Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 000-000, March 2021
Gall traits and galling insect survival in a multi-enemy context
Uiara Costa Rezende
, João Custódio Fernandes Cardoso
, P. Hanson
& D. C. Oliveira
1. Laboratório de Anatomia, Desenvolvimento Vegetal e Interações, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e
Conservação de Recursos Naturais, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) Campus Umuarama, Rua Ceará s/n,
Uberlândia, Brasil; uiara.ucr@gmail.com, jcfclg@gmail.com (*Correspondencia).
2. Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San Pedro, San José, Costa
Rica; phanson91@gmail.com
Received 08-VII-2020. Corrected 02-XII-2020. Accepted 08-XII-2020.
ABSTRACT. Introduction: The enemy hypothesis postulates that gall traits protect galling insects against
natural enemies. Galls show a huge range of sizes, colors and ornaments, which vary even intraspecifically.
However, galling insects are targets of various organisms that attack them directly or indirectly. In this con-
text, to consider only one gall trait to investigate gall structure acting against only one guild of enemies can
conceal an understanding of the community-level interactions. Objective: Herein, we take these ideas into
consideration to investigate the conspicuous galls induced by Palaeomystella oligophaga Becker and Adamski
2008 (Lepidoptera) on Macairea radula (Bonpl.) (Melastomataceae) as a model system. We characterize this
system through categorization of the different enemy guilds present in the community. We identified them to the
lowest taxonomic level possible and determined the kind of interaction responsible for galling insects’ deaths.
Considering the enemy hypothesis and the selection of secondary characteristics, we also aimed to determine
which of the multiple gall traits influence the survival success of galling insects in a multi-enemy context.
Methods: We inspected galls and characterized the enemy guilds affecting the galling insect and the mortal-
ity rates produced by each one of them. Next, we tested whether the distinct gall traits measured (parenchyma
thickness, color, projections) promote galling insect survival with respect to each enemy. Results: The mortality
induced by indirect enemies (organisms that interact with gall tissues and can interact secondarily with galling
insect) was 47.3 %, being higher than that caused by parasitoids and predators (31.5 %). Despite the gall’s struc-
tural complexity, live galling insects showed the smallest occurrence (21.2 %). Parenchyma thickness was nega-
tively related to Calliephialtes parasitoids, Gelechiidae cecidophages and predation signals. Conclusions: We
demonstrated that the attacks to gall tissues by the cecidophages represented the highest threat to P. oligophaga
survival, being higher than the mortality caused by direct enemies. That is, the gall traits were not as efficient
as supposed to protect the galling insect from the attack of natural enemies. Nevertheless, we also demonstrated
that parenchyma thickness can be negatively related to some organisms, especially direct enemies. Other traits
hypothesized as defensive (e.g. projections, coloration) may simply play no role.
Key words: gall morphology; indirect interactions; multitrophic; tritrophic; cecidophages; anthocyanin.
Some insects have adapted to control and
redirect the growth, differentiation and physiol-
ogy of host plant organs to their own advantage
and form galls (Mani, 1964; Price, Fernandes,
& Waring, 1987; Stone & Schönrogge, 2003;
Oliveira et al., 2016). This kind of interaction
may be considered the most complex plant-
insect association, with the galling organism
acting as a sophisticated herbivore (Shorthouse,
Wool, & Raman, 2005). Several hypotheses
Costa Rezende, U., Fernandes Cardoso, J.C., Hanson, P., & Oliveira, D.C. (2021). Gall
traits and galling insect survival in a multi-enemy context. Revista de Biología
Tropical, 69(1), 291-301. DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.42826
ISSN Printed: 0034-7744 ISSN digital: 2215-2075
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.42826
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 000-000, March 2021
have been raised to explain the pervasive adap-
tive radiation of galls (Price et al., 1987). One
of these proposes that the galling habit might
evolve as an adaptation related to desiccation
pressure on insect larvae, since the mechanical
structure can provide an ideal microclimatic
habitat (Danks, 2002; Lill, Marquis, Cud-
dington, Byers, & Wilson, 2007). Another
hypothesis suggests that the gall formation may
be related to the absence of foraging behavior,
once within the gall, the galling insect can
obtain nutrients directly from the specialized
tissue, the nutritive one (Mani, 1984; Short-
house, 1986; Bronner, 1992; Rezende, Cardoso,
Kuster, Gonçalves, & Oliveira 2019). Finally,
the enemy hypothesis states that the plant host
tissues surrounding the galling insect protect
it against attack by natural enemies (Price &
Pschorn-Walcher, 1988). In addition to that, the
selective pressure imposed by natural enemies
have been discussed as a main driver to explain
the morphological diversity of galls (Stone &
Schönrogge, 2003; Bailey et al., 2009).
