic distance
estimated with the K2P model among the COI
haplotypes was 9.3 %. A comparison of the
haplotypes obtained with those available in
the NCBI database indicated a similarity and
homology of sequences of 100 %, with the col-
lected specimens in group 1 corresponding to
the species Aphis gossypii (Glover, 1877) and
those in group 2 corresponding to the species
Myzus persicae (Zulser, 1776).
The haplotype sequences of A. gossypii
(69 haplotypes, 276 sequences) and M. persi-
cae (24 haplotypes, 101 sequences) available in
the NCBI were analysed with ABGD software,
and variation of less than 2 % was expected at
the intraspecific level and the differentiation
between these two species ranged between 9
and 11 %. These findings indicate that the dis-
tance value observed for this marker (9.3 %)
between the two genetic groups of aphids col-
lected in the cultivation of Capsicum spp. (Fig.
2) corresponded to interspecific differentiation.
Mutualistic association between aphids
and ants: We found 23 colonies of M. persi-
cae, with 19 in cayenne pepper crops and 4 in
tabasco pepper; however, none of the colonies
showed an association with ants (Fig. 1). We
also found a total of 408 colonies of A. gos-
sypii, with 192 in C. frutescens and 216 in C.
annuum; and of these colonies, 46 C. frutes-
cens colonies and 48 C. annuum colonies were
attended by ants, for an incidence of ant care of
23.9 and 22.2 %, respectively (Fig. 1, Table 1).
A total of 19 ant species were recorded from
colonies of A. gossypii, and they represented
four subfamilies and eight tribes, which are
Fig. 2. Neighbour joining (NJ) analysis based on the K2P model with 1 000 bootstrap samples using 144 COI sequences of
aphids collected in cayenne (C. annuum) and tabasco (C. frutescens) pepper crops in Southwestern Colombia.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
Record of ant species that attend colonies of A. gossypii in crops of Capsicum spp. in Southwestern Colombia
Ant species
Cayenne pepper C. annuum Tabasco pepper C. frutescens
Bolívar Roldanillo Toro Dagua Guacarí Rozo Vijes
Azteca instabilis (Smith, 1862)
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Brachymyrmex heeri (Forel, 1874)
2 7 5 0 0 0 6
Brachymyrmex longicornis (Forel, 1907)
0 2 2 0 0 0 0
Brachymyrmex obscurior (Forel, 1893)
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Camponotus brevis (Forel, 1899)
0 0 3 0 0 0 0
Camponotus lindigi (Mayr, 1870)
0 0 0 4 4 0 0
Cardiocondyla obscurior (Wheeler, 1929)
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Crematogaster abstinens (Forel, 1899)
0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Dorymyrmex brunneus (Forel, 1908)
0 0 1 1 2 1 1
Linepithema neotropicum (Wild, 2007)
0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Monomorium floricola (Jerdon, 1851)
2 1 1 0 0 3 1
Nylanderia steinheili (Forel, 1893)
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille, 1802)
1 2 1 0 6 0 0
Pheidole sp.1
0 0 0 2 9 0 0
Pseudomyrmex simplex (Smith, 1877) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius, 1807)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius, 1793)
1 2 3 0 0 0 0
Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander, 1846)
9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tetramorium simillimum (Smith, 1851)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Number of mutualistic events recorded 15 14 19 9 24 4 9
Number of species involved in mutualistic interaction 5 5 10 5 7 2 4
Fig. 3. Network illustrating the mutualistic relationship between ants and aphids that attack cayenne pepper C. annuum and
tabasco pepper C. frutescens crops in Southwestern Colombia.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
listed in Table 1. Of the 19 species, 11 and 12
attended colonies of A. gossypii in cayenne
and tabasco pepper crops, respectively (Fig.
3). Of these ant species, Brachymyrmex heeri
(Forel, 1874), Dorymyrmex brunneus (Forel,
1908), Monomorium floricola (Jerdon, 1851)
and Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille, 1802)
were found in common between the two crops.
