Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e31785, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 30, 2023)
Deforestation increases the abundance of rodents and
their ectoparasites in the Lacandon forest, Southern Mexico
María Lourdes Barriga-Carbajal1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5118-8670
Margarita Vargas-Sandoval2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4835-8779
Eduardo Mendoza1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6292-0900
1. Instituto de Investigaciones sobre los Recursos Naturales, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Av.
San Juanito Itzícuaro s/n, Morelia 58337, Michoacán, México; lourdes.barriga@umich.mx,
eduardo.mendoza@umich.mx (*Correspondence)
2. Facultad de Biología, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Gral. Francisco J. Múgica S/N A-1,
Felicitas de Río, 58030. Morelia, Michoacán México; margarita.vargas@umich.mx
Received 30-VI-2022. Corrected 05-XII-2022. Accepted 23-III-2023.
Introduction: Tropical forests provide important ecosystem services, including disease control. However, few
studies have focused on how deforestation affects species more suitable to be zoonotic vectors.
Objective: To evaluate how deforestation affects the abundance and species richness of rodents and their associ-
ated ectoparasites in a tropical ecosystem.
Methods: We captured rodents in 6 landscape units, 1 km² each, with 0.7; 5; 40; 46; 78 and 95 % tree cover,
in Marques de Comillas, Chiapas, Southern Mexico. In each unit we set 90 Sherman traps that were active 24
hours for 7 days during two sampling seasons (October 2019, and September 2020). We manually extracted
ectoparasites from all captured rodents.
Results: We captured 70 rodents of five species: Sigmodon toltecus, Heteromys desmarestianus, Ototylomys
phyllotis, Peromyscus mexicanus, and Oryzomys couesi. Rodent abundance increased with forest loss (R²=
0.706, P= 0.022). The greatest richness of rodent species occurred in sites with intermediate forest cover (40
and 78 %). The most abundant species were: S. toltecus (N= 45) followed by O. couesi (N= 9), these species
dominated in sites with less forest cover. We recorded a total of 23 ectoparasite species, three of them known to
be zoonotic vectors: Amblyomma sp., Ornithonyssus bacoti, and Androlaelaps fahrenholzi.
Conclusions: The ongoing loss of forests promotes the proliferation of zoonotic disease vectors in this tropical
ecosystem, which can potentially increase the frequency of affectation among the local population.
Key words: deforestation; tropical forest; zoonoses; mites; reservoirs; vectors.
La pérdida de bosques aumenta la abundancia de roedores y sus
ectoparásitos asociados en la Selva Lacandona, sur de México
Introducción: Un servicio particularmente importante que brindan los bosques tropicales es el control de
enfermedades. Sin embargo, pocos estudios se han enfocado en analizar cómo este servicio es afectado por la
Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la deforestación en la abundancia y riqueza de especies de roedores y de sus
ectoparásitos en Marqués de Comillas, en el sureste de México.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e31785, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 30, 2023)
Human activities are causing a drastic
transformation of tropical forests due to the
proliferation of land dedicated to monocul-
tures, commercial plantations, cattle pasture,
and the overexploitation of plants and animals
(Dirzo et al., 2014; Gayley & Sridith, 2020).
These modifications directly affect the wealth
of ecosystem services provided by tropical
forests (Brockerhoff et al., 2017). There has
been intense debate regarding the role played
by biodiversity in reducing or increasing infec-
tious disease risk (Rohr et al., 2020). However,
recent studies tend to agree with the idea that
biodiversity loss appears to raise the risk of
human exposure to zoonotic pathogens as a
consequence of increases in the abundance of
species that are particularly suitable to be zoo-
notic hosts (Keesing & Ostfeld, 2021). There
is a need for research focused on analyzing the
response species sharing zoonotic pathogens
with humans have to the most common human
activities affecting tropical forests, such as
deforestation (Guégan et al., 2020).