Considering the several traits suggested
as defenses for galling insects, conspicuous
gall coloration seems to be the most intriguing
(Inbar et al., 2010a, Inbar et al., 2010b; White,
2010; Lev-Yadun, 2016). Among the many
ideas proposed for gall color (Bomfim et al.,
2019), the aposematic hypothesis raised by
Inbar et al. (2010a), that galls with conspicuous
colors (as red color) may be aposematic and
protected the galling insect by the presence of
chemical compounds - deserves special atten-
tion and should be tested for validation. The
formation of trichomes and projections is con-
sidered as a plant defense against herbivores
(Yamazaki & Lev-Yadun, 2015; Alahakoon
et al., 2016; López-Carretero, Boege, Díaz-
Castelazo, Domínguez, & Rico-Gray, 2016).
Consequently, it is intuitive to think that this
protection extends to galls that have developed
these traits. In addition, the gall’s position
on the plant and, therefore, in the environ-
ment, may determine different survival rates
(Leite et al., 2017). Likewise, gall size and
parenchyma thickness have already been much
tested as traits acting as barriers, mainly against
parasitoids (Sopow & Quiring, 2001; Van Heze-
wijk & Roland, 2003; Zargaran, Safaralizadeh,
Pourmirza, & Valizadegan, 2011; Figueiredo,
Santos, Fernandes, & Martins, 2014).
Galling insects sustain a variety of natural
enemies that attack them directly as kleptopara-
sites, parasitoids and predators (Abrahamson,
Sattler, McCrea, & Weis, 1989; Van Hezewijk
& Roland, 2003; Bourg & Hanson, 2014; Han-
son & Nishida, 2014; Forbes et al., 2015; Luz
& Mendonça Júnior, 2019). Furthermore, some
organisms interact with galls consuming the
neoformed tissues, such as pathogens, verte-
brates (herbivores) or Cecidophages (insect
larvae that feed on gall tissues), which can
negatively affect the galling insects and even
cause their death as a collateral effect (Zamora
& Gómez, 1993; Sugiura & Yamazaki, 2009;
Cooper & Rieske, 2011; Katilmis & Azmaz,
2015; Luz, Gonçalves, Moreira, & Becker
2015; Mete & Mergen, 2017). Such enemies
can include guilds (i.e., functional groups)
which pose variable direct or indirect risks
to the galling insect. Despite this variety, the
parasitoids are the group predominantly studied
when considering the relevance of gall traits
(Weis & Abrahamson, 1985; Waring & Price,
1989; Bailey et al., 2009; Zargaran et al., 2011)
and the impact of indirect enemies can be
underestimated. This scenario raises questions
that need to be adapted to galling interactions in
the field, and which aim to understand if a vari-
ety of gall traits do in fact function as defenses
against enemies. Understanding the importance
of aposematism or defense positions, and bar-
rier traits (parenchyma thickness, trichomes
and projections) is especially important when
considering enemy guilds that may harm gall-
ing insects though different mechanisms.
Galls induced by Palaeomystella oli-
gophaga (Lepidoptera) on Macairea radula
(Melastomataceae) are conspicuous structures
varying in color, size, length of parenchyma
projections and the height at which they occur
on the plant (Fig. 1). Regardless of these mul-
tiple traits, several types of insects attack the
galling insect, thus representing an excellent
model system. Herein, we characterize this
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 000-000, March 2021
multitrophic system through categorization of
the different enemy guilds present. We identi-
fied them to the lowest taxonomic level pos-
sible and determined the kind of interaction
responsible for galling insects’ deaths. Consid-
ering the enemy hypothesis and the selection
of secondary characteristics, we also aimed
to determine which of the multiple gall traits
influence the survival success of galling insects
in a multi-enemy context.