B. heeri represented 21 % of the interactions
with aphids, as summarised in Table 1. The
locality with the largest number of ant species
attending to aphids was Toro, with a total of 10
species recorded. Finally, the species with the
greatest distribution was M. floricola, which
was recorded in five locations.
The colonies collected from M. persicae
had an average colony size of 3 aphids, while
A. gossypii had an average colony size of 10.5
aphids. Because only A. gossypii showed an
interaction with ants, generalized linear models
were estimated using the data of this species.
This analysis indicates that A. gossypii colonies
had a greater number of individuals when they
were attended by ants for both crops (P < 0.05),
while the proportion of nymphs per colony was
higher in colonies attended by ants for tabasco
pepper (P < 0.001) (Fig. 4, Table 2).
The biological identification of insect pests
whose taxonomy is complex, such as aphids, is
fundamental for establishing trophic interac-
tions that may affect integrated pest manage-
ment. Our results support the implementation
of DNA barcoding as a cost-efficient aphid
identification tool for non-specialists (Mazzi
& Dorn, 2012) because aphid species could
be differentiated with certainty on a regional
spatial scale using 9.5 % of the adult specimens
collected based on this tool and the availabil-
ity of reference sequences in the NCBI. Other
researchers have concluded that this tool is par-
ticularly helpful in identifying aphids, such as
A. gossypii, which has different colour patterns
in different hosts, e.g., Malvaceae, Cucurbita-
ceae and Solanaceae (Lokeshwari et al., 2014).
Although aphids in warm areas are anholo-
cyclic and reproduce only by parthenogenesis
(Blackman, 1974; Dixon, Kindlmann, Leps, &
Generalized linear models for colony size (number of individuals) and proportion of nymphs in colonies of A. gossypii
established in cayenne pepper C. annuum and tabasco pepper C. frutescens
Crop Response var. Distr. error P (Chi) DF resid. Dev. Resid
Effect of ants on
aphid colonies?
C. annuum
Colony size Negative binomial 0.0321 214 4.59 Yes
Nymphs/colony Binomial 0.0619 214 3.49 No
C. frutescens
Colony size Negative binomial < 0.001 190 29.99 Yes
Nymphs/colony Binomial < 0.001 190 12.28 Yes
Fig. 4. Effect of ant care on the size of colonies and
proportion of nymphs in colonies of A. gossypii established
in cayenne and tabasco crops. The error bars indicate 95 %
confidence intervals.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
Holman, 1987), different phenotypes are pre-
sented depending on the stage of development
of the insect, the host plant and environmental
stress (Lokeshwari et al., 2014). Tálaga et al.,
(2017) reported that in C. annuum, M. persicae
has a conserved phenotype during its differ-
ent stages of development; however, on this
same host, A. gossypii is polymorphic for body
colour, and has a total of eleven phenotypes
throughout its development. Our results are
consistent with those reported by Tálaga et al.,
(2017) because we showed that in C. annuum
and C. frutescens, the aphid M. persicae is
monomorphic while A. gossypii shows poly-
chromy. This pattern was consistent in the dif-
ferent locations of the inter-Andean valley of
Southwestern Colombia. The molecular marker
used here efficiently complemented the identi-
fication based on macroscopic morphological
Although the DNA barcode has reported
as a tool for conducting studies of genetic
diversity and population genetics (Hebert &
Gregory, 2005), in the case of Aphididae, intra-
specific variation at the mitochondrial level is
low (Xu, Chen, Cheng, Liu, & Francis, 2011).
Moreover, the genetic diversity of these insects
is much lower in areas where their introduction
is more recent (Figueroa et al., 2005), which
may explain the absence of intraspecific haplo-
type variation of A. gossypii and M. persicae at
the sampled spatial scale because although the
geographic origin of A. gossypii and M. persi-
cae is not clear, Aphidinae is presumably native
to temperate regions, especially of the Northern
Hemisphere (Kim, Lee, & Jang, 2011). The
polyphagous species A. gossypii, for example,
presents an intraspecific differentiation of 0.62
% according to Foottit et al., (2008), whose
study included specimens from locations that
span the geographic range of the species.