Rodents are of great relevance in tropi-
cal forests due to their abundance and variety
of ecological roles, such as seed dispersers
and predators (Vélez & Pérez, 2010). Some
rodent species seem to withstand the effects of
human perturbations most commonly affecting
tropical forests and even, in some instances,
benefit from the conditions associated with
anthropized landscapes (Mendoza et al., 2020;
Morand et al., 2019). In contrast, some species
have small distribution ranges and special-
ized habits that makes them more prone to
be negatively impacted by tropical forest per-
turbation (Mendoza & Horváth, 2013; Rubio
et al., 2014). Small rodents interact with an
important number of arthropods in the orders
Ixodida (ticks), Mesostigmata (facultative para-
site mites), Trombidiformes (free-living mites,
parasites in larval stage), Sarcoptiformes (com-
mensal and parasite mites) as well as insects
in the orders Siphonaptera (fleas), Phthiraptera
(lice) and Heteroptera (bugs) (Guzmán et al.,
2020; Madinah et al., 2014). Despite the known
role of these arthropods as ectoparasites reser-
voirs and vectors of pathogens (e.g., viruses and
bacteria) there is little information on how they
are affected by habitat perturbation (Guzmán et
al., 2020; Ramalho & Gubler, 2020).
Tropical forest perturbation can affect the
prevalence of rodent ectoparasites through dif-
ferent pathways. First, the impacts of forest
perturbation on the abundance of rodent popu-
lations and the composition of their communi-
ties can in turn affect host availability (Ladds,
2015; Ssuuna et al., 2020). Second, habitat
Métodos: Capturamos roedores en 6 unidades del paisaje (UP), cada una de 1 km², con distintos porcentajes de
cobertura vegetal (0.7, 5, 40, 46, 78 y 95 %). En cada UP colocamos 90 trampas Sherman, que permanecieron
activas las 24 horas por 7 días durante dos muestreos en octubre 2019 y septiembre 2020. Todos los roedores
capturados fueron revisados para detectar ectoparásitos en su pelaje que fueron recolectados para su posterior
identificación en el laboratorio.
Resultados: Capturamos 70 roedores de cinco especies: Sigmodon toltecus, Heteromys desmarestianus,
Ototylomys phyllotis, Peromyscus mexicanus y Oryzomys couesi. La abundancia de roedores aumentó con la
pérdida de bosque (R² = 0.706, P = 0.022). La mayor riqueza de especies de roedores se presentó en sitios con
cobertura forestal intermedia (40 y 78 %). Las especies más abundantes fueron: S. toltecus (N = 45) seguido de
O. couesi (N = 9), estas especies dominaron en los sitios con menor cobertura forestal. Registramos un total de
23 ectoparásitos diferentes, identificamos 15 a nivel de especie y ocho a nivel de género. Los sitios con menor
cobertura forestal presentaron la menor riqueza de especies de ectoparásitos. Detectamos tres especies de ecto-
parásitos (Amblyomma sp., Ornithonyssus bacoti y Androlaelaps fahrenholzi) que se sabe que son vectores de
enfermedades zoonóticas.
Conclusión: Encontramos que la deforestación está promoviendo un aumento en la proliferación de vectores de
enfermedades zoonóticas lo que, a su vez, tiene el potencial de incrementar las afectaciones de la población local.
Palabras clave: deforestación; bosques tropicales; zoonosis; ácaros; reservorios; vectores.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e31785, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 30, 2023)
perturbation can affect the physiological condi-
tion of rodents (e.g., stress levels) making them
more prone to be parasitized, or can directly
affect the species composition and population
abundance of ectoparasites due to the associ-
ated changes in abiotic factors such as humid-
ity and temperature (Hammond et al., 2019;
Rynkiewicz et al., 2013).
Tropical forests frequently support human
populations with high levels of poverty (Fisher
& Christopher, 2007). It is, therefore, an issue
of prime relevance to document the impacts
of tropical deforestation on rodent popula-
tions and the corresponding consequences for
ectoparasite abundance and diversity to prevent
zoonosis affecting people particularly vulner-
able. Moreover, research on this issue will help
to further our understanding of the ecosystem
service tropical forests provide for disease
control and how it responds to anthropogenic
perturbation (McMurray et al., 2017).
