Nursing Journal in Costa Rica ISSN electrónico: 1409-4568

Using maya chair during the expulsive phase of delivery and its relation to the lower incidence of episiotomy or perineal tears
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How to Cite

López Quirós L, Campos González AI. Using maya chair during the expulsive phase of delivery and its relation to the lower incidence of episiotomy or perineal tears. Enferm. Actual Costa Rica (en línea) [Internet]. 2014Apr.1 [cited 2024May12];(26). Available from:


The aims of this article is to present the results obtained from the development of a clinical question about using maya obstetric chair during the expulsive phase of delivery and its relation to the lower incidence of episiotomy and perineal tears. In traditional cultures, the women give birth naturally in vertical positions as kneeling, standing, among others. In Western societies, physicians have influenced women will deliver in the supine position, sometimes with legs raised using stirrups. For women of our country is difficult to adopt "alternative" positions that have traditionally been seen as 'normal'. The maya chair is used in the countries of South America, and it appears to be an effective way to prevent perineal tears and the lower incidence of episiotomy during
childbirth. To carry out this secondary research methodology for clinical practice based on evidence that consists of five steps was used. A question was developed in PICO format (patient, intervention, comparison and observation), then an information search was performed in different databases like Ebsco Host, Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline plus, Embase. 30 articles were found, were analyzed according to the criteria set FCL version 2.0, of which only one was close to answering the clinical question. Information was socialized in a formal
presentation by CIEBE-CR. It is conclude that there is insufficient evidence that the use of maya chair during the
expulsive phase of delivery significantly reduces the risk of perianal tear and lower incidence of episiotomy.
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