Many species of the family Aphididae
are important pests in agriculture worldwide
because in addition to direct damage to plants
caused by their feeding, they transmit phyto-
pathogenic viruses (Blanc, Uzest, & Drucker,
2011; Fereres & Raccah, 2015). Capsicum spp.
crops worldwide are affected by viral diseases
belonging to the families Bromoviridae and
Potyviridae, and both A. gossypii and M. per-
sicae are vectors of these phytopathogens
(Kenyon et al., 2014). A. gossypii is a compe-
tent vector of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
(Bromoviridae) and of chilli veinal mottle virus
(CVMV) (Potyviridae) (Hooks & Fereres,
2006; Kenyon et al., 2014), while M. persicae
has been reported as a vector of CMV, pepper
veinal mottle virus (PVMV) (Potyviridae) and
potato virus Y (PVY) (Potyviridae) (Palukaitis,
Roossinck, Dietzgen, & Francki, 1992; Mar-
tín, Collar, Tjallingii, & Fereres, 1997). In
Southwestern Colombia, the pepper deforming
mosaic virus (PepDMV) (Potyviridae: Poty-
virus) has been reported as the predominant
viral disease agent in Capsicum spp. (Pardey,
Posso-Terranova, & García, 2005); however,
the persistence, distribution, and insect vec-
tors of these diseases in these crop systems are
unknown. A. gossypii and M. persicae have
not been reported as PepDMV vectors; how-
ever, it is necessary to evaluate their role in the
transmission of this disease because insects of
Aphididae are strongly associated with viruses
of the family Potyviridae.
The colonies of M. persicae were found in
lower proportions and densities in comparison
to the colonies of A. gossypii on cayenne and
tabasco peppers, although both aphid species
present similar values in terms of life cycle
duration, longevity and fertility when grown
on cayenne pepper under laboratory conditions
(Tálaga et al., 2017). The low density in the
colonies of M. persicae compared to those of
A. gossypii on the same hosts can be explained
by the regional context of the agricultural
system of peppers in Southwestern Colombia.
In Colombia, peppers are intensively planted
in large-scale mechanized agricultural sys-
tems (Corporación Colombia Internacional,
2006), although on a small scale, they are also
planted in home gardens. These crops grow as
a sun-exposed monocrop in the inter-Andean
valley of the Cauca River, with an average
temperature of 23.3 ± 6 °C and relative humid-
ity of 79 ± 2.4 %. These conditions limit the
development of M. persicae, which has lower
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
reproductive performance and slower devel-
opment time compared to A. gossypii when
the daily temperature is above 20 °C (Satar,
Kersting, & Uygun, 2008). A. gossypii shows
optimal reproductive development above 17 °C
on plants of Capsicum spp. (Satar et al., 2008),
explaining why the regional conditions of the
inter-Andean valley of the Cauca River possi-
bly constitute an advantage for the colonization
of pepper plants by this aphid.
The ants present in the pepper crops did
not attend to colonies of M. persicae, and the
number and density of their colonies were
lower than those of A. gossypii. Previous stud-
ies have reported that A. gossypii frequently
establishes interactions with ants (Kaplan &
Eubanks, 2002; Kaplan & Eubanks, 2005;
Powell & Silverman, 2010a) while M. per-
sicae, which is considered a non-mutualistic
species of aphid, does not (Powell & Silver-
man, 2010b). Although M. persicae has the
same ability to produce sugar exudates with
carbohydrate quality similar to that generated
by other aphid species (Hogervorst, Wäck-
ers, & Romeis, 2007), the ants do not interact
with the colonies of this insect, and when both
species are present, M. persicae is preferably
consumed by the ants as prey (Powell & Sil-
verman, 2010b). The response behaviour of
M. persicae to potential predators explains
why it does not establish a relationship with
ants because this species of aphid rapidly
disperses from the colony when disturbed by
natural enemies and ants (Nault, Montgomery,
& Bowers, 1976; Belliure, Amorós-Jiménez,
Fereres, & Marcos-García, 2011). Attendance
by ants is more likely when the aphid spe-
cies presents swarming behaviour because the
area attended by ants is smaller (Stadler &
Dixon, 2005). In myrmecophiles (e.g., differ-
ent species of the genus Aphis), the aphids of
the colony are less easily dispersed or do not
disperse in their interaction with ants because
the alarm response is suppressed, which pro-
motes the swarming behaviour of the colony
(Nault et al., 1976).