Our goals were: a) evaluating the rela-
tionship between forest loss and rodent spe-
cies richness and abundance, b) assessing the
associate effects on the abundance of rodent
ectoparasites and their species richness and
composition, and c) documenting the presence
of ectoparasites of zoonotic relevance such as
ticks, fleas, lice, and hematophagous mites. We
expect to find a reduction in the overall rodent
species diversity as forest extent reduces, due
to the increase in the abundance of species
adapted to live in transformed habitats. This
will be reflected in a greater abundance of the
associated ectoparasites. Among the species of
ectoparasites increasing their abundance, we
expect to find some species identified as vec-
tors of zoonotic diseases.
Study site: This study was conducted in
the Marques de Comillas (MC) region which
is part of the Lacandon forest in the state of
Chiapas, Southern Mexico. The MC region has
an extent of 94 266 km² (INAFED, 2010). It is
limited to the West and North by the Lacantún
river, to the South by the Guatemala border,
and to the East and North by the Salinas river
(Fig. 1). The Montes Azules biosphere reserve
is located towards the west, covering an extent
of 331 200.00 ha (Carabias et al., 2000). The
mean annual precipitation in the region is 3 000
mm and the mean temperature is 24 °C (Mar-
tínez et al., 2009).
The Lacandon forest, together with its
natural prolongation in Belize and Guatemala,
constitutes one of the largest remnants of tropi-
cal rainforests in Mesoamerica (Cruz et al.,
2004). Unfortunately, over a period no longer
than 12 years, the Lacandon forest lost approxi-
mately 142 000 ha, accumulating a total loss of
nearly 70 % of its original extent (Carabias et
al., 2015; de la Torre & Medellín, 2011). Cur-
rently, this region supports a mosaic of remnant
native forests, secondary forests, cattle pas-
tures, and African palm plantations (Muench &
Martínez, 2016).
Selection of sampled landscape units:
Wies et al. (2021) estimated the percentage
of forest cover in 18 landscape units of 1 km²
within the MC, using Sentinel-2 satellite imag-
es, with a 10 m spatial resolution, and ground-
truthing. Based on this information we selected
six sampling sites with different percentages of
forest cover (AT1).
Rodent capture: We set 90 Sherman traps
in each LU, along two parallel lines separated
by 20 m with a distance between consecutive
traps of 10 m. These traps remained active for
24 hours during 7 days, were baited daily with
a mixture of liquid vanilla and oat flakes, and
checked early every morning.
All the captured rodents were euthanized
by applying an overdose of pentobarbital sodic
in the intraperitoneal zone. This procedure
followed the guidelines for the ethical treat-
ment of animals from the American Society of
Mammalogists (Gordon & Kirkland, 1998). To
limit the number of rodents to be sacrificed we
reduced our sample size to the minimum num-
ber of six sites as indicated above. The sacri-
ficed individuals belonged to species not listed
as threatened at the national or global level.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e31785, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 30, 2023)
Ectoparasite sampling: We applied repet-
itive abrasive combing of the whole body of
each one of the sacrificed rodents with the help
of a toothbrush (Lareschi et al., 2019). More-
over, we conducted a visual search of ectopara-
sites attached to the skin of rodents and checked
the plastic bags where they were stored. All the
collected arthropods were deposited in a solu-
tion of Kono’s liquid for 7 to 30 days to disinte-
grate their internal organs and stomach content.
The resulting exoskeletons were mounted on a
slide with a drop of Hoyers solution to con-
duct taxonomic identification with the help of
specialized taxonomic keys (Bassols, 1975;
Fain & Lukoschus, 1984; Guzmán et al., 2011;
Stojanovich & Pratt, 1961).
Data analyses: We conducted a linear
regression analysis to assess the relationship
between forest cover (%) (mature + secondary
forest) and rodent abundance. To compare ecto-
parasite species richness among the LUs we
built accumulation curves using Hill number
q = 0. These curves were extrapolated to the
largest sample size, using as a sampling unit
the corresponding number of trapped rodents.
We calculated the 95 % confidence intervals for
each curve (Chao et al., 2014) using the iNEXT
package (Hsieh et al., 2019).
We generated a dendrogram to explore the
relationship among LUs based on their spe-
cies richness and abundance of ectoparasites.