Study site and system: The study was
carried out at Panga Ecological Station in
Uberlândia municipality, Minas Gerais state,
in an ecotone area between a ‘wet grass-
land’ and a ‘cerrado sensu strictu’ (Cardoso,
Moreno, Bruna, & Vasconcelos 2009). Pal-
aeomystella oligophaga Becker and Adamski
2008 (Lepidoptera: Momphidae) (Fig. 1A) is
a microlepidoptera that, during the larval and
pupal stage, remains inside globoid-shaped
galls (sensu Isaias, Carneiro, Santos, & Olivei-
ra 2014) induced in axillary stem buds of
Macairea radula Bonpl. (Melastomataceae)
shrubs (Becker & Adamski 2008).
Procedures: We obtained the samples at
the end of the rainy season (April), when all
insects (including natural enemies) are found
in the pupal stage, permitting us to infer the
survival rates of the galling insect at the end of
its life cycle. A total of 321 galls were removed
from different plants (N = 321). The collection
of galls was not replicated in other popula-
tions due to the number of samples required
for the analysis, restricting the collections to
one population where a satisfactory number
of galls occurred. We tested the following gall
Fig. 1. Trait variation of Macairea radula galls (bottom; scale bar: 1cm) induced by A. Palaeomystella oligophaga and
associated enemies. The galling insects are indirectly affected by B. a cecidophagous Chloropidae and C. a cecidophagous
Gelechiidae that feed on gall tissues, causing P. oligophaga death. The galling insects are also directly attacked by D.
Calliephialtes sp. parasitoids, E. Bracon sp. parasitoids and an F. unidentified predator, which was recognized by the scar
left on gall parenchyma (arrow) and the dried galling larva inside the larval chamber. Scale bar: 1mm.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 000-000, March 2021
characteristics as a potential defensive role:
the height of each gall on M. radula shrubs,
gall volume, thickness of parenchyma around
the larval chamber, length of projections, and
We measured the height of each gall
related to the ground on the host plant before
removal. In the laboratory we opened each gall
for observation and collection of the occupants
using a Leica
500 stereomicroscope coupled
to the U-photo system ICC50HD. Insects were
incubated in plastic microtubules at room tem-
perature until adult emergence and identifica-
tions were carried out to the lowest taxonomic
level possible. Gall height and width were mea-
sured and used to calculate the volume based
on an oblate spheroid. Parenchyma thickness
was calculated using gall height (from its inser-
tion point on the plant to the opposite surface),
discounting the larval chamber height (from
the bottom to the top of the wall) and divid-
ing the value by 2. This calculation provides
an average measurement of both the top and
bottom of the gall parenchyma. Projections
were measured by calculating the average of
three projections present on the surface of the
gall apex (opposite to insertion point on host
plant), since the projections are larger and
more homogeneous in size at the apex. We also
measured the parasitoids body and ovipositor
lengths for a better understanding of the rela-
tionships between the occurrence of each spe-
cies of parasitoids according to the thickness
of the parenchyma. All measurements were
performed using a digital caliper (Digimess
ZAAS-1.0004, 0.01 mm readability).
We used the concentration of anthocyanins
as a proxy for color pattern, since these are the
main pigments responsible for red coloration
in plant organs and they provide a conspicuous
coloration when accumulated in galls (Connor
et al., 2012). For this purpose, we removed
the gall projections, set them horizontally in
a single layer, exposed them (together) to a
handheld USB JAZ spectrophotometer (Ocean
) and took the mean of three mea-
surements. We used a standard white (Ocean
) and the absence of light as black for
calibration. We then calculated the Anthocy-
anin Reflectance Index (ARI) based on the
inverse reflectance at 550 nm (anthocyanin
absorption peak) (sensu Gitelson, Merzlyak, &
Chivkunova, 2001). With this procedure, we
obtained a scale of anthocyanin concentration.
Values close to 0 and 1 refer to greener and red-
der galls, respectively.