Not all ant species attend to aphid colonies,
and those that are involved in this interaction
are opportunistic species that frequent extraflo-
ral nectaries as a source of energetic resources
(Delabie, 2001). In this study, species of For-
micinae, Dolichoderinae and Myrmicinae were
reported, and the genera reported in these
subfamilies have been previously involved in
this type of interaction with different species of
Aphididae (Katayama & Suzuki, 2003; Stadler
& Dixon, 2005; Buffa, Jaureguiberry, & Del-
fino, 2009; Silva & Perfecto, 2013; Campos &
Camacho, 2014). The species of these subfami-
lies are considered omnivorous, opportunistic
ants that are typical of agroecosystems and
intervened habitats (Fontenla & Alfonso-Sim-
onetti, 2018). Some species of Pseudomyrmex
have been reported in this interaction with scale
insects (Delabie, 2001; Ramírez, de Ulloa,
Armbrecht, & Calle, 2001; Buffa et al., 2009)
and aphids (Delfino, 2005; Silva & Perfecto,
2013). Species of this genus are considered to
be general foragers and opportunistic predators
(Fontenla & Alfonso-Simonetti, 2018).
A. gossypii colonies attended by ants had a
greater number of individuals, which may pro-
mote infestations of Capsicum spp. in South-
western Colombia. Ant care is influenced by
the quality (composition) and quantity of the
honeydew (Völkl, Woodring, Fischer, Lorenz,
& Hoffmann, 1999; Katayama & Suzuki,
2002), which indicates that a larger colony may
be more tractive to be attended by ants. Howev-
er, studies carried out by Hosseini et al., (2017),
indicate that regardless of the initial size of the
colony, this interaction generates an increase in
the density of the colony and the growth rate
is higher compared to the unattended colonies.
On the other hand, aphids in small colonies
invest more energy supplying the supply of
honeydew for ants; in large colonies, this effort
is less because more individuals contribute to
supply the demand for this substance (Kata-
yama & Suzuki, 2002).
Studies carried out by Hosseini et al.,
(2017) and de Siqueira, Fagundes, Sperber
and Fernandes (2011), indicate that this ant
aphid interaction generates positive effects
on the yield and biomass production of crop
plants, among others, because the spread of
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
microorganisms is prevented by avoiding the
accumulation of aphid secretions, and the
abundance of other herbivores is reduced.
The interaction between A. gossypii and ants
is of interest in biological control because
ants interfere in the predation of this aphid
by aphidophagous generalists, such as Hip-
podamia convergens Guérin-Méneville, 1842
(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Chrysoperla
carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
(Kaplan & Eubanks, 2002; Powell & Sil-
verman, 2010a). Similarly, ant care reduces
parasitism rates in A. gossypii colonies (Powell
& Silverman, 2010a). Despite the fact that
direct ant interference by potential predators
or parasitoids was not observed in the field,
our results indicate a positive effect of ant care
on the reproductive effectiveness of the colony
(increased production of nymphs). In the con-
text of aphids as virus vectors, the mutualistic
interaction between aphids and ants of the
Solenopsis invicta Buren species in tomato
(Solanum lycopersicum L.) promotes aphid
abundance and results in an increase in the
number of plants affected by CMV (Cooper,
2005). Though, it is necessary to consider the
aphid-ant interaction role in the propagation of
viral diseases in commercial crops of Capsicum
spp. and to determine how this interaction may
affect regional biological control strategies.