Applying the procedure described in Borcard et
al. (2018), we produced a matrix of Euclidean
distances among sites based on the standard-
ized abundance (option “normalized”) of their
ectoparasites. We generated four dendrograms
using the single linkage, complete linkage,
UPGMA, centroid, and Ward´s minimum dis-
tance algorithms and calculated cophenetic
correlations and Gower distances to assess their
performance. Gowers distance is a statistic
used to assess the comparative performance
of data grouping methods. It is calculated as
Fig. 1. Location of the study area in the Marques de Comillas region in the state of Chiapas, Southern Mexico. The stars
indicate the location of the sampled landscape units.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e31785, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 30, 2023)
the sum of squared differences between origi-
nal and cophenetic distances. The grouping
method having the lowest Gower value is
taken as the one having the best performance
(Borcard et al., 2018). To conduct this analy-
sis, we used the package Vegan (Oksanen et
al., 2020). We excluded from this analysis the
rodent species Ototylomys phyllotis due to the
fact it was represented only by one individual
and in contrast with the other species recorded
is highly arboreal.
To examine the existence of differences
in the number of ectoparasites recorded on
Sigmodon toltecus among the different trap-
ping sites we applied a Kruskal-Wallis test
(Zar, 2010). Afterward, we applied a Dunn
test with Bonferroni’s adjusted probabilities to
identify which pairs of sites were statistically
different. The use of this test is recommended
in cases in which replication is not balanced
among treatment levels (Zar, 2010). To con-
duct these analyses, we used the package FSA
(Ogle et al., 2021). All the above analyses were
conducted using the software R ver. 3.6.3 (R
Core Team, 2020).
With a sampling effort of 3 780 trap days,
we captured a total of 70 rodents (overall 43
males and 27 females) belonging to five spe-
cies. The most abundant species was Sigmo-
don toltecus (N= 45), followed by Heteromys
desmarestianus (N= 9), Oryzomys couesi (N=
9), Peromyscus mexicanus (N= 6), and Ototy-
lomys phyllotis (N= 1). In the sites where the
forest coverage was the lowest, the abundance
of S. toltecus and O. couesi was the highest
(Fig. 2A). In contrast, the species P. mexicanus
and H. desmarestianus occurred only in the
Fig. 2. A. Rodent abundance in six 1 km2 landscape units, with different forest cover extents in the Marques de Comillas
region, Southern Mexico. Sigmodon toltecus (S.tol), Oryzomys couesi (O.cou), Peromyscus mexicanus (P.mex), and
Heteromys desmarestianus (H.des). B. Relationship between forest coverage and rodent abundance in the six 1 km2
landscape units sampled in the Marques de Comillas region in Southern Mexico. The shaded area corresponds to the 95 %
confidence interval for the regression.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e31785, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 30, 2023)
sites with greater forest coverage (Fig. 2A).
None of the five rodent species occurred in
all six LUs.
The overall abundance of rodents was
inversely proportional to the percentage of for-
est cover (R²= 0.706, df= 5, P= 0.022). Thus,
the LUs with less forest cover (LM_0.7 % and
CHA_5 %) concentrated the greatest number of
rodents (25 and 17, respectively) whereas in the
LUs with the greatest forest coverage (CHP_78
% and PLR_95 %) only occurred five and three
rodents (Fig. 2B).
We identified 23 different ectoparasites,
15 of them at the species level and eight at the
genus level (AT2). The more abundant organ-
isms were mites in the families Listrophoridae
(Geomylichus nectomys, Prolistrophorus sp.,
Prolistrophorus bakery, and Prolistropho-
rus grassi) and Trombiculidae (Cordiseta
mexicana, Pseudoschoengastia brennani,
Parasecia kansasensis, Dermadelema moja-
vense, and Eutrombicula batatas). The less
abundant species was Gigantolaelaps boneti
(Laelapidae family).
The ectoparasite species accumulation
curves showed a trend towards stabilization
with the clear exception of site PLR_95 %;
however, this site had the smallest number of
rodents captured making the extrapolation of
limited value. There was a great overlap among
the 95 % confidence intervals of accumulation
curves but LUs GIL_46 % and CHP_78 %
Fig. 3. A. Accumulation curves of ectoparasite species in six sites with different percentages of forest coverage in the
Marques de Comillas in Southern Mexico. The shaded areas correspond to 95 % confidence intervals and dashed lines to
extrapolations. B. Comparison of the abundance of ectoparasites recorded in individuals of Sigmodon toltecus captured in six
1 km2 landscape units with different levels of forest coverage in the region of Marques de Comillas in the state of Chiapas,
Southern Mexico. * Sites statistically different based on Dunn the test (P < 0.05).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e31785, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 30, 2023)
were located over the curves corresponding to
LUs LM_0.7 %, CHA_5 %, and PL2_40 %
(Fig. 3A).