Statistical analysis: The different organ-
isms present in the gall were grouped into three
guilds: (1) “galling”: galls with the presence of
live P. oligophaga pupae; (2) “direct enemies”:
enemies that fed directly on the galling insect;
and (3) “indirect enemies”: insects that fed
on gall tissues, killing the galling insect indi-
rectly. We performed pairwise group com-
parisons using chi-square goodness of fit tests
with equal expected proportions and obtained
P-values through Monte Carlo simulations (10
000 iterations each). A Bonferroni correction
was applied using the p.adjust function of the
R software stats package.
We applied a multinomial logistic model
using the mlogit R-package version 0.3-0
(Croissant, 2018) to investigate the traits that
influence the presence of different natural
enemies in M. radula galls, and therefore the
killing of P. oligophaga. Thus, the presence of
a live galling insect was taken as a reference
level and the occurrence of each enemy was
considered as alternative outcomes. We consid-
ered the height of the gall on the plant, its color,
length of projections and parenchyma thickness
as predictor variables. Gall volume was not
used because it had a high correlation of 0.89
with parenchyma thickness. We considered
multicolinearity to be no problem among the
remaining explanatory variables (below 0.44 in
all cases). The significance of the model was
assessed by the likelihood ratio (LR) test. Anal-
yses were carried out in the R statistical envi-
ronment version 3.5.0 (R Core Team, 2018).
We found different taxa of insects that
interact directly or indirectly with P. oligophaga
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 000-000, March 2021
(Fig. 1A). Most insect enemies used not only
the food resource, but also the shelter provided
by the gall structure, forming pupae within,
and emerging as adults. Although we have
not identified them to the species level, we
are confident that each group considered here
corresponds to just a single morphospecies.
Thus, we found two species of parasitoids,
Caliephialtes sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumoni-
dae: Pimplinae) and Bracon sp. (Hymenoptera:
Braconidae: Braconinae). There were also two
morphospecies of cecidophages, which cause
the death of the galling insect, despite they do
not feed directly on these larvae (Sanver &
Hawkins, 2000). One of them, the Chloropidae
(Diptera) (Fig. 1B) occurs only in the larval
chamber, where it feeds on the inner cells until
pupation. The other one is a species of Gelechi-
idae (Lepidoptera) (Fig. 1C) which can forms
tunnels in the galls. The gallings were found
dead while the Gelechiidae larvae were still
feeding on the external gall reached the larval
chamber, therefore were classified here as ceci-
dophages instead of kleptoparasites, considered
as indirect interactors (sensu Luz & Mendonça
Júnior, 2019). One of the parasitoids, Cal-
liephialtes sp. (Fig. 1D), had a larger body
size (Mean ± SD: 9.4 ± 2.5 mm, N = 10) and
ovipositor (7.9 ± 2 mm, N = 10) than the other
species, Bracon sp. (body size: 1.7 ± 0.9 mm,
n = 10; ovipositor: 2.3 ± 1.3 mm, N = 10) (Fig.
1E). Inside some galls (N = 17) P. oligophaga
larvae were found dried, together with a single
scar traversing the whole parenchyma up to the
larval position. These signs were considered as
a predatory action (Fig. 1F) probably caused by
the piercing stylet of an insect.
The rates of enemy occurrence varied
among the groups of organisms. We found that
only 68 galls out of 321 contained live gall-
ing insects (21.2 %) (Fig. 2). The Chloropidae
cecidophages were approximately twice as
abundant as galling insects (N = 131; 40.8 %).
Calliephialtes parasitoids occurred in greater
numbers (N = 61; 19 %) than Bracon (N =
23; 7.2 %). The Gelechiidae cecidophages
occurred in 21 galls (6.5 %) and predation sig-
nals occurred in 17 (5.3 %). When considering
insect guilds, we found that galling insects
showed the lowest rates of occurrence com-
pared with the enemies, differing significant-
ly from both “direct enemies” (enemies that
interact directly with inducer)
= 6.44; P =
0.0127) and “indirect enemies” (enemies that
interact indirectly with inducer)” (χ
= 32.07; P
= 0.0003; Fig. 2). The “indirect enemies” were
the most abundant group of organisms found in
these galls
= 10.28; P = 0.0032).