The aphid species that infest commercial
crops of cayenne pepper C. annuum and tabas-
co pepper C. frutescens are A. gossypii and M.
persicae, which are potential vectors of the
virus that affect Capsicum spp. in Southwest-
ern Colombia. A total of 19 ant species were
found attending the A. gossypii aphids, whose
attended colonies were significantly larger than
those not attended by ants in commercial
crops. The mutualistic aphid-ant relationship
thus promotes an increase in the size of the
colonies of this aphid species. It is advisable
to explore the effect that ants can have on the
effectiveness of aphidophagous generalists and
specialists in the context of integrated pest
management for aphids in pepper crops in
Southwestern Colombia.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
The authors thank the farmers who allowed
us to sample their crops and the technical team
of Hugo Restrepo & Co. for their field assis-
tance. This research was co-financed by the
General System of Royalties of Colombia
(CIBIOFI BPIN-2013000100007), COLCIEN-
CIAS, Government of Valle del Cauca, Uni-
versidad del Valle (Internal Call for Mobility
Support - CIAM). We are grateful to the Post-
graduate School in Biological Sciences at the
University of Valle and Wilmar Torres for their
advice on the statistical analyses.
Interacción mutualista de pulgones y hormigas
en pimiento, Capsicum annuum y
Capsicum frutenscens (Solanaceae)
Introducción: La adecuada identificación biológica
es fundamental para establecer programas de manejo
integrado de plagas e identificar las relaciones tróficas y
mutualistas que pueden afectar la dinámica poblacional de
insectos plaga. Los áfidos son las principales plagas del ají
Capsicum spp. (Solanaceae) en el suroccidente colombia-
no, debido a su rol como vectores de virus. Sin embargo,
su identificación es compleja, y limita las investigaciones
que intentan revelar sus interacciones con otros organis-
mos. Las hormigas y los áfidos presentan una relación
mutualista facultativa, que promueve el crecimiento de las
colonias de los hemípteros, por esta razón, el estudio de la
asociación ecológica y mutualista entre áfidos y hormigas
es importante. Objetivo: El principal objetivo de esta
investigación fue discriminar las especies de áfidos presen-
tes en cultivos comerciales de Capsicum spp., e identificar
la comunidad de hormigas que atiende las colonias de
áfidos y su efecto en el tamaño de las colonias de áfidos.
Métodos: los áfidos, y las hormigas mutualistas de estos
áfidos, se recolectaron de Capsicum annuum y Capsicum
frutescens, en el valle del rio Cauca, en el suroccidente
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 626-639, April-June 2021 (Published May 17, 2021)
colombiano. Se empleó el Código de barras del ADN para
identificar las especies de áfidos, y las hormigas se identi-
ficaron empleando taxonomía basada en morfología. Para
evaluar el efecto que tiene el cuidado de las hormigas sobre
el tamaño de las colonias de áfidos, se empleó un modelo
lineal generalizado, utilizando como variables de respuesta
el número total de áfidos por cada colonia y la proporción
de ninfas por colonia. Resultados: Las especies de áfidos
que atacan los cultivos de ají, son: Aphis gossypii y Myzus
persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), siendo A. gossypii la
especie que interactúa con hormigas (19 especies). Las
colonias de A. gossypii atendidas por hormigas presentan
mayor tamaño y número de ninfas, que aquellas desaten-
didas. Conclusiones: Aunque la interacción áfido-hormiga
no es especie específica, es necesario considerar su rol en la
propagación de enfermedades virales en plantas cultivadas
y determinar cómo esta interacción puede afectar la imple-
mentación de estrategias de control biológico.
Palabras clave: Aphis gossypii; Myzus persicae; COI;
código de barras del ADN; hormigas.
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