There was a significant variation in the
number of ectoparasites among individuals of
S. toltecus captured (Chi² = 13.2, df = 3, P =
0.004, Fig. 3). Two sites were different LM_0.7
% and GIL_46 % (Dunn test, P = 0.0044). The
greatest ectoparasite abundance occurred in
the LU with the highest deforestation and the
lowest in the LU with 46 % forest coverage
(Fig. 3B).
The dendrogram using the UPGMA algo-
rithm had the highest cophenetic correlation
(0.846 vs. 0.840, 0.830, 0.782) and the lowest
Gower distance (0.401 vs. 1.036, 1.390, 3.037).
Sites were segregated into two main clusters.
The first one of them was constituted by the
sites with the lowest forest coverage. The
second main cluster was, in turn, divided into
two smaller clusters. The first one of these sub-
clusters included sites GIL_46 % and CHP_78
%, which had a relatively high species richness
of ectoparasites whereas the second included
sites PL2_40 % and PLR_95 % (Fig. 4).
In agreement with our predictions, we
found that rodent, and ectoparasite abundances
increase with forest loss. The rodent species
we recorded constitute approximately 50 %
of the total number of species recorded in the
Lacandon forest (Cruz et al., 2004). It would
be highly desirable to include surveys of the
canopy fauna in future studies to have a more
complete view of the impact forest loss is
having on the rodents and their associated
ectoparasites. We recorded the greatest species
richness of rodents in sites with intermediate
levels of forest coverage (GIL_46 % y CHP_78
%). This likely relates to the presence in these
sites of greater habitat heterogeneity associated
with the mixture of vegetation in different lev-
els of secondary succession, forest fragments,
crops, commercial plantations, and cattle pas-
ture (e.g., Ssuuna et al., 2020).
Species such as S. toltecus and O. couesi
likely benefit from the extensive transforma-
tion of the landscape in our study region due to
the fact they are omnivorous and include a vari-
ety of grasses and seeds in their diets. This can
help them to thrive in areas dominated by cattle
pastures and monocultures (Peña et al., 2009).
Moreover, these species have reduced gesta-
tion periods (no longer than one month) and
produce on average eight individuals per litter
(Ceballos & Oliva, 2005). In contrast, species
such as H. desmarestianus and P. mexicanus
are known to have the capacity to move across
areas with pasture or crops but their presence
tends to be more associated with mature forests
(Ceballos & Oliva, 2005).
We obtained some evidence that the
ectoparasite load increases with forest loss.
Fig. 4. Relationships among the six landscape units sampled in the Marques de Comillas, state of Chiapas, based on the
composition of the recorded ectoparasite fauna.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e31785, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 30, 2023)
A similar effect was reported by Froeschke
et al. (2013) in fragmented forests in South
Africa. These authors suggest that this effect
relates to the fact that the conditions in the
transformed habitats offer greater availability
of resources such as water and a lower presence
of predators. These conditions can in turn favor
peridomestic rodents to reach a larger body
size and therefore to be able to carry a larger
number of ectoparasites.
Studies conducted in Mexico have detected
pathogens causing diseases such as leishmani-
asis, Chagas, rickettsiosis, and hemorrhagic
fever in all the rodent species we recorded in
this study (Lorenzo et al., 2017; Panti et al.,
2021). Ticks are very dangerous vectors due to
their hematophagous diet and need to have sev-
eral hosts to complete their life cycles (Main
& Bull, 2000; Stafford et al., 1995). Moreover,
other arthropod species we detected such as
Amblyomma sp., O. bacoti, and A. fahrenholzi
can be vectors of viruses and bacteria such as
Hantavirus, Flavirus, Rickettsia, Borrelia, and
Bartonella (Kabeya et al., 2010; Moro et al.,
2005). There is evidence that the increased
abundance of O. bacoti is associated with dis-
ease incidence in domestic animals and humans
(Beck & Fölster, 2009). There are no current
reports on human infections associated with A.
fahrenholzi however, the presence of Rickettsia
and Bartonella has been reported in Mexico
(Zapata et al., 2017).