We found a significant relationship
between the natural enemies of P. oligoph-
aga and the different predictor variables (χ
= 50.03; P = 0.0002). The probability of
Fig. 2. Occurrence rates of the different organism groups
and processes (predation signals) found in galls of
Macairea radula induced by Palaeomystella oligophaga
moths. Enemies are arranged according to their guilds:
“direct attacks” (insects that kill the galling insect by
feeding on its body fluids) and “indirect enemies” (insects
that feed on gall vegetal tissues, causing galling insect
death as a secondary consequence). The letters above the
bars refer to the statistical significance.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 000-000, March 2021
incidence of Bracon parasitoids (Odds Ratio
= 1.014), Gelechiidae cecidophages (OR =
1.012) and predation signals (OR = 1.011)
increased with gall height on the plant (Table
1, Fig. 3A). On average, galls with the presence
of galling insects (mean ± SD height: 86.19 ±
56.26 mm) were positioned 42.6, 29.3 and 28.7
% lower, respectively, then galls with Bracon
parasitoids (122.91 ± 54.18 mm), Gelechiidae
cecidophages (111.48 ± 58.59 mm) and preda-
tion signals (110.94 ± 47.59). On the other
hand, the probability of occurrence of Cal-
liephialtes parasitoids (OR = 0.772), Gelechi-
idae cecidophages (OR = 0.489) and predation
signals (OR = 0.654) decreased as the average
parenchyma thickness was bigger among the
sampled galls (Table 1, Fig. 3B). Galls with
live galling insects (mean ± SD parenchyma
thickness: 6.72 ± 2.07 mm) showed 13.8, 29.5
and 22.6 % thicker parenchyma than those with
Calliephialtes parasitoids (5.79 ± 1.88 mm),
Gelechiidae cecidophages (4.74 ± 1.52 mm)
and predation signals (5.20 ± 2.0 mm). There
were no effects of color or length of projections
(Table 1).
Despite the structural complexity of galls
induced on M. radula by P. oligophaga, these
insects were attacked by a diversity of organ-
isms. The occurrence rates of the galling moth
(taken here as galling insect survival rates)
were the lowest, followed by direct enemies
and then indirect enemies. Although the pro-
tective barrier offered by the gall can work at
some level, we suggest that the morphological
characteristics analyzed did not constitute an
Fig. 3. Frequency of different natural enemies’ occurrence according to A. plant height and B. average parenchyma thickness
on Macairea radula galls induced by Palaeomystella oligophaga. Circles indicate data distribution; galls with galling insect
survival are indicated by 0 (black circles) and those with mortality caused by the different natural enemies are indicated by
1 (color circles). Lines represent predicted probability.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 000-000, March 2021
effective defense for the galling insect. The
threat imposed by Chloropidae cecidophages
to P. oligophaga supports the importance of
considering all kinds of enemy guilds interact-
ing with galling insects when testing hypoth-
eses related to galls. These organisms were not
related to any trait studied and posed a greater
threat than those insects feeding directly on the
galling insect.
The parenchyma thickness was the only
negative selective factor in the studied system,
against Calliephialtes parasitoids, Gelechiidae
cecidophages and predatory attacks. Rossi,
Stiling, Strong and Johnson (1992) showed
in experiments that the studied parasitoids
have no preference for a particular gall size,
differing from the data by Weis, Abrahamson
and McCrea (1985) where the chances of
successful oviposition were lower for those
parasitoids, Eurytoma gigantea Walsh (Hyme-
noptera; Eurytomidae), that attack larger galls
due to the time spent on inspection. This
pattern also occurred in other systems where
galling insects had higher survival rates in
larger galls (Sopow & Quiring, 2001; Cooper
& Rieske, 2010; Zargaran et al., 2011), and
thus the parasitoids apparently were more
efficient attacking the smallest galls. On the
other hand, the parasitoids in some systems
showed a preference for the largest galls (Van
Hezewijk & Roland, 2003; Figueiredo et al.,
2014). Here, we showed that gall features can
work in different ways, against different para-
sitoid taxa, in the same gall system. Another
example are the galls induced by Dryocosmus
kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Cas-
tanea spp. (Fagales: Fagaceae) which vary
in size. The larger galls in this system had a
higher presence of Torymus sinensis parasitoids
(Hymenoptera: Torymidae), whereas the small-
er ones had more Ormyrus labotus parasitoids
(Hymenoptera: Ormyridae). This segregation
was explained by the differences in oviposi-
tor length between the two parasitoid species
(Cooper & Rieske, 2010).
Our data suggest that galls with parenchy-
ma thickness greater than the average length
of Calliephialtes ovipositors (comparing the
average size values for both structures) showed
the smallest occurrence of these parasitoids.
Thus, the negative relation may be a result of a
preference for smaller gall sizes or ineffective
oviposition in the larger ones, which may lead
to selection for increased parenchyma thick-
ness against attack by these parasitoids. On the
other hand, the negative relation between Gel-
echiidae cecidophages and parenchyma thick-
ness seems counterintuitive since it potentially
makes available more food and shelter. Preda-
tors probably need to have mouthparts capable
of reaching the larva in the center of the gall,
which may also contribute to selection for
greater thickness.
Results of multinomial logistic regression demonstrating
the relationships between the predictor variables and the
occurrence of the different natural enemies, taking the
presence of the galling Palaeomystella oligophaga as
reference level. Significant results at the 0.5 level
are expressed in bold
Predictor Natural enemy Error t P
Chloropidae 0.610 0.549 0.583
Calliephialtes sp.
0.719 -0.249 0.803
Bracon sp.
0.908 0.249 0.803
Gelechiidae 1.082 -0.860 0.390
Predation 1.062 -0.461 0.645
Chloropidae 0.003 1.439 0.150
Calliephialtes sp.
0.004 -0.171 0.864
Bracon sp.
0.005 2.861 0.004
Gelechiidae 0.005 2.438 0.015
Predation 0.005 2.000 0.046
Chloropidae 0.090 -1.455 0.146
Calliephialtes sp.
0.110 -2.351 0.019
Bracon sp.
0.152 -1.115 0.265
Gelechiidae 0.172 -4.146 <0.0001
Predation 0.178 -2.378 0.017
Chloropidae 0.065 -0.445 0.657
Calliephialtes sp.
0.078 -0.358 0.721
Bracon sp.
0.130 -1.641 0.101
Gelechiidae 0.111 0.594 0.553
Predation 0.143 -0.962 0.336
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 000-000, March 2021
Gall location influenced the occurrence of
Bracon parasitoids, Gelechiidae cecidophages
and predators. However, it had no influence on
Chloropidae cecidophages probably because
these organisms are more adapted to using
cues provided by gall metabolism to find
their targets (Unsicker, Kunert, & Gershenzon,
2009; Schaefer & Ruxton, 2011). Data regard-
ing the number of potential sites per height
vs. the number of sites induced may reveal
whether galling insects prefer a particular stra-
tum. However, it appears that P. oligophaga
induces galls on any axillary stem buds avail-
able, which can occur at several heights. In
this respect, a gall induction made at a random
height may determine the probability of expo-
sure to risk of attack by Bracon parasitoids,
Gelechiidae cecidophages and predators. Since
these enemies taken together occupied 19 % of
the opened galls, the choice of induction sites
positioned lower on the vegetation may offer
an advantage to galling insects. The patterns
found here may be related to the natural his-
tory traits of the natural enemies, which may
fly at greater heights or avoid lower strata in
the vegetation.
Finally, despite the wide color variation
of M. radula galls, we did not find any prefer-
ences for green or red ones by enemies. Pos-
sibly, the interacting insects do not recognize
the conspicuous coloration as aposematic, as
the vertebrates’ herbivories studied to test the
galls aposematic hypothesis suggested by Inbar
et al., (2010a). The present data do not support
an aposematic function of gall color (at least
when considering the studied organisms). The
length of projections associated with trichomes
also did not relate to the abundance of any of
the studied enemies. Still, we cannot rule out
the hypothesis that their presence affects attack
by generalist herbivores or parasitoids, since
they may be so effective against these organ-
isms that we simply did not find them. Galls
with a hairy covering may play an important
role in galling-insect defense against some
parasitoids as occurs in Diplolepsis sp. (Cynip-
idae) galls on Rosa sp. (Rosaceae) shrubs
(Askew, Gómez, Hernández, & Aldrey, 2006).