We also recorded the presence of parasitic
larvae of arthropods in the order Trombidiformes
(C. mexicana, P. brennani, P. kansasensis, D.
mojavense, and, E. batatas). There are no records
of these species being associated with etiologi-
cal agents however, the larvae of other trombi-
culid species such as Neotrombicula autumnalis,
Microtrombicula sp. and, Leptotrombidium scu-
tellare are known to be vectors of pathogens
including Caulobacter yokenella and species in
the genera Actinomycetospora, Coxiella, and,
Bosea (Masakhwe et al., 2018). The parasitic
larvae of these genera cause important affec-
tations on health in both wild mammals and
humans by producing severe dermatitis (San-
tibañez et al., 2014).
We did not detect the presence of fleas
in the rodents. Fleas are of particular interest
due to the fact they can carry the pest vec-
tor Yersinia pestis (Carlson et al., 2022). The
continued monitoring of our study area will
help to discard the possibility that this lack
of detection of fleas is related to seasonal
variation in the abundance of these organisms
(Herrero et al., 2021).
It is important to highlight the fact that
not in all cases arthropods found in the fur of
small rodents are true parasites. Some arthro-
pod species take advantage of rodents for
transportation (phoresis) (Kim, 1985). These
species receive less attention due to the fact
they are not associated with disease transmis-
sion (Cornejo & Mares, 2021; Guzmán et al.,
2020). However, the study of this group of
species is needed to gain a deeper understand-
ing of the overall response of biodiversity to
anthropic perturbation.
From the different 23 groups of ectopara-
sites we recorded, we were only able to iden-
tify 15 at the species level and the remaining
eight at the genus level. In some instances,
samples corresponded to individuals in the
larval stage (e.g., Amblyomma sp.) complicat-
ing their taxonomic determination. Likewise,
mites belonging to the genus Echinonyssus
(species one to five), Prolistrophorus, and Der-
macarus had morphological traits that did not
match exactly those of the currently described
species, it exists the possibility they constitute
new species.
The health, social and economic impacts
of zoonotic disease associated with wild fauna
have generated great concern among scien-
tists, medical institutions, and people in gen-
eral (Saba & Balwan, 2021). However, more
research is still needed to identify the key fac-
tors favoring zoonosis spillovers (Stenvinkel et
al., 2021). In the meantime, it looks like one
of the best routes to prevent zoonosis is mak-
ing operative public policies and conservation
strategies focused on protecting tropical forests
and wildlife.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e31785, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Mar. 30, 2023)
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
This study is a requisite for María Lourdes
Barriga-Carbajal to earn his degree in the
graduate program of Maestría en Ciencias
en Ecología Integrativa from the Universidad
Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. María
Lourdes Barriga-Carbajal was supported by a
fellowship from the Mexican National Coun-
cil of Science and Technology (CONACyT)
and was advised by Eduardo Mendoza and
Margarita Vargas Sandoval. Eduardo Mendoza
and Margarita Vargas Sandoval were supported
by the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores
(SNI, National System of Researchers) while
conducting this research. We thank José María
Valdovinos, Marco Antonio Robledo, Michel
Ramírez and Carmina Domínguez for their
support in field work. Comments made by
Esperanza Meléndez H., Mariana Munguía C.,
and Clementina González Z., greatly improved
this study. Funding: This study was sup-
ported by grants from 1) CONACyT (Proj-
ect BIOPAS. SEP-CONACyT-2016-285840)
awarded to Miguel Martínez-Ramos and 2)
the Coordinación de la Investigación Cientí-
fica (CIC) from the UMSNH, awarded to
Eduardo Mendoza.
Ver apéndice digital /
See digital appendix - a14v71n1-A1
Bassols, B. I. (1975). Mesostigmata de los mamíferos
de México, con especial referencia a la subfamilia
Laelapinae (Acari: Parasitiformes) (Tesis Doctoral).
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Politécnico Nacional, México.
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