However, in these systems parasitism was also
sensitive to gall size and thickness (László &
Tothmérész, 2013).
In the P. oligophaga - M. radula as sys-
tem we demonstrated how different gall traits
work simultaneously against direct and indirect
enemies of galling insects. Although color and
trichomes were not effective in reducing attack
by the studied organisms, we cannot rule out
the possibility that these traits exist as char-
acteristics that have been molded by selective
pressure from other natural enemies during
evolution. The lack of a relationship between
the traits analyzed and Chloropidae cecido-
phages shows that, despite the apparent defense
offered by gall structure, galling insects can
support large populations of enemies and suf-
fer high mortality (Waring & Price, 1989;
Hawkins, Askew, & Shaw, 1990; László &
Tothmérész, 2013).
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
This study was financed in part by the
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance
Code 001. The authors are grateful to Fundação
de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais (FAPE-
MIG) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvi-
mento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for
financial support.
Características de las agallas, y supervivencia
de insectos que producen agallas, en el contexto de
enemigos múltiples. Introducción: La hipótesis del ene-
migo postula que las características de la agalla protegen al
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 000-000, March 2021
agallero contra los enemigos naturales. Las agallas mues-
tran una gran variedad de tamaños, colores y adornos, que
varían incluso de forma intraespecífica. Sin embargo, los
agalleros son objetivos de varios organismos que los atacan
directa o indirectamente. En este contexto, considerar solo
una característica para investigar la estructura de la agalla
actúando contra un solo gremio de enemigos puede ocultar
una comprensión de las interacciones a nivel comunitario.
Objetivos: Para investigar las ideas presentadas usamos las
agallas conspicuas inducidas por Palaeomystella oligopha-
ga Becker y Adamski 2008 (Lepidoptera) en Macairea
radula (Bonpl.) (Meslastomataceae) como sistema modelo.
Describimos este sistema a través de la categorización de
los diferentes gremios enemigos presentes en la comu-
nidad. Los identificamos al nivel taxonómico más bajo
posible y determinamos el tipo de interacción responsa-
ble de la muerte de los agalleros. Teniendo en cuenta la
hipótesis del enemigo y la selección de características
secundarias, también buscamos determinar cuáles de las
múltiples caracteristicas de la agalla influyen en el éxito de
supervivencia de los agalleros en un contexto de enemigos
múltiples. Métodos: Inspeccionamos las agallas y carac-
terizamos los gremios enemigos que afectan al agallero y
las tasas de mortalidad producidas por cada uno de ellos.
Luego, probamos si las distintas caracteristicas de las aga-
llas medidas (grosor del parénquima, color, proyecciones)
promueven la supervivencia de los agalleros con respecto
a cada enemigo. Resultados: La mortalidad indirecta
inducida por los cecidofagos fue del 47.3 %, superior a
la causada por los parasitoides y los depredadores (31.5
%). Apesar de la complejidad estructural de la agalla, los
agalleros vivos mostraron la menor presencia (21.2 %). El
grosor del parénquima se relacionó negativamente con los
parasitoides de Calliephialtes, los cecidófagos de Gelechii-
dae y la depredación. Conclusiones: Demostramos que los
ataques a los tejidos biliares por cecidófagos representaron
la mayor amenaza para la supervivencia de P. oligophaga.
Esto es interesante porque, de acuerdo con la hipótesis del
enemigo, la estructura de las agallas debería proporcionar
protección para los insectos agalleros en lugar de atraer
a los insectos que se alimentan de la agalla misma. Sin
embargo, también demostramos que el grosor del parén-
quima puede estar relacionado negativamente con algunos
organismos, especialmente los enemigos directos. Otras
caracteristicas hipotéticas como defensivas (por ejemplo,
proyecciones, coloración) pueden simplemente no desem-
peñar ningún papel.
Palabras clave: morfología de agallas; interacciones indi-
rectas; multitróficas; tritróficas; cecidófagos; antocianinas.
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